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Gauntlet Changes



  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    As I said in the original post, I’ve never won a gold since the inception of the Gauntlet.

    After finishing 15th tonight, I opened my first six boxes to find 5 boxes of blue trainers and 40 chrons. Then, with the last box:


    I think I may actually cry.

    I'm very happy for you. Don't forget us now that that scoundrel RNGesus has smiled on you :)
  • edited February 2019
    Picked up my first blob last night in the first of 7 boxes from 11th-15th place, so that strategy is still valid
  • Vreenak9Vreenak9 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    It wasn't so bad for me before the change. Got 2 Caretakers and 3 Blobs and nothing after the change. I don't think i will change my strategie 'cause don't make any diffrence right now.
    "I am First Omet'iklan and i'm dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember: victory is life"

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  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Picked up my first blob last night in the first of 7 boxes from 11th-15th place, so that strategy is still valid

    Any box can drop a legendary. The point of the 11-15 7 box strategy was the assumption that the odds were the same in all boxes or not different enough to be worth fewer boxes. DB's release notes says:
    The best chances to receive Gauntlet crew can be found in the Gauntlet loot boxes that come from ranking amongst the top Gauntlet players.

    The truth is we still don't know which is the best approach. If a gauntlet vault(top reward) has a 1% chance and gauntlet crate(11-40) has a .5% chance, then 7 * .5%=.035 EV while 3 * 1% = .03 EV. But finishing 5th instead of 10th makes it 4 * 1% = .04 EV. So the strategy is only valid if the other option is finishing 6-10.

    Of course if the Crate chance is .4% instead of .5% then 7 * .4% = .028 EV vs .03 EV finishing 10th and the strategy is no longer valid at all.

    We have no way of knowing which approach is better without knowing the odds. Hopefully DB can do the same math and made the odds so ranking better is always better. Certainly that seems like the implication from their statement, but without published odds, it's impossible to know either way.
  • We withdrew allowing those of our fleet who wished to continue on but the mass fleet effort was halted.

    @Chief Eud{DD}rick @{DD} Smelly We all know what really happened... e4nrw15p3ahq.jpg

    [GoT] Drunk Shimoda
    GoT Chief Communications Officer
  • . Thus we withdrew allowing those of our fleet who wished to continue on but the mass fleet effort was halted.
    Is that really a “when we realised we’d be caught out, we stopped trying, that’s why you won.” Really? In public?
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    Warby wrote: »
    . Thus we withdrew allowing those of our fleet who wished to continue on but the mass fleet effort was halted.
    Is that really a “when we realised we’d be caught out, we stopped trying, that’s why you won.” Really? In public?

    This from the guy who thought nobody would notice he was dropping dil to win despite the fact that that your own fleet's admiral instigated a no dil policy. Classy. It wouldn't have been nearly as obvious if you hadn't done it in the very first round. Then your fleet's admiral makes a big big stink because we have 3 of our Pupz with us? 30 vs. 16 wasn't enough of an advantage for you? You needed it to be 30 vs. 13? How very noble and sportsman like of you. Chief admitted we messed up. He even said you guys were getting the better of us (that's debatable) because he felt so bad about making an honest mistake. And it was an honest mistake. He was trying to make it right, because that's the kinda dude he is. You could've just taken the forfeit as a win and walked away, but since you decided to take your trash talk public, I feel it's only right to set the record straight. Oh, and for the record, in the last 17 seconds after that first screenshot was taken, my fleetmate, Arduine, stole that first place finish away from the Goats. Next time you decide to open your mouth, try not to shove your foot so far into it.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
  • [GoT] Gabe [GoT] Gabe ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    This from the guy who thought nobody would notice he was dropping dil to win despite the fact that that your own fleet's admiral instigated a no dil policy. Classy. It wouldn't have been nearly as obvious if you hadn't done it in the very first round. Then your fleet's admiral makes a big big stink because we have 3 of our Pupz with us? 30 vs. 16 wasn't enough of an advantage for you? You needed it to be 30 vs. 13? How very noble and sportsman like of you. Chief admitted we messed up. He even said you guys were getting the better of us (that's debatable) because he felt so bad about making an honest mistake. And it was an honest mistake. He was trying to make it right, because that's the kinda dude he is. You could've just taken the forfeit as a win and walked away, but since you decided to take your trash talk public, I feel it's only right to set the record straight. Oh, and for the record, in the last 17 seconds after that first screenshot was taken, my fleetmate, Arduine, stole that first place finish away from the Goats. Next time you decide to open your mouth, try not to shove your foot so far into it.

    You couldn't just let sleeping dogs lie, could you? You had to go and make this a thing.

    I get you're trying to defend your Fleet but if you''re going to do it publicly you might want to verify your facts before supposedly setting the record straight, otherwise you risk looking foolish.

    Firstly, let's remember that you guys challenged us (posted in this thread) not the other way around. You talked a big game but were clearly outmatched. Deal with it.

    Secondly, the idea of posting the results from our Gauntlet in this thread came, once again, from your Fleet not ours. I do applaud Chief Eu(DD)rick for keeping his word but if you're not able to deal with the heat, then you shouldn't be cooking.

    Thirdly, I did in fact recommend a no dil Gauntlet and all of us in GoT stuck to this agreement. What you perceived as dil use was in fact merits being used. Thousands of merits. When you're sitting on tens of thousands of them, it's easy to cycle through matchups until you get the ones that favour you.

    Fourthly, you say you had 16 guys from DD in the Gauntlet. Cheif Eu(DD)rick told me a different story:
    Looks like all that heat from the kitchen has caused someone's pants to catch on fire. Just not sure whose.

    Finally I guess I shouldn't be surprised that someone going by the nick Smelly would consider this statement equivalent to making a big stink about things.

    Not only that but I'm actually the one who insisted with both Chief Eu(DD)rick and your own Fleet Admiral that we keep the Gauntlet going and to have no-one from your side stand down.



    They chose not to listen to me. They made this a bigger deal than it should have been. So if you're upset with how things went down then direct your anger to the appropriate people rather than trying to make me out to be the bad guy.

    Now the record is straight.

    If you would like to discuss the matter further, please PM me @{DD} Smelly so that we can stop hijacking this thread and do it the way it should have been done in the first place. Privately and like civilised men. For sticking one's foot in one's mouth is far less distressing than speaking out of one's ... <insert applicable noun here>.

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  • A couple of days ago I got an Armus out of a crate (my rank must have been somewhere between 16 and 20).
    So it looks like the odds have actually improved, sadly Armus was the only one of them that I didn't want :D
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here is the deal with The Gauntlet. Despite it being governed by the crown prince of BLEEP RNGesus and all the other undesirable aspects of it, for whatever reason I find I enjoy The Gauntlet and I've been putting in actual effort into improving my performance and results in there for months. As we build up our fleet's starbase I've always pushed people to donate to the proficiency upgrades, when given a choice on beholds I always favor crew with better Gauntlet abilities, etc. I desperately WANT to participate in The Gauntlet, which makes my never having won a Gauntlet legend that much more painful.

    I won't quit trying, but it is demoralizing, especially since I keep seeing all these threads/posts about how people are literally rolling in dozens of Gauntlet legendaries.

    I've got OK-to-good options for Diplomacy, Command, Security, Science, and Medicine, but Engineering is the one skill I have absolutely no answer for. EVERY time a featured legendary event crew has Engineering I go for it hard, in hopes I can get a decent option to go against the relentless walls of Caretakers. Currently my best option is either Captain Braxton or Sphere Builder, but neither is a great or even a good choice, given that neither ever seems to get above a 5% crit chance.

    Not sure what I'm going for with this post, just sort of commenting that The Gauntlet is one of the sources of joy for me in STT, but also without question my greatest source of torment. Arguably the ONLY source of torment, but my god it is a never-ending source of misery.
  • 7 walls of Caretakers IN A ROW. Please tell me again how things have improved?
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    This from the guy who thought nobody would notice he was dropping dil to win despite the fact that that your own fleet's admiral instigated a no dil policy. Classy. It wouldn't have been nearly as obvious if you hadn't done it in the very first round. Then your fleet's admiral makes a big big stink because we have 3 of our Pupz with us? 30 vs. 16 wasn't enough of an advantage for you? You needed it to be 30 vs. 13? How very noble and sportsman like of you. Chief admitted we messed up. He even said you guys were getting the better of us (that's debatable) because he felt so bad about making an honest mistake. And it was an honest mistake. He was trying to make it right, because that's the kinda dude he is. You could've just taken the forfeit as a win and walked away, but since you decided to take your trash talk public, I feel it's only right to set the record straight. Oh, and for the record, in the last 17 seconds after that first screenshot was taken, my fleetmate, Arduine, stole that first place finish away from the Goats. Next time you decide to open your mouth, try not to shove your foot so far into it.

    You couldn't just let sleeping dogs lie, could you? You had to go and make this a thing.

    I get you're trying to defend your Fleet but if you''re going to do it publicly you might want to verify your facts before supposedly setting the record straight, otherwise you risk looking foolish.

    Firstly, let's remember that you guys challenged us (posted in this thread) not the other way around. You talked a big game but were clearly outmatched. Deal with it.

    Secondly, the idea of posting the results from our Gauntlet in this thread came, once again, from your Fleet not ours. I do applaud Chief Eu(DD)rick for keeping his word but if you're not able to deal with the heat, then you shouldn't be cooking.

    Thirdly, I did in fact recommend a no dil Gauntlet and all of us in GoT stuck to this agreement. What you perceived as dil use was in fact merits being used. Thousands of merits. When you're sitting on tens of thousands of them, it's easy to cycle through matchups until you get the ones that favour you.

    Fourthly, you say you had 16 guys from DD in the Gauntlet. Cheif Eu(DD)rick told me a different story:
    Looks like all that heat from the kitchen has caused someone's pants to catch on fire. Just not sure whose.

    Finally I guess I shouldn't be surprised that someone going by the nick Smelly would consider this statement equivalent to making a big stink about things.

    Not only that but I'm actually the one who insisted with both Chief Eu(DD)rick and your own Fleet Admiral that we keep the Gauntlet going and to have no-one from your side stand down.



    They choose not to listen to me. They made this a bigger deal than it should have been. So if you're upset with how things went down then direct your anger to the appropriate people rather than trying to make me out to be the bad guy.

    Now the records are straight.

    If you would like to discuss the matter further, please PM me @{DD} Smelly so that we can stop hijacking this thread and do it the way it should have been done in the first place. Privately and like civilised men. For sticking one's foot in one's mouth is far less distressing than speaking out of one's ... <insert applicable noun here>.

    If you didn't want this handled in public, you should've discouraged your fleet members from talking trash in public. I really don't understand how you can ignore the fact that your own guys start trash talking and insist that I'm the one who "made it a thing." I said what I said and meant every word of it.

  • nice i just got me 3rd caretaker whit normal pull when u try to make 3 victory not the reward for 3 victory but wana locotus but any way i am happy whit the result
    94 Legendary, 4x 5/5 , 8,x 4/5 , 2x 3/5 , 11x 2/5 , 68x 1/5 ,
    78 FE ,78 Lvl 100,
    Immortalized: 190
    Vip:12 Lvl :64
  • Finished 13th in my last Gauntlet. 2 drops of trainers, no legendaries, and some portal pulls. Lucky for me, one of those was a 5x 3* portal. I opened the 5 and was rewarded with this:
    I took Q since I didn't want another so-so 1/5 in my crew.
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Here is the deal with The Gauntlet. Despite it being governed by the crown prince of BLEEP RNGesus and all the other undesirable aspects of it, for whatever reason I find I enjoy The Gauntlet and I've been putting in actual effort into improving my performance and results in there for months. As we build up our fleet's starbase I've always pushed people to donate to the proficiency upgrades, when given a choice on beholds I always favor crew with better Gauntlet abilities, etc. I desperately WANT to participate in The Gauntlet, which makes my never having won a Gauntlet legend that much more painful.

    Well, I really put in some effort to get the Caretaker and I never got him, so I can understand your frustration. Right now, I'm only playing to farm merits and mostly have win streaks from 2 to 6. I didn't even bother to check my rank before Armus dropped.
    I don't know if this makes you feel better (probably not) but I think that the Gauntlet is still mainly a game of chance, even with improved odds, so I wouldn't put too much effort and hopes into it.
    I also got my 1/5* Guinan, the only Gauntlet crew I had before Armus dropped, unexpectedly. I still had a weak crew and was a very casual f2p player at the time.

    7 walls of Caretakers IN A ROW. Please tell me again how things have improved?

    I think they could easily solve this problem by having Gauntlet exclusive crew that are mostly useful for voyages or shuttles, instead of Gauntlet beasts.
  • Gauntlet dropped quite a few 3* Portal pulls yesterday & today. I got a begold from one of them already. Haven't tried the rest.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Apart from having to read the dispute, the thread is useful to share info on how much the gauntlet odds have improved or not, so it would be disappointing if they closed it because of it.

  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    For what it's worth, I apologize to the rest of you for my part in this petty argument. I should't have taken the bait. I can't undo it now.

    As for the original topic of this thread, I haven't been blessed with gauntlet characters falling like rain since the change. I know there's one guy in my fleet that got a Guinan a few days ago, but as far as I've heard, he's the only one.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Apart from having to read the dispute, the thread is useful to share info on how much the gauntlet odds have improved or not, so it would be disappointing if they closed it because of it.

    It's good to hear, but because the people posting are the ones that have gotten lucky, the apparent odds you get from this post are much higher than the actual odds.
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had a Locutus land today. Regardless of whether they drop significantly better or not, I'm really really happy they've added a extra chance to get older gauntlet crew. I wasnt around for Guinan either and I really welcome the addition.
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  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    (I just had an idea for a Gauntlet thread. Would people find it interesting if I started a new thread where people can post the pre-fight match ups and people can vote on who they think won the fight? I don't want to hijack this thread but I do want some public feedback, so if you want me to start that thread, "Awesome" this post.)

    @{DD} Smelly Thank you for your words.
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    (I just had an idea for a Gauntlet thread. Would people find it interesting if I started a new thread where people can post the pre-fight match ups and people can vote on who they think won the fight? I don't want to hijack this thread but I do want some public feedback, so if you want me to start that thread, "Awesome" this post.)

    @{DD} Smelly Thank you for your words.

    I suspect that would be a popular thread. Do it.
  • Third win (1st place) in a row this week. Same ol' same ol' = 3* junk & chrons. I'm getting better rewards from the incremental battle wins, and nothing worthwhile from the loot crates. I even tried claiming them 3 separate times of day, just to see if that made any difference. Nope...
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    Apart from having to read the dispute, the thread is useful to share info on how much the gauntlet odds have improved or not, so it would be disappointing if they closed it because of it.

    It's good to hear, but because the people posting are the ones that have gotten lucky, the apparent odds you get from this post are much higher than the actual odds.

    Yes, in part, but there are also players sharing info from their whole fleet and people who are trying to rank high and still have no luck. Personally, I can confirm that three people in my fleet had a legendary drop since the changes happened. One of them is a dedicated Gauntlet player, one is a more casual player and the third one is me (I didn't really put any effort into it, but still had a halfway decent rank between 16 and 20).
  • Selene 7Selene 7 ✭✭✭✭
    I haven't gotten any, FWIW. I usually rank 5-25, sometimes top 5. What with being in Europe, I don't even try for 1st place as it just seems too expensive. Before the change, I never got a Locutus, got 1 Guinan, and 4 Caretakers. A few people in my fleet have mentioned getting a 5* since the change, but it's definitely not raining 5*s on everybody.
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