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The Roga Danar Problem

CloneClone ✭✭✭
Right after the "Chasing Fire" event ended, we received an announcement that Roga Danar will now be bonus crew for the rest of the month.

The problem is: many of us made decisions about how hard to play the last event based on Roga Danar NOT being bonus crew. As late as Monday morning, I looked at my chronitons and intel, and decided not to bother pushing for Roga Danar since he wouldn't be useful. I don't know about the rest of you, but I 100% would have made a different choice if we hadn't explicitly been told he wouldn't be bonus crew all month.

Now, I feel like I'm short 1 bonus crew in a mega event that has relatively few of them overall.

My opinion is that we'd be better off if Roga Danar continued to NOT be bonus crew for the rest of the month, as initially announced. But since this change was announced when it was already too late to earn him, perhaps DB would be willing to send 4 free copies of Roga Danar to all of us to offset this strange change to the mega event?

Or, am I the only one who thinks it's a problem that the bonus crew changed after it was too late to earn him?


  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    I put a lot of effort into getting Roga Danar. It's nice I'm getting some use out of him, assuming there are enough shuttles to accommodate both him and my Dax's.
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  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you want to be competitive in a shuttle event you need a deep squad. In case you have that Danar, even with added bonus, will not make much of a difference. In case you don´t he won´t make any difference either. And how we play an event, for whatever the reasons may be, is an individual choice, aka not the responsibility of DB.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    So because you decided not to compete in the last event, you think everyone who did should suffer for it?

    You participated in the Skirmish as hard as you wanted. Nobody forced you to stop playing or play it easier.

    I get that your miffed about being short a bonus crew, but is it really that big of a deal that you want the game changed? Danar isn't even that good to begin with.

    These are fair points. I did compete in the Skirmish exactly enough to get 3x Security Uniform Khan. I decided on Monday to save my chronitons and time and not get Roga Danar since his stats are too low to be useful outside of an event where he's bonus, and there was no chance he'd ever be bonus again (there are no variants of him and we're unlikely to see a rerun of this event). But he WOULD be useful as 2x bonus crew.

    But I would have made a different decision if they hadn't waited to tell us that he now WILL be bonus all month. I'd have played the extra 3 hours to get up to the 4/4 Roga Danar tier; I have the chronitons available and it would only have been tedious, not hard to get there.

    But I'm not asking for the game to change. The game DID change. I think it would be best if it were changed back to how it was originally announced. DB was very clear that Roga Danar would not be bonus for the rest of the month, and we made gameplay decisions based on that.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    4 copies is a bit ridiculous and unrealistic. One is probably not called for, either. But the OP has a point. I never expected to hit top 1000 in the last event, but I played far less hard than I would have if I had expected Danar to be monthly event. I ended with two copies of him, but I know I would have played much harder (I had 3000 chronitons to burn at that point) if I thought he would be useful. I don't know how that would have changed the final results. Also there are people who airlocked him who might have a reasonable arguement for having him restored.

    I'm not asking for compensation. I personally chalk it up to DB trying to set a standard and then deciding to be nice. But I think a discussion (within reason) is warranted.
  • Drone_oneDrone_one ✭✭✭
    Shan also confirmed on the forums that they were reevaluating the “Augment” trait. So there was a chance that this would happen.

    This played into my decision as well, and I decided that I will put in the extra effort (since the event was largely chron neutral) to get Dana in the off chance that they would add the trait. He was also useful for the Jury Rigger collection.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    I'm not asking for compensation. I personally chalk it up to DB trying to set a standard and then deciding to be nice. But I think a discussion (within reason) is warranted.

    For me the disagreement is on "being nice". If their goal is to "be nice" to people who played for Roga Danar, perhaps that's the right term. But it's a disservice to players who make large decisions based on announcements like "Roga Danar will not be recurring bonus crew".

    From my perspective, although I definitely felt like Roga Danar SHOULD have been an Augment and SHOULD have been recurring crew, the correct course of action would have been to stick with the original bad decision. They announced it that way, and even the people who played hard for him were prepared for him to not be bonus crew. I think it's a real problem that they have, once again, changed something critical after it was too late for players to make a different choice.
  • [GoT] Unsober Shimoda[GoT] Unsober Shimoda ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    There are 12 crew with the Augment trait (not counting Roga), Arik Soong, and 13 variations of Dax... So 26 possibilities for event bonus crew available to players...

    "a mega event that has relatively few of them overall" doesn't quite hold true.
    [GoT] Drunk Shimoda
    GoT Chief Communications Officer
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    Drone_one wrote: »
    Shan also confirmed on the forums that they were reevaluating the “Augment” trait. So there was a chance that this would happen.

    So far as I know, the post about re-evaluating the Augment trait came on 6/4, minutes after the event ended. During the entire course of the event, we were told multiple times that he deliberately is not an Augment and would not be bonus crew.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you feel put out by this, then you can submit a ticket and plead your case.
  • Drone_oneDrone_one ✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    Drone_one wrote: »
    Shan also confirmed on the forums that they were reevaluating the “Augment” trait. So there was a chance that this would happen.

    So far as I know, the post about re-evaluating the Augment trait came on 6/4, minutes after the event ended. During the entire course of the event, we were told multiple times that he deliberately is not an Augment and would not be bonus crew.

    Shan mentioned that she was going to raise “concerns about traits to the team” on May 31. I took this to mean that something might be done. Although as some members in my fleet noted, it could have just been a polite way of telling us to get lost :)
  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    I went ahead and finished the card and he’s turned out quite useful on ships...
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Roga Danar is a 4* event crew that I didn't have. He took a little more work to get than I would've preferred but there was zero chance I wouldn't have went for him.

    That he's part of the Jury Rigger collection is a big bonus. That he's now a bonus crew is the least of the 3 reasons I wanted him.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Roga Danar is a 4* event crew that I didn't have. He took a little more work to get than I would've preferred but there was zero chance I wouldn't have went for him.

    That he's part of the Jury Rigger collection is a big bonus. That he's now a bonus crew is the least of the 3 reasons I wanted him.

    To add onto the collection discussion, there's a non-zero chance he gets both Veteran and Augment added on as traits. I think he'll, at least, get veteran.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    Here's a free Mirror Picard.

    Not for nothing, I worked my tail off for RD. I would feel about the same as the Mirror Picard fiasco if they suddenly started handing out 4, or even 1, free copy of RD now.

    I agree. I still think the best solution is to give us what they originally assured us would be the case: Roga Danar not being bonus crew for the rest of the month. It's what everyone who played the event believed would happen when they decided whether or not to play for him.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    I always play events to come away with a fully-fused copy of the ranked 4* crew (at least), because I still view STT as a collector game. I was hoping to finish top-1000 to get 5* Sisko, but was too busy with family stuff over the weekend to play as much as I needed to, but was happy to at least finish top-1500 and walk away with a FF Roga Danar.

    To me, the announcement that he would be considered secondary event crew for the duration of the mega event is a pure bonus!

    Immortalizing any crew helps towards collection bonuses and immortalization achievements, so there is always reason to play events to acquire fully-fused crew, even without considering the collecting aspect of the game or future event crew bonus qualification.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    How is reevaluating the Augment trait for Roga Danar, saying that he will not be bonus crew for the rest of the month?
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    Here's a free Mirror Picard.

    Not for nothing, I worked my tail off for RD. I would feel about the same as the Mirror Picard fiasco if they suddenly started handing out 4, or even 1, free copy of RD now.

    I agree. I still think the best solution is to give us what they originally assured us would be the case: Roga Danar not being bonus crew for the rest of the month. It's what everyone who played the event believed would happen when they decided whether or not to play for him.

    What if you believed they would update it the way they actually chose to do? You can't possibly know why different people chose to acquire or not acquire him.

    Sorry that your gamble didn't pay off like you thought it would. Glad mine did.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    How is reevaluating the Augment trait for Roga Danar, saying that he will not be bonus crew for the rest of the month?

    We were told that he was deliberately not set as an Augment and therefore wouldn't count for the rest of the month. When they said they would reevaluate the traits, I had no idea that meant they'd change him mid-mega-event. I've never seen them change traits in the middle of an event before -- for exactly the reason that has come up in this post.
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    To think that the competition and time required to place well would have been even worse if Danar had been announced as bonus for the month . . . yikes. This event was already enough of a time **tsk tsk**.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
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    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
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  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    How is reevaluating the Augment trait for Roga Danar, saying that he will not be bonus crew for the rest of the month?

    We were told that he was deliberately not set as an Augment and therefore wouldn't count for the rest of the month. When they said they would reevaluate the traits, I had no idea that meant they'd change him mid-mega-event. I've never seen them change traits in the middle of an event before -- for exactly the reason that has come up in this post.

    Shan wrote: »
    The points many of you brought up regarding the inconsistencies of the "Augment" trait are being discussed internally, as soon as I have an update I will share it.

    As for "Veteran" I have brought it up as well.
    This was May 31st

  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    To me it comes down to accuracy for the character. The simple fact is that I think 99% of everyone would agree he should have the Augment trait. I get that when he was released he wasn't listed as an augment. In the end I think the community made an argument that he should be an Augment and DB listened. We can't expect DB to go back and forth to try and please everyone.

    The pack is still available for purchase with dilithium and I think it would be much more proactive if people try and convince DB to make his $9.99 purchase available to those who want to now get him. While people may argue that they wouldn't have spent money on him and gotten him for free there really isn't an guarantee of that.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    Nero84 wrote: »
    To me it comes down to accuracy for the character. The simple fact is that I think 99% of everyone would agree he should have the Augment trait. I get that when he was released he wasn't listed as an augment. In the end I think the community made an argument that he should be an Augment and DB listened. We can't expect DB to go back and forth to try and please everyone.

    I completely agree that he should be an Augment. But I don't think they successfully fix this bad decision by compounding it with another bad decision.

    I continue to feel they should have stuck with the original bad-decision for the duration of the mega event, then added the Augment (and Veteran) traits after the month concludes. This is how they've handled previous issues with traits where it becomes apparent that the trait is wrong in the middle of an event. I've actually never seen them change traits mid-event before (or, in this case, the equivalent change of making him bonus crew).
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    Here's a free Mirror Picard.

    Not for nothing, I worked my tail off for RD. I would feel about the same as the Mirror Picard fiasco if they suddenly started handing out 4, or even 1, free copy of RD now.

    I agree. I still think the best solution is to give us what they originally assured us would be the case: Roga Danar not being bonus crew for the rest of the month. It's what everyone who played the event believed would happen when they decided whether or not to play for him.

    Exactly this. Telling us shortly after the event ended was bloody awful support and sadly typical of DB.

    Many players would have based their game play on the original information and tjen DB go and move the goal posts again.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Roga Danar was event bonus crew for event. How is this the middle. We knew there was a question about him not having the Augment trait on day one of the first megaevent. Then before an event without him can occur they made a decision to make him bonus crew for rest of megaevent.

    There was no reason for Roga Danar to be in this event if he was not an Augment. He was TNG and not DS9.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Roga Danar was event bonus crew for event. How is this the middle. We knew there was a question about him not having the Augment trait on day one of the first megaevent. Then before an event without him can occur they made a decision to make him bonus crew for rest of megaevent.

    They made that call after the first event with him had completed.

    If they had made the call on Friday there would still have been plenty of time for people to try and win him.

    Essentially we were told during the event that he wasnt going to be event crew for the rest of the event and then as soon as the event finished they turn around and say "surprise".

    This is almost Mirror Picard levels of incompetence from a customer support front
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Essentially we were told during the event that he wasnt going to be event crew for the rest of the event and then as soon as the event finished they turn around and say "surprise".
    Where were we told?

    May 30th
    Shan wrote: »
    I will bring up your concerns about traits to the team.

    On another note, I have created a thread in Engineering Room for feedback/issues related to our first Skirmish Event. Your feedback will be very valuable and we are looking forward to it. The thread will be opened tomorrow once the event has started.


    May 31st
    Shan wrote: »
    The points many of you brought up regarding the inconsistencies of the "Augment" trait are being discussed internally, as soon as I have an update I will share it.

    As for "Veteran" I have brought it up as well.

  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Where were we told?

    We were told they were looking into it on the 31st, but not that the trait would change mid-mega. There is no precedent for them changing crew traits or bonus crew in the middle of an event. They have always waited until after it ends. For my money, that includes mega events.
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