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The Roga Danar Problem



  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    What I want most is for Disruptor Beam to stop announcing things incorrectly, and to stop changing the announcement right after it's too late for players to make a different choice. Both of these are ongoing problems, and have been since day 1.

    Players can only make an informed choice when the information is correct and doesn't change.

    That's asking them not to consider player feedback. This isn't a case of information being incorrect. He was intentionally not given the augment trait. Players balked because he wouldn't be useful in the mega. They listened to the feedback and made a change.

    They could have made the change on Friday and no one would have a problem

    Instead they waited to the event ended
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Everyone is talking as if Roga Danar would otherwise be thrash. He's Jury Rigger for the collection and he has pretty good Voyage totals and an at least uncommon set of skills. I reckon he was well worth getting regardless of his bonuses. And as many have said, you probably could have done so whilst picking up lots of other resources too. It sounds like bad decisions were made regardless of DBs mid-event shift (which honestly makes only a tiny difference anyway).

    Grinding for hours to get a card which would essentially fill a slot until he was levelled seems a massive waste of time.

    If I worried about the time amount of time I waste on this game, I probably wouldn't play it at all.

    There is a difference between playing the game and grinding out an event for little reward.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    What I want most is for Disruptor Beam to stop announcing things incorrectly, and to stop changing the announcement right after it's too late for players to make a different choice. Both of these are ongoing problems, and have been since day 1.

    Players can only make an informed choice when the information is correct and doesn't change.

    That's asking them not to consider player feedback. This isn't a case of information being incorrect. He was intentionally not given the augment trait. Players balked because he wouldn't be useful in the mega. They listened to the feedback and made a change.

    I think he's also saying that the player feedback was predictable and should have been anticipated. There was no need for them to get caught with their pants down.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    Right after the "Chasing Fire" event ended, we received an announcement that Roga Danar will now be bonus crew for the rest of the month.

    The problem is: many of us made decisions about how hard to play the last event based on Roga Danar NOT being bonus crew. As late as Monday morning, I looked at my chronitons and intel, and decided not to bother pushing for Roga Danar since he wouldn't be useful. I don't know about the rest of you, but I 100% would have made a different choice if we hadn't explicitly been told he wouldn't be bonus crew all month.

    Now, I feel like I'm short 1 bonus crew in a mega event that has relatively few of them overall.

    My opinion is that we'd be better off if Roga Danar continued to NOT be bonus crew for the rest of the month, as initially announced. But since this change was announced when it was already too late to earn him, perhaps DB would be willing to send 4 free copies of Roga Danar to all of us to offset this strange change to the mega event?

    Or, am I the only one who thinks it's a problem that the bonus crew changed after it was too late to earn him?

    It would be nice if the new character was the Threshold. Just saying. Second week in a row, someone many of us already have 4 *is the Threshold.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • I'm not saying they need to do a compensation; I'll live with my choices, and I'll be fine.

    But if they do decide a comp, I hope they do a 4* citation, rather than a spare Danar copy. For those who got him less than FF, this helps them directly should they choose. For those who already have him FF, or didn't get him at all, they can use it for someone else.
  • Hamsters2Hamsters2 ✭✭✭
    I'm not saying they need to do a compensation; I'll live with my choices, and I'll be fine.

    But if they do decide a comp, I hope they do a 4* citation, rather than a spare Danar copy. For those who got him less than FF, this helps them directly should they choose. For those who already have him FF, or didn't get him at all, they can use it for someone else.

    Ohh, a free citation, I can get on board with that. Whatever this issue was, I completely agree, , it was horrible. Free citation please!

    Just nobody tell DB that the issue could be blah, blah, everything, nothing, but hey Free citation, yep, big issue, gimme! :D

  • Anyone who airlocked Roga thinking he wouldn't be bonus should get him restored to their account. It will take CS resources and tickets but I think it's the right thing to do.

    As for me, I keep all 4*s from events, but levelled him once I found out he'd continue to be bonus. I wouldn't have put those resources into levelling him right now if he wasn't going to be bonus this month, so I'd prefer if his bonus stays.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    Right after the "Chasing Fire" event ended, we received an announcement that Roga Danar will now be bonus crew for the rest of the month.

    The problem is: many of us made decisions about how hard to play the last event based on Roga Danar NOT being bonus crew. As late as Monday morning, I looked at my chronitons and intel, and decided not to bother pushing for Roga Danar since he wouldn't be useful. I don't know about the rest of you, but I 100% would have made a different choice if we hadn't explicitly been told he wouldn't be bonus crew all month.

    Now, I feel like I'm short 1 bonus crew in a mega event that has relatively few of them overall.

    My opinion is that we'd be better off if Roga Danar continued to NOT be bonus crew for the rest of the month, as initially announced. But since this change was announced when it was already too late to earn him, perhaps DB would be willing to send 4 free copies of Roga Danar to all of us to offset this strange change to the mega event?

    Or, am I the only one who thinks it's a problem that the bonus crew changed after it was too late to earn him?

    It would be nice if the new character was the Threshold. Just saying. Second week in a row, someone many of us already have 4 *is the Threshold.


    Just saying, if you already have him 4/4, then you should be in contention for the new guy 4/4, which is better than him being threshold and 3/4.
  • I'm not saying they need to do a compensation; I'll live with my choices, and I'll be fine.

    But if they do decide a comp, I hope they do a 4* citation, rather than a spare Danar copy. For those who got him less than FF, this helps them directly should they choose. For those who already have him FF, or didn't get him at all, they can use it for someone else.

    I agree with Joker, this is the best option. As someone who fought all the way to Sisko, it doesn't seem right that people who chose not to fight thru should get rewarded. If they do however, I feel the rest of us should also be fairly compensated to make up for the free gift and that fair compensation can't be just 200 honor to dismiss Danar we already have FF.

    At this point it is probably too late to just remove Danar as event crew. You just get a ton of complaints from people that bought him because he is now event crew and that went away.
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    Well, clearly everyone should just get one rank up in Ranked awards... I'm completely not saying that because I missed enemy lines Sisko by 7 places... absolutely not......

    With your logo, I'd offer to meet you at the Point and hand you a few VPs, lol.

    Throw in some "O" fries...!
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    Well, clearly everyone should just get one rank up in Ranked awards... I'm completely not saying that because I missed enemy lines Sisko by 7 places... absolutely not......

    With your logo, I'd offer to meet you at the Point and hand you a few VPs, lol.

    Throw in some "O" fries...!

    Well I guess that's possible since it won't require crossing a river, lol.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just leave him. Just stop being stupid in the future. These results and responses are incredibly predictable. All it does is create the perception that decision makers are either unbelievably stupid, or completely dismissive of their customers.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    I saw a lot of different opinions in this thread, so let me ask a question: Did Disruptor Beam's decision to change Roga Danar's bonus mid-mega-event affect players' scores?

    To me, the answer is unambiguously "yes" because this will result in some players having higher shuttle percents than they would have had without his bonus.

    And in a case where a decision to change a character mid-event affects player scores, I think compensation is owed. Otherwise, this is strictly a punishment for people who believed Disruptor Beam's initial statement that Roga Danar would not have a recurring bonus.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    He absolutely will not impact your shuttles with your crew. Someone else will take that shuttle seat. And the % variance may be 2-4% on the displayed chance.

    That's it.

    Maybe, maybe a new player with a junk crew would be impacted. But that new player wouldn't have gotten top 1500k in the first place, so it's moot.

    It is perfectly possible that not having him would be the difference between having a character who scores double in the event and one that doesn't.

    When that is combined with a stat booster that is quite a large difference on a mission and could be the difference between success and failure.
  • Agree completely with Frank.

    As an aside, I'm no whale with a bunch of 5* Daxes but my immortalised Roga hasn't made it onto my shuttles - the difference he'd make to most players is minimal.
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  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Agree completely with Frank.

    As an aside, I'm no whale with a bunch of 5* Daxes but my immortalised Roga hasn't made it onto my shuttles - the difference he'd make to most players is minimal.

    I have used him on pretty much all of my runs and I only have him F2FE (luckily I had not airlocked him when I got the announcement).

    I have a pretty fevent crew but with the bonus he still plays a part
  • Capt AjammCapt Ajamm ✭✭✭
    Baragash wrote: »
    Unless you’ve smashed out a load of gold cards, Jury Rigger means he’s not otherwise worthless.

    I always play events to FF the 4s anyway, but even if I didn’t JR alone was enough motivation to go hard.

    This was why i played hard, so it was not decided on his augment status. However adding him to augment collection would be awesome.

    And if you didn't want him for one collection, i don't consider objection to another reasonable.

    Traits have always undergone changes. This alone should motivate getting ff crew whenever possible.
    ~ seeking out new life
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    He was useful enough to me on the first day mostly equipped and 2F, that I just finished him off and cited him twice.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Okay, let's make a deal.

    You can have my 3/4 FE Danar if I can get 8 hours of my weekend back.

    I'm serious. Because I played for hours. I meant to play more, actually, but I overslept. Such is life, now it's time to move on.

    He's not really doing much on my shuttles. I could put someone else on there, easily. Actually, I did have someone else there for the first few rounds. It really was only a percent or two.
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