Gauntlet Changes
![[ISA] Big McLargeHuge](
in The Bridge
As someone that has NEVER pulled a Gauntlet legendary, I am very excited about the possibilities here. The big question is: how big is this "significant" odds increase?
As someone that has NEVER pulled a Gauntlet legendary, I am very excited about the possibilities here. The big question is: how big is this "significant" odds increase?
I particularly like them saying that best chance will come from the boxes at the end, giving added motivation to actually play.
Well, anyway, the rest of it is good
The gauntlet is fine for me, since it ends at either 5pm or 6pm, depending on daylight savings. Having said that, I think there should be time-zone or regional gauntlets, since your crew selection doesn't impact any other game feature (ie: the same way voyages or shuttles do).
This means it is possible to have a Gauntlet run as short as 25-hours or as long as 48-hours depending on when you enter.
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
I believe they say "increased" they mean "better" not "higher"
But if there is a 0.01% chance and they change it to 0.05% that is significantly increased (5 times the odds) but still horrible odds.
This is good news though.
4 hours * 6 tickets = 24 hours
I thought that was in place of a ticket not in place of a x2
I am in a similar situation. I hope they do an honor refund like they did with the Voyage-only crew.
Hmm, good point. I guess it could be either way, or both.
Im in the uk and am usually in the top ten (managed 2nd once) and I stop playing a couple of hours before the end
I've cited Bartender Guinan and Caretaker, of course I would be delighted to unlock Locutus and perhaps getting second copies of Guinan or Caretaker wouldn't be disastrous but still not sure if this is the right way forward as these characters are less likely to be "exclusive" and more walls of these characters will appear instead.
I'm probably being too literal and you're right. :-) I'd have loved some actual numbers though!
Why? It was ur call alone and since then u took advantage of using the 5/5 gaunt exclusive crew f.e. on voyages. Not sure why u want a refund. Makes zero sense.
This does not dilute the chance of getting Armus/the current Gauntlet exclusive crew. Your chances of getting him have been increased. The chance to get old gauntlet crew is part of a whole separate loot table with its own unique chance.
So the old chance to get Armus was X, and now it's X+Y. In addition, there's also a separate chance (an additional X+Y) to get old gauntlet exclusive crew. The only thing that's been "diluted" or lowered, so to speak, is the chance to get the regular rewards.
Thank goodness. Now take out some of those 3* trainers! Nothing like a streak of pure blue trainers 7 times in a row.
I'll just take advantage of the cryo bonuses in the meantime
Very, very, very much okay with this.
You mean that you've lowered the chance of us getting trainers? That's horrible
Thanks for clarifying
How else will I level all of my already FE crew!?
Sweet sweet "replicator fuel"
Looks like you're slacking on your 1-star trainers there.
Do you have any insights that you can share with regards to players who spent significant amounts of honor to add citations/stars to the gauntlet-specific crew?
Will a similar approach be taken as it was when voyage-specific crew became attainable multiple times, when honor was refunded, while the citations/stars remained?
I actually like that. It gets so boring going the full 48, I chose 25 deliberately so I don't have to sit an entire day out such behind a wall of _________super man______
I've made top 10 too, but I've never reached top 5.
But apart from the fact that it's technically possible (and that you could still stay up until 1 or 2 am just for an occasional gauntlet win) it's still a disadvantage. If it ended at 10 or 11pm, as a dedicated player, you would probably reach rank 1 whenever you want to.
I am kind of regretting airlocking my 6&7 copies of Caretaker now...
I am very much looking forward to this change!