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Ahdar Ru'afo not giving bonus is event broken



  • Lets remember that if there will be any action required to fix the issue it will take them more time. They are clearly aware of the issue and are figuring out what to do. I'm sure they will let us know as soon as they have more information to give us.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    Lets remember that if there will be any action required to fix the issue it will take them more time. They are clearly aware of the issue and are figuring out what to do. I'm sure they will let us know as soon as they have more information to give us.

    Um, their post investigation message was that we are wrong and it's supposed to be this way. They are not clearly aware of anything at this point, and are yet to admit they were mistaken
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Lets remember that if there will be any action required to fix the issue it will take them more time. They are clearly aware of the issue and are figuring out what to do. I'm sure they will let us know as soon as they have more information to give us.

    Except they've already communicated that as far as they're concerned it's working as intended so are they really figuring out anything at this point or do they feel they're "done" with it.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Guys, guys, guys. Calm down. This is not Tyler's fault. He, like Shan, is just the messenger.

    ...But if he doesn't respond with an update, no more bathroom breaks. Let us help you, man. Look into this thoroughly. These astronaut diapers do not look comfortable.

    I was going to suggest a clothespin at this point.
    It encourages faster research and response.
  • Not getting the "High bonus" with Ahdar Ru'afo =(
  • I got an update from DB on this issue. The problem is that the flux capacitor isn't strong enough to make the Kessel run in 12 parsecs. Instead, they're going to replace the hull on the Vipers with Valyrian steel so that can open the pod bay doors. If we're lucky, the ship can land on LV-426 so we can pick up the replicants and we put them on the ship to get the real bonus.
  • After investigating event bonuses for Adhar Ru'afo and other crew, we found that all the bonuses are working as intended.

    Translation: "It's your fault, not ours."

    And so, the gauntlet has been dropped, and amateur hour has started...

    In the immortal words of Spock: "Live long and prosper"
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow. Just wow.
    Look at the history of all past mega events.

    Look at the very last event, last week.
    The devs are punking you Jazz.. they're playing a prank. Don't fall for it.
  • After investigating event bonuses for Adhar Ru'afo and other crew, we found that all the bonuses are working as intended.

    Please note, that in phase 1 of this event, Ru'afo only has matching bonus crew traits in the first three of the five skirmish battles. If used in those first three skirmish battles, he receives the high bonus which is a larger bonus than crew receiving low bonus and non-event crew receiving the base bonus for having an applicable trait. Ru'afo, and other crew who do not have the bonus crew traits, will not receive any bonus in the fourth and fifth skirmish battles.

    Example: Battle 1/5 with the Veteran and Brutal traits (Ru'afo has Brutal trait).

    Example: Battle 4/5 with the Starfleet and Physician traits (Ru'afo does not have either of these traits).

    On previous skirmishes events, all event crew gave bonuses on all the battles and, if this was the case, with the traits and stuff, then why does yelgrun give the big bonus on every battle even if he doesn't have any of the listed traits? Come on, if it is to late to fix it, we get it, that kinda stuff happens sometime, but this curve ball of an explanation is rather insulting
  • SunshineRikerSunshineRiker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I understand this is frustrating, but let's not throw insults around, please.

    We have some new information that reveals a complicated situation involving a new bug.

    Skirmish events are supposed to operate the way I explained above: only crew with applicable traits for each Skirmish battle should receive bonuses. When crew members receive bonuses for having an applicable trait, event crew will receive the highest possible bonus, followed by low-bonus crew, followed by non-event crew.

    The reason I said should is because that is how these events are coded and how they were designed to work. However, looking into this event has revealed a new bug which may have led to many of you thinking that featured event crew will always receive a bonus during Skirmishes even if they do not have an applicable trait. During past Skirmish events and this current Skirmish event, there was an erroneous bit of code that was giving bonuses to crew that shouldn't have been receiving them (two examples of this issue are Weyoun Clone 4 due to his Dominion trait and any Phlox crew used in the current event, "Advance Directive"). For this event, you can use any Dominion crew and all Phloxes to always receive a crew bonus even though they may not have an applicable trait for certain Skirmish battles.

    To bring this all back around to the reason this thread was started: Ru’afo is receiving the correct bonus for this event. I apologize that a hidden bug has led some of you to think that Skirmish events always provide bonuses to event crew regardless of whether or not they possess an applicable trait for a particular Skirmish battle. That is not the case, and we are working on a fix for this bug for future events.

    For a better explanation of how Skirmish events will work in the future, you can read our blog post about this event type: http://bit.ly/sttskirmishevent

    Let me know if you have any more questions about Skirmishes, and I will do my best to get them answered.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    So wait, wait, you're telling me... that our shiny new expensive event crew... aren't supposed to be useful in half the battles?
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    thanks for the clarification, this makes sense
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Awesome so in the future we can can switch event crew 2 or 3 times in a single skirmish
  • Drone_one wrote: »
    So why is First Goran'Agar providing double bonus in the 4th battle? He is neither Starfleet or Physician.
    For this event, you can use any Dominion crew and all Phloxes to always receive a crew bonus even though they may not have an applicable trait for certain Skirmish battles.

    Because he's Dominion, so he'll always get a bonus, and he's Event Crew, so he'll get the max bonus.
  • Ego DraconisEgo Draconis ✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Alright. So Ru'afo is event crew in name only. That is the only conclusion I can get to...

    ... seriously, what insane breed of logic is this?! At least BE CLEAR about it!
  • Im sorry but this makes very little sense to me? Are you saying that, EVENT crew do not give bonuses, that only the traits give bonus? Or are you saying that event crew need to have the corresponding trait in order to give the bonus? so are we expected to have to constantly switch around characters during every single battle? cause that is simply ridiculous for this kind of event
  • Alright. So Ru'afo is event crew in name only. That is the only conclusion I can get to...

    ... seriously, what insane breed of logic is this?! At least BE CLEAR about it!

    The kind of logic where the So'na are part of the Dominion but Ru'afo is not given the Dominion trait. Maybe he died before the So'na joined the Dominion?
  • Yeah that comment was meant sarcastically
  • So you're saying that Ahdar Ru'afo is not the bugged card, but Reverend Phlox, Yelgrun and First Goran'Agar are. As well as all the other event featured crew were in all past skirmish events? That's the answer?
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