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The Roga Danar Problem



  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Where were we told?

    We were told they were looking into it on the 31st, but not that the trait would change mid-mega. There is no precedent for them changing crew traits or bonus crew in the middle of an event. They have always waited until after it ends. For my money, that includes mega events.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    So because you decided not to compete in the last event, you think everyone who did should suffer for it?

    You participated in the Skirmish as hard as you wanted. Nobody forced you to stop playing or play it easier.

    I get that your miffed about being short a bonus crew, but is it really that big of a deal that you want the game changed? Danar isn't even that good to begin with.

    These are fair points. I did compete in the Skirmish exactly enough to get 3x Security Uniform Khan. I decided on Monday to save my chronitons and time and not get Roga Danar since his stats are too low to be useful outside of an event where he's bonus, and there was no chance he'd ever be bonus again (there are no variants of him and we're unlikely to see a rerun of this event). But he WOULD be useful as 2x bonus crew.

    But I would have made a different decision if they hadn't waited to tell us that he now WILL be bonus all month. I'd have played the extra 3 hours to get up to the 4/4 Roga Danar tier; I have the chronitons available and it would only have been tedious, not hard to get there.

    But I'm not asking for the game to change. The game DID change. I think it would be best if it were changed back to how it was originally announced. DB was very clear that Roga Danar would not be bonus for the rest of the month, and we made gameplay decisions based on that.

    I mean, just objectively, "saving chronitons" from an event that had a 60-120% return on chrons per run was never a good strategy. I brought in 1500 chrons and did about 25k worth of farming in the event. Plenty of folks didnt want Sisko but top 200ed because the event returns wete so efficient for pre farming. If it was a resource management decision, it was a poor one anyways. Now if it was time based, sure.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    This was the reason we had asked for information on events a week in advance.
    I mean reward tables as well as crew info. So we would have time before the event to straighten this out.

    Two problems occurred this event.
    The traits of Roga Danar, who currently did not qualify to be in this megaevent. He is not DS9 or Augment. (Big problem)
    Command Uniform Khan who's is not wearing a TOS command uniform.
    (Minor problem)
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    During the event he clearly did not have the augment crew and would not be eligible for the rest of the event.

    Suggesting in the future that this might change does not mean that it will and any sensible company would not make a decision until after the mega event had finished.

    In the past it has sometimes taken DB months to make trait changes.

    So until any official announcement was made the official line clearly remains the same.

    Unnecessary comment removed. ˜Shan
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Where were we told?

    We were told they were looking into it on the 31st, but not that the trait would change mid-mega. There is no precedent for them changing crew traits or bonus crew in the middle of an event. They have always waited until after it ends. For my money, that includes mega events.

    When was the precedent set for them waiting til the end of a mega to change a trait?
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    There are 12 crew with the Augment trait (not counting Roga), Arik Soong, and 13 variations of Dax... So 26 possibilities for event bonus crew available to players...

    "a mega event that has relatively few of them overall" doesn't quite hold true.

    It's a matter of perspective. If you eliminate the Legendary crew from that pool (because only a small percentage of the players would have them) and eliminate the 1-2* crew (since they close to useless because the stats are so low), the pool isn't as big as you might think.

    There are 4 Augments (including Roga Danar) in the 3-4* range
    There are 4 Jadzia's in the 3-4* range
    There are 3 Ezri's in the 3-4* range

    So the realistic total pool of useful crew is 11

    Now add in the limit to crew slots and it's not likely most players would have more than half of them in their roster. That brings to pool down to 5-6 useful crew. That's much fewer than past Mega Events.

    Something has to be wrong with this count. I am nowhere close to being a large oceanic cetacean but I count 16 bonus crew on my roster going in. Eliminating three 1/5* and the 3* redshirt Khan, that’s still 12 bonus characters including Darth Bashir who everybody has and Roga. Excluding those two and the new upcoming event characters, I have 10 4* including event repeat character Arik Soong. I normally wouldn’t even have 3* but I kept Khan out of the freezer just in case there was too many CMD seats on shuttles.

    EDIT: the count (4* only) 3 Augment, 4 Jadzia, 2 Ezri, Arik Soong, Roga Danar. I happen to have them all so that’s 11 plus Darth Bashir makes an even dozen. There are a bunch of 3* I don’t normally include and a couple of random 1/5* so the event crew is llimited but not threadbare like last week where there was a huge paucity of Archers, Kim’s and Jakes.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    I am sorry this was not communicated sooner, there was a lot of discussions surrounding the Augment trait in general, and for this crew specifically as it is part of a Mega-Event. I relayed the decision as soon as I have been made aware of it.

    The goal here is for Roga Danar to be useful during the whole length of the mega event which is usually the case for a featured crew part of a Mega-Event, and which we hoped would be beneficial for a lot of players.

    Thank you Shan. I know there are conflicting opinions on this, but I appreciate your effort as well as the current outcome.

  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    I am sorry this was not communicated sooner, there was a lot of discussions surrounding the Augment trait in general, and for this crew specifically as it is part of a Mega-Event. I relayed the decision as soon as I have been made aware of it.

    The goal here is for Roga Danar to be useful during the whole length of the mega event which is usually the case for a featured crew part of a Mega-Event, and which we hoped would be beneficial for a lot of players.

    Is this normal behaviour for featured crew?

    Amanda Grayson was not valid for the entire Romulans and Vulcan event

    Dress uniform Scotty wasn't valid for the entire Discovery event.

    I believe the same was true of several of the other mega events.

    Those were both only valid in the first event of a Mega. The only recent example I can think of where all characters in the first event were valid for the entire event was the Mirror Universe and that was because they all had the correct Trait.

    This seems to be going against the normal behaviour if anything.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    so the event crew is limited but not threadbare like last week where there was a huge paucity of Archers, Kim’s and Jakes.

    Let´s also not forget the option to have duplicates for cases where you really want to attack a shuttle event. I know many hate duplicates and immediately send them to the airlock. But they can have their benefits. So for this event next to other Dax versions I also have 2 1701 Jadzias and 2 Princess Jadzias ready for action.

    In case a crew pool for an event is "kinda" limited you can make it larger by this approach.

  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    I am sorry this was not communicated sooner, there was a lot of discussions surrounding the Augment trait in general, and for this crew specifically as it is part of a Mega-Event. I relayed the decision as soon as I have been made aware of it.

    The goal here is for Rogna Danar to be useful during the whole length of the mega event which is usually the case for a featured crew part of a Mega-Event, and which we hoped would be beneficial for a lot of players.

    I appreciate that you guys revisited the decision on his traits, and that you're willing to try to do better when there was a clear mistake. I agree he should have been mega-bonus the whole time. But he wasn't.

    I still think it was a mistake to change it in the middle of the mega event.

    If you hadn't explicitly told us that it was deliberate he didn't have Augment (and so wouldn't count), or if you had told us before Monday afternoon that it was changing right away, I would have a 4/4 Roga Danar right now. I had the time and the chronitons to get to the necessary rank. The only reason I didn't was because I thought Roga Danar was just freezer trash and wouldn't come up in the other events at all.

    Shan- what is the solution for players in my situation, where we decided how much to participate based on our trust in what you posted and our faith in DB's ability to correct the issue without interfering in the event? That trust has been broken here.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    I am sorry this was not communicated sooner, there was a lot of discussions surrounding the Augment trait in general, and for this crew specifically as it is part of a Mega-Event. I relayed the decision as soon as I have been made aware of it.

    The goal here is for Rogna Danar to be useful during the whole length of the mega event which is usually the case for a featured crew part of a Mega-Event, and which we hoped would be beneficial for a lot of players.

    Is this normal behaviour for featured crew?

    Amanda Grayson was not valid for the entire Romulans and Vulcan event

    Dress uniform Scotty wasn't valid for the entire Discovery event.

    I believe the same was true of several of the other mega events.

    Those were both only valid in the first event of a Mega. The only recent example I can think of where all characters in the first event were valid for the entire event was the Mirror Universe and that was because they all had the correct Trait.

    This seems to be going against the normal behaviour if anything.


    I was trying to find a thread talking about megaevent crew.

    I was trying to figure what event bonus crew were not bonus crew for the rest of the event.

    I came back here and saw your post, when I had just gone through another post without success.

    Edit: I should have just gone to wiki as @Peachtree Rex did below.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    I will add that in this case Roga Danar is heavily embedded in the whole narrative for the Mega-Event which was also an important argument for having him provide some bonus for the whole duration of the Mega-Event.

    I agree with this logic completely. But I still think you have made the situation worse, not better.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    I will add that in this case Roga Danar is heavily embedded in the whole narrative for the Mega-Event which was also an important argument for having him provide some bonus for the whole duration of the Mega-Event.

    Yups, very nice writing at the finish of the first part concerning Danar. Classical Star Trek. The responsibility and morale behind actions people, in this case Danar, commit. Good job by your author(-s)....

  • NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    I figured he would end up being declared some kind of augment.

    Since the debate had already started, I took a screenshot when the event started.


    In the narrative of the event story, he was explicitly listed as genetically enhanced.
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    My feeling on it breaks down like this:

    Leaving Roga Danar as not-recurring-bonus, as initially announced, would not have punished anybody. People played for him, or didn't, based on that announcement.

    Changing Roga Danar after it's too late to earn him punishes the players who make their event decisions based on DB's official announcements, and trusted that he would not be recurring crew and therefore that there was no reason to push for him.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    Shan- what is the solution for players in my situation, where we decided how much to participate based on our trust in what you posted and our faith in DB's ability to correct the issue without interfering in the event? That trust has been broken here.

    If by now you regard him as very important for the rest of the mega event you could a) still buy packs or b) in case you have some reserves complete him with honor. But that is probably not even needed.

    This week is an shuttle event. Do you have some Daxes or other bonus crew to kinda attack this event? Otherwise he will not make much of a difference. Also we don´t yet know how the shuttles are configurated. Maybe he will not be useful for many seats anyway.

    Next week is Galaxy aka not many bonus crew needed. You should have other options there no matter what.

    In the triple hybrid to end the event guess there should be other options for you as well. I understand your reasoning, but I think you also overestimate his importance for the event. Since I don´t know your crew strength I could be wrong though...

  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    My feeling on it breaks down like this:

    Leaving Roga Danar as not-recurring-bonus, as initially announced, would not have punished anybody. People played for him, or didn't, based on that announcement.

    Changing Roga Danar after it's too late to earn him punishes the players who make their event decisions based on DB's official announcements, and trusted that he would not be recurring crew and therefore that there was no reason to push for him.

    This is my thoughts exactly.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    I am sorry this was not communicated sooner, there was a lot of discussions surrounding the Augment trait in general, and for this crew specifically as it is part of a Mega-Event. I relayed the decision as soon as I have been made aware of it.

    The goal here is for Rogna Danar to be useful during the whole length of the mega event which is usually the case for a featured crew part of a Mega-Event, and which we hoped would be beneficial for a lot of players.

    I appreciate that you guys revisited the decision on his traits, and that you're willing to try to do better when there was a clear mistake. I agree he should have been mega-bonus the whole time. But he wasn't.

    I still think it was a mistake to change it in the middle of the mega event.

    If you hadn't explicitly told us that it was deliberate he didn't have Augment (and so wouldn't count), or if you had told us before Monday afternoon that it was changing right away, I would have a 4/4 Roga Danar right now. I had the time and the chronitons to get to the necessary rank. The only reason I didn't was because I thought Roga Danar was just freezer trash and wouldn't come up in the other events at all.

    Shan- what is the solution for players in my situation, where we decided how much to participate based on our trust in what you posted and our faith in DB's ability to correct the issue without interfering in the event? That trust has been broken here.

    As has been mentioned in this thread, you have the option to plead your case via ticket.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    My feeling on it breaks down like this:
    Leaving Roga Danar as not-recurring-bonus, as initially announced, would not have punished anybody. People played for him, or didn't, based on that announcement.

    Many people were very keen on the Sisko version of this event. They played for him and got a 4/4 Danar as "bonus"...

  • jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    I am sorry this was not communicated sooner, there was a lot of discussions surrounding the Augment trait in general, and for this crew specifically as it is part of a Mega-Event. I relayed the decision as soon as I have been made aware of it.

    The goal here is for Roga Danar to be useful during the whole length of the mega event which is usually the case for a featured crew part of a Mega-Event, and which we hoped would be beneficial for a lot of players.

    This is another vivid example of changing rules during the ongoing game. Always very, very bad decision to make and obvious source of problems. How many such mistakes do you need to make to comprehend it?
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've gotten crew that were deleted back through a support ticket.

    In this case, I can't imagine they would turn down anyone who wanted to get back any copies of Roga Danar they airlocked and just deduct the honor you got for them. Even if it takes a few days, you'd still get them back before the end of the event and have them for the 3rd and 4th events as well.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, I was surprised to finish the event with 2 copies of Roga. I FE'd him and decided to withhold citations until they gave him the augment trait. But then I saw that he was bonus crew for the rest of the event, so I went ahead and immortalized him with 36,000 honor. Please don't make me regret it, folks.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    As has been mentioned in this thread, you have the option to plead your case via ticket.

    I opened a ticket on this as soon as your post went up on 6/4 with the change, but all I got back was the stock "Thank you for your input" response. I replied to the ticket again after that but have gotten no reply so far.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    If by now you regard him as very important for the rest of the mega event you could a) still buy packs or b) in case you have some reserves complete him with honor. But that is probably not even needed.

    I could have had a free 4/4 Roga Danar if they had announced this in advance. Spending $30 to get him after the announcement is not only a bad solution, it's terrible. I hope you're not suggesting that they timed the announcement in order to drive up last-minute Roga Danar sales? Surely that's beneath them.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I had to hazard a guess, now that Colonel Worf has appeared in a regular pack, he should be added to the regular premium portal in the "near" future.
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