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Your Gauntlet "Just......Wow" moment



  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    Of course, on a 3......


    and on the very next 3....


    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    I always love when a 3* tromps my Gauntlet exclusive. 3* Troi has a nasty habit of beating my Guinan, a very nasty habit.


    On a positive note, this seldom seen crew has been quite good to me the last 2 days.
  • enigma starlordenigma starlord ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    i had these, I thought were close. Both Bashir and Airam are level 50.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    So YOU'RE the jackal who keeps running Racquetball Bashir! lol
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭

    First, it kills me when my crit is the lowest power hit.

    Second, when my 65% crit loses to 5% crit when they have pretty comparable proficiencies.
    Farewell 🖖
  • I have bad "wow" moments pretty much every round.
  • First, Just a twist of RNG fate. I was in Second place for the final 10 minutes or so and about 100+ trophies behind, and then the First place guy must have lost a battle or two and got taken down a peg, because I ended up winning by 20 trophies without lifting a finger! :smiley:


    Now the bad one. This follows a bug report I just submitted, and miffed me a bit. I have seen when sometimes your battle loses a skill that it shouldn't, but this one killed my fully fresh Daystrom (Lvl 100 FE) with both skills looking like dead meat!

    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • 4sl1nbsh470i.png

    First, it kills me when my crit is the lowest power hit.

    Second, when my 65% crit loses to 5% crit when they have pretty comparable proficiencies.

    They're really not comparable proficiencies though. Mirror phlox has much higher Med gauntlet stat before crits (especially with starbase bonuses applied). So while Antaak certainly has a lot of odds to beat with crits, those are more subject to RNG chance than a crew member's stat numbers. This means that Phlox has more reliable rolls without crits, while Antaak is REQUIRED to have crits to beat him. 65% enables you to be more competitive with alternative crew, but is more subject to RNG.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't even care that I lost this fight, it was epic to watch!


  • My last couple of wow moments have not been happy wows. Had a 13 win streak then this happened...7un2ppb9mz78.png
    Third time I lose a 13 win streak to a much weaker crew. :(

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    My last couple of wow moments have not been happy wows. Had a 13 win streak then this happened...7un2ppb9mz78.png
    Third time I lose a 13 win streak to a much weaker crew. :(

    I wouldn’t call Lewis “much weaker” than Selar based on combined skills:

    Selar - 171-536 (354 avg)
    Zimmerman - 202-429 (316 avg)

    Weaker, yes, though not by much. You had two bad rolls and one good roll while he had two good rolls, two bad rolls (both on his weaker skill), and two mediocre rolls. That will happen from time to time.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    My last couple of wow moments have not been happy wows. Had a 13 win streak then this happened...7un2ppb9mz78.png
    Third time I lose a 13 win streak to a much weaker crew. :(

    I wouldn’t call Lewis “much weaker” than Selar based on combined skills:

    Selar - 171-536 (354 avg)
    Zimmerman - 202-429 (316 avg)

    Weaker, yes, though not by much. You had two bad rolls and one good roll while he had two good rolls, two bad rolls (both on his weaker skill), and two mediocre rolls. That will happen from time to time.

    Just to piggyback on the wisdom shared by Dirk, it is a common error to only focus on the high end of the spectrum, when the min rolls are just as important.

    You also need to factor in the possibility of critical rolls. Your Selar is 171-536 and has 3 bites at the crit apple at 5% each time. As reported by Dirk, Zimmerman's total rolls are quite similar to yours, but he gets there rolling 6 times, doubling his chances at a critical, with even a single critical being quite bad for you.

    I bet we could run that match up 100 times and the results would be very close to 50 / 50.
  • One before bed:


    One this morning, because I knew it was an anomaly:


    Both 5%.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • I find Minuets always getting good hits
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I find Minuets always getting good hits

    And I am seeing the opposite even though she has a 25% critical chance in the B schedule gauntlet of yesterday and today. I beat her on a COM/DIP matchup with a 5% Locutus...again, such is the nature of probability.
  • I find Minuets always getting good hits

    And I am seeing the opposite even though she has a 25% critical chance in the B schedule gauntlet of yesterday and today. I beat her on a COM/DIP matchup with a 5% Locutus...again, such is the nature of probability.

    Such is the nature of DB's **tsk tsk** system LOL
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    For win #12......ya right...both 25%....Trelane (272-745) (199-424) vs Seven (262-860)

    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • RatoverlordRatoverlord ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I was at 5 wins and got a bad group to go against. Thought for sure I was throwing someone in just to be killed. They won the sixth battle and I got the box. Very surprised.
    Admiral of TN Volunteers

    Your simple talior,
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    My last couple of wow moments have not been happy wows. Had a 13 win streak then this happened...7un2ppb9mz78.png
    Third time I lose a 13 win streak to a much weaker crew. :(

    I wouldn’t call Lewis “much weaker” than Selar based on combined skills:

    Selar - 171-536 (354 avg)
    Zimmerman - 202-429 (316 avg)

    Weaker, yes, though not by much. You had two bad rolls and one good roll while he had two good rolls, two bad rolls (both on his weaker skill), and two mediocre rolls. That will happen from time to time.

    Yes ... you would have been better off using Armus actually.

    - 208-532 (370 average)

    Lower max, but 2 of your Selar rolls are actually under Armus' minimum roll.

    Tip: Don't take 1-skill crew, there are bound to be better crew on your roster to take ... e.g. from recent crew Assimilated Troi is better ... lower MED, but decent rolls for her other two skills to add in.
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    I've won 22 rounds in a row in the current gauntlet. Twenty Two. Ask me how many Guinans, Locutus, Armus, or Caretakers I've won? I dare you to ask me. I hate you, gauntlet.
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭

    First, it kills me when my crit is the lowest power hit.

    Second, when my 65% crit loses to 5% crit when they have pretty comparable proficiencies.

    They're really not comparable proficiencies though. Mirror phlox has much higher Med gauntlet stat before crits (especially with starbase bonuses applied). So while Antaak certainly has a lot of odds to beat with crits, those are more subject to RNG chance than a crew member's stat numbers. This means that Phlox has more reliable rolls without crits, while Antaak is REQUIRED to have crits to beat him. 65% enables you to be more competitive with alternative crew, but is more subject to RNG.

    Thank you for pointing this out. I took another look at the stats. Phlox's average was something like 70 higher after bonuses were factored in.

    But I still get annoyed when my crit is my lowest power hit.
    Farewell 🖖
  • RaraRacing wrote: »

    Tip: Don't take 1-skill crew, there are bound to be better crew on your roster to take ... e.g. from recent crew Assimilated Troi is better ... lower MED, but decent rolls for her other two skills to add in.

    Selar is my med powerhouse in the Guantlet, she has steamrolled many powerful combatants *ahem* such as Mirror Picard. Med is a weak spot in my crew...really need to work on that.

    Thank you to everyone who commented! Awesome advice!
  • I shouldn't complain.


    But, I could use any other gauntlet legend and am still waitng on Locutus. Clearly, someone wants me to have the Caretaker.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    RaraRacing wrote: »

    Tip: Don't take 1-skill crew, there are bound to be better crew on your roster to take ... e.g. from recent crew Assimilated Troi is better ... lower MED, but decent rolls for her other two skills to add in.

    Selar is my med powerhouse in the Guantlet, she has steamrolled many powerful combatants *ahem* such as Mirror Picard. Med is a weak spot in my crew...really need to work on that.

    Thank you to everyone who commented! Awesome advice!

    Sure ... when the combo is MED/SCI (this also means that the Mirror Picard opponent has no other SCI or MED crew on their gauntlet list ... not something I'd count on occurring too often) ... and maybe MED/SEC (pretty even so steamrolled is more on luck there) ... but you'll lose 99.9% of the time against Mirror Picard if the combo is MED/CMD, unless Picard rolls three lowest possible rolls and Selar hits 3 crits. (I'm assuming the Mirror Picard opponent is FE).

    Look, you can argue all about Selar being stellar etc. but with 1 skill she will often struggle in most match-ups ... again, it is about the average roll and not the max roll ... and like ByloBand stated above, Selar only ever has three chances to Crit a roll, where opponents can have up to 6.
    Lastly ... fatigue effects 1-skill crew even greater because they cannot get benefit from that second skill to add in a couple of points extra. Selar has a fatigued skill and three zeros.

    On the bright side ... once you have Waitress Ezri lvl100 FE you can drop Selar for almost any other (2 or 3 skill) person on your crew and you'll see a marked improvement in your results. :)

    If you want to judge how good your crew is relative to those around you ... don't look at your drop in rank between your gauntlet sessions, but look at by how much your points have dropped.
    For example, between the time I end a gauntlet session and when I head back in (6-8 hrs later) I can see that my points have only dropped by about 100-150 (if at all) but my rank may have dropped from top 10 to in the bottom 20s or 30s. That means that very few people are picking my crew to "battle" and so I don't lose many points on "defence".
    I'm currently 4th in my Gauntlet at 1850 points ... my crew still have 1.5 hrs of fatigue ... I had 1850 points 2 hours ago when I stopped my round, and have dropped 2 ranks (there are 13.5 hrs left in the Gauntlet).
    EDIT: Wrote the above at 11.23 (now 15.20) ... ready to play my next rounds, have dropped to 11th but still have 1850 pts ... i.e. no one has chosen to battle my crew (and won) since I stopped this morning at around 10am.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    My moment:

    - Just got 1st place in the Guantlet that ended last night ... first time ever, netting me the achievement.

    DIP - Crafty, Scoundrel, Costumed
    - Locutus
    - Armus
    - The Caretaker
    - Guinan
    - Marshal of France Q (65%)

    - 450 Merits and 0 dil spent over the 2 days.

    Were the crew that did it for me, with Q being outstanding (first time I've used him). Started day 1 off really poor with win streaks of 3, 1 4 and 7 ... but managed to hit a 27 win streak to end it. Was up around 300 pts an hour before end (last time I checked in) on some of those captains with eXo and [fleet initials] in their names.
    The guantlet before I'd come in second by 10 pts ... thought it would be a while before I had another chance ... but hey.
    The post above by me was about that guantlet.

    So, to all those with a decent crew (I'm missing the likes of Gowron, the 5* Honor Hall crew, bloated Phlox etc. etc.) and not willing to spend dil ... it can be done :)

    up next ... I'm at 6478/7000 guantlet rounds for the achievement ...
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