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Ahdar Ru'afo not giving bonus is event broken



  • Since you are now more heavily incentivizing changing crew between battles (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) are you going to make it easier to find the crew we actually need? Currently, it is extremely difficult to search through a list of my 200+ crew to find a specific one.

    Was just about to say the same thing.

    Fix the user interface/display for skirmishes first before running skirmish events "as intended."
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since you are now more heavily incentivizing changing crew between battles (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) are you going to make it easier to find the crew we actually need? Currently, it is extremely difficult to search through a list of my 200+ crew to find a specific one.

    Yep. I have 425 crew and it's a nightmare trying to find crew for it. I actually switch from my iPhone to my iPad for the initial setup of the crew just so the icons are bigger.

    They need to let us set a "Skirmish Event Favorite" flag on crew so that any we flag appear first at the top of the list.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think we should all stop looking for logic where there obviously is none. The trait match / highest VP reward methodology is consistently inconsistent. For this event, don't use Ru'afo - use Phlox, Iggy, or Goran. And for the next skirmish event, I guess we should just check the blog's web cache to see if any goalposts have shifted further.

    Don't you mean wait for results, post them and watch the blog post be edited to match the new results?
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since you are now more heavily incentivizing changing crew between battles (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) are you going to make it easier to find the crew we actually need? Currently, it is extremely difficult to search through a list of my 200+ crew to find a specific one.

    Yep. I have 425 crew and it's a nightmare trying to find crew for it. I actually switch from my iPhone to my iPad for the initial setup of the crew just so the icons are bigger.

    They need to let us set a "Skirmish Event Favorite" flag on crew so that any we flag appear first at the top of the list.

    I would prefer:
    1. "Big Bonus" crew should ALWAYS be displayed first in crew selection
    2. "Small Bonus" crew should ALWAYS be displayed immediately after
    3. A string filter similar to the Chryo/crew selection is added
    4. There is a visual distinction between "Big Bonus" crew and "Small Bonus" crew (this would also be very helpful for the occasional Expedition event)

    The first two items could be implemented rather simply (it's just an update to how they sort the crew). The latter, I'll admit, will be more difficult to implement as adding UI components into an already complex interface is never simple. I could probably live with not having a "name filter" or "favorite" markings, so long as the bonus crew that I need to swap between are easily available.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    If this is truly how skirmishes are supposed to work (swapping bonus crew between battles), make the Intel/VP ten times as much so we only have to play one tenth the number of battles.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    And final thought for 'DealWithIt'

    This is the ONLY event type that if someone is considered "Event Crew", such as Rufie, do not automatically give some form of bonus. IF this is by design, its honestly bad design. It is incongruous with Galaxy, Faction, Expedition. Even Galaxy where you have traits as a factor, provide bonus percentage of event crew without trait but a larger one with trait.

    If you did something that made sense, you'd look to your previous events for a better equation and something that would not upset so many folks.

  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don't like irrational anger?


    lmao, touche
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • cmdrworfcmdrworf ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since you are now more heavily incentivizing changing crew between battles (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) are you going to make it easier to find the crew we actually need? Currently, it is extremely difficult to search through a list of my 200+ crew to find a specific one.

    Yep. I have 425 crew and it's a nightmare trying to find crew for it. I actually switch from my iPhone to my iPad for the initial setup of the crew just so the icons are bigger.

    They need to let us set a "Skirmish Event Favorite" flag on crew so that any we flag appear first at the top of the list.

    I'll take anything that shows be the best bonus first. I'm NOT dealing with scrolling through all my crew to change between each battle.
    Sir, I protest! I am NOT a merry man!
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    For that matter, to adequately prepare for the event, DB should now be required to provide what traits will be useful in the event as part of the event communications if they continue on this path.

    So they are making more work for themselves by sticking to their guns.
    (Or we will simply start asking as soon as the next skirmish event starts and repeat asking until answered.)

  • Can I get a free Rufie for this? I just need another Rufie.

    I not sure I'm up for changing crew. It's gonna have to be a best fit, set and forget thingo.

    I suspected skirmishes weren't working 'as intended' and I'm not sure they are yet either. The VP from each skirmish is through the roof compared to other events.

    And I haven't had an anti-macro pop-up yet either.

    It's a bit of a mess, and I think Rufie should give some kind of bonus, even if his traits don't match. Event crew bonus plus trait bonus may make sense. But it hasn't worked like that in any skirmish til now, and it's not working properly for Rufie. Or anyone else.

    Sigh. I like the simplicity of skirmishes. I enjoy them thoroughly as they are.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    My tin foil hat basically calls BS on the communication and that this is an attempt to make the bots less of an issue giving human interaction changing crew some sort of leg up.

    Unfortunately with the way the UI THAT HAS BEEN COMMENTED/COMPLAINED ABOUT/ETC EVERY SKIRMISH AND BEFORE WITH THE ARENA) that makes it more and more tedious.

    You might actually get more points just taking less bonus and doing more iterations due to time constraints.

    And based on DBs shady behavior during the shuttle issue, I'm going to treat just about anything from them going forward as a lie unless proven otherwise.

    Wow Palli you read my mind;) I was thinking the same exact thing, but I didn't want to start a flame war by mentioning it. It makes perfect sense, that they want to force crew switching in order to stop more of the automation.

    However, this would be fine IF
    1) DB actually was honest for once, and admitted what it was doing and why it was doing it, unlike the take a break messages lol
    2) they made the crew selection actually usable, instead of the cluster F it is now ;p
    3) refer back to 1 and own your stuff;)
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    How bonuses are chosen............


    It's more like this.

  • Since you are now more heavily incentivizing changing crew between battles (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) are you going to make it easier to find the crew we actually need? Currently, it is extremely difficult to search through a list of my 200+ crew to find a specific one.

    Yep. I have 425 crew and it's a nightmare trying to find crew for it. I actually switch from my iPhone to my iPad for the initial setup of the crew just so the icons are bigger.

    They need to let us set a "Skirmish Event Favorite" flag on crew so that any we flag appear first at the top of the list.

    I would prefer:
    1. "Big Bonus" crew should ALWAYS be displayed first in crew selection
    2. "Small Bonus" crew should ALWAYS be displayed immediately after
    3. A string filter similar to the Chryo/crew selection is added
    4. There is a visual distinction between "Big Bonus" crew and "Small Bonus" crew (this would also be very helpful for the occasional Expedition event)

    The first two items could be implemented rather simply (it's just an update to how they sort the crew). The latter, I'll admit, will be more difficult to implement as adding UI components into an already complex interface is never simple. I could probably live with not having a "name filter" or "favorite" markings, so long as the bonus crew that I need to swap between are easily available.

    It's still more complicated than that. If you make big bonus crew then small bonus crew, you're ignoring the slot's primary skill bonus (science, med, security, etc). Those are always at the top because it's how the ship crew strength structure works.

    So, it could be 4-tiered sorting?:
    1. primary skill (med slot = med crew first)
    2. big bonus (who have med, with matching traits)
    3. small bonus (who have med, with matching traits)
    4. if they have no matching traits, don't show BONUS (even if event crew)

    It's kind of ugly, but I guess it would work. Ultimately, once you've selected your crew, SAVE EACH BATTLE CREW SELECTIONS INDEPENDENTLY (like in arena admiral vs captain difficulty crews).
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Also let game remember last time crew selection for each battles. That way you wont have to constantly change crews. Game already remember last ship and crew selection, this only have to extend a little further. Does not need any design changes, so it is a cheap fix.
    This QoL change is a must before you make any serious changes in skirmish rules.

    Actually, that would be nice. At the beginning of the event, all 5 legs of the Skirmish appear and you select a specific ship and crew for each segment. It then "remembers" that selection so you don't have to switch ships/crew between battles. It would automatically do it for you based on what you set up.

    Then you only have to feel the pain twice, once at the beginning and then again at the phase change.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the best option is to remember the crew, but I know persistence of data can be a nightmare for programming.

    Something as simple as the methodology for gauntlets work, First show all crew, sorted by high bonus/low bonus/no bonus. Then if I click on a specific Skill, sort on that skill first, by high bonus/low bonus/no bonus, then show those without the skill High bonus/low bonus/no bonus.
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Unfortunately with the way the UI THAT HAS BEEN COMMENTED/COMPLAINED ABOUT/ETC EVERY SKIRMISH AND BEFORE WITH THE ARENA) that makes it more and more tedious.

    You might actually get more points just taking less bonus and doing more iterations due to time constraints.

    Also the crew selection for expedition events, scrolling through hundreds of crew to find the one with bonuses, the one which changes place after each use.

    This is why I sometimes play expedition events like you suggest playing skirmishes, I don't always aim for full points every ticket, just max throughput for the time I have.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since you are now more heavily incentivizing changing crew between battles (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) are you going to make it easier to find the crew we actually need? Currently, it is extremely difficult to search through a list of my 200+ crew to find a specific one.

    Yep. I have 425 crew and it's a nightmare trying to find crew for it. I actually switch from my iPhone to my iPad for the initial setup of the crew just so the icons are bigger.

    They need to let us set a "Skirmish Event Favorite" flag on crew so that any we flag appear first at the top of the list.

    I would prefer:
    1. "Big Bonus" crew should ALWAYS be displayed first in crew selection
    2. "Small Bonus" crew should ALWAYS be displayed immediately after
    3. A string filter similar to the Chryo/crew selection is added
    4. There is a visual distinction between "Big Bonus" crew and "Small Bonus" crew (this would also be very helpful for the occasional Expedition event)

    The first two items could be implemented rather simply (it's just an update to how they sort the crew). The latter, I'll admit, will be more difficult to implement as adding UI components into an already complex interface is never simple. I could probably live with not having a "name filter" or "favorite" markings, so long as the bonus crew that I need to swap between are easily available.

    It's still more complicated than that. If you make big bonus crew then small bonus crew, you're ignoring the slot's primary skill bonus (science, med, security, etc). Those are always at the top because it's how the ship crew strength structure works.

    So, it could be 4-tiered sorting?:
    1. primary skill (med slot = med crew first)
    2. big bonus (who have med, with matching traits)
    3. small bonus (who have med, with matching traits)
    4. if they have no matching traits, don't show BONUS (even if event crew)

    It's kind of ugly, but I guess it would work. Ultimately, once you've selected your crew, SAVE EACH BATTLE CREW SELECTIONS INDEPENDENTLY (like in arena admiral vs captain difficulty crews).

    Matching the skill slot matters very little in ship battles. Ship activated abilities massively overpower the passive benefits.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Antasil wrote: »
    Allow me to attempt a voice of reason in this heated debate.

    Now there are two possible scenario's:
    A) Skirmishes worked right from the start and Ru'afo is bugged in this one
    B) Skirmishes haven't worked as intended from the start and Ru'afo is working as intended

    Whatever the scenario, I think it is safe to say that internally not all in DB understand how their skirmishes are supposed to work. Either their handling of this topic or the previous two skirmishes are evidence of that.

    Now clearly whoever is handling this in absence of Shan and who else may be on vacation is in over their heads. But for us players, the event plays pretty much as usual except for Ru'afo. So I say: let's stay relaxed and wait for their Monday morning meeting to sort things out. DB is not going to fix an event during an event, and that wouldn't be the best option anyway.

    Keep Calm and Prosper!

    If it please the high magistrate I shall offer this thought to fellow subjects without any intent or design for it to inflame or call a name..

    They won't fix it during the monday morning meeting either. YAY ! :)
    That's just usually the code phrase for hide the bodies , fidelity dee !! :)

    Happiest Rainbows everyone !
    This is the BEST thing to ever happen to us all.. yay.
  • I forgot to mention, I guess with the new rules, the crewmember's faction (dominion/mirror/whatever) in the mega event has no bearing on bonus? Unless that faction were a trait in the skirmish battle?
  • My two cents and my last words on this matter.

    Event crew is event crew, regardless of high or low bonus. If Ru'afo IS (high) event crew, why is he not being given his full potential points? Makes no sense due to this being a mega event, and he IS the featured crew.

    Also, this he-is-not-event-crew-after-all. Why not state beforehand, one day before event start, the other events were... bugged? I'm certain people would be far more understanding, despite the possible backlash. It wouldn't be blown out of proportion, like in this case.

    There is one rule for all companies that DB is failing here: poor communication kills.
    Imagine we, players, have a contract with you, DB (we do, by playing whatever games you create). You offer us an entertainment service which can be paid to use. Everyone, especially these paying people who support your game, would like to know if there is any change to the contract. And communication of these changes before ANY change is essential. Gives time for everyone to parlay about the problems and discuss solutions and find middle terms that may please both parties.

    After the Yar nerf, this stunt and many others in the past, I cannot reward this behaviour. Do forgive me for being blunt, but I cannot stand in favour of a company which undermines its own laws, changes clear and pre estabilished rules without warning and expects the other party to go silent, quiet and on about their lives as if nothing had happened.

    I consider myself one of the players, and will be rational and fair to the bitter end, seeking compromises whenever possible. There is no compromise here. I will now close the funding tap until further notice.

    Amen to that bro! And with that I've done a little digging.
    I tried to watch the video again from when they first started the skirmish event and explained how everything was going to work since it was a new type of event.
    I typed "Star Trek Timelines Skirmish Event" then looked under video section. I got this link.
    The video has been conveniently taken down and also replaced with bold lettering stating what was told to us yesterday, BTW, that was updated yesterday. If the rules DB stated were the way they say now, then why is the video gone and bold lettering in its place? Wouldn't they leave it up there for proof on their end that these are the rules?
    More proof in the pudding that DB is trying to cover up the fact they screwed up and are trying to renig on the rules.
    I remember clearly, by playing the last 2 skirmish events and everyone else here is saying that what DB is saying now is not right.
    Just wish I would've saved the original video for future reference. Live and learn.
    We obviously need a new video about HOW skirmish event are going to be run for future ones and a CLEAR UNDERSTANDING statement of the rules, crew bonuses, and point system so everyone will be on the same page.
    I'll be waiting but not holding my breath.

    is this the forum post and video you're looking for? https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/5510/skirmishes-a-new-event-type-coming-to-star-trek-timelines

    video is still up currently (but mirror kirk is bugged in it, this is why the vo and the video never made sense regarding traits)
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