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Why does DB hate Jonathan Archer?



  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭

    I like Scott Bakula as Archer. He was kind of odd, quirky, inexperienced, but excitable. He didn't really know what he was doing, he was a pilot first and foremost. But he was excited to have his job, do humanity proud and go exploring around the galaxy. I find that most people who take issue with him dislike how he didn't have the instant commanding nature that Picard, Kirk, Sisko and Janeway had. He was kind of awkward, but then, Starfleet Academy wasn't exactly a well-established institution churning out Captains by the dozen, and this was his very first command.

    Basically hit the nail on the head here, one of the main tropes of the first season was that Starfleet was not the Federation it didn't have all the trimmings, infrastructure, values etc. Repeatedly T'Pol reminds Archer and others of protocols of first contact; experiences with other aliens such as Tripp witnessing what may seem as torturing a child was actually weening a child to a different atmosphere. They didn't act or behave like Federation because, it wasn't the federation and it would still take time for that to formulate... I believe the term you can relate to Captain, would be; "Rome was not built in a day."
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭

    I like Scott Bakula as Archer. He was kind of odd, quirky, inexperienced, but excitable. He didn't really know what he was doing, he was a pilot first and foremost. But he was excited to have his job, do humanity proud and go exploring around the galaxy. I find that most people who take issue with him dislike how he didn't have the instant commanding nature that Picard, Kirk, Sisko and Janeway had. He was kind of awkward, but then, Starfleet Academy wasn't exactly a well-established institution churning out Captains by the dozen, and this was his very first command.

    Basically hit the nail on the head here, one of the main tropes of the first season was that Starfleet was not the Federation it didn't have all the trimmings, infrastructure, values etc. Repeatedly T'Pol reminds Archer and others of protocols of first contact; experiences with other aliens such as Tripp witnessing what may seem as torturing a child was actually weening a child to a different atmosphere. They didn't act or behave like Federation because, it wasn't the federation and it would still take time for that to formulate... I believe the term you can relate to Captain, would be; "Rome was not built in a day."

    Hoshi: It's not like they're required to check in every 15 minutes
    Reed: Well they should be!

    I always liked the little lines like that, specifically around Reed and his protocols. It gave you a sense that all the rules and stuff thrown at you in the other series wasn't established by some bureaucrats in Starfleet, they were established after a lot of trial and error, and based off of real experiences.
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

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