Key information about the event: Shall I Compare Thee? - 02/14 (Mega-Event Part 3)

Event Name: Shall I Compare Thee?
Event Type: Galaxy Event
Event Crew: Mirror Stamets 5* (New), Lewis Zimmerman 4* (New), and Captain Q 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 02/14 until Monday 02/18
Ranked Reward 5*: Christopher Pike (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 02/21.
Mega-Event recurrent featured crew: Kol of House Kor 5* (Existing)
Event Factions:
Terran Empire, Federation, Augments
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Stamets, Q, and all Discovery crew.
Current Discovery crew:
2 Desert Michael Burnham
2 Prisoner Michael Burnham
2 L'Rell
2 Lieutenant Commander Saru
2 Off-Duty Tilly
4 Lt Commander Airiam
4 Graduation Michael Burnham
4 Tactical Michael Burnham
4 Prospect Michael Burnham
4 Armed Philippa Georgiou
4 Section 31 Philippa Georgiou
4 Commander Ellen Landry
4 Time Loop Mudd
4 Sarek
4 First Officer Saru
4 Reinforcements Stamets
4 Celebratory Ash Tyler
4 Lt. Ash Tyler
4 Torchbearer Voq
5 Away Team Michael Burnham
5 EV Suit Burnham
5 First Officer Burnham
5 Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
5 Dr. Hugh Culber
5 Desert Philippa Georgiou
5 Emperor Philippa Georgiou
5 Kol of House Kor
5 Covert Operative Leland
5 Captain Lorca
5 Chancellor L'Rell
5 Vengeful L'Rell
5 Harcourt Fenton Mudd
5 Bridge Officer Number One
5 Torchbearer Rejac
5 The Prophet
5 Suus Mahna Sarek
5 Away Team Saru
5 Mirror Shukar
5 Ripper
5 Cadet Sylvia Tilly
5 Captain Killy
5 T'Kuvma
5 Tyler, Son of None
Event Type: Galaxy Event
Event Crew: Mirror Stamets 5* (New), Lewis Zimmerman 4* (New), and Captain Q 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 02/14 until Monday 02/18
Ranked Reward 5*: Christopher Pike (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 02/21.
Mega-Event recurrent featured crew: Kol of House Kor 5* (Existing)
Event Factions:
Terran Empire, Federation, Augments
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Stamets, Q, and all Discovery crew.
Current Discovery crew:
2 Desert Michael Burnham
2 Prisoner Michael Burnham
2 L'Rell
2 Lieutenant Commander Saru
2 Off-Duty Tilly
4 Lt Commander Airiam
4 Graduation Michael Burnham
4 Tactical Michael Burnham
4 Prospect Michael Burnham
4 Armed Philippa Georgiou
4 Section 31 Philippa Georgiou
4 Commander Ellen Landry
4 Time Loop Mudd
4 Sarek
4 First Officer Saru
4 Reinforcements Stamets
4 Celebratory Ash Tyler
4 Lt. Ash Tyler
4 Torchbearer Voq
5 Away Team Michael Burnham
5 EV Suit Burnham
5 First Officer Burnham
5 Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
5 Dr. Hugh Culber
5 Desert Philippa Georgiou
5 Emperor Philippa Georgiou
5 Kol of House Kor
5 Covert Operative Leland
5 Captain Lorca
5 Chancellor L'Rell
5 Vengeful L'Rell
5 Harcourt Fenton Mudd
5 Bridge Officer Number One
5 Torchbearer Rejac
5 The Prophet
5 Suus Mahna Sarek
5 Away Team Saru
5 Mirror Shukar
5 Ripper
5 Cadet Sylvia Tilly
5 Captain Killy
5 T'Kuvma
5 Tyler, Son of None
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Hope its yellow
It is a galaxy ... massive overkil to also have EMH qualify (had to look up who Zimmerman was) because there are already a boatload of Discovery bonus crew.
- Christopher Pike's shirt is yellow
- Zimmerman created the EMH, but he's not a hologram. He's not a variant of the EMH in the same way that Dr. Soong is not a variant of Data or Lore.
-and Cheesecake. (oh wait.)
I think we can all agree the best compromise would be no shirt on Pike.
The OG mace-wielding Captain Pike will count as a variant of Christopher Pike, yes.
Does that mean that the next time Deanna is event crew, Goddess of Empathy won't count for her?
Or Musketeer Picard?
Or that Frank Hollander won't count for Data?
(I'm not mentioning the Our Man Bashir holograms, because they're a special case).
Or for that matter, that Changeling Bashir won't count as Bashir anymore, because he's an imposter?
Or Douglas Pabst as a variant of Odo, because he was a dream?
Really, the issue isn't that Zimmerman isn't a variant of the EMH. It's the other way around: EMHs are variants of Zimmerman!
[beep beep]
"Yes, yes!"
Minus nabbing Kol of course
Just need top 1500 which will not be 15k chrons. Should be about 4-6k.
This is the whole "Why does Mayweather's mom not get the Bonus?" thing all over again.
Or the "Why does Worf's granddad not count as Worf? "thing.
Off-Duty Pike relaxing in his cabin drinking "medicine" with the original Doc could be 2*
But sometimes "family bonuses" do apply... T'Pol for T'Mir, Data for Lal, Yar for Sela. Sometimes they count, sometimes they don't, it depends on the event and the size of the bonus crew pool.
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