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The Roga Danar Problem



  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    I hope you're not suggesting that they timed the announcement in order to drive up last-minute Roga Danar sales? Surely that's beneath them.

    I am not suggesting that at all. Since you make Danar out as a character of so much importance for you (now) and the rest of the event I mentioned other options. As said: He will probably not be as important as you make him out to be. In none of the other 3 parts....

  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    This event was free farming of space battle missions. Because of Chrons gotten while skirmishing and Intel gotten while farming space battles. This was the first time in an event that I used 4 supply kits.
    I only once used two when they gave us one in mail. I claimed it and it was automatically used. That was learning experience of how boosts are used when claimed from mail.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Drone_one wrote: »
    Shan also confirmed on the forums that they were reevaluating the “Augment” trait. So there was a chance that this would happen.

    This played into my decision as well, and I decided that I will put in the extra effort (since the event was largely chron neutral) to get Dana in the off chance that they would add the trait. He was also useful for the Jury Rigger collection.

    Since the forums only account for a small amount of the player base, not everyone was informed that they are reevaluating the Augment status. Like the OP, I only went for 3/3 Khan and coasted during the weekend to have fun. I have my 2/4 Danar sitting on the bench at level 1 until I either drop him or get around to him. Many dropped him or slowed down getting him because of announced stats and traits. Those with 4/4 might not have 4/4 if many with thousands in the chroniton bank really tried. It's one thing to clarify if a Dax counts, it's another to add Danar mid Mega event when it was announced he wouldn't qualify as augment. I don't think DB owes compensation but they do need to leave him be and add the trait after the Mega is over.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Average Guy
    My awesome is for the reminder that just a small percentage of the player base reads the forum.

  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    Here's a free Mirror Picard.

    Not for nothing, I worked my tail off for RD. I would feel about the same as the Mirror Picard fiasco if they suddenly started handing out 4, or even 1, free copy of RD now.

    I agree. I still think the best solution is to give us what they originally assured us would be the case: Roga Danar not being bonus crew for the rest of the month. It's what everyone who played the event believed would happen when they decided whether or not to play for him.

    What if you believed they would update it the way they actually chose to do? You can't possibly know why different people chose to acquire or not acquire him.

    Sorry that your gamble didn't pay off like you thought it would. Glad mine did.

    The OP and many others didn't gamble. They made a choice based on current information which said he wasn't an Augment and not useful for the Mega event.
    His skills aren't that good so it's no surprise many passed up on him. His skill set needs to change after the Mega to accommodate the fact that the majority of players aren't on the forums and don't know that maybe, just maybe, things might change. Make him an augment, which I agree with, just do after the Mega where it doesn't impact 80% of the player base, just like they generally do with changes so they can impact everyone the same.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    I also disagree with people using the word 'gamble'.

    I think it might have been a gamble to play for Roga Danar in hopes that he would become bonus crew despite DB's announcement that he wouldn't. This would have been a huge gamble because they have never changed traits mid-event before.

    But it wasn't a gamble for those of us who didn't play for Roga Danar because of the information we were given. We trusted in the information DB gave us and took them at their word that Roga Danar not being an Augment was not a mistake or oversight.
  • NivenFres wrote: »
    I figured he would end up being declared some kind of augment.

    Since the debate had already started, I took a screenshot when the event started.


    In the narrative of the event story, he was explicitly listed as genetically enhanced.

    ...which (once again) proves that DB doesn't know how to do basic research.

    Danar was NOT genetically engineered; he was chemically enhanced (think perpetual steroids) and psychologically manipulated. It was stated in the episode that all the physical effects of his adjustment could be reversed by removing the chemicals from his system.

    I agree that Danar should have the Veteran trait (that one's universally obvious), but he was in no way an Augment, as the term has been used to-date in-game. While I understand DB's decision to make him a special event crew for the remainder of the mega due to his involvement in the storyline, under no circumstances should he get the Augment trait.

    Disclosure: I got Danar at 3/4, but I also left 2k chrons on the table, which I assume would've let me get that last star, at least. One of the main factors in my deciding to not push on was that Danar was not mega-crew; if I'd known he would be, I would've forsaken even more sleep to soldier on.
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    Giving bonus for people that try to win without said bonus is perfectly OK.

    Now removing Doctor trait just before All-The-Doctors event - now that was a dick move.
  • NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Danar was NOT genetically engineered; he was chemically enhanced (think perpetual steroids) and psychologically manipulated. It was stated in the episode that all the physical effects of his adjustment could be reversed by removing the chemicals from his system.

    I agree that Danar should have the Veteran trait (that one's universally obvious), but he was in no way an Augment, as the term has been used to-date in-game. While I understand DB's decision to make him a special event crew for the remainder of the mega due to his involvement in the storyline, under no circumstances should he get the Augment trait.

    Even if it was chemical and not genetic (which, whose to say the chemicals didn't affect him genetically as well), he was enhanced. In a previous post, @Shan mentioned they intended for Augment to mean the Faction (which obviously conflicts with Bashir having the Augment trait). What will likely happen (and I agree with this) is similar to what happened with the Doctor trait. It will be relabeled to better describe what they mean, something new like Enhanced. They will then leave the Augment trait intact as to describe the faction (just like how the Mirror Universe and Terran Empire are traits). So Bashirs will loose Augment and be replaced with the new trait. In this scenario, I believe Danar should gain this new trait. Chemical vs genetics, doesn't matter, the end result was similar. I also don't believe the Klingons (or at least the human looking ones) should get this either. While it was an attempt to augment or enhance them, I don't think the end result was truly an "upgrade".

    And I do agree he should gain Veteran as well.
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm a bit irritated with the decision to change Roga's status mid event too. I left 20k intel and 2k chrons on the table and got 2 copies of Roga because I figured he'd never be useful again. Then after the event ends, it's changed that he will remain event crew. Had I had this information sooner, I would have finished under 1500, and possible shot for 1000, to get somebody who would be useful in an event where there are relatively few bonus crew for a month long event.

    While he should remain that way, DB shouldn't be changing the rules of the game mid event. No indication of him being recurrent event crew or not is better than giving us misleading statements, even if unintentionally.

    I will be submitting a ticket, and we'll see how the CS RNG goes . . .
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    This doesn't need a ticket. He shouldn't be changed until after the event.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    This doesn't shouldn't need a ticket. He shouldn't be changed until after the event.

    FTFY. It needs a ticket because he's being changed at a point he shouldn't be. Everybody should make tickets, even if they're not didn't make their decisions on this faulty data we were provided, to at least provide an accounting of what happened and tie some numbers to it.
  • WundigoreWundigore ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    arjuna wrote: »
    Clone 7 wrote: »
    Hungry Dog wrote: »
    Here's a free Mirror Picard.

    Not for nothing, I worked my tail off for RD. I would feel about the same as the Mirror Picard fiasco if they suddenly started handing out 4, or even 1, free copy of RD now.

    I agree. I still think the best solution is to give us what they originally assured us would be the case: Roga Danar not being bonus crew for the rest of the month. It's what everyone who played the event believed would happen when they decided whether or not to play for him.

    but now I have leveled him in anticipation of him being bonus crew for the rest of the month so what should I get for free if they change the rules again ? ....... lets see how far the rabbit hole goes

    Yup. I had him sitting on my priority list right in front of the dude from Discovery with the lei who is fully fused and about level 10, but now he is immortalized because they said he would be bonus crew. You cannot unring a bell. Leave him be now. Going back on things just annoys more people.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Everybody should make tickets

    I'd make a healthy wager that most people who don't feel they were negatively impacted won't open tickets.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    Everybody should make tickets

    I'd make a healthy wager that most people who don't feel they were negatively impacted won't open tickets.

    I suspect essentially nobody will. And so things will go on unchanged, and DB won't have to worry about doing this again next time.
  • Clone 7 wrote: »
    Right after the "Chasing Fire" event ended, we received an announcement that Roga Danar will now be bonus crew for the rest of the month.

    The problem is: many of us made decisions about how hard to play the last event based on Roga Danar NOT being bonus crew. As late as Monday morning, I looked at my chronitons and intel, and decided not to bother pushing for Roga Danar since he wouldn't be useful. I don't know about the rest of you, but I 100% would have made a different choice if we hadn't explicitly been told he wouldn't be bonus crew all month.

    Now, I feel like I'm short 1 bonus crew in a mega event that has relatively few of them overall.

    My opinion is that we'd be better off if Roga Danar continued to NOT be bonus crew for the rest of the month, as initially announced. But since this change was announced when it was already too late to earn him, perhaps DB would be willing to send 4 free copies of Roga Danar to all of us to offset this strange change to the mega event?

    Or, am I the only one who thinks it's a problem that the bonus crew changed after it was too late to earn him?

    My take on your point,

    You finished +3k as you got a 3/3 Khan but didn't get a 1/4* Roga Danar and you decided to stop playing on Monday, to get a 4/4* Roga Danar you would need to be in the top 1500. Do you really think that playing on Monday would've jumped you over 1500 places when everyone above you would be continuing to play for their ranking?

    Maybe asking for a 1/4* or a 2/4* Roga Danar might be more realistic request than requesting a 4/4* Roga Danar.

    Regards Grim :-)
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    NivenFres wrote: »
    I figured he would end up being declared some kind of augment.

    Since the debate had already started, I took a screenshot when the event started.


    In the narrative of the event story, he was explicitly listed as genetically enhanced.

    ...which (once again) proves that DB doesn't know how to do basic research.

    Danar was NOT genetically engineered; he was chemically enhanced (think perpetual steroids) and psychologically manipulated. It was stated in the episode that all the physical effects of his adjustment could be reversed by removing the chemicals from his system.

    I agree that Danar should have the Veteran trait (that one's universally obvious), but he was in no way an Augment, as the term has been used to-date in-game. While I understand DB's decision to make him a special event crew for the remainder of the mega due to his involvement in the storyline, under no circumstances should he get the Augment trait.

    Disclosure: I got Danar at 3/4, but I also left 2k chrons on the table, which I assume would've let me get that last star, at least. One of the main factors in my deciding to not push on was that Danar was not mega-crew; if I'd known he would be, I would've forsaken even more sleep to soldier on.

    Look up the meaning of augment. He is augmented chemically.
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    Whatever DB do now, it will be wrong.

    Crew earned in a Mega, should remain useful in the Mega, so it is good that DB have said he will be useful, and I think they have done the right thing.

    Roga does not have the Augment trait, I guess he is just going to be bolted on to the list of crew that give bonuses.

    For clarity, I have Roga 3/4 sitting at level one. He has three other crew in the queue before him waiting to be levelled. I have not even decided whether to level him for the rest of the Mega.

    I play this game as a card collecting game, the idea that he might or might not have been useful for the rest of the event made no difference to me competing for him.
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    Due to an issue with my account I've not been able to access my saved chrons for the last 6 days, without a doubt its impacted on my final ranking however I've not asked for or been provided with compensation....it's just one of those things. Although I feel I would have ranked high enough to get that Sisko or a final star for Roga I dont actually know for sure do I?
    If anyone is interested the final few hours of this event were absolutely crazy for getting up the ranks. Myself and my OH were playing for 5 hours straight before the event ended (and I mean non stop). I went up a couple hundred places (I was battling on eite but was ranked higher) . He was playing epic and managed to move 1000 places (from 2900 to 1900 but it was really hard work, and no doubt would have been considerably harder for even higher ranks) he also had several thousand chrons. The start of the event was completely different, I was, at one point, ranked at 350.
    I understand that some players feel annoyed and aggrieved, but I really think DB listened to us at the start of this particular trait issue and were attempting to stop us feeling annoyed and aggrieved....I don't know enough about events and traits etc but for the few months I've been playing and we've complained about a trait they've sorted it pretty fast??? Am I totally wrong with that belief (I do tend to get distracted with oooooh, shiny, can I spin yet?)
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  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hamsters2 wrote: »
    Me when Roga wasn't listed with augment: "Darn, don't have many augments, that stinks". Enjoyed and played skirmishes so got a couple copies of him.
    Then fleetmates: "Hey Roga gonna get bonus in rest of mega!". Me: "Awesome, was going to let him sit there, will level now".
    Me finding this forum post: "wow, really, oh my gosh, chill out folks"

    I mean, I understand what you are saying, but just a, shucks maybe would have pushed harder for him, with some, I feel for your dude,

    Personally was glad Shan keeping an eye on things and trying to make crew more useful like Roga in this event

    Totally agree
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Hamsters2 wrote: »
    Me when Roga wasn't listed with augment: "Darn, don't have many augments, that stinks". Enjoyed and played skirmishes so got a couple copies of him.
    Then fleetmates: "Hey Roga gonna get bonus in rest of mega!". Me: "Awesome, was going to let him sit there, will level now".
    Me finding this forum post: "wow, really, oh my gosh, chill out folks"

    I mean, I understand what you are saying, but just a, shucks maybe would have pushed harder for him, with some, I feel for your dude, would be more then enough. The request for takesies backsies after said would be useful or asking for a mass sorry message with free Roga's is too much. Personally was glad Shan keeping an eye on things and trying to make crew more useful

    Today you have learnt something new about the world. People have different opinions to you.

    You might be happy about the announcement but others clearly are not.

    Personally if I had known I would have put in the extra hours. The only reason I did not was because the character would be no use for the rest of the event.

    I would have pushed ahead even with the disadvantage that I was not actually receiving all of my battle rewards (I stopped keeping count but I was at least 2000 crons short of what I should have been).

    To be told that he was goimg to be bonus crew after the event had ended was a slap in the face and the timing seems almost deliberate.

    If the change had been announced on Friday nobody would have had any complaints as they could have adjusted their strategy.
  • I'm a bit irritated with the decision to change Roga's status mid event too. I left 20k intel and 2k chrons on the table and got 2 copies of Roga because I figured he'd never be useful again.

    This confuses me just a bit. Why would you leave 20k Intel on the table? They announced prior to the event that unused intel would be deleted and not carry over to the next time there is a skirmish event.

    20k Intel would have paid significant rewards so not understanding the logic of not spending it?

    About 500 spots the way things were going at the end of the event.

    Not sure why everyone is so upset about this. I usually don't expect weekly crew to carry over unless it is the 5* freebie or the recurring trait such as augment. They said they are looking into the augment trait issue and announced he would be added.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    From what people are saying they would have done if they new Roga Danar would be bonus for the rest of the megaevent, I will take a guess.

    To get in top 1000 you would have had to score 1 million VP.
    Top 3000 you would have had to score 600000 VP (and this a low estimate my first thought was 750k)

    If players already had decided to take it easy as is.
    With increased competition, how long would it have been before they gave up.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    If players already had decided to take it easy as is.
    With increased competition, how long would it have been before they gave up.

    I stopped where I did because I saw no reason to go on.

    Above my rank was a 4 star who would end up airlocked at worst or frozen at best and a 1 star legend which is another 200k added to my honour debt.

    There is nothing there which justifies the time cost.

    However a character who can be used in the rest of the mega event is worth the time IMO.

    Crons were not an issue for me. Time was
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    I'm in the same camp as Hunter247. I have tens of thousands of chrons stockpiled for events where the crew are useful, and I was just below the Roga Danar threshold at the end because he didn't seem useful enough to spend those chronitons. I almost went for him anyway but decided to save the chrons because he provided no value.

    This was an easy event type -- you just hit the same buttons, in the same order, repeatedly. No battles were ever difficult or risky. Getting Roga Danar was merely a function of chronitons and time.
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