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Ahdar Ru'afo not giving bonus is event broken



  • edited August 2018
    You know besides all the shady tactics DB is and has been using to cover up its mistakes, that it claims are hidden bugs, (what is a hidden bug exactly, and how does it differ from any other bug), This company really needs to take a long hard look at its customer service, or lack there of. Does db even care that they are pissing off the majority of its customer base? Instead of doing the right thing, admitting their mistakes, or trying to make it right, they blame it on us for apparently not know what they originally intended, even thou it was never made clear, or is constantly contradicted by their own admissions.

    I don't about the rest of you, but if this is Db's attitude, I think ill look long and hard before spending another dime.

    If this is how you intended skirmishes to work? then it plain sux period end of period, not giving credit for event crew, regardless of traits. Worst case scenario at least fix the damn crew selector so that you aren't punishing us for what you have failed to do.

    Db should right a book for customer service training, and call it "what not to do" But I guess as the name shows, we should just deal with it ;)

    Peace im out ;p
  • @DealWithItJazzRiker Could we please have a definitive breakdown of how many points one should receive if you use a event ship, an event character, a low bonus event character and normal crew with and without the traits for each skirmish
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    @DealWithItJazzRiker Could we please have a definitive breakdown of how many points one should receive if you use a event ship, an event character, a low bonus event character and normal crew with and without the traits for each skirmish

    And how said breakdown effects "Bonus rewards" at the end of a successful battle? That's the part people care the most about anyways. Not too many people would be putting up with this tedium if the bonus rewards didn't help alleviate the pain.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm looking forward to finishing this event ASAP.
  • Because the german Support is peaceful sleeping... Will DB uns jetzt verarschen?
    *ST* STARS RISA - Dein Aktivurlaubsparadies :-D
  • Because the german Support is peaceful sleeping... Will DB uns jetzt verarschen?

    Google Translate never sleeps
    Sisko: What are you gonna learn in the next few months that you haven't already learned in the last 300 years?
    Ezri Dax: Oh, how to keep from breaking into tears for no reason...
  • McCaptainfaceMcCaptainface ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Looking at this now, just shows that DB/timelines are truly area greedy pay to win app, ship bonus which you can only complete through buying packs for ship bonus, and only people who have bought packs will have Phlox for the Starfleet/Physician or any trait unique to Yelgrun (before earning him) to get the full bonus reward... I know they were bad but this is taking the biscuit. Having Goran Agar only helps for proper bonus in 2/5 skirmishes
  • Just give Dominion trait to Ru'afo ASAP. End of story.
    Programmers happy because its an easy fix, players are happy because they have a new dominion crew.
    Bonus: after the event add a new Cyro collection for dominion. That will put a smile on our face.
  • Cmdr Worf's HeadCmdr Worf's Head ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    So it does appear that they were meant to run this way:
    From https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/5573/key-information-about-the-event-catching-fire-first-skirmish-event-05-31-q-a-edit/p1
    Shan wrote:
    - What kind of bonus do bonus crew provide: bonus crew that have a matching traitwill increase VP gain and, at the end of a battle, will enhance repair if you choose to repair, or enhance rewards if that is the option chosen.
    - Important distinction for bonus crew: each battle in a Skirmish has its own traits to match, bonus crew provide a better trait match bonus. (Similarly to a Galaxy Event when building an event item)

    Google Cache link from 12th August to prove no recent tampering: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7jsRzLMnXDAJ:https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/5573/key-information-about-this-week-s-event-catching-fire-first-skirmish-event-05-31-q-a-edit+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

    It confused me at the time when event crew got full bonus without matching traits, but I figured I'd just misunderstood.
    Sisko: What are you gonna learn in the next few months that you haven't already learned in the last 300 years?
    Ezri Dax: Oh, how to keep from breaking into tears for no reason...
  • It doesn't enhance any rewards at the end though. When will that bug be fixed? Never?!
  • edited August 2018
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from itself
  • It does enhance rewards, I think. Depending on how many traits I'm matching, I can get either 75 or 150 honor (though I don't often get honor).
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  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m just going to set these here for later:


    DB, please let this be (yet another) lesson as to why you need a better quality control department. Or, seemingly, to have a quality control department in the first place. This is something that could have been easily caught in a test environment long before the first Skirmish event. A better explanation of how the event works would have also helped the players find this “bug” before now.

    One other thing you can do is make sure each battle in every Skirmish event phase has at least one trait that applies to each of the three or four event crew.

    And most importantly, a better description of large bonus and small bonus crew is needed for Skirmish events. Every other event type, even Galaxy events, will grant a bonus for the featured event crew and variants every single time. If event crew or variants will not be giving a bonus because they are missing a trait, that needs to be stated explicitly in the event announcement like so:

    Bonus crew:

    Phase 1, Battle 1 -
      Phase 1, Battle 2 -
      Phase 1, Battle 3 -
      Phase 1, Battle 4 -
      Phase 1, Battle 5 -
      Phase 2, Battle 1 -
      Phase 2, Battle 2 -
      Phase 2, Battle 3 -
      Phase 2, Battle 4 -
      Phase 2, Battle 5 -
      “Not enough bandwidth” to do it like that? Tough...figure it out before the day the event goes live.
  • What this means is that if you want the max VP available, you need to buy as many event packs as it takes to get all of the event featured crew to make sure you cover ALL of the traits that will be assigned to each of the 5 ship battles which we won't know until the event starts. They won't give us these in the event notes.
    No other event works this way.
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    So just trying to get this all sorted out in my not-very-good-at-stats head - the intention is that we'd change crew for every skirmish battle? I mean it's a repetitive type of event by nature, but the actual battles go by smoothly enough that I kind of don't mind, but changing crew (at all, never mind the way the crew selection process seems to arrange crew kind of at random) would just be super grindey.

    If that's the case, I'll just threshold-and-out with whatever VPs I get with a static crew, bonus or no.
  • Just go and give the game a bad review on every device they have. Hit them where it hurts until they realise that you cant go changing the rules midway through an event. It is there jobs that depend on our money and playing, DB Do Better
  • Goons! Complete and utter goons!
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  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    I am lost. I am a late comer. My second account I bought 4 event packs before I knew about polywatergate, I got two Reverend Phlox in last pack. (Three Agar's in other packs airlocked them)

    My Reverend Phlox has Bonus written on him for all 5 battles. But he does not have the trait for first three battles.

    I thought what I had read here in response from DB is that only crew with trait get bonus. As I said Phlox does not have trait, but it shows bonus.

    Decided to show battle two for ex.
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