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Why does DB hate Jonathan Archer?



  • USS Glenn (normally I would edit my posts but for some reason javascript has stopped working on my phone)
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  • Actually, people are starting to make a very good case for more ENT in the game. I was quite saddened by the mega appearing to have an ENT storyline but Discovery crew manning the Enterprise slots.

    To be fair, ENT crew got to man what I think we all expected to be DS9 slots in the Mirror mega. By my calculations, ENT has a net loss/gain of 0 and Disco owes DS9 1.
  • We had a Mirror Dax, and Mirror Vic, and Mirror Picard, Troi and Crusher too remember
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • ENT
    Sato (Existing)
    Tucker (Existing)

    La Forge


    Vic Fontaine
    Jadzia Dax

    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Sorry editing not available. Wondered why I had to type Janeway twice lol she jumped ship!
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    You may be concerned about Archer, but he has 6 iterations in this dastardly game. The real question is, is why are there only 9 true Romulans in this game? They even made 3 fake Romulans to try and make up the numbers.

    DB hates Romulans!

    It always felt like Romulans got the shaft in the shows and films as well. Even in Nemesis, which depends heavily on the Romulan Star empre for the plot, makes them a sideshow behind the (desperately needed and appreciated) feature of the Remans. The lead-up to the Earth-Romulan war in ENT and their involvement in the Dominion War was nice but I always wanted more, even if it still wasn’t equal to the time spent on the Klingons.

    I really want a Romulan Mega-Event. There's still numerous Romulans we don't have yet and we can also reintegrate some of the older ones for the ME as well. Besides, ENT's Admiral Valdore might be Brian Thompson's first version in game for once. This guy is in everything! He's played 5 different Star Trek characters across TNG, DS9, and ENT.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • ENT
    Sato (Existing)
    Tucker (Existing)

    La Forge


    Vic Fontaine
    Jadzia Dax

    Uhura (existing)

    For perspective, number of Mirror Universe episodes:

    1 TOS
    0 TNG
    5 DS9
    0 VOY
    2 ENT (though it was a 2-parter so really just one actual story)

    Ergo, DS9 constituted 5/8 of all canon Mirror episodes at the time of "Smoke & Mirrors", but only got 3/13 of the featured crew slots. Of course, it was TOS that really got cheated because despite the whole Mirror Universe originating there, its lone representative was Mirror Uhura, who was not only preexisting, but had even appeared in the featured crew for an event (and an event that had already had one replay, at that!).

    So now that I think about it, Disco stole "Ghosts from the Past" from ENT, and TNG stole "Smoke & Mirrors" from TOS and DS9. VOY got to dominate "The Process of Assimilation", and "A Good Day to Lie" was...well, it was a mess, is what it was.

    Man, these megas have been wonky when you get down to it.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    We know the attack on Earth by Xindi’s never took place. Rewrite of history or a divergence of the timeline. And I think they did what they could to make the existing history fit to their version not vice a versa.

    How do we "know the attack on Earth by the Xindi never took place"? In real life, we go about our business without talking about historical events. When was the last time you talked about the Triangle Shirtwaist fire and strike, or the sinking of the Lusitania, or Stonewall? They happened and they made an important impact on the course of history whether we talk about them in our daily lives or not.

    Hell, until TNG "Wounded", no one had ever even said the word "Cardassian" and then all of a sudden we're told the Federation has only just concluded a years-long war with them. Miles O'Brien was a veteran of that war, but not one other person on the flagship of the Federation had ever been involved with it. That's far more egregious than no one an entire century, let alone two centuries, talking about the Xindi.

    Daniels in Enterprise said it never occurred.

  • WaldoMag wrote: »
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    We know the attack on Earth by Xindi’s never took place. Rewrite of history or a divergence of the timeline. And I think they did what they could to make the existing history fit to their version not vice a versa.

    How do we "know the attack on Earth by the Xindi never took place"? In real life, we go about our business without talking about historical events. When was the last time you talked about the Triangle Shirtwaist fire and strike, or the sinking of the Lusitania, or Stonewall? They happened and they made an important impact on the course of history whether we talk about them in our daily lives or not.

    Hell, until TNG "Wounded", no one had ever even said the word "Cardassian" and then all of a sudden we're told the Federation has only just concluded a years-long war with them. Miles O'Brien was a veteran of that war, but not one other person on the flagship of the Federation had ever been involved with it. That's far more egregious than no one an entire century, let alone two centuries, talking about the Xindi.

    Daniels in Enterprise said it never occurred.

    Rather than bothering to try to rephrase any of it, I'm just gonna quote the Memory Alpha summary of this part of the Xindi incident:
    In November of 2153 (after Enterprise had encounters with a lost Human tribe and a polaric field), Captain Archer was once again contacted by Daniels, an operative in the Temporal Cold War who had assisted Enterprise on several previous occasions. Daniels informed Archer that the Xindi attack on Earth was the result of a temporal incursion whose effects had not yet reached his own time, so he would be unable to assist in the search for the weapon. (ENT: "North Star", "Similitude", "Carpenter Street")

    If this is what you're referring to, it's important to distinguish that this is not the same thing as saying the attack never occurred. Just that the whole thing was set into motion by some temporal monkeying that hadn't played out enough by Daniels's time for him to know enough about it. (I'll readily grant this is an especially convoluted storytelling cop-out to keep the time traveler from being of any meaningful help, but ENT never really did seem to understand its own temporal mechanics.)

    The Memory Alpha summary continues:
    Daniels did, however, bring word that three Xindi were present in the year 2004 on Earth, where they had been operating for two months. Daniels sent Archer and T'Pol backwards in time to deal with the threat. Archer and T'Pol discovered that Xindi-Reptilian scientists were assembling a bio-weapon to wipe out Humanity in the past; later information would show that after the Rajiin incident the Xindi Council had banned further research into the bio-weapon and that the Sphere-Builders had taken the biologist Damron and his team into the past to covertly complete their work. Archer and T'Pol successfully stopped the bio-weapon from being deployed and returned to 2153. (ENT: "Carpenter Street", "The Forgotten")

    So the attack in 2004 did not occur, as Archer and T'Pol stopped it, but the one in 2153 that decimated Florida down to Venezuela, still did occur.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I really want a Romulan Mega-Event. There's still numerous Romulans we don't have yet and we can also reintegrate some of the older ones for the ME as well. Besides, ENT's Admiral Valdore might be Brian Thompson's first version in game for once. This guy is in everything! He's played 5 different Star Trek characters across TNG, DS9, and ENT.

    Admiral Valdore would be a great recurring character for a Romulan mega event.
  • I'm more surprised that Hoshi doesn't have a 5 star yet.
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    You may be concerned about Archer, but he has 6 iterations in this dastardly game. The real question is, is why are there only 9 true Romulans in this game? They even made 3 fake Romulans to try and make up the numbers.

    DB hates Romulans!

    It always felt like Romulans got the shaft in the shows and films as well. Even in Nemesis, which depends heavily on the Romulan Star empre for the plot, makes them a sideshow behind the (desperately needed and appreciated) feature of the Remans. The lead-up to the Earth-Romulan war in ENT and their involvement in the Dominion War was nice but I always wanted more, even if it still wasn’t equal to the time spent on the Klingons.
    You may be concerned about Archer, but he has 6 iterations in this dastardly game. The real question is, is why are there only 9 true Romulans in this game? They even made 3 fake Romulans to try and make up the numbers.

    DB hates Romulans!

    It always felt like Romulans got the shaft in the shows and films as well. Even in Nemesis, which depends heavily on the Romulan Star empre for the plot, makes them a sideshow behind the (desperately needed and appreciated) feature of the Remans. The lead-up to the Earth-Romulan war in ENT and their involvement in the Dominion War was nice but I always wanted more, even if it still wasn’t equal to the time spent on the Klingons.

    I'm a fan of the Romulans, but I like to pretend that Nemesis doesn't exist :-(

    Ds9 did best depicting Romulans: Plotting, scheming, deceiving. Some of the best plots in ds9 involve Romulans

    What did Nemesis do? Invented evil Romulans with more alien ugly faces and giving them bigger starships....

  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    We know the attack on Earth by Xindi’s never took place. Rewrite of history or a divergence of the timeline. And I think they did what they could to make the existing history fit to their version not vice a versa.

    How do we "know the attack on Earth by the Xindi never took place"? In real life, we go about our business without talking about historical events. When was the last time you talked about the Triangle Shirtwaist fire and strike, or the sinking of the Lusitania, or Stonewall? They happened and they made an important impact on the course of history whether we talk about them in our daily lives or not.

    Hell, until TNG "Wounded", no one had ever even said the word "Cardassian" and then all of a sudden we're told the Federation has only just concluded a years-long war with them. Miles O'Brien was a veteran of that war, but not one other person on the flagship of the Federation had ever been involved with it. That's far more egregious than no one an entire century, let alone two centuries, talking about the Xindi.

    Daniels in Enterprise said it never occurred.

    Rather than bothering to try to rephrase any of it, I'm just gonna quote the Memory Alpha summary of this part of the Xindi incident:
    In November of 2153 (after Enterprise had encounters with a lost Human tribe and a polaric field), Captain Archer was once again contacted by Daniels, an operative in the Temporal Cold War who had assisted Enterprise on several previous occasions. Daniels informed Archer that the Xindi attack on Earth was the result of a temporal incursion whose effects had not yet reached his own time, so he would be unable to assist in the search for the weapon. (ENT: "North Star", "Similitude", "Carpenter Street")

    If this is what you're referring to, it's important to distinguish that this is not the same thing as saying the attack never occurred. Just that the whole thing was set into motion by some temporal monkeying that hadn't played out enough by Daniels's time for him to know enough about it. (I'll readily grant this is an especially convoluted storytelling cop-out to keep the time traveler from being of any meaningful help, but ENT never really did seem to understand its own temporal mechanics.)

    The Memory Alpha summary continues:
    Daniels did, however, bring word that three Xindi were present in the year 2004 on Earth, where they had been operating for two months. Daniels sent Archer and T'Pol backwards in time to deal with the threat. Archer and T'Pol discovered that Xindi-Reptilian scientists were assembling a bio-weapon to wipe out Humanity in the past; later information would show that after the Rajiin incident the Xindi Council had banned further research into the bio-weapon and that the Sphere-Builders had taken the biologist Damron and his team into the past to covertly complete their work. Archer and T'Pol successfully stopped the bio-weapon from being deployed and returned to 2153. (ENT: "Carpenter Street", "The Forgotten")

    So the attack in 2004 did not occur, as Archer and T'Pol stopped it, but the one in 2153 that decimated Florida down to Venezuela, still did occur.

    Takes time to reach Daniels. How far in the future Is Daniels. I would say that is a lot of time for something to reach him.

    I do get annoyed with this Temporal Cold War that is only affecting the Enterprise series.

    Of course, I say that there has been a divergence in the timeline. With my theory they could redo all the series with the new timeline.

    Edit: Different topic. The TNG last episode with the anomaly moving backward in time. Is there an explanation why the anomaly was not there when the future Picard first got to the location. Of course, all his other versions see the anomaly so it did have the time necessary for him to have saw it

    Edit2: Back to Enterprise when Daniels brings Archer to the future and the future was all changed was there that extra passage of time?

    Edit3: Why did the future change when he brought Archer there. This was not the first time he brought Archer to the future.

    Edit4: I would think one can see that I am watching a lot of Enterprise and working from memory, I do think with its flaws it still is the second.best series. I too am disappointed that it could not have run longer.
  • littlestoatielittlestoatie ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Siblin wrote: »
    They ain’t the only ones. I Disliked most of ENT and archer was fairly dull. Perhaps it’s an American vs European thing, for the Americans he’s an exploring pioneer, but to Europeans he doesn’t offer much.

    What did Europeans get? A fussy Brit in the form of reed :/

    Sorry what? I’m European and enjoyed Enterprise just fine thanks. Completely feel Archer is inappropriately overlooked. It’s just not good enough from DB.
    “Holodeck 2 tomorrow, 1600 hours. Just you, me and a tuning fork”
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Let's just say Captain Archer doesn't fit Hollywood's preferred and now required demographic. I guess neither does the majority of the fan base for Star Trek. Interesting isn't it?

    Kinda back door of saying something that could be considered offensive, but I will counter it just as obtusely. The Star Trek Fanbase has always been diverse across several areas of demographics mostly due to its record of fairly diverse casting.

    And to put it even less obtusely. Doctor Martin Luther King Jr was aware of and saw the importance of Star Trek, some accounts even have him watching it.

    I am not sure what was offensive about that. Was it stating Hollywood's clear preferences or is it simply offensive now to be a part of a certain demographic and *have* an opinion? Which part was offensive to you?

    Lol, if you really don't find it easy to find, you're in a mental demographic that probably promotes that kind of offensive thought.

    "Promotes that kind of offensive thought" what an interesting statement. People like you are the reason western societies are giving up free speech as to "not offend". I'll try to keep my offensive thought rays directed away from you so you don't burst into offensive flames or cry oceans of liberal tears because I think differently from you. Freedom in America doesn't end where your delicate feelings begin.
  • SiblinSiblin ✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Siblin wrote: »
    They ain’t the only ones. I Disliked most of ENT and archer was fairly dull. Perhaps it’s an American vs European thing, for the Americans he’s an exploring pioneer, but to Europeans he doesn’t offer much.

    What did Europeans get? A fussy Brit in the form of reed :/

    Although not as popular as Kirk and Picard, I think it's fair to say that we could at least have Archer in an event a single time in over two years of events. I don't complain when some of the much worse characters like Kim and Stamets are used in events.

    Stamets is an awesome character! You start off to believe he’s cold and rude, but he changes and your opinion of him changes.

    One of the things discovery gets right is most of the characters have more than one dimension. As much as most of the other flavours were great, the characters were largely simplistic - “the logical one” or “the young ensign” etc..
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Siblin wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Siblin wrote: »
    They ain’t the only ones. I Disliked most of ENT and archer was fairly dull. Perhaps it’s an American vs European thing, for the Americans he’s an exploring pioneer, but to Europeans he doesn’t offer much.

    What did Europeans get? A fussy Brit in the form of reed :/

    Although not as popular as Kirk and Picard, I think it's fair to say that we could at least have Archer in an event a single time in over two years of events. I don't complain when some of the much worse characters like Kim and Stamets are used in events.

    Stamets is an awesome character! You start off to believe he’s cold and rude, but he changes and your opinion of him changes.

    One of the things discovery gets right is most of the characters have more than one dimension. As much as most of the other flavours were great, the characters were largely simplistic - “the logical one” or “the young ensign” etc..

    If you think that Spock's only characterisation was "the logical one", I think you need to re-watch some things...

    Also have you seen DS9? Literally no character there was one-dimensional. Even the Ferengi were complex.

    And TNG had little to no cut-and-dried characters either. Picard was the strategic, brilliant diplomat and tactician, with loads of empathy, but he was also borderline afraid of children, developed PTSD about the Borg to the point of driving him to genocide and extreme measure, and he developed a level of understanding about the Klingons that few captains ever could hope for. Not to mention everything about the Vash arc.

    I could go on about a lot of other characters, but long story short, DSC was in no way the first ST show to have "complex" characters, and having a character simply go from one thing to another isn't actually that complex compared to a lot of other characters developed in previous series.

    Also, Stamets
    changed because he was biologically fused with alien spores, that's not so much character development as straight-up "this is a new character now".
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
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  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Siblin wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Siblin wrote: »
    They ain’t the only ones. I Disliked most of ENT and archer was fairly dull. Perhaps it’s an American vs European thing, for the Americans he’s an exploring pioneer, but to Europeans he doesn’t offer much.

    What did Europeans get? A fussy Brit in the form of reed :/

    Although not as popular as Kirk and Picard, I think it's fair to say that we could at least have Archer in an event a single time in over two years of events. I don't complain when some of the much worse characters like Kim and Stamets are used in events.

    Stamets is an awesome character! You start off to believe he’s cold and rude, but he changes and your opinion of him changes.

    One of the things discovery gets right is most of the characters have more than one dimension. As much as most of the other flavours were great, the characters were largely simplistic - “the logical one” or “the young ensign” etc..

    [snipped for brevity]

    I could go on about a lot of other characters, but long story short, DSC was in no way the first ST show to have "complex" characters, and having a character simply go from one thing to another isn't actually that complex compared to a lot of other characters developed in previous series.

    In fairness, @Siblin didn't say anything about Disco being the first, or only, Trek series to have multi-dimensional characters. Just that it's something the show gets right. A lot of TV shows don't, so it's nice when one does. And I agree with Siblin that so far, in as much as fifteen episodes permitted, Disco has done an admirable job of it.


    The remark about "other flavours" having been "largely simplistic" is broader than I reflexively considered, so I grant that I'm demonstrably wrong about Siblin not having said "anything" about the matter of the show vis a vis other Treks.

    On this, I would certainly agree with @For Cardassia that it would be entirely too reductive to suggest that character development was minimal in previous Treks. I would also be the first to agree that even the supporting cast of DS9 was far better developed than the main cast of most shows; not just other Treks, but TV at large.

    And I would also agree that any reading of Mr. Spock as being only "the logical one" misses so much of the character that it's just flat wrong. In fairness, though, if that was directed at Tuvok or T'Pol, it would still be wrong, but considerably more understandable than if it was about Spock.
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    If you go by series alone according to the wiki, there are more characters from ENT than TOS in game. 53 vs 48. Now TOS also had movies so that could skew it the other way.

    TOS movies add another 32:

    5 TMP
    6 TWOK
    4 TSFS
    7 TVH
    2 TFF
    8 TUC

    Plus, for completists like me, there are another three from TAS, which would bring the TOS-era total to 83 spanning TOS, TAS, and the first six films.

    Plus Nexus Kirk who should be original series plus Ambassdor Spock and Sarek inherited plus the Dahar Masters all grown up and responsible....
  • KTz wrote: »
    I agree to have more Archer in the game, but be careful, last time we asked more Burnham they gave us a flood of them. Who is on the buttons must have lack of somerhing grey...

    Who asked for more Burnham's?
  • I liked Enterprise, I liked to see how new we all were, hence the prime directive, I liked the fails and how we met certain races, which are a staple of say TOS and TNG on wards, in my opinion it was also in keeping with the original timeline.

    It ran for 4 series, so, should have a better representation in the game, I know Disco is the new hot thing as it is currently airing, but come on there is a backlog o historic characters which need to be represented
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    If you go by series alone according to the wiki, there are more characters from ENT than TOS in game. 53 vs 48. Now TOS also had movies so that could skew it the other way.

    TOS movies add another 32:

    5 TMP
    6 TWOK
    4 TSFS
    7 TVH
    2 TFF
    8 TUC

    Plus, for completists like me, there are another three from TAS, which would bring the TOS-era total to 83 spanning TOS, TAS, and the first six films.

    Plus Nexus Kirk who should be original series plus Ambassdor Spock and Sarek inherited plus the Dahar Masters all grown up and responsible....

    The Dahar Masters are DS9 from the Episode Blood Oath. Yes it is still Kor, Kang and Koloth, but the DS9 versions.

    Ambassador Spock is the TNG version from Unification.
  • KTz wrote: »
    I agree to have more Archer in the game, but be careful, last time we asked more Burnham they gave us a flood of them. Who is on the buttons must have lack of somerhing grey...

    Who asked for more Burnham's?

    One of the fourm mods i believe lol
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    KTz wrote: »
    I agree to have more Archer in the game, but be careful, last time we asked more Burnham they gave us a flood of them. Who is on the buttons must have lack of somerhing grey...

    Who asked for more Burnham's?

    One of the fourm mods i believe lol

    ha ha, yeah that did make me laugh
  • RikerWasNumber1RikerWasNumber1 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Let's just say Captain Archer doesn't fit Hollywood's preferred and now required demographic. I guess neither does the majority of the fan base for Star Trek. Interesting isn't it?

    Kinda back door of saying something that could be considered offensive, but I will counter it just as obtusely. The Star Trek Fanbase has always been diverse across several areas of demographics mostly due to its record of fairly diverse casting.

    And to put it even less obtusely. Doctor Martin Luther King Jr was aware of and saw the importance of Star Trek, some accounts even have him watching it.

    I am not sure what was offensive about that. Was it stating Hollywood's clear preferences or is it simply offensive now to be a part of a certain demographic and *have* an opinion? Which part was offensive to you?

    Lol, if you really don't find it easy to find, you're in a mental demographic that probably promotes that kind of offensive thought.

    "Promotes that kind of offensive thought" what an interesting statement. People like you are the reason western societies are giving up free speech as to "not offend". I'll try to keep my offensive thought rays directed away from you so you don't burst into offensive flames or cry oceans of liberal tears because I think differently from you. Freedom in America doesn't end where your delicate feelings begin.

    Sounds like you're 'offended' because someone pointed out that Star Trek traditionally focuses on diversity. Try not to get bent outta shape when people point that out. It makes you look like a precious conservative snowflake.

    I am only offended that our western culture is so concerned with "being offensive" that freedom of speech is forfeited to preserve feelings. I know liberals find other people's freedom of speech offensive but when you leave your campus one day and enter the real world you will not have "safe spaces" to hide your delicate feelings. I am not the snowflake here. I presented an argument and was told that I promoted "offensive thoughts". Not everyone is your gender studies professor that only allows for things you want to hear.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Let's just say Captain Archer doesn't fit Hollywood's preferred and now required demographic. I guess neither does the majority of the fan base for Star Trek. Interesting isn't it?

    Kinda back door of saying something that could be considered offensive, but I will counter it just as obtusely. The Star Trek Fanbase has always been diverse across several areas of demographics mostly due to its record of fairly diverse casting.

    And to put it even less obtusely. Doctor Martin Luther King Jr was aware of and saw the importance of Star Trek, some accounts even have him watching it.

    I am not sure what was offensive about that. Was it stating Hollywood's clear preferences or is it simply offensive now to be a part of a certain demographic and *have* an opinion? Which part was offensive to you?

    Lol, if you really don't find it easy to find, you're in a mental demographic that probably promotes that kind of offensive thought.

    "Promotes that kind of offensive thought" what an interesting statement. People like you are the reason western societies are giving up free speech as to "not offend". I'll try to keep my offensive thought rays directed away from you so you don't burst into offensive flames or cry oceans of liberal tears because I think differently from you. Freedom in America doesn't end where your delicate feelings begin.

    Sounds like you're 'offended' because someone pointed out that Star Trek traditionally focuses on diversity. Try not to get bent outta shape when people point that out. It makes you look like a precious conservative snowflake.

    I am only offended that our western culture is so concerned with "being offensive" that freedom of speech is forfeited to preserve feelings. I know liberals find other people's freedom of speech offensive but when you leave your campus one day and enter the real world you will not have "safe spaces" to hide your delicate feelings. I am not the snowflake here. I presented an argument and was told that I promoted "offensive thoughts". Not everyone is your gender studies professor that only allows for things you want to hear.

    I’d like to point out that campuses in the U.S. are not a safe place anymore. (:
  • Well that's good. Getting back to the forum topic...sort of...Why does the complementary card for Ushan Archer, Ushan Shran have such horrible stats? I got a 5th star on him the other day and feel like I have better 4* cards.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB goes by what they think sells. Enterprise is the least liked trek series. It nearly killed the franchise. It had some good points but it also had a lot of bad ones. The end was so terrible. That being said, DB should have an Archer in an event or say why he hasnt been in an event as he was a captain. You cant say that DB has ignored other aspects of Enterprise as we have had two events with degra, we just got a couple shrans, and we have had other ent peeps. Remember that Enterprise only went for four seasons and was cancelled. People might say Discovery has too many characters and that a lot of people complain about Discovery, but it is the only running trek series and so must be well represented in order to bring in new people.
    Let’s fly!
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