Yarnek, Salt Creature, Gorn Captain, 23rd Century Martok, Proto-Worf, Laas and Ripper as bonus crew. Might be a few I'm missing.
Laas, a monster?
Dude can turn himself into a Fish from Outer Space. That's a bit monster-ish.
But monster has connotations of mindlessness/primitiveness as well as inherent scariness and usually dangerous.
Laas is just a guy who can shapeshift. He was an unpleasant guy, but still just a guy.
Was Odo also a monster?
5 out of the 7 crew I listed were sentient beings. I was referring to appearances.
Also making yet another snide remark about 23C Martok. I don't think those will ever go out of vogue.
I guess, but Laas' appearance itself is, well...anything. He could make himself look fully human if he wanted to. I just don't think he really qualifies, even based on looks.
But yeah, Martato jokes are always going to be a thing it seems :P
“Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak
Cardassian wishlist: Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
A Horta? That is amazing. Bonus crew is not particularly evident, given that there are only two Barclays. But, whatever. Horta!
Three Barclays.
Duelist, Hologram and Interfaced.
But I agree.
I really, really hope they announce the bonus crew early. Normally you know that it will be variants of all 3 crew and can start working on them accordingly, but this one is a head scratcher.
I normally use all 5 replicator uses a day from Saturday until the event prepping crew but I have no idea who to work on.
I like all the choices for the event and hate them at the same time since it gives no clue whatsoever as to who the bonus event crew will be.
I'm actually pretty happy about that. Three of the last four events have had at least a galaxy component. I mean, I'd be happier to get a straight expedition event, but I'll take this.
And three of four somewhere recent were Faction, or part Faction......
It's true.
The difference is that you can passively play a faction event, running shuttles, getting some stuff, at no loss of resources. It's all freebies.
With a galaxy event, you can't. You have to invest resources that would otherwise go to leveling crew to play at all. I usually clear out the thresholds (at least to a certain point) on the basis that I'm getting more out than I'm putting in, even if it happens to be in the form of credits or crew instead of equipment. But because the investment is a lot higher, the ROI is nowhere near as good as for faction events.
@Shan could you clarify - when you said the names may not be final, do you mean the actual crew might change (as in swap out Barclay for Troi)? Or did you just mean the actual names might change (as in Genesis Barclay becomes Protomorphesis Barclay)?
I'm actually pretty happy about that. Three of the last four events have had at least a galaxy component. I mean, I'd be happier to get a straight expedition event, but I'll take this.
And three of four somewhere recent were Faction, or part Faction......
It's true.
The difference is that you can passively play a faction event, running shuttles, getting some stuff, at no loss of resources. It's all freebies.
With a galaxy event, you can't. You have to invest resources that would otherwise go to leveling crew to play at all. I usually clear out the thresholds (at least to a certain point) on the basis that I'm getting more out than I'm putting in, even if it happens to be in the form of credits or crew instead of equipment. But because the investment is a lot higher, the ROI is nowhere near as good as for faction events.
Factions are my favorite event, largely for the reasons you've laid out here. Mostly because I tend to score better than 1000th without having to burn any dil, as well.
However, I've seen this conversation play out in several "Key Information" threads so I thought I'd help kick it along. Some folks apparently don't have access to the game every few hours, and thus do horribly at Faction events. Some of these same folks feel they can do well enough in Galaxy by burning all their resources when the time allows.
I have edited the original post with the final names AND as an exception for this time, the bonus crew as well
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Barclay, crew with the Doctor trait, crew with the Brutal trait and crew with the Spiritual trait.
I have edited the original post with the final names AND as an exception for this time, the bonus crew as well
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Barclay, crew with the Doctor trait, crew with the Brutal trait and crew with the Spiritual trait.
The difference is that you can passively play a faction event, running shuttles, getting some stuff, at no loss of resources. It's all freebies.
With a galaxy event, you can't. You have to invest resources that would otherwise go to leveling crew to play at all. I usually clear out the thresholds (at least to a certain point) on the basis that I'm getting more out than I'm putting in, even if it happens to be in the form of credits or crew instead of equipment. But because the investment is a lot higher, the ROI is nowhere near as good as for faction events.
Exactly this. I just can't understand how someone can prefer the resource/money pit of galaxy events where the cost is very high and the penalties are worse because all the costs (items and chronitons) can't be used on leveling crew.
With shuttles, each shuttle gives you loot (even if you fail) where you gain items and they take very little time. A minute every 3 hours if you want to play constantly or a minute at whatever time frame you want to run them. And the items you are gathering the from the shuttles, you can use for leveling your crew. Same with chronitons, you can use them to farm items for leveling crew.
To sum it up
Galaxy = halt crew progression and spend money/resources to do it
Faction = accelerated crew progression (because of the faction item drops) and costs nothing but a few minutes of time.
No. It had dolphins, by no means were they "crew members" (for obvious reasons).
Spot, Data's cat, was also not a crew member for similar reasons.
Obviously only canonic material counts as legitimate reference here. If you include the books, then you are admittedly going to get some very stupid ideas too.
I just can't understand how someone can prefer the resource/money pit of galaxy events where the cost is very high and the penalties are worse because all the costs (items and chronitons) can't be used on leveling crew.
With shuttles, each shuttle gives you loot (even if you fail) where you gain items and they take very little time. A minute every 3 hours if you want to play constantly or a minute at whatever time frame you want to run them. And the items you are gathering the from the shuttles, you can use for leveling your crew. Same with chronitons, you can use them to farm items for leveling crew.
Faction events rely too much on RNG.
No matter how good your crew is, no matter how well you plan and formulate a strategy, you are are at the mercy of things you cannot control.
Also, it it too dependant on time.
If you have to do something at certain times, then your shuttle coming back just 30 seconds into that window means that you might have to waste hours before you have a chance to send more. With the best will in the world, you can only fit so many blocks of 3-hours into 4 days.
Plus, with the increased competitiveness, there is pressure now to even wake up in the night to send shuttles (which I refuse to do).
Galaxy events on the other hand can be played whenever you want, for as long as you want, and you are guaranteed to get VP for your actions. Much less RNG, and therefore easier to predict and control. Much less stress all round.
@Shan could you clarify - when you said the names may not be final, do you mean the actual crew might change (as in swap out Barclay for Troi)? Or did you just mean the actual names might change (as in Genesis Barclay becomes Protomorphesis Barclay)?
If my in-laws were not here I would have asked the same. This is a very important question that needs an answer as soon as possible.
I just can't understand how someone can prefer the resource/money pit of galaxy events where the cost is very high and the penalties are worse because all the costs (items and chronitons) can't be used on leveling crew.
With shuttles, each shuttle gives you loot (even if you fail) where you gain items and they take very little time. A minute every 3 hours if you want to play constantly or a minute at whatever time frame you want to run them. And the items you are gathering the from the shuttles, you can use for leveling your crew. Same with chronitons, you can use them to farm items for leveling crew.
Faction events rely too much on RNG.
No matter how good your crew is, no matter how well you plan and formulate a strategy, you are are at the mercy of things you cannot control.
Also, it it too dependant on time.
If you have to do something at certain times, then your shuttle coming back just 30 seconds into that window means that you might have to waste hours before you have a chance to send more. With the best will in the world, you can only fit so many blocks of 3-hours into 4 days.
Plus, with the increased competitiveness, there is pressure now to even wake up in the night to send shuttles (which I refuse to do).
Galaxy events on the other hand can be played whenever you want, for as long as you want, and you are guaranteed to get VP for your actions. Much less RNG, and therefore easier to predict and control. Much less stress all round.
I see all your points except one.
It's just a deep and wide in galaxies. Especially on low drop items --- and don't forget how random the super rares are. Galaxies are so RNG it's not even funny. That being said, you get more chances thus more pulls on the random tree thus more chances to succeed.
I have edited the original post with the final names AND as an exception for this time, the bonus crew as well
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Barclay, crew with the Doctor trait, crew with the Brutal trait and crew with the Spiritual trait.
Holy buckets, that is a LOT of bonus crew, it's going to be difficult for me NOT to find crew for each and every slot.
The rampant success will be a nice change from the brutal shuttles this time around. But ranking in this event is going to be about time boosts instead of crew.
Also, all four of the previous Mega-Event legendary characters have Brutal. That means that anyone who has been playing for a while will have four 4/5 bonus characters, if not better. This is going to be interesting.
The Guardians of Tomorrow Protecting the Galaxy's Future from itself
Chief Intelligence Officer
I have edited the original post with the final names AND as an exception for this time, the bonus crew as well
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Barclay, crew with the Doctor trait, crew with the Brutal trait and crew with the Spiritual trait.
Event factions: Federation, Section 31, Bajorans
As others have noted, those three traits create an especially large pool of bonus crew. That's probably overkill, but since it's current again I thought I'd make mention that I dig it. It's a nice way to spotlight some otherwise neglected crew members, and to make traits a little more relevant.
Don't lose hope yet. They may declare other bonus crew on Tuesday
5 out of the 7 crew I listed were sentient beings. I was referring to appearances.
Also making yet another snide remark about 23C Martok. I don't think those will ever go out of vogue.
I guess, but Laas' appearance itself is, well...anything. He could make himself look fully human if he wanted to. I just don't think he really qualifies, even based on looks.
But yeah, Martato jokes are always going to be a thing it seems :P
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
I really, really hope they announce the bonus crew early. Normally you know that it will be variants of all 3 crew and can start working on them accordingly, but this one is a head scratcher.
I normally use all 5 replicator uses a day from Saturday until the event prepping crew but I have no idea who to work on.
I like all the choices for the event and hate them at the same time since it gives no clue whatsoever as to who the bonus event crew will be.
It's true.
The difference is that you can passively play a faction event, running shuttles, getting some stuff, at no loss of resources. It's all freebies.
With a galaxy event, you can't. You have to invest resources that would otherwise go to leveling crew to play at all. I usually clear out the thresholds (at least to a certain point) on the basis that I'm getting more out than I'm putting in, even if it happens to be in the form of credits or crew instead of equipment. But because the investment is a lot higher, the ROI is nowhere near as good as for faction events.
Factions are my favorite event, largely for the reasons you've laid out here. Mostly because I tend to score better than 1000th without having to burn any dil, as well.
However, I've seen this conversation play out in several "Key Information" threads so I thought I'd help kick it along.
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Barclay, crew with the Doctor trait, crew with the Brutal trait and crew with the Spiritual trait.
Event factions: Federation, Section 31, Bajorans
Thank you very very much Shan.
★★★★★ ''Dark Ages'' McCoy:dip::sec::med:
★★★★★ Age of Sail Crusher:cmd::dip::med:
★★★★★ Alternate Future Bashir:cmd::sci::med:
★★★★ Antaak:sci::med:
★★★★ Author Doctor:dip::med:
★★★★★ Bashir, Julian Bashir:dip::sec::med:
★ CMO 'Bones' McCoy:med:
★ CMO Bashir:cmd::med:
★★ CMO Crusher:med:
★★★ CMO Ogawa:cmd::dip::med:
★★★ CMO Pulaski:sci::med:
★★★★ Changeling Bashir:eng::sec::med:
★★★★ Commander Chapel:dip::sci::med:
★★★ Commando Crusher:sec::sci::med:
★★★★★ Crell Moset:dip::sci::med:
★★★★ Danara Pel:sci::med:
★★★★★ Defensive Phlox:sec::sci::med:
★★★★ Doc Crusher:dip::sci::med:
★★★★ Doctor Chapel:med:
★★★★ Doctor La Forge:eng::sec::med:
★★★ Doctor Selar:med:
★★★★ Dr Crusher:cmd::sec::med:
★★ Dr Phlox:sci::med:
★★★★ Dr. David Marcus:eng::sci:
★★★★ Dr. Hippocrates Noah:dip::sci::med:
★★★★★ Dr. Hugh Culber:sci::med:
★★★★ Drafted McCoy:dip::med:
★★★★★ Gladiator McCoy:sec::med:
★★★★ Holonovel Doctor:sci::med:
★★★★ Katra McCoy:dip::sci::med:
★★★★★ Mirror Beverly Crusher:dip::sci::med:
★★★★ Mirror Phlox:sec::med:
★★★★★ Mobile Doctor:dip::sci::med:
★★★ Prisoner 'Bones' McCoy:dip::med:
★★★★ RAF Julian Bashir:sec::med:
★★★ Racquetball Bashir:cmd::sci::med:
★★★★★ Sulan:cmd::sci::med:
★★★ Surgeon Phlox:cmd::sci::med:
★★★★ Agent Harris:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★ Ambassador K'Ehleyr:dip::sec:
★★★★ Apollo:cmd::dip::med:
★★★★★ Assimilated La Forge:cmd::eng::sci:
★★★★ Assimilated Tuvok:cmd::sec::sci:
★★★★★ Augment Picard:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★★ Beowulf Kim:cmd::eng::sec:
★★★★★ Borg Queen:cmd::dip::eng:
★★★★★ Chancellor Gowron:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★★ Changeling Founder:cmd::dip:
★★★★ Commander Barak:cmd::sec:
★★★★ Commander Dolim:cmd::sec:
★★★ Commander Kruge:cmd::sec:
★★★★★ Crell Moset:dip::sci::med:
★★★★★ Dahar Master Kang:dip::sec:
★★★★★ Doctor Chaotica:cmd::sci:
★★★★ Dominion Dukat:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★ Drone Seven of Nine:eng::sec::sci:
★★★★★ Falcon O'Brien:cmd::eng::sec:
★★★★ Fierce Guinan:dip::sec:
★★★★ Galen:dip::sec::sci:
★★★★ Gorn Captain:cmd::sec:
★★★★★ Gul Madred:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★★ Judge Q:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★ Keevan:cmd::dip:
★★★ Klingon Dukat:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★★ Klingon Janeway:cmd::sec::sci:
★★★★ Klingon Neelix:dip::sec:
★★★★ Klingon Torres:eng::sec:
★★★★★ Kortar:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★★ Locutus of Borg:dip::sec::sci:
★★★★ Lon Suder:eng::sec::sci:
★★★★ Mirror Garak:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★★ Mirror Intendant Kira:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★ Mirror Janeway:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★★ Mirror Jean-Luc Picard:cmd::sec::sci:
★★★★ Mirror K'Ehleyr:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★★ Mirror Kirk:cmd::sec:
★★★★ Mirror Mayweather:cmd::eng::sec:
★★★★ Mirror Phlox:sec::med:
★★★★★ Mirror Reed:cmd::sec:
★★★★★ Mirror Regent Worf:cmd::sec:
★★★★ Mirror Tucker:eng::sec:
★★★★ Mirror Uhura:dip::sec:
★★★★★ Obsidian Order Garak:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★ Orion Slaver:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★ Prisoner O'Brien:dip::eng::sec:
★★★★★ Protomorphosis Worf:cmd::sec:
★★★★★ Ripper:sec::sci:
★★★★★ Sulan:cmd::sci::med:
★★★★★ T'Kuvma:cmd::sec:
★★★★ The Clown:dip::eng::sec:
★★★★★ The One, Lore:cmd::eng::sci:
★★★ The Viceroy:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★ Tommy Gun Dixon:cmd::dip::sec:
★★★★★ Torchbearer Rejac:cmd::sec:
★★★★ Tsunkatse Seven:cmd::sec::sci:
★★★★★ Vengeful L'Rell:dip::sec:
★★★★ Warship Chakotay:cmd::sec:
★★★★ Warship Janeway:cmd::sec::sci:
★★★★★ Wrathful Khan:cmd::eng::sec:
★★★★ Young Khan:cmd::dip::eng:
★★★★ Apollo:cmd::dip::med:
★★★★★ Kai Opaka:cmd::dip:
★★★★★ Rogue Kai Winn:cmd::dip:
★★★★ Sybok:dip::sci::med:
★★★★★ T'Kuvma:cmd::sec:
★★★★ Vedek Bareil Antos:cmd::dip::med:
★★★ Vedek Winn Adami:cmd::dip:
Exactly this. I just can't understand how someone can prefer the resource/money pit of galaxy events where the cost is very high and the penalties are worse because all the costs (items and chronitons) can't be used on leveling crew.
With shuttles, each shuttle gives you loot (even if you fail) where you gain items and they take very little time. A minute every 3 hours if you want to play constantly or a minute at whatever time frame you want to run them. And the items you are gathering the from the shuttles, you can use for leveling your crew. Same with chronitons, you can use them to farm items for leveling crew.
To sum it up
Galaxy = halt crew progression and spend money/resources to do it
Faction = accelerated crew progression (because of the faction item drops) and costs nothing but a few minutes of time.
No. It had dolphins, by no means were they "crew members" (for obvious reasons).
Spot, Data's cat, was also not a crew member for similar reasons.
Obviously only canonic material counts as legitimate reference here. If you include the books, then you are admittedly going to get some very stupid ideas too.
We've had Borg, Klingons and Mirror Universe. I wonder what the next will be? Ferengi? Cardassians? Romulans?
Protecting the galaxy's future from itself since 22XX
Faction events rely too much on RNG.
No matter how good your crew is, no matter how well you plan and formulate a strategy, you are are at the mercy of things you cannot control.
Also, it it too dependant on time.
If you have to do something at certain times, then your shuttle coming back just 30 seconds into that window means that you might have to waste hours before you have a chance to send more. With the best will in the world, you can only fit so many blocks of 3-hours into 4 days.
Plus, with the increased competitiveness, there is pressure now to even wake up in the night to send shuttles (which I refuse to do).
Galaxy events on the other hand can be played whenever you want, for as long as you want, and you are guaranteed to get VP for your actions. Much less RNG, and therefore easier to predict and control. Much less stress all round.
If my in-laws were not here I would have asked the same. This is a very important question that needs an answer as soon as possible.
Lol you forgot Discovery mega event 1.
I'm gonna hope for Dominion or Romulan.
And for the next mega event, I would vote Ferengi.
I see all your points except one.
It's just a deep and wide in galaxies. Especially on low drop items --- and don't forget how random the super rares are. Galaxies are so RNG it's not even funny. That being said, you get more chances thus more pulls on the random tree thus more chances to succeed.
Went from famine to feast. I'm a fan of having more bonus crew than less, but ummm, wow. I might do 5 person shuttles.
Thanks @Shan !
Holy buckets, that is a LOT of bonus crew, it's going to be difficult for me NOT to find crew for each and every slot.
The rampant success will be a nice change from the brutal shuttles this time around. But ranking in this event is going to be about time boosts instead of crew.
Now hopefully we get Dr. Nichols as the three-star crew.
Protecting the Galaxy's Future from itself
Chief Intelligence Officer
Just use the keyboard!
That's the ticket laddy
Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
As others have noted, those three traits create an especially large pool of bonus crew. That's probably overkill, but since it's current again I thought I'd make mention that I dig it. It's a nice way to spotlight some otherwise neglected crew members, and to make traits a little more relevant.
But thank you for making it.
It's valued