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Key information about the event: A Valdore Too Far - 09/13



  • I'm pretty convinced that skirmishes haven't been working 'as intended'. The VP rewards are through the roof compared to other events, and you only have to run 22 skirmishes at full bonus to hit threshold. At a very conservative 5 minutes per skirmish, that's just under 2 hours gameplay. The Intel needed for that is, I haven't worked it out, but someone else could. Indeed, a maximum 1200 Intel per skirmish, and 90 chrons per 1200 Intel, you're looking at 22x90 chrons is under 2,000 chrons less those won from rewards. Just to get to threshold. That's without the steady trickle of Intel awarded just for being in the event!

    Sorry ,it just doesn't add up. And that's the main reason why I've been going nuts on them. The rewards have been fantastic, and it's been very easy for someone with a solid ship crew and a maxed ship to spam the event (even without macros). I didn't expect it to last forever, and I was surprised we had so many events before a fix (sort of) even showed up.

    Faction events don't require 2 hours of gameplay to reach threshold. Half hour for a speed boost and planning shuttle slots, then 5 minutes logging on every 3 hours until Friday night or Saturday depending on how many speed boosts you used. 2 hours of active constant gameplay is fine IMO for a casual cell phone game (though I think your estimate may be conservative).
  • Shan wrote: »
    I am still working on the messaging on this it should be published/sent out tomorrow.
    Long story short, matching a battle trait will not be required.
    The original post has been modified to reflect this.

    Awesome and thx for ur effort. :)

    Really nice to see that DB still can manage to surprise us in a positive way and is acting upon our concerns and feedback. Please keep it going.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Thanks very much for communicating this Shan and for the welcome change.
    A shame it took 4 forum pages of complaining to get this change and again added to anti-DB sentiment in the first place but it is very welcome.
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • Thank you for your help with this issue Shan! Some of us are aware that it takes time (especially over the weekend) to be our advocate to "the powers that be" and convince them to change their minds and/ or make changes at all, so I for one am impressed with the rapidity and truly grateful.
  • Thank you Shan!
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    You can find the official message about this here.

    Let me know if something is not clear enough :)

    For the record, I believe this is how we all thought and expected it was supposed to work (and had worked) until the Skirmish that you were gone and JazzRiker started talking about bugs and such

    Every Skirmish up until that one gave max bonus if you had any event crew, and then suddenly in that Skirmish Ru'afo wasn't giving max bonus and all kinds of excuses were manufactured as to why
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Yateball wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    You can find the official message about this here.

    Let me know if something is not clear enough :)

    For the record, I believe this is how we all thought and expected it was supposed to work (and had worked) until the Skirmish that you were gone and JazzRiker started talking about bugs and such

    Exactly what i thought. :D Well anyway, they fixed this mess, just in time.
    Thank you Shan. <3
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    You can find the official message about this here.

    Let me know if something is not clear enough :)

    For the record, I believe this is how we all thought and expected it was supposed to work (and had worked) until the Skirmish that you were gone and JazzRiker started talking about bugs and such

    Every Skirmish up until that one gave max bonus if you had any event crew, and then suddenly in that Skirmish Ru'afo wasn't giving max bonus and all kinds of excuses were manufactured as to why

    OK I will bite, what would be the point of us manufacturing excuses, seriously? :)
    We really have other things to do I assure you.

    And yes, for most of you this means the event will play out as you assumed it was meant to play out all along. But it is not case for everyone, and as there was a call to be very clear about this, we hope the messaging is helping.

    It's the only thing that explains why the first 2 skirmishes would work with event crew maxing bonus and then the most recent one excluding just ru'afo. Then when the community tried to tell Riker it was broken and that ru'afo should get the bonus he went on about a bug and how skirmishes weren't ever supposed to work the way they had been. NOW they're back to the original expected behaviour.

    Anyway, I'm glad they're back to the way they should be. Once yargate is finalized all of the fallout of your vacation will be cleared up. Don't ever leave us again
  • Zann Calcore (ISA)Zann Calcore (ISA) ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Yes! Looks like they listened to all our complaining and changed the Skirmish rules back to the way they were working. Awesome. Now let’s just all hope that the change is actually instituted properly so it all works as it should instead of causing some mishap or other.

    Finally, I see the new artwork is out and I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed. Vash looks ok and Spock looks as great as he did the first time he appeared, but Donatra, sheesh. No offense to anyone but that illustration makes her look too pale and fat. I think someone needs to seriously work on their Romulan color palette as well as how to properly “oval” a face.

    Maybe I’m being too nitpicky, but I guess I’ve gotten use to having good art, even if it has only been for short while.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • KantKant ✭✭✭
    Yes! Looks like they listened to all our complaining and changed the Skirmish rules back to the way they were working. Awesome. Now let’s just all hope that the change is actually instituted properly so it all works as it should instead of causing some mishap or other.

    Finally, I see the new artwork is out and I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed. Vash looks ok and Spock looks as great as he did the first time he appeared, but Donatra, sheesh. No offense to anyone but that illustration makes her look too pale and fat. I think someone needs to seriously work on their Romulan color palette as well as how to properly “oval” a face.

    Maybe I’m being too nitpicky, but I guess I’ve gotten use to having good art, even if it has only been for short while.

    Totally agree with you
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »

    OK I will bite, what would be the point of us manufacturing excuses, seriously? :)
    We really have other things to do I assure you.

    Obviously. Cause every bug, every mistake or "manufactured excuse", lol, is bad for the reputation and the revenue. But, sadly, as you know many here love to put DB in the evil corner always and give malicious reasons for everything >:)

    Also the way you intended Skirmishes to be seemed senseful and would have rewarded players with a deep crew more. As Admiral Riker "says" in the Cadet Challenges: "A diverse crew is a stronger crew, as I intend to prove." ;)

    But cause of the currently lousy UI and since the first Skirmishes functioned in the way they did surely hard to believe in parts. That is the other side of the coin.

    With the UI as it is right now and a mindset some have about the nature of how Skirmishes should work after the first ones going the current path is the right choice...

  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    I'm OK with skirmishes requiring a trait match and going down the road we thought DWI Riker was indicating they were supposed to operate, IF, AND ONLY IF, the crew selection interface is fixed FIRST. AND ideally each battle of a skirmish remembers the crew selected by that same previous battle.

    IF I'm understanding things correctly, then now we're back to where we started, largely.
    Event specific crew give double VP rewards.
    However, previously I believe there was only Large (+100%), Medium (+50%), and Normal (+0%). I'm not sure where small bonus (+?%) fits in. Are we losing the +50% tier, and gaining +33% and +66% tiers (I anticipated below before the first skirmish this may be the case).

    Second, @Shan I'd appreciate it if you can clarify on this point (I hope you can, the others I expect you may only read): Will the Bonus Reward at the conclusion of the battle match the Small, Medium, Large VP Bonus that event/secondary/trait crew match?

    Final mumbling, why doesn't the final battle give a Bonus Reward?!?!!
  • ...snip...

    Final mumbling, why doesn't the final battle give a Bonus Reward?!?!!

    Because the win is it's own reward? >:)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Yateball wrote: »

    It's the only thing that explains why the first 2 skirmishes would work with event crew maxing bonus and then the most recent one excluding just ru'afo. Then when the community tried to tell Riker it was broken and that ru'afo should get the bonus he went on about a bug and how skirmishes weren't ever supposed to work the way they had been. NOW they're back to the original expected behaviour.

    Anyway, I'm glad they're back to the way they should be. Once yargate is finalized all of the fallout of your vacation will be cleared up. Don't ever leave us again

    Dude, Unnecessary comment removed. ˜Shan stop talking in ultimates and stop trying to make your personal viewpoint more meaningful by projecting it on everyone, lol.

    YOUR expectations and the targets of THE DESIGNERS are completely different things, lol. How they should be is not your thing to decide (unless you buy DB and become the new CEO). Right now they are according to YOUR mindset, so enjoy this "win" ;)

    How Skirmishes were intended to work makes much sense (see my posting some lines above), but, yeah, cause of the buggy way the first ones went and cause of the sucky interface it is easy to see it differently ;)

    Also, lol again, Shan does a great job here, but she is no CEO, no designer or whatever. She is a medium between us and the developers. And she gets payed by DB, not you (that would be too less anyway). So, as said, sometimes think some more before you post. Would make your postings and this forum a better place...

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Comparing it to UnkieB's source image, Donatra's art looks pretty accurate to me.


    Was unable to find the exact source for the Maid Marian artwork, but this pic (courtesy of TrekCore) is close. And although it's not bad, it seems to suffer from a similar problem as other recent character art: the head not quite matching the body. In previous artwork, I've thought the head was a bit too big for the body, but here it just seems oddly-placed. But I'm nitpicking a bit, I'll admit; although it could be better, it certainly could've been much worse. 🤓


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m with Data here - Donatra looks great and Marian’s body is fine, while the face looks like it was pasted on at a funny angle. It looks to me as if the axis running from the front to the back of her head is skewed off the axis coming out of her eyes by ten degrees.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    The art looks good. I dont really like the character of Vash but for those that do I hope they get her.
    Let’s fly!
  • I just tested it: it appears as if the T'Ong is unable to damage the Bounty while it is cloaked. Which is very good indeed. Now I need to find out why I'm still dropping down the leaderboard so much.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »

    It's the only thing that explains why the first 2 skirmishes would work with event crew maxing bonus and then the most recent one excluding just ru'afo. Then when the community tried to tell Riker it was broken and that ru'afo should get the bonus he went on about a bug and how skirmishes weren't ever supposed to work the way they had been. NOW they're back to the original expected behaviour.

    Anyway, I'm glad they're back to the way they should be. Once yargate is finalized all of the fallout of your vacation will be cleared up. Don't ever leave us again

    Dude, Unnecessary comment removed. ˜Shan stop talking in ultimates and stop trying to make your personal viewpoint more meaningful by projecting it on everyone, lol.

    YOUR expectations and the targets of THE DESIGNERS are completely different things, lol. How they should be is not your thing to decide (unless you buy DB and become the new CEO). Right now they are according to YOUR mindset, so enjoy this "win" ;)

    How Skirmishes were intended to work makes much sense (see my posting some lines above), but, yeah, cause of the buggy way the first ones went and cause of the sucky interface it is easy to see it differently ;)

    Also, lol again, Shan does a great job here, but she is no CEO, no designer or whatever. She is a medium between us and the developers. And she gets payed by DB, not you (that would be too less anyway). So, as said, sometimes think some more before you post. Would make your postings and this forum a better place...

    Not sure why you believe I'm assuming a viewpoint on others when it's very well documented that the community wasn't happy with the Skirmish that Shan was away for here: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/10805/ru-afo-not-giving-appropriate-rewards/p1

    That thread also clearly shows that although event crew were given max bonus in the previous events, suddenly the fact they weren't there was a "bug"

    I'm also not sure why you go on about how great Shan is to me as if I was badmouthing her in any way. My post clearly stated that I was glad to have her back and my biggest issue was how things were handled while she was away.

    Would it help if I put a bunch of words in all caps like you do to get my point across? I'm HAPPY that the EVENT will be BACK to NORMAL
  • ...snip...

    Final mumbling, why doesn't the final battle give a Bonus Reward?!?!!

    Because the win is it's own reward? >:)

    No no, not in this case. We should get a loot box .... Subliminal message to DB ... give us a final victory loot box. 😀. Although we do get extra VP right?
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