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Key information about the event: A Valdore Too Far - 09/13



  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wundigore wrote: »
    Kirki wrote: »
    DB's change to make us swap out crew EACH BATTLE is a slap in the face. Why do that to us?!!!

    If they improved the interface to make it easier on the player, then sure ok, go for it. As it stands now the event is no longer just "grindy" but down right torturous.

    Skirmishes were great! I was pleasantly surprised by how good of an event Skirmishes were from day 1. Leave it to DB to go and RUIN A GOOD THING.


    You only need one bonus crew per battle to get the full bonus and there is a lot of cross-over. I do not recall this being terribly hard to manage and I do go for the bonus every round.

    IF that bonus crew has matching traits on all the battles. Which we were told previously that it was a bug that they did.
  • The only good thing about the change is that it will be much harder to use macros.
    But with the UI as it is, probably too hard for us humans as well :p
  • Yeah, would really prefer you didn't do skirmishes until you've sorted the interface.
    Sisko: What are you gonna learn in the next few months that you haven't already learned in the last 300 years?
    Ezri Dax: Oh, how to keep from breaking into tears for no reason...
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Drone_one wrote: »
    The only good thing about the change is that it will be much harder to use macros.
    But with the UI as it is, probably too hard for us humans as well :p

    Lol, not even. It will not be harder to use the macros, it simply will not yield quite as many VPs.

    Macro folks will set and forget and even with diminished VPs they will always beat John Henry in the end.
  • Swap crew for EACH ROUND?

    I might be able to bring myself to get a few rewards and out, but I might just skip this. Hell to the no.
  • Wundigore wrote: »
    Kirki wrote: »
    DB's change to make us swap out crew EACH BATTLE is a slap in the face. Why do that to us?!!!

    If they improved the interface to make it easier on the player, then sure ok, go for it. As it stands now the event is no longer just "grindy" but down right torturous.

    Skirmishes were great! I was pleasantly surprised by how good of an event Skirmishes were from day 1. Leave it to DB to go and RUIN A GOOD THING.


    You only need one bonus crew per battle to get the full bonus and there is a lot of cross-over. I do not recall this being terribly hard to manage and I do go for the bonus every round.

    if it had been "enforced" on our last event...

    Epic traits by battle - phase 1

    Relevant traits featured crew (battle match traits) - phase 1
    First Goran'Agar - Jemhadar, Survivalist, Veteran (1, 3, 5)
    Yelgrun - Clone (2)
    Rev. Phlox - Civilian, Physician (4)
    Ahdar Ru'afo - Brutal, Resourceful, survivalist (1, 2, 3)

    so in other words if this is implemented...... to max your VPs... you gotta put all 3 on your ship.... OR (shudder) change crew around each battle
  • Wundigore wrote: »
    Kirki wrote: »
    DB's change to make us swap out crew EACH BATTLE is a slap in the face. Why do that to us?!!!

    If they improved the interface to make it easier on the player, then sure ok, go for it. As it stands now the event is no longer just "grindy" but down right torturous.

    Skirmishes were great! I was pleasantly surprised by how good of an event Skirmishes were from day 1. Leave it to DB to go and RUIN A GOOD THING.


    You only need one bonus crew per battle to get the full bonus and there is a lot of cross-over. I do not recall this being terribly hard to manage and I do go for the bonus every round.

    if it had been "enforced" on our last event...

    Epic traits by battle - phase 1

    Relevant traits featured crew (battle match traits) - phase 1
    First Goran'Agar - Jemhadar, Survivalist, Veteran (1, 3, 5)
    Yelgrun - Clone (2)
    Rev. Phlox - Civilian, Physician (4)
    Ahdar Ru'afo - Brutal, Resourceful, survivalist (1, 2, 3)

    so in other words if this is implemented...... to max your VPs... you gotta put all 3 on your ship.... OR (shudder) change crew around each battle

    With what you list you could use 2 slots for the event crew and just switch between Yelgrun and phlox as needed for one of those 2 slots. After 2 or 3 times through I suspect it would take little time to navigate to the needed crew to swap them. I just do not see this as more than a minor inconvenience.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Drone_one wrote: »
    The only good thing about the change is that it will be much harder to use macros.
    But with the UI as it is, probably too hard for us humans as well :p

    Lol, not even. It will not be harder to use the macros, it simply will not yield quite as many VPs.

    Macro folks will set and forget and even with diminished VPs they will always beat John Henry in the end.

    The main advantage you have playing the battles is that you could adjust to the rng of seconds 5-10 of the battle and move on if it ended right at 6-7 seconds. It may not seem like much but it adds up to enough time to sleep some. All the other clicks you make require almost no thought and can be done while multitasking.

    Now you are going to have to scroll through a list of 100-400 crew every skirmish (probably at least 2 times in five battles) for max points. You may be able to do it perfectly one or twice but to do the scrolling and selecting every round it will require a lot of attention constantly and make multitasking at that part of the skirmish impossible. You can guess who has the advantage here.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Might just turn on the sound, with all the crew swapping I'll keep hearing "its a faaaaaake!" with Vreenak.

    (Nevermind, he takes 10 seconds to initialize)
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Captain SushiCaptain Sushi ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    Cross-posting what I said in another thread:
    Unfortunately there will not be any major changes to the UI.
    So crew selection will indeed still be annoying.

    We know it hinders the enjoyment of this type of event, and it is on our list still as a needed improvement.
    UI revamps are no small feat, and typically take longer. We wanted it sooner but that was not possible.

    You are aware how frustrating and annoying this will be. So you are going ahead with fixing the bug before the interface why?
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Drone_one wrote: »
    The only good thing about the change is that it will be much harder to use macros.
    But with the UI as it is, probably too hard for us humans as well :p

    Lol, not even. It will not be harder to use the macros, it simply will not yield quite as many VPs.

    Macro folks will set and forget and even with diminished VPs they will always beat John Henry in the end.

    The main advantage you have playing the battles is that you could adjust to the rng of seconds 5-10 of the battle and move on if it ended right at 6-7 seconds. It may not seem like much but it adds up to enough time to sleep some. All the other clicks you make require almost no thought and can be done while multitasking.

    Now you are going to have to scroll through a list of 100-400 crew every skirmish (probably at least 2 times in five battles) for max points. You may be able to do it perfectly one or twice but to do the scrolling and selecting every round it will require a lot of attention constantly and make multitasking at that part of the skirmish impossible. You can guess who has the advantage here.

    This will make it much harder to play while driving 80 mph down the freeway. 😉
  • al103 wrote: »
    I want to note - change do not affect bot users. As choosing crew can be put in the bot. Meaning that they have even MORE of advantage now.

    ^^This. If DB sticks to their guns and "fixes" the "bug" without fixing the UI, they are rewarding cheaters while punishing honest players.

    DB is also shooting themselves in the foot with pack sales by outright stating that bonus crew won't give a bonus.

    @Shan - please request the devs to restore the Skirmish rules back to original. Please give us honest players a fighting chance. We already know that the anti-bot measures didn't work in the last skirmish event. Without reverting the rules, you're giving the cheaters an even bigger advantage.

    Actions speak louder than words (or popups).
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hope they send us 100 schematics like they did the last event so we can at least get a 1/10 Valdore rather than be just 25 schematics short like in the first two.

    Yes. That's been nice the past few events.
  • Am I the only one here is looking forward to this event? I love variety, and strategy has been introduced to make things slightly more challenging. Plus, I want to finish Kal-if-fee Spock, get Donato, and I thought Vash was rather fun. The rewards from playing should be pretty decent too!

    Me too!!! I actually love skirmish events and I am looking forward to the crew as well. Not happy about the need to change up crew to maximize vp, but it won't keep me away either. I use skirmish events to take care of so many things...leveling crew, taking care of collections, gathering more holoemitters to help the fleet I am in, use the honor I collect however I see fit, and compete to the best of my abilities. Definitely not a "whale" (monthly card with an occasional $10 spending here and there) so skirmishes come in handy for me. :)
  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    Am I the only one here is looking forward to this event? I love variety, and strategy has been introduced to make things slightly more challenging. Plus, I want to finish Kal-if-fee Spock, get Donato, and I thought Vash was rather fun. The rewards from playing should be pretty decent too!

    Me too!!! I actually love skirmish events and I am looking forward to the crew as well. Not happy about the need to change up crew to maximize vp, but it won't keep me away either. I use skirmish events to take care of so many things...leveling crew, taking care of collections, gathering more holoemitters to help the fleet I am in, use the honor I collect however I see fit, and compete to the best of my abilities. Definitely not a "whale" (monthly card with an occasional $10 spending here and there) so skirmishes come in handy for me. :)

    And this "fix" makes everything useful about this more difficult and less effective. What's not to like?
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Am I the only one here is looking forward to this event? I love variety, and strategy has been introduced to make things slightly more challenging. Plus, I want to finish Kal-if-fee Spock, get Donato, and I thought Vash was rather fun. The rewards from playing should be pretty decent too!
    The ships in the skirmishes are cool but we cant get them at anything but lvl 1 by doing the event. Why are ship schematics not in the ranked rewards for these events?
    Let’s fly!
  • Am I the only one here is looking forward to this event? I love variety, and strategy has been introduced to make things slightly more challenging. Plus, I want to finish Kal-if-fee Spock, get Donato, and I thought Vash was rather fun. The rewards from playing should be pretty decent too!
    The ships in the skirmishes are cool but we cant get them at anything but lvl 1 by doing the event. Why are ship schematics not in the ranked rewards for these events?

    Or dropping as random loot in the reward boxes. I'd rather have them than random time portal drops, though I'd up the rate a bit since those appear to be rarer than a Ferengi's generosity.
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  • Am I the only one here is looking forward to this event? I love variety, and strategy has been introduced to make things slightly more challenging. Plus, I want to finish Kal-if-fee Spock, get Donato, and I thought Vash was rather fun. The rewards from playing should be pretty decent too!

    Me too!!! I actually love skirmish events and I am looking forward to the crew as well. Not happy about the need to change up crew to maximize vp, but it won't keep me away either. I use skirmish events to take care of so many things...leveling crew, taking care of collections, gathering more holoemitters to help the fleet I am in, use the honor I collect however I see fit, and compete to the best of my abilities. Definitely not a "whale" (monthly card with an occasional $10 spending here and there) so skirmishes come in handy for me. :)

    Yep, I find skirmishes great for many things. While the crew selection interface is in sore need of improvement, my strategy revolves around picking the best crew per skirmish (not battle) and deciding whether to go for speed of completion (basically a standard crew including the best bonus of the event crew, as has been done in the past) or figuring out if a slightly slower sequence of battles using a mix of bonus crew gives better VP even if the battles take longer. Clearly, at least in my view, changing crew every battle isn't going to be fast or even ultimately that effective at harvesting VP, but someone else might find that worthwhile. But the option is there, and it might be possible to do a quick change for a specific battle rather than each one.

    It's certainly more strategic than either faction or galaxy events both of which are insanely repetitive. And the rewards are considerably better. What's not to like?
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • It doesn't just affect the VP, but the actual rewards as well. Being up on this is literal Stockholm Syndrome.
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
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