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Key information about the event: Peldor Joi - 11/15

ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
edited November 2018 in The Bridge
Event Name: Peldor Joi
Event Type: Faction Event
Event Crew: Weyoun Clone 5 5* (Existing), Penk 4* (New), and Commando Shran 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 11/15 until Monday 11/19

Ranked Reward 5*: Captain Spock (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 11/22.

Event factions: Dominion, Ferengi Traditionalists, Bajorans

Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Weyoun, variants of Shran, crew with the Dominion trait, and crew with the Andorian trait.


  • Peldor *joy*. The name of the holiday is Peldor. Wishing people Peldor JOY is the equivalent of wishing people Merry Christmas or Happy Halloween or what have you.

    Having that minor gripe, COMBS EVENT.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Combs event is great, hope Penk has good stats though
  • Combs event! Brunt as a 3* is probably a given...

    Would be stunned if Captain Spock doesn’t have the highest stats/prof in a category so it’ll be a bloodbath!
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    Finally Captain Spock! And thanks for getting it out on time this week.
  • Haere LinteseregHaere Lintesereg ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Dominion crew out of the freezer again....

    Jeffrey Combs event is really great, but I'd prefer Kevin Mulkahey from Far Beyond the Stars instead of Penk (just a matter of tastes).
  • Fingers crossed for 2* Mirror Brunt
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad to see that he's not honor hall or gauntlet.......but am i now supposed to go hard for weyoun this week so i can use him next week to get Spock to use the following week for someone else?
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Son of a #$%^. Just as I was considering whether or not it was reasonable to skip out on Weyoun... Captain Spock makes his appearance. :o Decision simplified.
  • [DC] Principia[DC] Principia ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    das411 wrote: »

    Glad to see that he's not honor hall or gauntlet.......but am i now supposed to go hard for weyoun this week so i can use him next week to get Spock to use the following week for someone else?

    Either that or pay the rent-a-shuttle scam next week.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Crew list...

    Event Crew:
    Weyoun Clone 5 (5*)
    Penk (4*)
    Commando Shran (4*)

    Bonus Crew:
    Changeling Founder
    Changeling Martok
    Mirror Shukar
    Ushaan Shran

    Ambassador Shras
    Changeling Bashir
    Commander Thelin
    Diseased Changeling Founder
    Dominion Dukat
    First Goran'Agar
    Lieutenant Tarah
    Thot Gor
    Weyoun Clone 4

    Expedition Shran
    Third Remata'Klan

    Thank you. My 5* crew is non-existent for this. I might have to push for Weyoun after all. I don't want to. My 4* crew is pretty good.
  • Captain Spock! Well, good thing I'm already going for top 1000 for Weyoun this week, because it looks like I will need him for next week's event.

    (DB really missed an opportunity to have him be a mega 5* character thought..

    Yeah, I was hoping Captain Spock would be a recurring mega 5* too... oh well. At least he is an event reward and not a pack only character, like Admiral Kirk originally was.
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Was expecting a skirmish event. Oh well...
  • The current event is about to turn into a blood bath toget weyoun ready for next week, to be able to rank high for spock :p
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Crew list...

    Event Crew:
    Weyoun Clone 5 (5*)
    Penk (4*)
    Commando Shran (4*)

    Bonus Crew:
    Changeling Founder
    Changeling Martok
    Mirror Shukar
    Ushaan Shran

    Ambassador Shras
    Changeling Bashir
    Commander Thelin
    Diseased Changeling Founder
    Dominion Dukat
    First Goran'Agar
    Lieutenant Tarah
    Thot Gor
    Weyoun Clone 4

    Expedition Shran
    Third Remata'Klan

    This is going to be an expensive week for thawing. On the bright side, I have all the 4* immortalized and my Mirror Shukar is 3/5-FE.

    Normally I'd think I was set for a top-1000 finish in a faction event, but I'm not sure what to think of the new rent-a-shuttle and the potential impact it will have.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    I guess it's a good thing I don't care about Spock, from what I'm seeing here it's gonna be nuts for this event.
  • Have to give it to DB, knowing full well people will spend a shed load of money into next weeks and now the week after event straight after the balls up recently where many folk said they will keep there wallets shut :p Lets hope they dont mess up the rent a shuttle introduction, will it now be a pay to win game??
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    A Combs event with Captain Spock as the featured reward? Oh my...time to roll out the 130 3* time boosts I’ve been saving.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    The top of the faction board (top 100-ish) is already mostly pay-to-win. Unless you can rent this shuttle every single time you send out a wave, I don't think it will have much impact. But then, who knows?

    Edit: I'll mention that I'm NOT in the P2W crowd for factions. I just maximize my strategy and timing, and cruise to a 300-600 finish, usually.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Peldor *joy*. The name of the holiday is Peldor. Wishing people Peldor JOY is the equivalent of wishing people Merry Christmas or Happy Halloween or what have you.

    Having that minor gripe, COMBS EVENT.

    MemoryAlpha and startrek.com disagree with you...

    Actually he was kinda right and kinda wrong

    According to memory alpha, its Peldor Festival and the official greeting is "Peldor Joi"\


    So Joi is the correct spelling, but the holiday is the Peldor Festival or Gratitude Festival.

    ---Yeah I know, still annoyingly pedantic after all these posts...
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    The top of the faction board (top 100-ish) is already mostly pay-to-win. Unless you can rent this shuttle every single time you send out a wave, I don't think it will have much impact. But then, who knows?

    Edit: I'll mention that I'm NOT in the P2W crowd for factions. I just maximize my strategy and timing, and cruise to a 300-600 finish, usually.

    I think its going to have a bigger impact, but, I think you're right that it will mostly be at the top--- but where will the spending crest be?

    Already pretty disillusioned with certain changes, planned and unplanned to gameplay... which it tampering my own 'joi' despite being a heavy DS9 fan.
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