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Gauntlet and blood pressure



  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    I think the "walls of the same character" will be really hard to fix.
    When a character is good for the gauntlet people will use it and many of us have the same characters.

    Not really. Everybody playing brings a number of characters to the game. It should be easy enough to determine if the character has already appeared and then replace them with another character.

    Unfortunately, that approach would actually give people who bring the "common" character a significant advantage because they would be presented as a target option much less often than others. In the long run, that method would make the problem worse.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    I think the "walls of the same character" will be really hard to fix.
    When a character is good for the gauntlet people will use it and many of us have the same characters.

    Not really. Everybody playing brings a number of characters to the game. It should be easy enough to determine if the character has already appeared and then replace them with another character.
    I keep coming accross Walls of Mirror Picards, Not surprising given everyone has him; what is annoying is that he keeps beating my Kahless (in spite of Kahless having better rolls).

    DB: Do Better
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    I think the "walls of the same character" will be really hard to fix.
    When a character is good for the gauntlet people will use it and many of us have the same characters.

    Not really. Everybody playing brings a number of characters to the game. It should be easy enough to determine if the character has already appeared and then replace them with another character.

    Unfortunately, that approach would actually give people who bring the "common" character a significant advantage because they would be presented as a target option much less often than others. In the long run, that method would make the problem worse.

    How so?

    What I an suggesting is that rather than matching the Picard of that player they match another of that player Gauntlet crew. If someone has all common crew they will still get picked as you only face a small number of players per round.

    It just means you don't have rounds where each opponent is the exact same character
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    I think the "walls of the same character" will be really hard to fix.
    When a character is good for the gauntlet people will use it and many of us have the same characters.

    Not really. Everybody playing brings a number of characters to the game. It should be easy enough to determine if the character has already appeared and then replace them with another character.

    Unfortunately, that approach would actually give people who bring the "common" character a significant advantage because they would be presented as a target option much less often than others. In the long run, that method would make the problem worse.

    How so?

    What I an suggesting is that rather than matching the Picard of that player they match another of that player Gauntlet crew. If someone has all common crew they will still get picked as you only face a small number of players per round.

    It just means you don't have rounds where each opponent is the exact same character

    So, the game uses a weaker character on your team because someone else happened to also use that same character? That has to be one of the worst game design choices I've ever heard as you are taking a very significant decision (how to defend yourself) away from the players and putting it further into the hands of RNG.

    The solution is to provide a real choice in terms of character selection. A current example here might be the choice between Assimilated La Forge and Seven of Nine. Two characters that provide similar strengths and weaknesses, just in different areas.

    The current problem with Mirror Picard is that the have pretty consistently had him at no less than 25% crit (3 of my last 4 gauntlets I believe). So long as his crit is elevated, he will pretty easily be best-in-slot. When he is at 5%, the other CMD-heavy options (Kahless, etc) become much more appealing.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    What I an suggesting is that rather than matching the Picard of that player they match another of that player Gauntlet crew.

    Why should one player use their second best crew for defense when everyone else uses their best?
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    What I an suggesting is that rather than matching the Picard of that player they match another of that player Gauntlet crew.

    Why should one player use their second best crew for defense when everyone else uses their best?

    Yeah, that idea isn't well thought out at all. Let's imagine a scenario with a new crew member who has insane ENG/SCI skills. Everybody is using that character in the Gauntlet. Now, let's also say that the majority of those people only have one crew member with ENG and SCI in the Gauntlet... when ENG and SCI come up as the featured skills, just how would another member of your opponents' crew be selected instead?

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    What I an suggesting is that rather than matching the Picard of that player they match another of that player Gauntlet crew.

    Why should one player use their second best crew for defense when everyone else uses their best?

    Considering I have gone up against characters with no matching skills (and at levels below 50) i really doubt that the best character for the match up is used in every case
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Considering I have gone up against characters with no matching skills (and at levels below 50) i really doubt that the best character for the match up is used in every case

    Some people intentionally run gauntlet with one or two skills not represented. The intention is to rise and fall in the rankings and always have easy opponents to generate long streaks, not caring about final rank.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Dralix wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    What I an suggesting is that rather than matching the Picard of that player they match another of that player Gauntlet crew.

    Why should one player use their second best crew for defense when everyone else uses their best?

    Considering I have gone up against characters with no matching skills (and at levels below 50) i really doubt that the best character for the match up is used in every case

    Yes, the best defensive character is picked, else you would frequently see no stat matchups.

    This is easily provable by verifying you get the same character each time from the same person/combination.
  • 2. Questionable crits


    Lwaxana 65% / Nechayev 45%
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    I think the "walls of the same character" will be really hard to fix.
    When a character is good for the gauntlet people will use it and many of us have the same characters.

    As popular as some characters are, there are always a few people without them. I would suggest an algorithm that allows only 4 of the same character and rejects further opponents with that same one until it finds an opponent with a different character.

    I also like the idea of seeing the next 3 pending skill matchups, as someone posted earlier. Any extra strategy is a big bonus.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gowron's 25% vs Riker's 5%, on top of the fact that Gowron has much better stats.

    I do pretty well in gauntlet, but sometimes it just hates me.
  • Playing Gauntlet and opening reward crates & chests to find 3* Rare Crew Experience Training be like...
    Joined game 6th March 2016
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    I think the "walls of the same character" will be really hard to fix.
    When a character is good for the gauntlet people will use it and many of us have the same characters.

    Not really. Everybody playing brings a number of characters to the game. It should be easy enough to determine if the character has already appeared and then replace them with another character.

    Unfortunately, that approach would actually give people who bring the "common" character a significant advantage because they would be presented as a target option much less often than others. In the long run, that method would make the problem worse.

    Might make the competition worse, but it might make the user experience of actual play better.
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    You folks who stopped playing the Gauntlet, how in the world do you have any merits left? Or do you just never buy anything in the faction centers, like, ever?

    Daily targets provide a nice, steady income of merits. On net, I actually burn merits faster the more gauntlet I play.

    Wow, I'd never have enough from just the daily targets. And I don't even spend merits in Gauntlet anymore. So I must be buying a lot more faction items than you do, I guess. ;)

    Yeah, I usually make a run to each faction center daily buying all the 50/100 merit items that I know would take forever to shuttle farm.
    Proud member of eXodus
    Join the eXo|plosion today!
  • I can answer this question myself! Gauntlet is designed from scratch to be best for the ones that have less or that have invested less or almost nothing! That is why, having a 1/5 is the same that haveing the same crew FF, what really matters is to have that crew at elast once.
    For those people, that have less, they do need Training programs!

    You are completely wrong. I play this game for a week now and I have more than enough training programs of each rarity. In fact I often use them as a replicator fuel. Best source of training programs are shuttle missions and voyages. From what I have read and seen for myself Gauntlet is in fact a very poorly designed system with quetionable rng, hilarious loot tables, wall of clone characters, you name it. My own experience tells me Gauntlet is completely useless for a fresh player.
  • [SFW] Quick Claude[SFW] Quick Claude ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Data1001 wrote: »
    You folks who stopped playing the Gauntlet, how in the world do you have any merits left? Or do you just never buy anything in the faction centers, like, ever?

    I usually end up loosing merits playing the gauntlet. I just burned through 150 getting past 3 walls in a row of mirror Picards. It's getting ridiculous.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can answer this question myself! Gauntlet is designed from scratch to be best for the ones that have less or that have invested less or almost nothing! That is why, having a 1/5 is the same that haveing the same crew FF, what really matters is to have that crew at elast once.
    For those people, that have less, they do need Training programs!

    You are completely wrong. I play this game for a week now and I have more than enough training programs of each rarity. In fact I often use them as a replicator fuel. Best source of training programs are shuttle missions and voyages. From what I have read and seen for myself Gauntlet is in fact a very poorly designed system with quetionable rng, hilarious loot tables, wall of clone characters, you name it. My own experience tells me Gauntlet is completely useless for a fresh player.

    You must not be a Free to Play player.
    I'm just over 4 months and no longer very new, but when I was new, trainers were essential. They are less essential now that I reciwntly went to a monthly card and have 4 shuttles.
    Gauntlet has always been good for me, even as a fresh player. You don't get much, but you get a few things for free and you have the motivation to improve players. It also gives you an idea about which cards are useful; that was important for me until I found the forums.
  • I can answer this question myself! Gauntlet is designed from scratch to be best for the ones that have less or that have invested less or almost nothing! That is why, having a 1/5 is the same that haveing the same crew FF, what really matters is to have that crew at elast once.
    For those people, that have less, they do need Training programs!

    You are completely wrong. I play this game for a week now and I have more than enough training programs of each rarity. In fact I often use them as a replicator fuel. Best source of training programs are shuttle missions and voyages. From what I have read and seen for myself Gauntlet is in fact a very poorly designed system with quetionable rng, hilarious loot tables, wall of clone characters, you name it. My own experience tells me Gauntlet is completely useless for a fresh player.

    You must not be a Free to Play player.
    I'm just over 4 months and no longer very new, but when I was new, trainers were essential. They are less essential now that I reciwntly went to a monthly card and have 4 shuttles.
    Gauntlet has always been good for me, even as a fresh player. You don't get much, but you get a few things for free and you have the motivation to improve players. It also gives you an idea about which cards are useful; that was important for me until I found the forums.

    I haven't spend on this game a dime and I don't intend to. I run only two shuttles for the moment and as I said before I have more than enough training programs of each rarity (over 1000 1* programs, over 1000 2* programs, over 400 3* programs, 70 4* programs and 70 gold programs at the moment). I'm about 20k rank in current event so my crew is pretty good considering most of them is less than seven days old. Still I almost all Gauntlet fights due to faulty Gauntlet design so no fruits from the Gauntlet at all. On the other hand I am able to win almost every ship battle on the Arena.
  • For some reason I can't edit posts. I wanted to say "Still I lose almost all Gauntlet fights...".
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    I can answer this question myself! Gauntlet is designed from scratch to be best for the ones that have less or that have invested less or almost nothing! That is why, having a 1/5 is the same that haveing the same crew FF, what really matters is to have that crew at elast once.
    For those people, that have less, they do need Training programs!

    that's a really thoughtful and insightful answer, never really thought about it that way.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    The gauntlet is a love and hate relationship for me. I like the diversity of having something else to do, as well as some extra unexpected freebies here and there. However the crit table, is seriously stacked, my opponents always crit 2-3x more than I do regardless of percents, this part of the gauntlet is as broken as the percents for shuttle success. I have no idea if its intended that way to get people to spend dil for revives, but it can be really frustrating. I dont mind the rewards so much, even if some of them can be useless for people who play alot, if they allowed us to convert training progs into credits, or mertis, or anything useful that would certainly help.
  • I can answer this question myself! Gauntlet is designed from scratch to be best for the ones that have less or that have invested less or almost nothing! That is why, having a 1/5 is the same that haveing the same crew FF, what really matters is to have that crew at elast once.
    For those people, that have less, they do need Training programs!

    that's a really thoughtful and insightful answer, never really thought about it that way.

    It is not thoughtful, it's completely incorrect.
  • All of this is why I don't play it anymore, aside from the never-should-have-happened proficiency Starbase rooms. That latter part was definitely the last nail in the coffin. I only have about 1700ish rounds played, but I'm much happier since quitting it. I may play one last time to see if I can get a third star on Guinan, but we'll see. With Caretaker coming in, I do wonder about playing though because Voyager is #2 for me.
    [SSR] Sorin08
  • [SFW] Quick Claude[SFW] Quick Claude ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I just got #1 in the Guauntlet for the first time. Spent dilithium and used almost all my merits to get it. What a let down. The awards sucked. Thought for sure I'd get a Guinan.

    At least I got the achievement.
  • At least I no longer feel the need to get number 1 again.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nerfball6 wrote: »
    I just got #1 in the Guauntlet for the first time. Spent dilithium and used almost all my merits to get it. What a let down. The awards sucked. Thought for sure I'd get a Guinan.

    At least I got the achievement.

    Yea, can confirm, 13k+ total rounds and lots of #1 finishes, Guinan is NOT a guarantee. Did manage to finish her off, though, unlike Locutus...
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can answer this question myself! Gauntlet is designed from scratch to be best for the ones that have less or that have invested less or almost nothing! That is why, having a 1/5 is the same that haveing the same crew FF, what really matters is to have that crew at elast once.
    For those people, that have less, they do need Training programs!

    You are completely wrong. I play this game for a week now and I have more than enough training programs of each rarity. In fact I often use them as a replicator fuel. Best source of training programs are shuttle missions and voyages. From what I have read and seen for myself Gauntlet is in fact a very poorly designed system with quetionable rng, hilarious loot tables, wall of clone characters, you name it. My own experience tells me Gauntlet is completely useless for a fresh player.

    You must not be a Free to Play player.
    I'm just over 4 months and no longer very new, but when I was new, trainers were essential. They are less essential now that I reciwntly went to a monthly card and have 4 shuttles.
    Gauntlet has always been good for me, even as a fresh player. You don't get much, but you get a few things for free and you have the motivation to improve players. It also gives you an idea about which cards are useful; that was important for me until I found the forums.

    I haven't spend on this game a dime and I don't intend to. I run only two shuttles for the moment and as I said before I have more than enough training programs of each rarity (over 1000 1* programs, over 1000 2* programs, over 400 3* programs, 70 4* programs and 70 gold programs at the moment). I'm about 20k rank in current event so my crew is pretty good considering most of them is less than seven days old. Still I almost all Gauntlet fights due to faulty Gauntlet design so no fruits from the Gauntlet at all. On the other hand I am able to win almost every ship battle on the Arena.

    I say this with the best intentions, honestly:

    That is not a lot of trainers.

    Stop using trainers as replicator fuel. Seriously. You will reget it later.

    Even if you used every single trainer you have, it would not be enough to get a single crew from level 1 to 100.

    That’s really not a lot. It takes 293,310 XP to get a crew to level 100. Your trainers sound like they add up to about 285,000.

    When I was relatively new, I stockpiled them. I had probably more than 10,000 each of the lower leveled ones, and close to 1000 gold, probably a few thousand purples. Thought I was doing pretty well.

    One day, I was bored and decided to immortalize seven of my crew. I ran out of every single one. I used hundreds to more than a thousand of grays and greens just to get crew up a single level, because I didn’t have anything higher than that.

    Nowadays, I run out of them as I get them (except the grays and greens, I save them for rainy days... like when there’s an event with all new crew and I’m out of crew space, so someone’s got to be immortalized and sent to the freezer).
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have a significant stock now. I've run out several times, but run constant shuttles. I never thought I would have enough, but in the past couple weeks I hit the point of having enough. Now I reached the point where credits actually matter. I've spent close to two million in the past two weeks on a massive crew improvement campaign and a huge effort on my previously ignored Discovery crew and Andorians. My Andorians and Discovery crew are amazing now, but suddenly credits are an issue.
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