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Medics: Some figures



  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    I don't think anyone realistically things that we should have Med as often as say Dip, but it would be a very good thing for it to be a bit more often, lol.

    I feel like Ivan is scared of that concept.

    No, I just accept that MED wasn't a big part of the show. If its not a big part of the show, it shouldn't be over emphasized in the game. Fortunately, it mostly isn't.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • I’ve actually been going through episodes and so far found 28 doctors/physicians/nurses/scientist and other people not added to the game yet that should have medical. There is a lot of options still.
  • In other news, Mayor Stony Ivan of New York states that, despite complaints from newer citizens who have arrived in the last five years, and are having trouble getting their garbage collected, he has never seen rubbish on the streets of New York and that there are enough garbage collectors in the city. 'I have my own cleaner who does everything' he says. 'I've had her for ten years and I've never had a problem', not admitting that she was paid for by the city government.
    I’ve actually been going through episodes and so far found 28 doctors/physicians/nurses/scientist and other people not added to the game yet that should have medical. There is a lot of options still.

    Hardly an episode goes by without an appearance by the doctor, in every series (except Disco perhaps) and there are plenty of episodes that are Doctor based. I think Ivan might have skipped those.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've placed Ivanstone on my ignore list for now.

    You have a funny way of ignoring.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Dralix wrote: »
    I've placed Ivanstone on my ignore list for now.

    You have a funny way of ignoring.

    Once my sense of humour returned I decided to rejoin the hilarity.

    I guess I started the thread, I should try and keep an eye on it, especially since Ivanstone kept posting. I do feel I have an important note to make.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hardly an episode goes by without an appearance by the doctor, in every series (except Disco perhaps) and there are plenty of episodes that are Doctor based. I think Ivan might have skipped those.

    Relative to other characters within the show? MED characters are very under-represented.

    Here's a test for you, find MED appropriate versions of the following characters:
    Kirk, Spock, Scottie, Picard, Riker, Data, Sisko, Kira, Jadzia, Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, Archer, T'Pol, Tucker, Lorca, Saru and Burnham.

    With the exception of Burnham all of these characters are Captains, First Officers and Second Officers of their shows. All of these characters are heavily CSD and appear very widely within their shows. Many of them are also SCI, ENG or both.

    I'll give you a freebie: Massage Therapy T'Pol.

    Bonus round: Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi and Cardassians need MEDical assistance!
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    I hope you were exaggerating to make a point (because it’s a valid point) but it’s hard for me to see someone who has been playing for 21 months and has a 5/5 McCoy use him on anything but a MED shuttle.

    I'm honestly not. The MED seat on daily shuttles is pretty uncommon and sometimes it has an AND/OR attached to it. There was a period of time where McCoy was my best MED and a highly competitive SEC/DIP. This stopped when the Klingon Mega happened.

    I became keenly aware of how little use my only 5* immortal was. At the time, he was sub-par for Gauntlet although he's been buffed with more traits since then. Daily shuttles he wasn't much use in and even if I did use him, daily shuttles are self-correcting in difficulty so using a better character isn't that much help.

    That leaves events. Naturally he'll own in a McCoy event. In a non-McCoy event that doesn't have any MED bonus crew, he's only OK. Just remember that he's only best in a pure MED seat without competition. MED AND/OR seats are often occupied by bonus crew using the other stat. If there's MED bonus crew, my best character is worse. Even when he gets to occupy the MED seat the increased success chance he provides is pretty small. That's a lot of criteria to be met just to use him. This past event I didn't have Quark, so when the solo MED seats came up I just used whoever was not on Voyage. It didn't really matter who I picked.

    No offence here, but at this point I think you're just talking to hear yourself talk.

    The point of the thread is simple, numerous players have noted that MED is weak and when it comes to events and voyages, MED needs to be stepped up in terms of having stronger more available 4* MED crew (and I also argue 5* MED crew). Just because you don't think there's a problem, that's fine, you believe what you want, but this thread is about the people who, outnumbering you, think there is a dearth of viable MED crew currently.

    As I've pointed out numerous times:
    5x 4* MED's in the month of August. Two since then.
    6x 5* MED's since August (assuming Glad McCoy is MED).
    Not including any that are available from packs. Some people are just being fussy and making demands whilst ignoring what was actually released.

    I'd just like to say, on behalf of F2P and monthly card people, that 5* event crew aren't always attainable/keepable. I'd much rather a 4* MED crew that I can FF than a 1/5* MED crew that will be harder to level and overall less helpful.

    Yeah, I’m trying to find all the five 4* MED released in August because I obviously have them all if they were event characters... guess that was president of earth, Author Doctor, Vedek Bareil, BO Troi, Katra McCoy...all of whom are sitting in the meat locker except for McCoy and he’s principally for voyages... two since then would be Chapel (also enjoying advanced cryonic science) and maybe Quark whom I haven’t decided on yet. The last really good 4* MED was Combat Medic Paris and Mirror Phlox... speaking of whom, guess who dropped in Voyages just now given he’s finally just FF... yup...


    Must break out my Vulcan meditation lamp and repeat mantra... the RNG is fair... the RNG is just... the RNG is truly random.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    president of earth, Author Doctor, Vedek Bareil, BO Troi, Katra McCoy, Chapel, Quark
    ...all of whom are sitting in the meat locker except for McCoy and he’s principally for voyages... .

    All of those characters are good at Voyages except Author Doctor. He's kinda weak but most 2 Skill 4*'s are kinda weak. Getting a character who you might use in a shuttle isn't a big deal. Even Combat Paris is mainly useful for Voyages. Phlox is really the only 4* that's a little frightening. Enjoy leveling him.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • SpaceWereDragonSpaceWereDragon ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I’ve actually been going through episodes and so far found 28 doctors/physicians/nurses/scientist and other people not added to the game yet that should have medical. There is a lot of options still.

    Hardly an episode goes by without an appearance by the doctor, in every series (except Disco perhaps) and there are plenty of episodes that are Doctor based. I think Ivan might have skipped those.

    This is my list so far

    Sarah April
    Philip Boyce
    Dr. Farek
    Edward La Forge (exozoologist - maybe med?)
    Linnis Paris
    Dr. M'Benga
    Mila (cardassian housekeeper, maybe mother to garak)

    Mot (Bolian Barber.... but barbers used to do medical treatment so)

    Anne Mulhall
    Noss (nursed Tuvok back to health)
    Mark Piper
    Qatai (he talked about lowering the creature neurotransmitters signals with a cortical inhibitor so he knew some med/sci. Sec/eng and either sci or med as the 3rd choice)

    Juliana Tainer (sci/med ?)
    Dr. Wykoff
    Lewis Zimmerman (sci/med/eng recognizes that Bashir is an Augment suggesting he was at least decent at med)

    Ensign Bandee
    Faith Garland
    Nurse Jabara
    Martinez (Enterprise D & E nurse)
    Nurse Tagana
    Ensign Wright
    John Frederick Paxton (genetics ?)
    Jeremy Lucas
    Elizabeth Dehner

    There are still a lot of episodes for me to go through.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    president of earth, Author Doctor, Vedek Bareil, BO Troi, Katra McCoy, Chapel, Quark
    ...all of whom are sitting in the meat locker except for McCoy and he’s principally for voyages... .

    All of those characters are good at Voyages except Author Doctor. He's kinda weak but most 2 Skill 4*'s are kinda weak. Getting a character who you might use in a shuttle isn't a big deal. Even Combat Paris is mainly useful for Voyages. Phlox is really the only 4* that's a little frightening. Enjoy leveling him.

    Phlox was FE a long time ago for Gauntlet ... I’ve just been slowly getting stars from voyages and free portal pulls... but of course right after finally get the 4th star from the free 10x we just got, guess which 4* I get in Voyages?

    Actually all the crappy 1/5 and 2/5 MED I get seem better at voyages than most of these guys... and since I can’t freeze them, they stay on my roster. 4/4 Paris is STILL my best shuttle guy followed by 4/4 RAF Bashir... Phlox comes third but obviously you would pick him as your go to MED guy if you only could have one of the three.

    I think the point is without a 5/5 MED, these guys are as good as it gets because while MED shuttles are not that common, they do happen and occasionally there isn’t an event or bonus character with MED. I suppose that you could use Phlox but I think for a guy without a 5/5 MED, the bare minimum (for events, voyages, Gauntlet, etc.) would be to have a 4/4 CM Paris and 4/4 Mirror Phlox to remain somewhat competitive...
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    So here's my question to Ivan and whomever wants to chime in on that front.

    What would be the harm to gameplay or the game in general for more Primary med characters to be added to the game in a slightly to moderately more frequent rate?
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the point is without a 5/5 MED, these guys are as good as it gets because while MED shuttles are not that common, they do happen and occasionally there isn’t an event or bonus character with MED. I suppose that you could use Phlox but I think for a guy without a 5/5 MED, the bare minimum (for events, voyages, Gauntlet, etc.) would be to have a 4/4 CM Paris and 4/4 Mirror Phlox to remain somewhat competitive...

    My point is that even a good 4/4 won't give you the advantage you think you're going to get. You think having Paris might help you this weekend but he'll actually be worse than Prisoner McCoy.

    This applies to all skills. This is why I'm completely comfortable giving up beasts like K'Leyher or Ba'Ku Worf because they're not that advantageous. So I can say BO Troi is good because she's good at Voyages, decent in the Gauntlet and you may just need her since she's main cast.

    Phlox is an exception because he wears the most hats. You will never be worse off by keeping him around.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at these threads which just seem to go on eternally, each side digging in deeper and deeper with every post they make, still convinced that if they make just the right argument, the other side will see the error of their ways and go, "Oh! You're absolutely right! How could I have been so blind all this time?" ;)

    I have seen the error of my ways.
    Oh! Ivanstone is absolutely right!
    How could I have been so blind all this time?

    We have enough Med characters in game as Ivanstone has told us many times.

    Therefore what we need is repeat events with the current Med characters, and the current Med characters to be awarded as rank rewards for new events. Everyone is happy, new players get the Meds they need, Ivanstone is not bogged down with Med characters he does not want.
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have been playing for just under five months. My first event was "Our thoughts combined" at the beginning of September.

    My eleven best Med crew include three 3*, and two 2*. My two best base skill Meds, Guinan and Tourist Quark (who I have just immortalised) have Med as secondary skills. Number four is Commander Chapel who for some reason has science as her primary skill. Commando Crusher is number five.

    With security out of my top 24, only two are 3*, and they come in at places 18 and 24.

    Yesterday I started a voyage. The gold skill needed was Med, the second was Eng. The best I could manage for Med was six characters totally 5k, that included two 3*. My security score was higher.
    Today I started a voyage, I have a 9k score for the gold security slot.

    New players need to be able to balance our characters. Ivanstone has 200+ to chose from, I don't have the luxury, and it puts me off the game.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at these threads which just seem to go on eternally, each side digging in deeper and deeper with every post they make, still convinced that if they make just the right argument, the other side will see the error of their ways and go, "Oh! You're absolutely right! How could I have been so blind all this time?" ;)

    I have seen the error of my ways.
    Oh! Ivanstone is absolutely right!
    How could I have been so blind all this time?

    We have enough Med characters in game as Ivanstone has told us many times.

    Therefore what we need is repeat events with the current Med characters, and the current Med characters to be awarded as rank rewards for new events. Everyone is happy, new players get the Meds they need, Ivanstone is not bogged down with Med characters he does not want.

    Sokath! His eyes uncovered!!!
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    We have enough Med characters in game as Ivanstone has told us many times.

    I never said that. I said that there were recent offerings that were good. They do not have high base stats but, fortunately, you don't really need high base stats for MED.
    Yesterday I started a voyage. The gold skill needed was Med, the second was Eng. The best I could manage for Med was six characters totally 5k, that included two 3*. My security score was higher.
    Today I started a voyage, I have a 9k score for the gold security slot.

    Despite having actual crew with MED and ENG, I'm only getting roughly 7K in each. Its the worst voyage combo in the game and there are very few unutilized characters who can fix that.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at these threads which just seem to go on eternally, each side digging in deeper and deeper with every post they make, still convinced that if they make just the right argument, the other side will see the error of their ways and go, "Oh! You're absolutely right! How could I have been so blind all this time?" ;)

    Two sides? Is this the American way? One person produces evidence, the other person says 'meh stop whinging' and in the meantime the climate keeps heating up until the environment collapses?

    Oh sorry, more dodgy analogies ;)
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • I’ve actually been going through episodes and so far found 28 doctors/physicians/nurses/scientist and other people not added to the game yet that should have medical. There is a lot of options still.

    Hardly an episode goes by without an appearance by the doctor, in every series (except Disco perhaps) and there are plenty of episodes that are Doctor based. I think Ivan might have skipped those.

    This is my list so far

    Sarah April
    Philip Boyce
    Dr. Farek
    Edward La Forge (exozoologist - maybe med?)
    Linnis Paris
    Dr. M'Benga
    Mila (cardassian housekeeper, maybe mother to garak)

    Mot (Bolian Barber.... but barbers used to do medical treatment so)

    Anne Mulhall
    Noss (nursed Tuvok back to health)
    Mark Piper
    Qatai (he talked about lowering the creature neurotransmitters signals with a cortical inhibitor so he knew some med/sci. Sec/eng and either sci or med as the 3rd choice)

    Juliana Tainer (sci/med ?)
    Dr. Wykoff
    Lewis Zimmerman (sci/med/eng recognizes that Bashir is an Augment suggesting he was at least decent at med)

    Ensign Bandee
    Faith Garland
    Nurse Jabara
    Martinez (Enterprise D & E nurse)
    Nurse Tagana
    Ensign Wright
    John Frederick Paxton (genetics ?)
    Jeremy Lucas
    Elizabeth Dehner

    There are still a lot of episodes for me to go through.

    I'd rather have you running the game than either DB or Ivanstone I must admit. You've certainly done more homework than either of them!
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Saying that, there was always a major battle in every episode. Someone always had the guns or swords out, in fact DB's stats are just right. 22.5% of every episode was about people shooting stuff, 27.5% chitty chat and less than 10% doctoring. Usually bandaging people up after they've knocked each other about.

    Actually that's Star Wars. Sorry, I got confused for a moment. Star Trek is 90% talk, 5% guns and swords, and a bit of everything else just for variety.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Culby was just out of reach, both in skill and also in availability. Just like XO Burney and Blowfish Phlox (which are also great voyagers and Phlox being the med beast par excellence), they unfortunately were all in "Best Chance For XXX" packs. :(
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Culby was just out of reach, both in skill and also in availability. Just like XO Burney and Blowfish Phlox (which are also great voyagers and Phlox being the med beast par excellence), they unfortunately were all in "Best Chance For XXX" packs. :(

    That’s why Mirror Phlox is the best hope for all us lowly F2P/MDC (monthly DIL card) players. 4/4 is obtainable, as long as you get one...
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Saying that, there was always a major battle in every episode. Someone always had the guns or swords out, in fact DB's stats are just right. 22.5% of every episode was about people shooting stuff, 27.5% chitty chat and less than 10% doctoring. Usually bandaging people up after they've knocked each other about.

    Actually that's Star Wars. Sorry, I got confused for a moment. Star Trek is 90% talk, 5% guns and swords, and a bit of everything else just for variety.

    Yeah, don’t bring a knife to a phaser fight...
  • Saying that, there was always a major battle in every episode. Someone always had the guns or swords out, in fact DB's stats are just right. 22.5% of every episode was about people shooting stuff, 27.5% chitty chat and less than 10% doctoring. Usually bandaging people up after they've knocked each other about.

    Actually that's Star Wars. Sorry, I got confused for a moment. Star Trek is 90% talk, 5% guns and swords, and a bit of everything else just for variety.

    Yeah, don’t bring a knife to a phaser fight...

    They're usually carefully written so that it's one or the other. Need someone to use a Bat'leth? Make sure no-one has a phaser handy.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Saying that, there was always a major battle in every episode. Someone always had the guns or swords out, in fact DB's stats are just right. 22.5% of every episode was about people shooting stuff, 27.5% chitty chat and less than 10% doctoring. Usually bandaging people up after they've knocked each other about.

    Actually that's Star Wars. Sorry, I got confused for a moment. Star Trek is 90% talk, 5% guns and swords, and a bit of everything else just for variety.

    Yeah, don’t bring a knife to a phaser fight...

    They're usually carefully written so that it's one or the other. Need someone to use a Bat'leth? Make sure no-one has a phaser handy.

    Nah... T’Kumva made that mistake... ask Burnham...
  • Saying that, there was always a major battle in every episode. Someone always had the guns or swords out, in fact DB's stats are just right. 22.5% of every episode was about people shooting stuff, 27.5% chitty chat and less than 10% doctoring. Usually bandaging people up after they've knocked each other about.

    Actually that's Star Wars. Sorry, I got confused for a moment. Star Trek is 90% talk, 5% guns and swords, and a bit of everything else just for variety.

    Yeah, don’t bring a knife to a phaser fight...

    They're usually carefully written so that it's one or the other. Need someone to use a Bat'leth? Make sure no-one has a phaser handy.

    Nah... T’Kumva made that mistake... ask Burnham...

    Spoilers ;)

    Two second T'Kuvma. Legendary.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I’ve actually been going through episodes and so far found 28 doctors/physicians/nurses/scientist and other people not added to the game yet that should have medical. There is a lot of options still.

    Hardly an episode goes by without an appearance by the doctor, in every series (except Disco perhaps) and there are plenty of episodes that are Doctor based. I think Ivan might have skipped those.

    This is my list so far

    Sarah April
    Philip Boyce
    Dr. Farek
    Edward La Forge (exozoologist - maybe med?)
    Linnis Paris
    Dr. M'Benga
    Mila (cardassian housekeeper, maybe mother to garak)

    Mot (Bolian Barber.... but barbers used to do medical treatment so)

    Anne Mulhall
    Noss (nursed Tuvok back to health)
    Mark Piper
    Qatai (he talked about lowering the creature neurotransmitters signals with a cortical inhibitor so he knew some med/sci. Sec/eng and either sci or med as the 3rd choice)

    Juliana Tainer (sci/med ?)
    Dr. Wykoff
    Lewis Zimmerman (sci/med/eng recognizes that Bashir is an Augment suggesting he was at least decent at med)

    Ensign Bandee
    Faith Garland
    Nurse Jabara
    Martinez (Enterprise D & E nurse)
    Nurse Tagana
    Ensign Wright
    John Frederick Paxton (genetics ?)
    Jeremy Lucas
    Elizabeth Dehner

    There are still a lot of episodes for me to go through.

    I'd rather have you running the game than either DB or Ivanstone I must admit. You've certainly done more homework than either of them!

    If it was my list I would've included ENG, SCI and CSD characters. I wonder which list will be bigger. My list would've also included T'Pau (any) and Surak (we'll see if he's actually coming).
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Saying that, there was always a major battle in every episode. Someone always had the guns or swords out, in fact DB's stats are just right. 22.5% of every episode was about people shooting stuff, 27.5% chitty chat and less than 10% doctoring. Usually bandaging people up after they've knocked each other about.

    Actually that's Star Wars. Sorry, I got confused for a moment. Star Trek is 90% talk, 5% guns and swords, and a bit of everything else just for variety.

    Yeah, don’t bring a knife to a phaser fight...

    They're usually carefully written so that it's one or the other. Need someone to use a Bat'leth? Make sure no-one has a phaser handy.

    Nah... T’Kumva made that mistake... ask Burnham...

    Spoilers ;)

    Two second T'Kuvma. Legendary.

    It’s two episode T’Kumva... and he was the chosen one... and he did a lot of evil villain monologues...

    The egregious one is torchbearer who you don’t even get to see his face, was on screen for literally two seconds, doesn’t say a word, and impalas himself on his own Bat’lets... Legendary.

    Why aren’t you watching the Australian Open. I’d be all over Melbourne with box seats watching if I were you...
  • Saying that, there was always a major battle in every episode. Someone always had the guns or swords out, in fact DB's stats are just right. 22.5% of every episode was about people shooting stuff, 27.5% chitty chat and less than 10% doctoring. Usually bandaging people up after they've knocked each other about.

    Actually that's Star Wars. Sorry, I got confused for a moment. Star Trek is 90% talk, 5% guns and swords, and a bit of everything else just for variety.

    Yeah, don’t bring a knife to a phaser fight...

    They're usually carefully written so that it's one or the other. Need someone to use a Bat'leth? Make sure no-one has a phaser handy.

    Nah... T’Kumva made that mistake... ask Burnham...

    Spoilers ;)

    Two second T'Kuvma. Legendary.

    It’s two episode T’Kumva... and he was the chosen one... and he did a lot of evil villain monologues...

    The egregious one is torchbearer who you don’t even get to see his face, was on screen for literally two seconds, doesn’t say a word, and impalas himself on his own Bat’lets... Legendary.

    Why aren’t you watching the Australian Open. I’d be all over Melbourne with box seats watching if I were you...

    Because, like, I don't own a TV and I'm not over at my mother-in-law's house.

    You're right though. My Orcish is as bad as their new design. I'd start a war just by confusing the girls for boys. Burnham has nothing on me for screwing up diplomacy.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Saying that, there was always a major battle in every episode. Someone always had the guns or swords out, in fact DB's stats are just right. 22.5% of every episode was about people shooting stuff, 27.5% chitty chat and less than 10% doctoring. Usually bandaging people up after they've knocked each other about.

    Actually that's Star Wars. Sorry, I got confused for a moment. Star Trek is 90% talk, 5% guns and swords, and a bit of everything else just for variety.

    Yeah, don’t bring a knife to a phaser fight...

    They're usually carefully written so that it's one or the other. Need someone to use a Bat'leth? Make sure no-one has a phaser handy.

    Nah... T’Kumva made that mistake... ask Burnham...

    Spoilers ;)

    Two second T'Kuvma. Legendary.

    It’s two episode T’Kumva... and he was the chosen one... and he did a lot of evil villain monologues...

    The egregious one is torchbearer who you don’t even get to see his face, was on screen for literally two seconds, doesn’t say a word, and impalas himself on his own Bat’lets... Legendary.

    Why aren’t you watching the Australian Open. I’d be all over Melbourne with box seats watching if I were you...

    Because, like, I don't own a TV and I'm not over at my mother-in-law's house.

    You're right though. My Orcish is as bad as their new design. I'd start a war just by confusing the girls for boys. Burnham has nothing on me for screwing up diplomacy.

    No I mean I’d be in Melbourne watching it live in a box with a cooler of Fosters... no telly required.
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