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CBS/Viacom pending merger: Will we see Kelvinverse characters in STT within the year?



  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kelvin enters this game, I'm done.

    Empty threats like this amuse me to no end. Or if it's not empty, the fact you have to announce it to make it seem more than it is also amuses me to no end. If Kelvin enters, just leave, we don't need an announcement about it. Same goes for the people who go "airlock on sight".

    His comment didn't strike me as a threat by any stretch. It's no different than "If they add X character, I'll buy a pack for it!". Voicing one's opinions is the point of forums.

    Frankly, for every person I see saying they're put off by the new movies/disc, I see two or three people condescending to them. Negative opinions are just as valid as positive opinions, if phrased neutrally or politely. "X series is garbage" comments are as unnecessary as their condescending counterparts.

    I see this in a lot of games; people state the things that would make them want to leave and then people on the other side of the issue gleefully say "don't let the door hit you on the way out." Except that not every player who quits is replaced by someone new who shares your views. More customers are good for product longevity. Unless someone is being vile, I can't understand why players often want their contemporaries to leave; it only hurts them in the long run.

    For me, the problem with the anti-Disco and anti-Kelvin business is that it's so absolute. The "I'll quit!" threats carry the implicit message that the only way to keep those players from quitting is for DB to exclude content those players don't like. That goes beyond "I'm not likely to stick with a game long term" stuff. It's a ridiculous form of attempted coercion. That's the problem.

    I hated VOY, but it would be laughable for me to protest the inclusion of VOY. It's a foregone conclusion VOY would be included. It should be included. It exists, it's legitimate, and DB has the rights to content from it. Whether I like VOY is not remotely relevant.
    I’d like a Nero

    I’m holding out for a Nero ‘til the end of the niiiigggggghhhhtttt

    I was thinking a few months ago that "Weird" Al should do "Dammit, Stamets!" set to "Dammit, Janet" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. "Holding Out for a Nero" should be the B-side.

    Based on his appearance on the "Big Interview" I think that may be a long shot to happening. Discovery would have to really pick up cultural steam to the point of Game of Thones or some such for him to devote more than a parting thought at it.

    Now not saying that that is not possible, but I've yet to hear that much water cooler chat about it (either positive or negative) in the IT Departments I work with and have visited. (usually the bastion of geekdom...)
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m holding out for a Nero ‘til the end of the niiiigggggghhhhtttt

    I was thinking a few months ago that "Weird" Al should do "Dammit, Stamets!" set to "Dammit, Janet" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. "Holding Out for a Nero" should be the B-side.

    Haha, I have been singing that melody with the words "Dammit, Stamets!" ever since he joined my roster. (Especially after he fails some task I assign to him.) :D


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was thinking a few months ago that "Weird" Al should do "Dammit, Stamets!" set to "Dammit, Janet" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. "Holding Out for a Nero" should be the B-side.

    I am 100% here for this :p
    As for Nero, he's one of the Kelvin-verse characters I found rather interesting. I think perhaps it's because he's a Romulan, but he pretty much acts like no Romulan we've ever seen.

    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was thinking a few months ago that "Weird" Al should do "Dammit, Stamets!" set to "Dammit, Janet" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. "Holding Out for a Nero" should be the B-side.

    I am 100% here for this :p
    As for Nero, he's one of the Kelvin-verse characters I found rather interesting. I think perhaps it's because he's a Romulan, but he pretty much acts like no Romulan we've ever seen.

    Most of the other Romulans we've met have kept pretty sturdy composure, whereas Nero is pretty much just seething with relentless rage. Nero was also supposed to have been presented as a mining ship captain, which would make him one of the few working class Romulans we've really met. Offhand, the only other one that comes to mind is that soup restaurant owner who didn't trust Picard and Data in "Unification". Everyone else has been either in the patrician ruling class, the military, or the Tal Shiar. Some have been intriguing, certainly, but they haven't had much in the way of diversity. Just once, I'd like to see a Romulan preschool teacher, or a stand-up comic, or an art museum tour guide. Something entirely removed from the Senate and the Warbirds. Until then, Nero is pretty much the only outlier we get.

    Plus, the dude eschewed the typical Moe Howard haircut for a shaved head and ink. That makes him one motorcycle away from being the misunderstood heartthrob in an 80's romcom.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was thinking a few months ago that "Weird" Al should do "Dammit, Stamets!" set to "Dammit, Janet" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. "Holding Out for a Nero" should be the B-side.

    I am 100% here for this :p
    As for Nero, he's one of the Kelvin-verse characters I found rather interesting. I think perhaps it's because he's a Romulan, but he pretty much acts like no Romulan we've ever seen.

    Most of the other Romulans we've met have kept pretty sturdy composure, whereas Nero is pretty much just seething with relentless rage. Nero was also supposed to have been presented as a mining ship captain, which would make him one of the few working class Romulans we've really met. Offhand, the only other one that comes to mind is that soup restaurant owner who didn't trust Picard and Data in "Unification". Everyone else has been either in the patrician ruling class, the military, or the Tal Shiar. Some have been intriguing, certainly, but they haven't had much in the way of diversity. Just once, I'd like to see a Romulan preschool teacher, or a stand-up comic, or an art museum tour guide. Something entirely removed from the Senate and the Warbirds. Until then, Nero is pretty much the only outlier we get.

    Plus, the dude eschewed the typical Moe Howard haircut for a shaved head and ink. That makes him one motorcycle away from being the misunderstood heartthrob in an 80's romcom.

    You're right most all the Romulans we have are military, Tal Shiar, or patricians. We should maybe get a Tal Shiar trait as I think about it, we have an Obsidian Order one so why not?
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    For me, the problem with the anti-Disco and anti-Kelvin business is that it's so absolute. The "I'll quit!" threats carry the implicit message that the only way to keep those players from quitting is for DB to exclude content those players don't like. That goes beyond "I'm not likely to stick with a game long term" stuff. It's a ridiculous form of attempted coercion. That's the problem.

    I hated VOY, but it would be laughable for me to protest the inclusion of VOY. It's a foregone conclusion VOY would be included. It should be included. It exists, it's legitimate, and DB has the rights to content from it. Whether I like VOY is not remotely relevant.

    I guess I just don't see it that way. If people were trying to petition or organize a boycott or the like I'd agree that it's coercion. But a post of feedback in a place meant for it is not a threat, in my opinion. At the end of the day, the only difference is the number of people saying it. If it's just a couple then it's as meaningless as most of the posts on here. If it's 90% of your player base then that's something that a company would want to know as it can and should affect their decisions going forward.

    Anyway, the only reason I bothered to say anything is because "those people" usually post at the company while those who disagree vocally do so at other players, which I find exclusionary (and part of why DB feels the need to poll us in anonymity on a third-party website).
    Shan wrote: »
    This method will also allow forum regulars/lurkers to ask their question in peace without risking being jumped on for it..
  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    OH GOD, one can only take so many abominations in the game, new "klingons" are enough ... but i suppose one must stop playing a game at certain points ... more money for beer for me then :D

    That’s the best reason to leave I’ve seen yet...I liked the kelvin movies. That ‘Spock from the future’ character that Quinto interacted with in movie #1 looked exactly like an older Nimoy...well cast!

    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    For me, the problem with the anti-Disco and anti-Kelvin business is that it's so absolute. The "I'll quit!" threats carry the implicit message that the only way to keep those players from quitting is for DB to exclude content those players don't like. That goes beyond "I'm not likely to stick with a game long term" stuff. It's a ridiculous form of attempted coercion. That's the problem.

    I hated VOY, but it would be laughable for me to protest the inclusion of VOY. It's a foregone conclusion VOY would be included. It should be included. It exists, it's legitimate, and DB has the rights to content from it. Whether I like VOY is not remotely relevant.

    I guess I just don't see it that way. If people were trying to petition or organize a boycott or the like I'd agree that it's coercion. But a post of feedback in a place meant for it is not a threat, in my opinion. At the end of the day, the only difference is the number of people saying it. If it's just a couple then it's as meaningless as most of the posts on here. If it's 90% of your player base then that's something that a company would want to know as it can and should affect their decisions going forward.

    Anyway, the only reason I bothered to say anything is because "those people" usually post at the company while those who disagree vocally do so at other players, which I find exclusionary (and part of why DB feels the need to poll us in anonymity on a third-party website).
    Shan wrote: »
    This method will also allow forum regulars/lurkers to ask their question in peace without risking being jumped on for it..

    I'm genuinely baffled that one side's position literally consists of wanting to exclude an entire swath of the franchise but calling out that position constitutes being in the wrong for being exclusionary. When a player says there's no room in "real" Star Trek or this game for Disco or the Kelvin movies, they're implicitly also establishing a purity test that anyone who accepts those things fails as a "real" Star Trek fan. No one is saying that all players and fans have to love every part of Star Trek, but one side is tired of the other side saying they won't recognize the legitimacy of every part as though they get to determine that. Content creators, not fans, decide that.

    One comment is aimed at a company/business, the other at an individual. In the context of commenting on a forum, the difference seems to be self-evident to me. I find stating one's intentions, no matter how silly, far less harmful to discourse than "calling someone out", particularly when it includes name-calling or other put downs.

    It would seem that you're focusing on the opinions and I on their opportunity to express it. When someone with an anti-nu-trek agenda is being intentionally combative or provocative then I wholeheartedly agree with calling them out. When they're stating a personal opinion or intention with no reference to another's then they should be allowed to do so without condescension or derision.

    On-topic, I'd like to see a Chris Pine card in this game, though I'm not a huge fan of the last two movies.
    Dralix wrote: »
    But a post of feedback in a place meant for it is not a threat, in my opinion.

    "I'm not interested in <insert crew/movie/series> being added" - feedback.

    "Add <insert crew/movie/series> and I leave" - ultimatum.

    It can be both, particularly on DB's own forums which is the best place to be heard by them. If ultimatums somehow violate the forum rules then please also remove all the posts saying they will immediately buy packs if their favorite character is added to the game.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    If ultimatums somehow violate the forum rules then please also remove all the posts saying they will immediately buy packs if their favorite character is added to the game.

    I don't think anyone said the ultimatums violated forum rules. However, I feel the same way about many of the "add this crew/make xxx crew the rank/threshold reward" posts as I do the "do this and I quit" posts. The difference between feedback and a threat or attempt at coercion is how it's phrased.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    However, I feel the same way about many of the "add this crew/make xxx crew the rank/threshold reward" posts as I do the "do this and I quit" posts.

    Can agree there, but those are ubiquitous in every game. Everyone's got ideas and favorites. It's important for people to have a place to post those, even if they're not always taken into consideration by the company. Helps people feel content to have a voice and it's sometimes fun to bounce ideas off of like-minded people.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Of course people should have a place to post feedback, but I feel like you left out the most important part of my post - it's all in how it's phrased.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    Of course people should have a place to post feedback, but I feel like you left out the most important part of my post - it's all in how it's phrased.

    Only because of how much air time it's gotten in this thread - I don't disagree and have said as much in this thread. All I have left to say is I'm very glad that DB polls us in anonymity. Some folks take things way too personally.
  • I think art of the problem is that text lacks a "tone of voice".
    The exact same words can be taken different ways because the reader needs to guess the tone.
    So one person sees a petulant "you better not do that or I'll quit" where another sees a matter-of-fact "if that happens I believe it would be the final straw for me".

    I don't really have an issue with either of those kind of posts, but I believe there has been a sharp increase in people reacting to what they perceive as the former with, essentially, "would you please shut up about that".

    I find that a bit worrisome as it reminds me of stuff that was happening on a Battlestar Galactica forum shortly before the moderators decided to ban all discussion of the new show because any time someone said something nice about the new show the discussion would derail into a pile of "would you please shut up about that" posts.
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    Maybe it's the Star Wars preference in me, lol, but I enjoyed all the Kelvin movies and would welcome the characters in this game. Lighten up people! BTW, I liked the SW prequel trilogy also, except for Jar Jar, lol, so there's that...
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    I enjoyed the Kelvin movies for what they were, SciFi. I liked that ST got a reboot in the hopes that it would bring Trek to a new generation. One that craves action and explosions. If that brings a few to enjoy the cannon versions with the philosophy, then I say great.

    I was on the fence with Disco till the last 5 minutes of the season finale. I am now hopeful for the second season.

    I was on board with Disco after the first two episodes (which were awful) even though for some reason the Klingons had turned into orcs. However, the last 5 minutes of the last episode had me throwing up and I almost turned it off for good.

    Saru basically saved Disco, he's literally the most Federation crew member there in spades. Michael Burnham is unfortunate, so many people find her grating and that would be okay if she were but one of the crew but she's not. They need to do more stories around the rest of the crew, like in traditional Trek.

    Kelvinerse is weird. More so than Discovery. Though I think I only watched the first two movies. I can't remember. Spock is too emotional, and destroying Vulcan was an exercise in shock and awe rather than a decent plot angle. Simon Pegg annoys me, generally, so I'm glad he's a minor part. I just feel weird watching a bunch of hormonal kids ripping round in a starship. I hated the Captain Nog episode of DS9 for the same reason. No matter how smart, they think with their genitals and lack experience. There must be trillions more appropriate humans (let alone aliens) who should be in command of Starfleet's flagship.

    When my credulity is stretched beyond breaking point like that, it doesn't matter how good the special effects are I can't take it seriously.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I enjoyed the Kelvin movies for what they were, SciFi. I liked that ST got a reboot in the hopes that it would bring Trek to a new generation. One that craves action and explosions. If that brings a few to enjoy the cannon versions with the philosophy, then I say great.

    I was on the fence with Disco till the last 5 minutes of the season finale. I am now hopeful for the second season.

    I was on board with Disco after the first two episodes (which were awful) even though for some reason the Klingons had turned into orcs. However, the last 5 minutes of the last episode had me throwing up and I almost turned it off for good.

    Saru basically saved Disco, he's literally the most Federation crew member there in spades. Michael Burnham is unfortunate, so many people find her grating and that would be okay if she were but one of the crew but she's not. They need to do more stories around the rest of the crew, like in traditional Trek.

    It sure would be nice to see an alien captain on Star Trek. Saru would be great in that regard. I am with you in hoping that they develop more of the crew - preferably, they bring in the bridge crew like the other Treks. I think Tilly could grow and become a good first officer for Saru.

    As my name suggests, I'm something of a Lorca fan. Not that he was a great Star Trek style captain, but that he was something that we haven't seen before. I would love for the non-mirror Lorca to show up and be a more traditional captain, if even only for one episode. I like how Discovery is taking Star Trek in a new direction, but a little more homage to tradition would be nice.

    I haven't even bothered with the movies. It looks like there's more emphasis on special effects than a good Star Trek story, so they won't get a dime from me. And that goes for any crew that they may bring into this game.
    Farewell 🖖
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    I enjoyed the Kelvin movies for what they were, SciFi. I liked that ST got a reboot in the hopes that it would bring Trek to a new generation. One that craves action and explosions. If that brings a few to enjoy the cannon versions with the philosophy, then I say great.

    I was on the fence with Disco till the last 5 minutes of the season finale. I am now hopeful for the second season.

    I was on board with Disco after the first two episodes (which were awful) even though for some reason the Klingons had turned into orcs. However, the last 5 minutes of the last episode had me throwing up and I almost turned it off for good.

    Saru basically saved Disco, he's literally the most Federation crew member there in spades. Michael Burnham is unfortunate, so many people find her grating and that would be okay if she were but one of the crew but she's not. They need to do more stories around the rest of the crew, like in traditional Trek.

    It sure would be nice to see an alien captain on Star Trek. Saru would be great in that regard. I am with you in hoping that they develop more of the crew - preferably, they bring in the bridge crew like the other Treks. I think Tilly could grow and become a good first officer for Saru.

    As my name suggests, I'm something of a Lorca fan. Not that he was a great Star Trek style captain, but that he was something that we haven't seen before. I would love for the non-mirror Lorca to show up and be a more traditional captain, if even only for one episode. I like how Discovery is taking Star Trek in a new direction, but a little more homage to tradition would be nice.

    I haven't even bothered with the movies. It looks like there's more emphasis on special effects than a good Star Trek story, so they won't get a dime from me. And that goes for any crew that they may bring into this game.

    Yes absolutely! Saru would be interesting as Captain, and I'd love to see some of the rest of the interesting looking bridge crew get some decent screen time.
    I thought Lorca was well played, he did a good job of being undercover, a bit mysterious and odd and very slightly menacing without being obvious. I'd like to see him again, though I feel he's been knocked off. I'm sure they could find a way of having him incarcerated somewhere though and part of the new series could be a rescue operation.

    I can't say I go for the Kelvinerse or whatever they call it. My partner doesn't even like Disco. The Orcs are a travesty, (I agree), and Burnham is a deliberate shoe-in to please the intersectionalists. I'm not so sure about that personally, but I find her uninteresting enough to want to see less of her as much as I'd like to see more of the rest of the crew.

    I think Disco did all right for a first season, re-watch in TNG in particular I find it difficult to understand how I ever came to find Picard as anything but a curmudgeonly old git, he's so grating sometimes. I'm glad he grew into that role well, and he does have an excellent voice. There was an episode the other day that was so bad, written as well as acted, it brought Pulaski up to the forefront and she really brought it, like Paula Abdul's mum. And I hate Pulaski. DS9 is my favourite, followed by Voyager, but there are some pretty embarrassing episodes in both of them. I don't think Disco was embarrassing (until the end) but just a little un-Trek like at times.
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  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have to say the Kelvinerse characters look cool, by and large, so they might work in Timelines. If the art is good, and the stats keep creeping, I'll probably wear it.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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