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Most Wanted: Ships and Crew



  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love the episode "In The Hands of the Prophets" soooo,


    3* School Teacher Keiko
    Teacher,Human,Federation,Botanist,Civilian,Caregiver,Quantum Mechanics

    (With the quote, "I'm a teacher. My responsibility is to expose my students to knowledge, NOT hide it from them!")


    2* Neela
    Bajoran,Sabotuer,Jury Rigger,Terrorist,Civilian,Romantic

    DS9 did so good with the Religion prejudice storylines.... Kai Winn effin **tsk tsk** tho
  • Warship Doctor

    Voyager episode: Living Witness

    Med, Eng, and maybe Sec

    Android, Doctor, Interrogator, Brutal, Innovator

    Note, he's not a hologram.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Warship Doctor

    Voyager episode: Living Witness

    Med, Eng, and maybe Sec

    Android, Doctor, Interrogator, Brutal, Innovator

    Note, he's not a hologram.

    That would definitely be an interesting development for a character. Although...technically he'd be both a Hologram and an Android. Android because that's what the Kyrians thought he was, but hologram because the simulation of Warship Doctor was still a holographic simulation.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭

    That would definitely be an interesting development for a character. Although...technically he'd be both a Hologram and an Android. Android because that's what the Kyrians thought he was, but hologram because the simulation of Warship Doctor was still a holographic simulation.

    My issue with anything from Living Witness is it wouldn't make sense for the logic of the game as they were never actually in existence, just twisted in a story, the idea of the temporal anomaly makes it so any character that existed at any time could be brought in, but doesn't really work for them... Dynamite episode though, one of Voyager's best
  • Yateball wrote: »

    My issue with anything from Living Witness is it wouldn't make sense for the logic of the game as they were never actually in existence, just twisted in a story, the idea of the temporal anomaly makes it so any character that existed at any time could be brought in, but doesn't really work for them... Dynamite episode though, one of Voyager's best

    Warship Janeway and Warship Chakotay are already in the game.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭

    Warship Janeway and Warship Chakotay are already in the game.

    Yah I know, my comment was worded wrong, replace any "wouldn't make sense" with "doesn't make sense"... Don't really want more from this episode either
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Yateball wrote: »
    Yah I know, my comment was worded wrong, replace any "wouldn't make sense" with "doesn't make sense"... Don't really want more from this episode either

    I get your point, but all the characters from Living Witness did exist - as holograms. Their inclusion in STT makes as much, or as little sense as any other hologram.

    EDIT: By all the characters, I mean the Warship alternate crew.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »

    I get your point, but all the characters from Living Witness did exist - as holograms. Their inclusion in STT makes as much, or as little sense as any other hologram.

    EDIT: By all the characters, I mean the Warship alternate crew.

    Fair enough... never thought about it that way. I consider myself schooled
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »

    I get your point, but all the characters from Living Witness did exist - as holograms. Their inclusion in STT makes as much, or as little sense as any other hologram.

    EDIT: By all the characters, I mean the Warship alternate crew.

    Do they have the hologram trait in the game?
  • Yateball wrote: »

    Do they have the hologram trait in the game?



    Yes, both do.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »

    Do they have the hologram trait in the game?

    Janeway and Chakotay do. I agree with the previous poster that a warship doctor should be both hologram and android, as confusing as it seems. A holographic representation of an android, like a holographic representation of a human.
  • Works for me. He should probably have villian and brutal since he was into biogenic weapons.
  • It would be cool to see Runabouts and/or Delta Flyer added in as a 5th/6th shuttle option, requiring a larger number of crew but completing the same missions in half the time (or something like that).

    Restarting from the old forums since it's a popular thread and we've been told nothing's getting moved over.

    Note this is my list from the old thread; folks who want to keep running track should probably head over to the old forums while they're still readily available and copy their own entries to here.

    Updating with italics for people/ships we’ve gotten in the game since or have been officially confirmed as en route.


    1. NX Class, probably for Captain if we’re being remotely realistic since it’s such an early ship. But then the Bounty outguns newer ships, so why not Admiral? Four star for the generic (or Columbia), Five star for NX-01 Enterprise.
    2. DS9 Runabouts, for Commander. 1 star generic, Rio Grande 2-star.
    3. Kumari, same thought as to ranking as with NX-01. We need Shran’s ship!
    4. Enterprise A (TOS films refit)
    5. Excelsior class, for Captain. Generic as 3 star, the Excelsior as 4-star.
    6. Romulan Bird of Prey (TOS style)
    7. Sovereign class and the Enterprise E, as four and 5 stars.
    8. Enterprise C from Yesterday’s Enterprise
    9. Admiral Riker’s refitted Enterprise D from All Good Things
    10. Reliant from Wrath of Khan


    TOS, TAS, & TOS Movies

    1. Number One (The Cage)
    2. Christopher Pike
    3. Romulan Commander (Joanne Linville)
    4. Trelane

    5. Flint
    6. Angela Martine
    7. Marlena Moreau
    8. Richard Daystrom
    9. Kyle
    10. Robert April
    11. Gary Seven
    12. Romulan Commander (Mark Lenard)
    13. Chancellor Gorkon
    14. Ilia
    15. Styles
    16. Demora Sulu
    17. Gillian Taylor
    18. Colonel Worf
    19. Martia
    20. Lt. Valeris

    TNG & TNG Movies

    1. Rachel Garrett
    2. Lefler
    3. Nechayev

    4. Sam Lavelle
    5. Morgan Bateson
    6. Timicin
    7. Juliana Tainer
    8. Okona
    9. Silva La Forge
    10. Shelby
    11. Doctor Selar
    12. Rasmussen

    13. Taurik
    14. Lt. Hawk
    15. The Traveler
    16. Tam Elbrun
    17. Tryla Scott
    18. Lal
    19. Mot
    20. B-4


    1. Kai Opaka
    2. William Ross
    3. Sarina Douglas
    4. Weyoun 6
    5. Curzon Odo
    6. Aamin Maritza
    7. Ee’char
    8. Lewis Zimmerman
    9. Natima Lang
    10. Li Nalas
    11. T’Rul
    12. Tosk
    13. Joran Dax
    14. Neela
    15+. All Far Beyond the Stars crew - Benny


    1. Lady Q
    2. Quinn
    3. Icheb
    4. Ayala
    5. Lyndsey Ballard
    6. Kobali Ballard
    7. Braxton (USS Relativity)
    8. Gul Evek (who was in DS9, TNG, *and* VOY)
    9. Q Jr.
    10. Borg Queen (Susanna Thompson)
    11. Annorax
    12. Iden
    13. Michael Sullivan
    14. Obrist
    15. The Champion


    1. Elizabeth Cutler
    2. Maxwell Forrest
    3. Soval
    4. Erika Hernandez
    5. Rostov
    6. Daniels
    7. Hayes
    8. Surak
    9. T’Mir & her shipmates (esp. Mestral) - sort of, she wasn’t in uniform
    10. V’Lar
    11. Admiral Black
    12. Crewman Kelly
    13. Zobral
    14. Grat
    15. The E2 crew, esp. Lorian

    Character Variants

    TOS, TAS & TOS Movies

    1. Enemy Within - The “Good” and “Evil” Kirks
    2. What Are Little Girls Made Of - Android Kirk
    3. Star Trek II - Captain Spock, Admiral Kirk
    4. Star Trek III - Be-katra’d McCoy

    TNG & TNG Movies

    1. Tapestry - Picard as the Lieutenant J.G. (spoiler alert)
    2. A Fistful of Datas - Durango Troi and Sheriff Worf
    3. Parallels - Post-Borg-win Riker & Worf, blue-eyed Data, Cardassian conn officer, Captain Riker (from where Worf is 1st officer)
    4. All Good Things - rest of alt-future crew, but esp. Professor Data
    5. Future Imperfect - fake crew, particularly “Captain” Riker - Admiral Picard
    6. The Big Goodbye - Beverly Crusher, Data in their Dixon Hill personas
    7. QPid - Picard, Worf, Sheriff of Nottingham Q, Data, Geordi in their ersatz Robin Hood-related personas
    8. Deja Q - Mariachi Q
    9. Pre-promotion/transfer Geordi and O’Brien
    10. Yesterday’s Enterprise - if we’re allowed to suggest non-canon, survived-the-fight Richard Castillo (per the comment he makes to Tasha about if she sees a man in his late ‘50s staring at her from across a room)


    1. Mirror Universe episodes - Mirror Odo, Mirror Bashir
    2. The Search, Part II - Pompadour Dax
    3. The Reckoning - Prophet-possessed Kira
    4. Children of Time - 200-years-older Odo
    5. When It Rains - Starfleet Commander Kira

    6. The Visitor - Author!Jake, Captain Nog, Commander Dax
    7. In Purgatory’s Shadow - Dominion Prisoner Bashir
    8. Blood Oath - older Koloth


    1. Unimatrix Zero - Annika Hansen
    2. Living Witness - the rest of the fake crew, Surgical Chancellor EMH
    3. Year of Hell - whole crew
    4. Endgame - rest of the crew
    5. Non Sequitur - Kim, Paris
    6. The Swarm - Jupiter Station Diagnostic Program Alpha-11
    7. Course: Oblivion - the Silver Blood crew


    1. Twilight - whole crew - Captain T’Pol
    2. Various episodes - Desert uniform crew (e.g., Tucker, Archer, T’Pol)
    3. Similitude - Adult Sim
    4. E2 - Older T’Pol
    5. Carpenter Street - 2004-visiting T’Pol, Archer
    6. Storm Front - 1944-dress Archer, Tucker, Mayweather (counting Tuskeegee), “human” Silik
    7. Observer Effect - Organian-possessed Tucker and Sato
    8. North Star - Archer, Tucker, T’Pol
    9. These Are The Voyages - dubious-accuracy hologrammatic representations of the crew (as if they’d ever actually put people’s names on the front of their uniform like they work at a Best Buy or something)
    10. Non-canon/book canon suggestion, Section 31/“Romulan”/“Michael Kenmore” [we see what you did there, book authors] Tucker, et al.

  • I haven't read the whole thread so i hope i'm not too late to the party on some of this.

    Just want to throw in another vote for Gary Seven.

    Also, since we've broken the seal on using characters from the comics, i'd love to see Konom, Elizabeth Sherwood, and Sal McMurphy. I'm probably the only one though.
  • Pardon the redundancy, but I want to throw another nod to someone who's been there from the beginning, (usually in the background).

    I'm pulling for Majel Barrett's Number One, from the TOS Pilot. I mean why not? We have Capt. Pike and The Keeper from that episode.

    Side note-- a tip of the cap to Svengoolie for screening "the Cage" for the TOS anniversary back in Sept of 2016.

    A link for those unfamiliar with Svengoolie:
  • I would be happy about more Ships for our Factions:
    - Dominion Battlecruiser
    - Breen Warship

    - captured Bird of Prey from ENT
    - captured USS Reliant, captured by Khan

    -USS Saratoga NCC-31911 (Siskos ship at Wolf 359)
    -USS Enterprise A

    - Regent Worfs Battlecruiser

    -Michael Eddingtons little Attack-Ship
    -Ro Larens Maquis-Ship from the nearly Last Episode of TNG

    - Warbird Khazara

    LLAP :*
  • I want some Non-Canon characters like:

    Augment La Forge

    Human,Augment,Villian,Brutal,Romantic, Innovator,Survivalist

    Augment Barclay

    Human,Augment,Villian, Brutal,Innovator,Duelist,Survivalist

    Augment Beverly


    Augment Yar

    Human,Augment,Villian,Brutal,Survivalist, Duelist, Desperate

    Augment Wesley

    Augment, Human,Prodigy,Warp Theorist,Brutal,Survivalist,Hunter

    Augment Troi


    Augment Worf

    Klingon, Augment, Villian, Brutal, Tactician, Duelist,Survivalist, Hunter,Desperate
    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

  • Brunt, FCABrunt, FCA ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    We've had Gauntlet exclusives, and we have an Honor Hall exclusive. BUT NOW, we need a Dabo exclusive*:

    5* Dabo Weyoun 5
    Vorta, Dominion, Diplomat, Clone, Communicator, Casual, Rich

    *no not really this would be a terrible idea
  • I always thought Dancing Uhura was from STV: The Final Frontier dancing to distract the guards on Nimbus 3.
  • Here are some Xindi

    5* Kiaphet Amman'sor
    Xindi,Xindi Council,Diplomat,Rich,Cultural Figure

    4* Damron

    Xindi,Xindi Council,Scientist,Temporal Agent

    3* Kessick

    3* Thalen
    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭

    4* Formal Dress Data

    Android, Starfleet, Federation, Cybernetist,Singer(new)

    Data in his Formal Outfit for the traditional Human wedding of Will Riker and Deanna Troi. He sung a song in honor of the newlyweds.

    More like 3* Formal Dress Data ... we don't have a 3* Data yet. ^^ Good idea though!

    And yeah, Donatra and Tora Ziyal and William Ross are soooo due to appear. Even more than Jhamel or Eris actually. :)
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • Any chance of species 847 to becoming available
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Any chance of species 847 to becoming available

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »


    I assumed that they were using speech-to-text on their device to write that: "847 to". ;)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »

    I assumed that they were using speech-to-text on their device to write that: "847 to". ;)

    You're probably right, I just want an answer to the question "How DO you shake hands with an 8472?"
    Apologies for quoting Janeway, it doesn't happen often
  • I haven't managed to read the whole thread, so apologies if someone else made this suggestion.

    From the New Frontier Books and comics, Captain Mackenzie Calhoun.
  • How about the signing Klingon chef from DS9?
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I have said it before, but now with non-canon comic characters, we should definitely have non-canon Fan Film movie characters:

    From Renegades:

    Admiral Chekov (Walter Koenig)

    Admiral Grace Jemison (Nichelle Nichols)

    Lexxa Singh – Daughter of Kahn Noonian Singh (Adrienne Wilkinson)

    Jada (Terry Farrel)

    Cordero (Robert Beltran)

    Kovok (Tim Russ - who also directed)


    (Sean Young, Edward Furlong, Robert Picardo as Lewis Zimmerman, Richard Herd as Owen Paris, Manu Intiraymi as Icheb)

    And Khan's Renegade ship, of course, the Icarus:
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just watched Enterprise episode Doctor's Orders. We should have Delusional Phlox. Med and Eng.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just finished the episode Hatchery. We need Xindi Caretaker Archer. He can have Human, Xindi, Caretaker. I figure that would make him a med crew. Certainly this version has low command.
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