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Which Star Trek TV series is your favourite?



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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Deep Space Nine
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    I am 43. I was around to watch them all as they came out except for TOS which now is so cheesy that it’s unwatchable. I absolutely loved TNG. It skewed me to not watch DS9 when it came out cuz I was in that it can’t compare mindset. I tried to watch Voyager but found it very boring and I just couldn’t get into the characters. Enterprise came out at a great time. Enough time went by from the other shows where I was ready and willing for a new Star Trek and it really connected with me. A theme song isn’t going to ruin a show for me and I actually kinda like the song anyway. I feel the same with Discovery. Enough time has gone by to avoid the comparisons with the other shows and I was ready for a new Trek. It has kept me gripped to it and I like it alot. It’s a great show and Jason Isaacs is awesome as Lorca.

    Doesn't it bother you that a lead in Starfleet is so, well, unethical?

    I believe he has been Mirror Lorca all along

    That's the thing, yeah he's Mirror, but he should not have been able to hide with that behavior for so dang long.

    Not all Mirror Terrans are alike. Smiley is probably much less cut-throat than many other Terrans for example.

    And then there's Mirror Brunt. He's just so swell. Makes me want to give those ears a pinch.

    Given his behaviour and how obvious it was to the audience, I agree with the facts that you present and disagree with your conclusion based on this characters specific behaviour. Guy was Equinox bait.
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    Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    The Next Generation
    Having every Star Trek Movie and episode form every series on a portable hard-drive I have watched everything over & over several times from Enterprise Season 1 to Star Trek Nemesis.
    I find it hard to have a favourite series beacuse each of them have periods of low points & high points.

    TNG didn’t get good until Season 3 when they got the tunic style uniforms onwards.

    DS9 didn’t get good until Season 3 when the Dominion came on the scene.

    Voyager got better once the Borg came into it, before that it was lacking something.

    To determine my favourite series I tagged my favourite episodes in each series of the franchise & tallied them up.

    No surprises it was TNG and I’d Have to say my favourite episodes overall that stick in my mind were
    ‘Yesterday’s Enterprise’

    ‘Second Chances’

    ‘Cause & Effect’

    Really good storylines.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    The Next Generation
    I chose Next Generation over DS9, barely. Much of the first two seasons of TNG were a bit lackluster, then the show took off. DS9 was great from start to finish, and the writing was good throughout. The last 5 seasons of TNG, though, were where the magic formula that worked for DS9 came from. If TNG season 3 had failed, there would be no DS9, Voyager, etc. So, because DS9 stood on the shoulders of the Next Generation a bit, I choose the latter. (Again, barely.)
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    Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Original Series
    I had to vote for the Original Series, as nothing else that came afterward would have happened without it. And once you get past the 60’s cheesiness, using the same rock for every planet, and other inconsistencies in writing and props, there are some stories that still hold up today. Also, you have to admire how Shatner’s career didn’t end the second he was seen being ridden like a horse.

    TNG was quite good as well. In fact, I’d take the first two seasons of TNG over the first two seasons of DS9 (some episodes of which I still have never seen more than the first few soul-destroying minutes of). Data’s development as a person, Worf’s constant struggle to balance his Klingon nature and human upbringing, and even the growth of Wesley from annoyingly precocious kid to a galaxy-hopping man are fascinating long-term concepts. But there were times when TNG seemed too...clinical. The vast majority of episodes wrapped everything up quite neatly, even the two-part episodes. Long-term consequences didn’t really seem to exist, which I suppose is the result of syndication...still, it’s a negative.

    DS9 was magnificent from a plot line standpoint. Some of the characters were outright annoying (Jake and Nog in the first several seasons) or just bland but this was balanced by incredible performances by Avery Brooks, Rene Auberjonois, and Jeffrey Combs. And the tone of the series was different than really any other Trek - rather than exploration, discovery, and “seeking new life and new civilizations,” it was about politics and war. It had all of the things TNG lacked...but as a result lacked some of the things that have defined Star Trek from the beginning. If I were to rank the series, DS9 would be right behind TOS for me.

    Voyager...interesting concept that drew on the strengths of both TNG sand DS9. However, it was marred by some odd writing choices and multiple awfully-developed characters - some of which were grossly underdeveloped (Chakotay), some that no amount of development could fix (Harry, Tom, Neelix), and at least one that seemed a little overdeveloped (Seven). Even the Doctor’s character arc, wonderfully done as it was, seemed to be a retread of Data’s exploration of his humanity. As someone said earlier, the show really got good when the Borg were introduced. There were also a few other special moments (Year of Hell, Flashback, Demon) but it was just not up to the level of previous series.

    Enterprise I think gets a bad rap from most people. Some of the acting was overly wooden (sadly from Scott Bakula, who was great in Quantum Leap) and its nature as a prequel so many years after the original made some of the technology oddly advanced for the time period. However, Enterprise gave us much to be thankful for: possibly the best mirror episodes in all of Trek, sensible in-universe explanations for longstanding plot holes, and a return to the exploration roots of the series without a total abandonment of the serialized nature that DS9 did so well. I would put Enterprise’s third season up against the best seasons of any other Trek...also, it’s hard to say no to more Brent Spiner. All that being said, the disastrous finale puts it between only above Voyager on my list.

    I’ve only watched the pilot episodes of Discovery so I won’t rank it anywhere on my list or go into much more detail. There’s a lot to not like (Space Orcs, pulsed phasers a century early, uniforms that do not match the time period, unlikeable characters, holograms) but there are at least as many people who say the plot is interesting as there are people who hate how little care the show runners have given to fitting their story into the Trek universe. I’ll probably sign up for another one-week trial for CBS All Access on another email address at the conclusion of Season 2 and watch it from start to finish, if only to see more of Captain Thiccness Killy. I do so love the Mirror Universe...
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    Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    I was 16 when TNG came out. Watched and taped on VHS every episode. Used to be my fav. DS9 was just ok 4 me. Voyager, ok. Enterprise was refreshing in its take, I really like Archer and T'Pol. Haven't seen Disco yet. TOS had some good moments, but I cringe at the tech, lol.
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
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    The Original Series
    I’ve only watched the pilot episodes of Discovery so I won’t rank it anywhere on my list or go into much more detail. There’s a lot to not like (Space Orcs, pulsed phasers a century early, uniforms that do not match the time period, unlikeable characters, holograms) but there are at least as many people who say the plot is interesting as there are people who hate how little care the show runners have given to fitting their story into the Trek universe. I’ll probably sign up for another one-week trial for CBS All Access on another email address at the conclusion of Season 2 and watch it from start to finish, if only to see more of Captain Thiccness Killy. I do so love the Mirror Universe...

    Dirk, you are my new hero. I like it how you explained every choice for each series, but I agree with you about "Discovery." In my view "Discovery" is not "Star Trek." It doesn't feel like "Trek" for one like the other series. And I agree with all of your points, except for Killy and Tilly. I hate all the characters.

    If we argued this on the Facebook groups, we would be attacked by the "Discovery" fans and ours voices wouldn't be heard.

    I hope this forum is a freedom of speech forum where you are allowed to form your own opinion and not be attacked by other fans?

    TOS is also my favorite, as it is the series started it all. Those who hate the tech must realize the year and decade it was made, where technology was not that great. If Trek began today, who knows.

    I gave up watching "Discovery" half way through. Couldn't finish it. Should've given up earlier.

    I don't think the new Picard series won't be any good either.

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    The Next Generation
    My favorite show was TNG but the best characters had DS9 (especially Garak, Ezri and Damar)
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    Haere LinteseregHaere Lintesereg ✭✭✭✭✭
    Deep Space Nine
    Deep Space Nine, but The Original Series has a special place in my heart (in the heart of all Trekkies I suppose).
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    First series I watched was TNG, but it was Voyager that I truly fell in love with. The most underrated Trek series in my opinion, it deserves more love!

    The USS Voyager is the most beautiful ship. Admit it.
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    Enterprise! TNG is a close second.
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    The Next Generation
    tng. it was the first one I saw but DS9 is growing on me. Voyager and ENT were great in their own way. Not sure on Discovery yet.
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    Discovery is my favorite one to watch but mainly I used to play its game. B)
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    The Original Series
    I'm guessing that the age range of DS9 fans probably correlates to the age range of the majority of gamers here.

    im all for TOS by far the best
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    Team ZeroTeam Zero ✭✭✭
    50 years on .... started with TOS (obviously) and then the long wait until The Motion Picture (possibly the only time in my life I've gone to the cinema by myself), TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise and recently Discovery has been made.

    I've tried but simply cannot watch most TOS episodes any more, seen them so often and without knowing most episodes' names, can tell the plot within a few seconds, then switch off.

    TNG I can have on the box and watch most of it, again, I've seen every episode multiple times, but can watch again and again and again, most episodes anyway.

    Quite possibly I've not seen every episode of Voyager due to where I was in my life at the time, but know instantly if I've seen it before, either way I might not watch a rerun.

    DS9, I know I've missed a fair bit, not being shown on UK tv (to my knowledge) at the mo, would probably watch it for a while, not sure if it could hold my attention.

    Enterprise, watched it on and off, only thing that stands out is T'Pol's chest!

    Not seen Discovery, I pay enough for media as it is and Netflix isn't and never will be part of it, will quite happily catch up in X years time if it turns up on channels I am paying for.

    I quite enjoy the reboot films as they give a new slant on things and are better stand alone films than anything that has gone before.
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    I grew up with Voyager, but I have watched all of them except the original series and animated series.

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    Deep Space Nine
    Currently rewatching Enterprise which I love and was my favorite until I watched DS9. It is my ultimate favorite because I love Quark, Rom and Nog.
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    Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    Difficult question. Unsure if it's TNG or (gasp) Discovery 🤔

    I mean, TNG is the very first one I watched. My mum was not a trekkie and didn't have it in the house. I watched the two part Borg episode during an English lesson at school and was hooked. Sometimes I'd catch it at a friend's house but I didn't get to watch many of them properly until I bought them every month with a magazine.

    Then, when I moved out I could watch Voyager reruns on TV so that's the one I know most. I'd watch it every every evening. It wasn't always played in season order so you really had to think sometimes 😂

    Fast forward several years, I start dating my partner and when we stop smoking we decide to download timelines. I remember the first time I said 'Who's Dax' 😂 😂 so, he encouraged me to watch the entire run of DS9, something I very much enjoyed. I also shared this experience with my fleet on discord and its a lovely experience filled with some great memories.

    After DS9 I tried ENT. This was more difficult for me to get into and I fell asleep during a couple of episodes 😱 😴

    I did try TAS. I really didn't like it. At all. I might try again in 10 years.

    So now im catching up with TOS. I like that it's vintage TV and has a charm all of its own. Of course I love Spock and Scotty and its great to revisit them. It's taking a long time to get through it, not because of non enjoyment I just know when I'm finished it will be the end of my catch up journey.

    As for Discovery, yeah there are a lot of differences, which is part of the reason I love it, because I can yell at the TV at the time it's actually viewing. Not 25 years later. All of my Star Trek experiences have been solitary ones, but Discovery I can sit down with my Other Half and yell at the inconsistencies and talk about our favourite crew and point out that's utter **tsk tsk** or I really love that crewman. I love that I'm watching it with him, and that it ties in with a game I love to play.

    So TNG is always going to be my first Trek love ♥ but Discovery is my probably my current 😍
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    The Original Series
    Voted TOS although DS9 & TNG also faves. But rewatching them TNG has aged more than I thought it would have.
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    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
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    Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Enterprise! TNG is a close second.

    Bless you my friend!
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