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Gauntlet and blood pressure



  • And while getting worthwhile rewards in gauntlet is more difficult than it is in shuttles or voyages, when you DO get worthwhile rewards in gauntlet, you have the potential to get things better than anything it’s possible to get through shuttles or voyages.

    Gauntlet can drop 5* crew, it can drop equippable items that might otherwise take a few hundred chrons, etc.

    Simply not true.
    Gauntlet offers random items which most of the time you don't need. Voyages give instead chronitons which you can use to craft items you actually need.
    Gauntlet offer one gold character which is mostly really useful only in Gauntlet. Voyages on the other hand give you opportunity to get many uncommon, rare and super rare characters which can be very useful in Gauntlet, Battle Arena, shuttles, voyages, story missions, you name it.

    Um, what? Bartender Guinan and Locutus are two of the top 10 crew with the highest voyage scores. Both only obtainable for f2p through gauntlet.

    You can use both in arena if you have a level 5 ship, though I don’t know if I’d necessarily recommend them. Obviously useful for away missions with high max stats. Better base skills than most other crew, which makes them useful on shuttles.

    How are they really only useful in gauntlet?

    Edit: It’s also worth noting that gauntlet can drop chrons.

    Guinan and Locutus can compete with other characters outside the Gauntlet only if they are fully or almost fully fused. Do you understand how small is the chance to achieve this? And for a fresh player this chance is almost nonexistent. That's why.

    Yes, Gauntlet CAN (key word) drop chronitons but Voyages guarantee chronitons and offer additional (and far way higher than Gauntlet) chance to get even more of them than in these guaranteed packs.

    I agree to an extent, but you can do this on top of those and get some extra stuff, which has some use
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    “Completely of no help” is still the wrong phrase to use. Merits from achievements and individual victories, credits from victories, and items, crew, or portal pulls from ranked rewards does not match the definition you have given. If you were to say that the gauntlet isn’t worth the time invested until new players have a stable of FL/FE rare or super-rare crew in order to be able to put together win streaks, then you would have a point.

    Exactly, just because some people don't understand all the strategies involved in gauntlet, does not make it completely useless, not sure why the focus has been comparing it to voyages and or shuttles, its like comparing apples to oranges.
  • “Completely of no help” is still the wrong phrase to use. Merits from achievements and individual victories, credits from victories, and items, crew, or portal pulls from ranked rewards does not match the definition you have given. If you were to say that the gauntlet isn’t worth the time invested until new players have a stable of FL/FE rare or super-rare crew in order to be able to put together win streaks, then you would have a point.

    If you want to quote me please do but use full sentences or at least quote whole thought. I said "Gauntlet is completely of no help for fresh players.".
  • “Completely of no help” is still the wrong phrase to use. Merits from achievements and individual victories, credits from victories, and items, crew, or portal pulls from ranked rewards does not match the definition you have given. If you were to say that the gauntlet isn’t worth the time invested until new players have a stable of FL/FE rare or super-rare crew in order to be able to put together win streaks, then you would have a point.

    Exactly, just because some people don't understand all the strategies involved in gauntlet, does not make it completely useless, not sure why the focus has been comparing it to voyages and or shuttles, its like comparing apples to oranges.

    Please, formulate a successful Gauntlet strategy for a fresh player... I can assure you I understand Gauntlet system in full. That's the reason I claim Gauntlet is a very poor reward source for a new player.

    And what is wrong with comparing apples to oranges? 100 g of oranges contain about 53.2 mg of ascorbic acid. 100 g of apples contain about 4.6 mg of ascorbic acid. Oranges are clearly a better source of ascorbic acid. :smile:
  • edited February 2018
    @Quantum Blizzard: I'm just sensing bitterness because you believe you should be instantly competitive with other players in the Gauntlet. Do you feel the Gauntlet in its design is inherently unfair to new players? I stayed away from the Gauntlet myself because I knew I couldn't effectively compete as a (at the time) F2P player. After switching to the monthly card I've managed to acquire some of the best characters for it (Nechayev, Chancellor Gowron, Romulan Kirk, Mirror Phlox) and have placed in the top 5. I still don't play it that much as to me it's a merit and potential dilithium sink. I don't have a compelling reason to win the Gauntlet either, because as far as I'm concerned, a 2K honor achievement award for first place is a letdown after the 10x rare portal pull for a top 5 finish.

    However, I'm getting off topic here. I think I can understand where you're coming from. The best way I can think of to make the Gauntlet instantly competitive for noobs is to run three divisions of Gauntlets in a similar fashion to the three divisions of the Arena. Thus...

    • Commander Division: 1 and 2* characters only. The loot table here would be limited to 1* and 2* components and equipment. Character award: Stargazer Picard.
    • Captain Division: 3 and 4* characters only. The loot table here would have 2* to 4* components and equipment. Character award: Jazz Musician Riker.
    • Admiral Division: 5* characters only. The loot table here would have 3* to 5* components and equipment. Character award: Caretaker (since Guinan is going out).

    In all divisions, chronitons, merits and credits would be valid awards. Character cards are also possible, but should not be a common occurrence, and when they do appear should never be of higher rarity than the Gauntlet character award. For example, in the Captain Division, you couldn't get a 4* character because the Gauntlet character award is Jazz Musician Riker.

    It could work, but I'm just floating a trial balloon here, since we know DB will never revamp the Gauntlet in this fashion.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    “Completely of no help” is still the wrong phrase to use. Merits from achievements and individual victories, credits from victories, and items, crew, or portal pulls from ranked rewards does not match the definition you have given. If you were to say that the gauntlet isn’t worth the time invested until new players have a stable of FL/FE rare or super-rare crew in order to be able to put together win streaks, then you would have a point.

    If you want to quote me please do but use full sentences or at least quote whole thought. I said "Gauntlet is completely of no help for fresh players.".

    I stand by my statement that your claim is fundamentally incorrect, that saying the reward/effort ratio is not worth it for fresh players would be more accurate.
  • @Quantum Blizzard: I'm just sensing bitterness because you believe you should be instantly competitive with other players in the Gauntlet. Do you feel the Gauntlet in its design is inherently unfair to new players? I stayed away from the Gauntlet myself because I knew I couldn't effectively compete as a (at the time) F2P player. After switching to the monthly card I've managed to acquire some of the best characters for it (Nechayev, Chancellor Gowron, Romulan Kirk, Mirror Phlox) and have placed in the top 5. I still don't play it that much as to me it's a merit and potential dilithium sink. I don't have a compelling reason to win the Gauntlet either, because as far as I'm concerned, a 2K honor achievement award for first place is a letdown after the 10x rare portal pull for a top 5 finish.

    However, I'm getting off topic here. I think I can understand where you're coming from. The best way I can think of to make the Gauntlet instantly competitive for noobs is to run three divisions of Gauntlets in a similar fashion to the three divisions of the Arena. Thus...

    • Commander Division: 1 and 2* characters only. The loot table here would be limited to 1* and 2* components and equipment. Character award: Stargazer Picard.
    • Captain Division: 3 and 4* characters only. The loot table here would have 2* to 4* components and equipment. Character award: Jazz Musician Riker.
    • Admiral Division: 5* characters only. The loot table here would have 3* to 5* components and equipment. Character award: Caretaker (since Guinan is going out).

    In all divisions, chronitons, merits and credits would be valid awards. Character cards are also possible, but should not be a common occurrence, and when they do appear should never be of higher rarity than the Gauntlet character award. For example, in the Captain Division, you couldn't get a 4* character because the Gauntlet character award is Jazz Musician Riker.

    It could work, but I'm just floating a trial balloon here, since we know DB will never revamp the Gauntlet in this fashion.

    Agreed except that bitterness part. :smile: I simply would like to see Gauntlet at least reasonably competitive for new players. No it's not.
  • Arghh, I wanted to say "Now it's not."
  • @Quantum Blizzard: While I understand your frustration, since DB is unlikely to do much work on the Gauntlet you're going to have to work with what's available. To be brutally honest, I know you're a new player, but as someone in your position I spent a year stressing over way too much. I stressed over crew space, trainers, credits, chronitons, and merits. Mind you, when I started I didn't have the luxury of getting trainers from failed missions, nor did I have voyages to get chronitons from. Purchasing a DB special offer ($4.99 for - if I recall correctly - 1K dilithium, 3K chronitons, and 500K Credits plus 6 10x rare portal pulls) really kick-started my game. Not just because of the characters from the portal pulls, but because of the dilithium. Ten extra slots for characters really makes a difference, but a third shuttle made even more of a difference.

    The third shuttle means I complete the shuttle daily more quickly, can run more shuttles during events, and as a consequence acquire more trainers as well as placing higher in events. Running more shuttles means more points per run of three in a given event, which means I can manage to pull off things like getting to the 130,000 point award in a shuttle event.

    Like you I swore I would never pay a dime to play. I paid, and I'm glad I did, because before I did the game simply was not that much fun.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Okay, just relaying my experiences here.
    • Main account, VIP14 = Gauntlet very useful for accumulating Merits.
    • Alt accounts (both just a few months old, and one of them F2P) = Gauntlet very useful for accumulating Merits.
    • Main account = swimming in trainers.
    • 2nd account = have 4 shuttles, but still run into trainer crunch.
    • 3rd account = waiting to get enough dil from achievements to buy more shuttles, but in the meantime, trainers are gone as soon as I get them. Spend almost all my Honor on them.
    • Main account = able to get to 8-hour Voyages without refilling AntiMatter.
    • 2nd account = just recently able to reach 4 hours without refilling.
    • 3rd account = still only getting past the 1st dilemma, but run a number of Voyages each day for chrons.
    Bottom line: Is Gauntlet as useful in acquiring resources as Voyages are? No, not at all. But is Gauntlet helpful for me at 3 very different stages of play? Heck, yes! I have terrible crew in my F2P account, but still win enough rounds to build up my stash — right now I have over 10,000 Merits there, and I have started spending some of those on Merit pulls, which are very helpful to build up my roster, since I'm obviously not buying event packs nor premium pulls there, so even getting certain rares FF can occasionally take some time.
    Once I got my #1 rank in Gauntlet some time ago (which took Dilithium to maintain), I no longer spend Dil nor Merits at all (not that I spent much at all prior to that, anyway). I just take whatever opponents are offered. If I've got a shot, great. If not, I'll just sacrifice a crew to hopefully get a better opponent in the next match. But one's rising blood pressure need not be a part of the equation. Simply decide you're not going to let it upset you if you lose, and realize that you will have luck swinging both ways (in your favor and in your opponent's favor) quite a lot within one 2-day period. I mean, hey, I'm not a robot (I'm an android), I still let out a "What??" or a "Oh, c'mon, Picard!" every so often, but it never gets beyond a mild, temporary annoyance level. If it's regularly going to DEFCON 5 for you, then maybe you need to switch to one of those bubble pop games. Or take a trip to the mirror universe, where your anger will fit right in. >:)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    you know what at the end of the Day it is what it is. It is hard to keep balance, to make the gauntlet exciting or competitive for seasoned players and fair to new players. Like it has been said previously it is unlikely that DB is going to fundamentally change the gauntlet anytime soon anyways. That being said, the gauntlet is optional, if you really find it useless for you, the simple solution is don't play it. Me personally, even if I was a new player, I would get any and every advantage I could get, which is why I have the crew I have now, all depends where you put your focus, and what your priorities are. Is the gauntlet perfect? No, could it use tweaking or improving, Probably. Is it useless for fresh or new players? I still disagree with that assessment.
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    I have terrible crew in my F2P account, but still win enough rounds to build up my stash — right now I have over 10,000 Merits there

    I just started my second week with the game and accumulated up to this moment more than 1500 merits. Almost all of them come from sources different than Gauntlet.
  • Like you I swore I would never pay a dime to play. I paid, and I'm glad I did, because before I did the game simply was not that much fun.

    This game heavily relies on rng. Casinos and money never get along. That's why I will never spend real money on this game, as simple as that.
  • Is the gauntlet perfect? No, could it use tweaking or improving, Probably. Is it useless for fresh or new players? I still disagree with that assessment.

    Well, you are wrong but it's your opinion and you are entitled to it.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    Is the gauntlet perfect? No, could it use tweaking or improving, Probably. Is it useless for fresh or new players? I still disagree with that assessment.

    Well, you are wrong but it's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

    Just cause you say so, doesn't make it true, and based on all the other feedback, your one of the only one who thinks so :)
  • 🤨😕🙁☹️😟😞😔😫😩😣😖😠😡🤬🤯
    Joined game 6th March 2016
  • This game heavily relies on rng. Casinos and money never get along. That's why I will never spend real money on this game, as simple as that.
    Sorry, but I'm just not buying this argument. This is not a casino, and the comparison is disingenuous. And you wonder why I said you were bitter about the Gauntlet?

    I'm wasting time here and have better things to do. You'll just have to avoid the Gauntlet, so I'd focus on cadet missions and the Arena. Oh, and pray to the RNG gods that Dabo gives you 5* schematics. Normal level ship missions, starting around Episode 5, virtually require a 5* ship to complete the battle in less than 20 seconds.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Nerfball6 wrote: »
    I just got #1 in the Guauntlet for the first time. Spent dilithium and used almost all my merits to get it. What a let down. The awards sucked. Thought for sure I'd get a Guinan.

    At least I got the achievement.

    Don't count on it. I'd imagine that I have no less than 50 first place finishes and I have 3 Guinans. I believe that 2 came from streaks and one from final loot boxes.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »

    Anyone else feel kinda trolled on this one?

    Not sure about troll, but he sure is stubborn, not sure how many more ways it can be explained, and by how many different people. If he wants to hate on the gauntlet, let him hate on it. but for me im done with the discussion;)
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    That's the thing, it feels like its a veteran player who made a new account trying to make a point. Or just stir things up.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    p377y7h33f wrote: »
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    Look at this nonsense.... 3ci03oynixgr.png

    I'll see your nonsense and raise you a stack of bull$hit

    Phlox 25/Picard 4532fpe3b8aumr.png

    I wish I had screen shot my battle between DF Paris and Prisoner Cornwell.

    They were both 45% critical chance and my Paris matched on two stats to Cornwell's one (and was quite a bit higher in the main stat). I hit once out of six and Cornwell got 3 out of 3.

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    That's the thing, it feels like its a veteran player who made a new account trying to make a point. Or just stir things up.

    I can’t tell if he’s trolling or simply obtuse.

  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
  • This game heavily relies on rng. Casinos and money never get along. That's why I will never spend real money on this game, as simple as that.
    Sorry, but I'm just not buying this argument. This is not a casino, and the comparison is disingenuous. And you wonder why I said you were bitter about the Gauntlet?

    You don't have to buy anything and I'm not a salesman. This game though is very much casino like. You pay money and have not a clue what you get. This is a very definition of casino. Yes, there are some rare exceptions like packs with guaranteed crew or chronitons but it changes nothing. So yes, this game is casino like, not even the slightest doubt about it.
  • Is the gauntlet perfect? No, could it use tweaking or improving, Probably. Is it useless for fresh or new players? I still disagree with that assessment.

    Well, you are wrong but it's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

    Just cause you say so, doesn't make it true, and based on all the other feedback, your one of the only one who thinks so :)

    Just finished another Voyage. Among others I got 4 purple trainers, 36 blue trainers, almost 60 chronitons, green Picard and decent amount of EC. I also played two rounds of Gauntlet for the moment which gave me some very little amount of merits (thirty something I guess) after a single victory. On the other hand I got way, way more merits from dailies.

    In other words you are wrong not because I say so but because reality says so. :wink:
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    And while getting worthwhile rewards in gauntlet is more difficult than it is in shuttles or voyages, when you DO get worthwhile rewards in gauntlet, you have the potential to get things better than anything it’s possible to get through shuttles or voyages.

    Gauntlet can drop 5* crew, it can drop equippable items that might otherwise take a few hundred chrons, etc.

    Simply not true.
    Gauntlet offers random items which most of the time you don't need. Voyages give instead chronitons which you can use to craft items you actually need.
    Gauntlet offer one gold character which is mostly really useful only in Gauntlet. Voyages on the other hand give you opportunity to get many uncommon, rare and super rare characters which can be very useful in Gauntlet, Battle Arena, shuttles, voyages, story missions, you name it.

    So pray tell, what Super Rare or Rare have you gotten at 1/3 or 1/4 off of a Voyage that has better stats than 1/5 Guinan for Voyages?

    You already stated you don't need Level 100 crew in a different post--- which I feel is setting yourself up for some bitter failure when you start hitting crew slot limits. Concentrating on one to two crew at a time getting them to 100 should be a priority for any form of longevity in the game. Lolly gagging in the meantime is just setting yourself up for pain.

    I mean I get some of your points, but if you said, less effective, I might believe it. Useless means you never get anything you do or might need. That's simply impossible. Even working towards achievements give you something

    For that matter, why does it have to be either/or Gauntlet/Voyage/Arena? I find that playing some Gauntlet rounds while Voyages and shuttles run followed by Arena rounds gives the best possible total benefit.

    Anyone else feel kinda trolled on this one?
    This game heavily relies on rng. Casinos and money never get along. That's why I will never spend real money on this game, as simple as that.

    Oh, and pray to the RNG gods that Dabo gives you 5* schematics. Normal level ship missions, starting around Episode 5, virtually require a 5* ship to complete the battle in less than 20 seconds.

    That's not a problem at all. You may say a lot of bad things about Dabo but if it comes to ship schematics Dabo is pretty generous. For the moment I have two 5* ships: lvl 3 I.S.S. Enterprise and lvl 1 H.M.S. Bounty. I.S.S. Enterprise greatly improved my Voyage performance and as you said yourself it is very helpful throughout story missions. By the way, for some reason Enterprise looks awful. I mean its texture is bugged. One half of the ship is plain white, other looks bit translucent. I have also another version of Enterprise and she's also bugged in the same way. Bounty's texture looks ok though.
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    And while getting worthwhile rewards in gauntlet is more difficult than it is in shuttles or voyages, when you DO get worthwhile rewards in gauntlet, you have the potential to get things better than anything it’s possible to get through shuttles or voyages.

    Gauntlet can drop 5* crew, it can drop equippable items that might otherwise take a few hundred chrons, etc.

    Simply not true.
    Gauntlet offers random items which most of the time you don't need. Voyages give instead chronitons which you can use to craft items you actually need.
    Gauntlet offer one gold character which is mostly really useful only in Gauntlet. Voyages on the other hand give you opportunity to get many uncommon, rare and super rare characters which can be very useful in Gauntlet, Battle Arena, shuttles, voyages, story missions, you name it.

    You already stated you don't need Level 100 crew in a different post--- which I feel is setting yourself up for some bitter failure when you start hitting crew slot limits. Concentrating on one to two crew at a time getting them to 100 should be a priority for any form of longevity in the game. Lolly gagging in the meantime is just setting yourself up for pain.

    Not exactly. I said I don't need lvl 100 characters for the moment[/]. I am fully aware though I will quite soon need few such characters and I'm slowly but steadily going into this direction. For example I have 3/4 Shras, 1/5 Suus Mahna Sarek, 1/5 Prisoner Cornwell, 1/4 Robin Hood Picard and 1/4 Shran. All these characters are about lvl 40-60. I also have very good green team for cadet challenges: 2/2 Data, 2/2 Hoshi Sato, 2/2 Worf, 2/2 Sisko, 2/2 Kes, 2/2 Bev Crusher, 2/2 Seven, 2/2 Janeway, 1/2 Kira, 1/2 Melora, 1/2 Sito, 1/2 Leeta. Most of them lvl 40-60 for the moment. I also have pretty good squad of blue characters (Maquis Torres, T'Pol, Brunt, Saavik, Donik, Pulaski and few others) but most of them still need leveling.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    And while getting worthwhile rewards in gauntlet is more difficult than it is in shuttles or voyages, when you DO get worthwhile rewards in gauntlet, you have the potential to get things better than anything it’s possible to get through shuttles or voyages.

    Gauntlet can drop 5* crew, it can drop equippable items that might otherwise take a few hundred chrons, etc.

    Simply not true.
    Gauntlet offers random items which most of the time you don't need. Voyages give instead chronitons which you can use to craft items you actually need.
    Gauntlet offer one gold character which is mostly really useful only in Gauntlet. Voyages on the other hand give you opportunity to get many uncommon, rare and super rare characters which can be very useful in Gauntlet, Battle Arena, shuttles, voyages, story missions, you name it.

    You already stated you don't need Level 100 crew in a different post--- which I feel is setting yourself up for some bitter failure when you start hitting crew slot limits. Concentrating on one to two crew at a time getting them to 100 should be a priority for any form of longevity in the game. Lolly gagging in the meantime is just setting yourself up for pain.

    Not exactly. I said I don't need lvl 100 characters for the moment[/]. I am fully aware though I will quite soon need few such characters and I'm slowly but steadily going into this direction. For example I have 3/4 Shras, 1/5 Suus Mahna Sarek, 1/5 Prisoner Cornwell, 1/4 Robin Hood Picard and 1/4 Shran. All these characters are about lvl 40-60. I also have very good green team for cadet challenges: 2/2 Data, 2/2 Hoshi Sato, 2/2 Worf, 2/2 Sisko, 2/2 Kes, 2/2 Bev Crusher, 2/2 Seven, 2/2 Janeway, 1/2 Kira, 1/2 Melora, 1/2 Sito, 1/2 Leeta. Most of them lvl 40-60 for the moment. I also have pretty good squad of blue characters (Maquis Torres, T'Pol, Brunt, Saavik, Donik, Pulaski and few others) but most of them still need leveling.

    Your contention that you're doing well on trainers seems a bit suspect when you are talking about having a lot of lvl40-60.

    Reference: https://stt.wiki/wiki/Crew_Experience_Training

    It takes 192,910 XP to get a character to 100. It takes 36,210 xp to get to lvl 60. This is less than 20% of the total XP requirement to get to 100. That means you need 4x the amount of XP to get them the rest of the way.

    You're welcome to play your game how you will (obviously) but most players experienced a great trainer shortage early in their play history. If that has been fixed (or at least alleviated) with voyages, then that's awesome to hear. However, until you start pushing through the last two tiers of leveling with more characters, you haven't seen the hardest of the trainer crunch.
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