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Gauntlet Changes



  • NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    NivenFres wrote: »
    The only thing that's been "diluted" or lowered, so to speak, is the chance to get the regular rewards.

    You mean that you've lowered the chance of us getting trainers? That's horrible :p


    How else will I level all of my already FE crew!?

    Sweet sweet "replicator fuel"


    Looks like you're slacking on your 1-star trainers there.

    All crew are FE. Have to level random crew returned by voyages or packs to get daily and chuck them out the airlock :)
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
  • Webberoni wrote: »
    I like the change too, but since I live in Europe this part feels disappointing: "The best chances to receive Gauntlet crew can be found in the Gauntlet loot boxes that come from ranking amongst the top Gauntlet players". As long as the ending time won't take time zones into account, I will never be among the top players :(
    Well, anyway, the rest of it is good :)

    The gauntlet is fine for me, since it ends at either 5pm or 6pm, depending on daylight savings. Having said that, I think there should be time-zone or regional gauntlets, since your crew selection doesn't impact any other game feature (ie: the same way voyages or shuttles do).

    Yeah I would think there are more than enough European or further east players that would choose a start time more conducive to our location.
    “Holodeck 2 tomorrow, 1600 hours. Just you, me and a tuning fork”
  • This is certainly a welcome change. Increased odds for Armus and a chance at older gauntlet crew. My Caretaker is only 2/5 and I wasn't here for Locutus or Guinan so this is very much welcomed.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Doesn't this dilute the chance of getting Armus though?

    This does not dilute the chance of getting Armus/the current Gauntlet exclusive crew. Your chances of getting him have been increased. The chance to get old gauntlet crew is part of a whole separate loot table with its own unique chance.

    So the old chance to get Armus was X, and now it's X+Y. In addition, there's also a separate chance (an additional X+Y) to get old gauntlet exclusive crew. The only thing that's been "diluted" or lowered, so to speak, is the chance to get the regular rewards.

    Do you have any insights that you can share with regards to players who spent significant amounts of honor to add citations/stars to the gauntlet-specific crew?

    Will a similar approach be taken as it was when voyage-specific crew became attainable multiple times, when honor was refunded, while the citations/stars remained?

    Nothing is planned, no. This is definitely a value-add, and it's different than the Voyage situation.

    With Voyages, there was previously a hard limit on how many of certain crew you could get and you had to cite them to complete and immortalize them. With Gauntlet, there was always a chance (though RNG affected, smaller chance) of getting more crew, so you didn't HAVE to cite crew to complete them. There have also been some past Gauntlet crew available outside in the gauntlet in other places in the game like a pack or two.

    Appreciate the quick response.

    I never really expected to get all my honor back, but the citation I bought less than 24-hours ago for The Caretaker does suddenly sting a little, since I wouldn't make the same purchase today after this announcement was made...
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Any FB/Steam users see the new Collection yet?
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • ios user. got the new collection. But dont think any of the other changes are live.
  • I see the new collection on FB
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Doesn't this dilute the chance of getting Armus though?

    This does not dilute the chance of getting Armus/the current Gauntlet exclusive crew. Your chances of getting him have been increased. The chance to get old gauntlet crew is part of a whole separate loot table with its own unique chance.

    So the old chance to get Armus was X, and now it's X+Y. In addition, there's also a separate chance (an additional X+Y) to get old gauntlet exclusive crew. The only thing that's been "diluted" or lowered, so to speak, is the chance to get the regular rewards.

    Do you have any insights that you can share with regards to players who spent significant amounts of honor to add citations/stars to the gauntlet-specific crew?

    Will a similar approach be taken as it was when voyage-specific crew became attainable multiple times, when honor was refunded, while the citations/stars remained?

    Nothing is planned, no. This is definitely a value-add, and it's different than the Voyage situation.

    With Voyages, there was previously a hard limit on how many of certain crew you could get and you had to cite them to complete and immortalize them. With Gauntlet, there was always a chance (though RNG affected, smaller chance) of getting more crew, so you didn't HAVE to cite crew to complete them. There have also been some past Gauntlet crew available outside in the gauntlet in other places in the game like a pack or two.

    I'm still mad about that. The people who cited Voyage crew got their honor back AND got to keep the crew FF. Tons of free honor, basically. Still mad.
  • Now, if the Gauntlet could also stay on track/focus to the Skill it is supposed to be at. Today's a DIP Gauntlet, yet, less than 15% of the battles have had DIP. (60% have been ENG) :(

    Makes it a lot harder to achieve good scores when your entire Gantlet Roster is designed for DIP battles, and then have almost none!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Doesn't this dilute the chance of getting Armus though?

    This does not dilute the chance of getting Armus/the current Gauntlet exclusive crew. Your chances of getting him have been increased. The chance to get old gauntlet crew is part of a whole separate loot table with its own unique chance.

    So the old chance to get Armus was X, and now it's X+Y. In addition, there's also a separate chance (an additional X+Y) to get old gauntlet exclusive crew. The only thing that's been "diluted" or lowered, so to speak, is the chance to get the regular rewards.

    Do you have any insights that you can share with regards to players who spent significant amounts of honor to add citations/stars to the gauntlet-specific crew?

    Will a similar approach be taken as it was when voyage-specific crew became attainable multiple times, when honor was refunded, while the citations/stars remained?

    Nothing is planned, no. This is definitely a value-add, and it's different than the Voyage situation.

    With Voyages, there was previously a hard limit on how many of certain crew you could get and you had to cite them to complete and immortalize them. With Gauntlet, there was always a chance (though RNG affected, smaller chance) of getting more crew, so you didn't HAVE to cite crew to complete them. There have also been some past Gauntlet crew available outside in the gauntlet in other places in the game like a pack or two.

    I'm still mad about that. The people who cited Voyage crew got their honor back AND got to keep the crew FF. Tons of free honor, basically. Still mad.

    I would hardly call 480 honour a tonne. I was refunded 54000 honour for citing Thot Gor. If dilemma's weren't bugged I would've ended up with 3x Thot Gors instead of 3x Random 3*'s plus 3x 60 Honour that I got instead.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Any FB/Steam users see the new Collection yet?
    It looks like the Proficiency boosts correspond to each Gauntlet crew's strengths.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    this is a nice change. i was not playing the gauntlet due to not wanting armus, but now i will play some. perhaps the change reflects waning participation.

    i suspect the drop rate was 1/2000 to maybe 1/2500.

    briefly i think the drop rates early on were more like 1/1000, which made it fairly likely to get a character. if this brings it to 1/1500 it could be helpful. but if it brings it from 1/2500 to 1/2200 it will make no difference. we'll know pretty quickly.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019

    Db Is getting clever, Pretty sure they knew, people would complain if it was done any other way lol.

    Very good job guys, this a great improvement.

    Also changing up the Gauntlet used traits, thats amazing, people have been asking for this for awhile now.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now, if the Gauntlet could also stay on track/focus to the Skill it is supposed to be at. Today's a DIP Gauntlet, yet, less than 15% of the battles have had DIP. (60% have been ENG) :(

    Makes it a lot harder to achieve good scores when your entire Gantlet Roster is designed for DIP battles, and then have almost none!

    Yeah, this is why I mostly discount the featured skill. Better to have stronger overall characters and occasionally refresh. The only time I do otherwise is if the featured skill is right there, like taking Guinan over Surak when i's a med gauntlet.
  • Now, if the Gauntlet could also stay on track/focus to the Skill it is supposed to be at. Today's a DIP Gauntlet, yet, less than 15% of the battles have had DIP. (60% have been ENG) :(

    Makes it a lot harder to achieve good scores when your entire Gantlet Roster is designed for DIP battles, and then have almost none!

    Yeah, this is why I mostly discount the featured skill. Better to have stronger overall characters and occasionally refresh. The only time I do otherwise is if the featured skill is right there, like taking Guinan over Surak when i's a med gauntlet.

    Or possibly throwing in a second crew with the featured skill as a fifth if I have the rest of my bases covered. I'll sometimes do that.
  • Current Gauntlet just ended. I got another Caretaker! Now I'm REALLY upset I airlocked the last 2!

    I didn't realize the changes were already in effect!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    I particularly like them saying that best chance will come from the boxes at the end, giving added motivation to actually play.

    You and I are of one mind on this, I've never liked how the best odds seemed to come from streaks, it goes against the very nature of the spirit of competition.
    I like the change too, but since I live in Europe this part feels disappointing: "The best chances to receive Gauntlet crew can be found in the Gauntlet loot boxes that come from ranking amongst the top Gauntlet players". As long as the ending time won't take time zones into account, I will never be among the top players :(
    Well, anyway, the rest of it is good :)

    I feel your pain. I live on the west coast of the U.S., but I work nights. The Gauntlet ends at 4PM local time for me, just as I am waking up, so often I wake up to seeing it has ended before I can run one last grouping. Not sure how you cope with this but what I do is push HARD before going to bed in the morning, try and place in the top 10, and then hope for the best that I don't slip too far down the table. Obviously I slip down, but most days I find I don't slip much beyond 25-30 range, which I find acceptable.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Did the email not mention rebalancing traits so that more crew were viable? That must explain why I just got Human Brutal Borg lmfao. Smooth move...
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now, if the Gauntlet could also stay on track/focus to the Skill it is supposed to be at. Today's a DIP Gauntlet, yet, less than 15% of the battles have had DIP. (60% have been ENG) :(

    Makes it a lot harder to achieve good scores when your entire Gantlet Roster is designed for DIP battles, and then have almost none!

    I'm with you, but the featured skill does (over time) show up more often. I did the agonizing data-logging over 4 gauntlets to reverse engineer it ... the featured skill showed up 1.735x more often than any other given skill in that set, and measuring further would only have tweaked that estimate in the +/- .05ish range.

    Even bumping that up a smidge to 2.0 : 1 would significantly improve crew diversity, give a few more super rares a chance to shine, and still allow the gauntlet gods to shine WHEN APPROPRIATE! But I like the trait diversity as a first step, since this is something people will more directly see and be able to adapt to / make use of ...
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • Well shoot. This is what I get for citing Guinan and Caretaker right before the Christmas honor sale. :s

    Regardless I am cautiously optimistic about the gauntlet changes. The Gauntlet characters are worthy of an additional slot for another copy.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    Well shoot. This is what I get for citing Guinan and Caretaker right before the Christmas honor sale. :s

    Regardless I am cautiously optimistic about the gauntlet changes. The Gauntlet characters are worthy of an additional slot for another copy.

    Guinan definitely is, I use both copies during every 65% guinan event, im assuming caretaker would be a good one to copy also
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm happy about the change overall. The fact that I just spent 100k honor a week ago to add my last 2 stars to Caretaker is rather irksome though. Yes, DB said they would eventually implement other ways to get those characters, but they said that what, well over a year ago? It's not like DB doesn't have a track record of making promises that they never follow through with.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Torias327 wrote: »
    Did the email not mention rebalancing traits so that more crew were viable? That must explain why I just got Human Brutal Borg lmfao. Smooth move...

    At least Locutus isn’t the only one to fit those three. Assimilated La Forge did very nicely for me in the first few rounds.
  • Wow. Already hearing of people getting gauntlet crew. Someone in my fleet scored Locutus at gauntlet end. Of course I got bupkis as usual. Maybe one day the gauntlet luck will shine upon me.
  • While I appreciate the added chance at the Gauntlet crew I did not manage to score in their time, I am wondering what the motivation is behind this move. In the long run, this will increase the number of people fielding these crew into the Gauntlet. The walls of Locuti, Guinans and Caretakers have already been abundant as it was. What is the end game here?
  • I had cited Thot Gor and Jannar and I think one other voyage only crew before the change - had done so on the basis that no more would ever drop or come another way so I was pleased to get the honour back for those guys. I have added one extra star to both Locutus and Guinan but I WAS aware that there were, or were going to be, other ways to get those crew in the future so I don't feel I "ought" to be repaid the honour for those. My take: I have had the benefit of higher stats on those crew since I cited them. That has been worth something. If they start falling like raindrops for me under the new gauntlet changes and I wind up with more than 5/5 then - hooray! I'll start another copy. I do get that anyone who pushed a citation on a gauntlet crew in , say, the last week then that would be a bummer. But not really any more than buying a Tuesday pack and getting dross. Which happens to us all.
    “Holodeck 2 tomorrow, 1600 hours. Just you, me and a tuning fork”
  • Has it become more likely that you will end up in a gauntlet with your fleetmates? Or is this just gauntlet allocation RNG? Not my fleet, but there sure are a boatload of GoT people in my gauntlet today!

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