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Key information about the event: A Valdore Too Far - 09/13

ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 2018 in The Bridge
Event Name: A Valdore Too Far
Event Type: Skirmish Event
Event Crew: Maid Marian 5* (New), Commander Donatra 4* (New) and Kal-if-fee Spock 4* (existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 09/13 until Monday 09/17

Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Vash, variants of Spock, and crew with the Romulan trait

Bonus ships:
• Valdore Type 2* (New)
• Romulan D'deridex Warbird 4* (Existing)
• The Valdore 5* (New)


  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    Very looking forward to Commander Donatra! :)
  • Not thrilled by the new crew and especially the legendary. :/
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks as always for posting Shan! Any chance of a bonus for ALL of the Sherwood collection since i just got Friar Data in a voyage yesterday? :)
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    "small bonus: variants of Vash"....you mean the one 3* or is there another one I am missing (aside from the upcoming 5* that is)......
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • "small bonus: variants of Vash"....you mean the one 3* or is there another one I am missing (aside from the upcoming 5* that is)......

    That’s the one, but only if she has the required traits per battle.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cool crew all around. I won't be competing for Vash, mind you, but I look forward to seeing her in a behold two to three years from now.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    tempted to compete for the pleasure of airlocking the worst rash to ever appear on any star trek series. I mean vash. But I think I'll keep chilling instead.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • barrydancerbarrydancer ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've ground out the thresholds at least in all the previous skirmishes. Now that I have to also potentially swap crew every battle, I think I'll be taking the weekend off.
  • The Romulan Valdore is a beautiful ship.
  • When are we getting Admiral Valdore from Star Trek Enterprise season 4?
    Star Trek first season rankings from best to worst: DS9, TOS, ENT, VOY, TNG, TAS, ORV, DIS
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    When are we getting Admiral Valdore from Star Trek Enterprise season 4?

    I immediately thought of Romulan Brian Thompson when I saw the title. Still happy to finally have a 5* Romulan ship in the gamen
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, now...Donatra and a gorgeous ship. Should be a fun event!
  • When are we getting Admiral Valdore from Star Trek Enterprise season 4?

    I immediately thought of Romulan Brian Thompson when I saw the title. Still happy to finally have a 5* Romulan ship in the gamen

    Me too. Hope it's just the beginning for more Romulan characters, as I really need to finish the particular achievement.
    Star Trek first season rankings from best to worst: DS9, TOS, ENT, VOY, TNG, TAS, ORV, DIS
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    I suggest that folks send DB a message.
    If you enjoy the event play it.
    If you don't like the fubared new modified rules, DO NOT BUY PACKS.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yikes new rules will be terrible if the crew selection process isnt better. Instead of messing with bonus why doesnt db just add more ships and more randomness instead?
    Let’s fly!
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    I had no idea there was so much Vash hate. I always liked her episodes and the actress. Hopefully there will be a lack of interest and I can add her to crew.

    I thought she was fun, though the Robin Hood episode was clunky, only topped in its clunkiness by the DS9 sequel to that ep.

    Her original ep was very fun and I thought she delivered with it.

    That being said, I don't expect to add her to my crew as I don't have a bot and I don't plan on switching crew between skirmish battles.
  • One of the major issues with this design, aside from the dubious ability of event design teams to consistently keep traits lined up with named and event crew in a sensible way, is that the user interface for selecting crew for ships is egregiously unfriendly to users. It’s difficult to navigate in a useful way and has nothing resembling usable sorting or filtering tools. This event design mechanic is clearly built to incentivize changing crew between battles, but the functional design of the game makes this highly impractical. Your most grindy event type will now become, by far, the most tedious. I strongly, strongly recommend reverting this design change at least until user interface work and other balance changes can be done on the event to make the situation more tolerable.

    Also, Donatra should have been the 5*. But thank you for introducing one of my favorite ships as a 5*. It’s long overdue for the Romulans to have a 5* ship and for there to be modern hulls in the 5* category generally.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    An event called Valdore went too far without admiral Valdore? 😁
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just like the last event, I do not plan on changing crew. I’ll pick probably Spock to join my existing Skirmish crew and maybe swap him out for Donatra if she ends up matching more traits. The VP loss is worth not having to deal with the crew selection interface.

    Yep. Set it and forget it

  • Kirki wrote: »
    DB's change to make us swap out crew EACH BATTLE is a slap in the face. Why do that to us?!!!

    If they improved the interface to make it easier on the player, then sure ok, go for it. As it stands now the event is no longer just "grindy" but down right torturous.

    Skirmishes were great! I was pleasantly surprised by how good of an event Skirmishes were from day 1. Leave it to DB to go and RUIN A GOOD THING.


    You only need one bonus crew per battle to get the full bonus and there is a lot of cross-over. I do not recall this being terribly hard to manage and I do go for the bonus every round.
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