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  • Ravarros wrote: »
    How can I get ahold of someone in support who actually cares to solve a problem . I did not recieve 10 10x packs and they are saying I did and redeemed them ... which is untrue

    think as far as that goes its all luck of the draw as to who ends up opening the ticket to resolve sorry to have to give dismal news in that reguard :/
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ravarros wrote: »
    How can I get ahold of someone in support who actually cares to solve a problem . I did not recieve 10 10x packs and they are saying I did and redeemed them ... which is untrue

    Send a Private Message to Shan here. She may be able to look into it for you.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ravarros wrote: »
    How can I get ahold of someone in support who actually cares to solve a problem . I did not recieve 10 10x packs and they are saying I did and redeemed them ... which is untrue

    Hi, and welcome.
    You can request for your ticket to be escalated to a supervisor.
    And as Data1001 suggested, you can also send me a private message with your ticket number :)
  • So to make it Esay : I purchase monthley item for 5€ and now just after i went off for a while i could not reconnect to the Game, i re/installed the Game still nothing. Are you thiefs or someting like this.
  • Exirke wrote: »
    12 minutes only comunicating are you **tsk tsk** kidding me?

  • lwz36malpozs.jpg

    my purchase order i want my money back and fast please ( i did not touch the 100 dilithium ) scam Game

  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Exirke wrote: »
    Exirke wrote: »
    12 minutes only comunicating are you **tsk tsk** kidding me?


    You can try closing the game, then going to settings and force stop, then clear the data cache. If you need specific instructions on how to do this, please let me know.

    If this does not work, then I have one other solution, but I recommend having your DBID written down and make sure you know the e-mail and password linked to your account. I haven't needed them for the process, but I'm also super careful, especially with other people's accounts.

    (Also, never post any account info mentioned above on the forum.)
    Farewell 🖖
  • ExirkeExirke
    edited June 2020


    are you kidding me? clearing cache force stop? i send 3 mails, 1 support, 2 dev contact. I m not idiot i call this scam.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Look, I'm not a dev. I'm just a dude who has played the game for two years and bought numerous monthly cards. I'm trying to help you. I've had a similar problem. I created a thread in case anyone else encountered a similar problem. You can check it out, if you like.

    If this is not satisfactory, then I have another thread which shows how to send a private message. Shan is the lead moderator of the forum. You can message her.
    Edit: link for forum formatting and sending private messages:

    Please refrain from posting hostile insults on my wall. It makes you look bad.
    Farewell 🖖
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Exirke wrote: »
    So to make it Esay : I purchase monthley item for 5€ and now just after i went off for a while i could not reconnect to the Game, i re/installed the Game still nothing. Are you thiefs or someting like this.


    I am sorry that his happened, and I understand the frustration however that does not excuse bad behavior, especially towards another member who is trying to help.

    Your ticket has been received and a representative will get back to you but be advised that it will likely take a few hours before you hear anything back.

    I can confirm that your purchase went through and was applied to your account.
    There could an issue with your google play game account.
    Maybe you could try to sign out of it, and then try the game again.
  • trying to use the new 'get dilithium' offer wall feature is just making the screen start to flip and then star trek timelines restarts, on Android.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    randprint wrote: »
    trying to use the new 'get dilithium' offer wall feature is just making the screen start to flip and then star trek timelines restarts, on Android.

    Sorry, I haven't experienced this. But I do know that devs sometimes ask which version of Android and which version of the game. Another thing they typically recommend is closing the app and re-open it. If you have already tried these steps, then you may want to let them know whether or not that resolved the issue. Hope this helps.
    Farewell 🖖
  • I am having trouble logging in...are the servers down??? failed to log in please try again....i restart the game i am on IOS phone. I spent 20 dollars on the game already. i have tons of hours played already....I want to know what is going on.......failed to login. please try again.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am having trouble logging in...are the servers down??? failed to log in please try again....i restart the game i am on IOS phone. I spent 20 dollars on the game already. i have tons of hours played already....I want to know what is going on.......failed to login. please try again.

    Hi there,
    I am sorry this happened.
    If this is still an issue for you, please let our Support Team know.
    You can contact them via the link found at the bottom of this page.
  • I am getting faild to login errors on android and pc
    my support ticket number is #555815 please help///
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am getting faild to login errors on android and pc
    my support ticket number is #555815 please help///

    From what I can tell Support is already working with you on this, and it might be resolved? :)
  • Why are there now time limits on messages with compensatory items from when something goes wrong with the game? Why can’t we save them until we need to use them?
  • Hello, is anyone else having an issue with Voyages? Specifically with the dilemmas not coming up even though it has reached the dilemma point?
    I'm currently at the 12 hour point and the dilemma has not appeared even after restarting the game. I've got over 2600 antimatter left so I don't want to recall it! I have put in a support ticket.
    Now on Star Trek Timelines as Kathryn Crow's Eye.
  • Hello, is anyone else having an issue with Voyages? Specifically with the dilemmas not coming up even though it has reached the dilemma point?
    I'm currently at the 12 hour point and the dilemma has not appeared even after restarting the game. I've got over 2600 antimatter left so I don't want to recall it! I have put in a support ticket.

    After 3 restarts I eventually got a dilemma. However the same thing has happened at the 14 hour point!!
    Now on Star Trek Timelines as Kathryn Crow's Eye.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    Hello, is anyone else having an issue with Voyages? Specifically with the dilemmas not coming up even though it has reached the dilemma point?
    I'm currently at the 12 hour point and the dilemma has not appeared even after restarting the game. I've got over 2600 antimatter left so I don't want to recall it! I have put in a support ticket.

    After 3 restarts I eventually got a dilemma. However the same thing has happened at the 14 hour point!!

    This is a known issue. The devs have not solved the problem yet. The following are some tricks that I have used in the past:

    Method 1
    Log out and try a different device.

    Method 2
    Disclaimer: I have never had trouble with this, but I advise having your DBID written down somewhere.
    In your phone's Settings:
    A. Force stop app
    B. Clear data cache
    C. Clear app data
    D. Restart device

    Method 3
    Recall voyage and submit ticket to customer service (CS)

    Not sure what hours CS works on the weekend. I do know that TP/WRG staff will probably not be available to answer this until Monday. Hopefully this helps in the meantime. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • Hello, is anyone else having an issue with Voyages? Specifically with the dilemmas not coming up even though it has reached the dilemma point?
    I'm currently at the 12 hour point and the dilemma has not appeared even after restarting the game. I've got over 2600 antimatter left so I don't want to recall it! I have put in a support ticket.

    After 3 restarts I eventually got a dilemma. However the same thing has happened at the 14 hour point!!

    This is a known issue. The devs have not solved the problem yet. The following are some tricks that I have used in the past:

    Method 1
    Log out and try a different device.

    Method 2
    Disclaimer: I have never had trouble with this, but I advise having your DBID written down somewhere.
    I your phone's Settings:
    A. Force stop app
    B. Clear data cache
    C. Clear app data
    D. Restart device

    Method 3
    Recall voyage and submit ticket to customer service (CS)

    Not sure what hours CS works on the weekend. I do know that TP/WRG staff will probably not be available to answer this until Monday. Hopefully this helps in the meantime. :)

    Thank you I will give these are try!
    Now on Star Trek Timelines as Kathryn Crow's Eye.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2020
    I won’t necro a dead thread (I totally could, just to put a smile on @Data1001 ’s avatar, but no), but this is getting very tiresome, especially when I have a 4* at level 70+ and 4 open equipment slots. I understand the concept of RNG, but I question its implementation in this game.

    Do better, Framingham people. Not all of you moved to Manhattan, and some of you do care. Please stick up for us.


    P.S. Events are meh. Content, please, and tyvm. 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Unable to login to the game...... iOS , most updated OS. Anyone else having issues?
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Unable to login to the game...... iOS , most updated OS. Anyone else having issues?

    What exact message are you seeing?
  • I completed an offer wall free dilithium offer, but did not receive my dilithium. I contacted support with evidence of my completion (Ticket #8614813), but the request was denied claiming "cannot be approved as the advertiser did not confirm your completion as valid". I spent a ridiculous amount of time to complete this offer, basically every spare moment I had the past 2 weeks to complete it so I'm not happy to have wasted so much time with promised reward reneged on. The offer was for Pop Slots complete level 33 for 3430 dilithium.
    A warning for anyone else tempted by this offer (and perhaps any of the ones that take weeks to complete) to AVOID it, as they may not pay out, and it's not worth the risk.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I completed an offer wall free dilithium offer, but did not receive my dilithium. I contacted support with evidence of my completion (Ticket #8614813), but the request was denied claiming "cannot be approved as the advertiser did not confirm your completion as valid". I spent a ridiculous amount of time to complete this offer, basically every spare moment I had the past 2 weeks to complete it so I'm not happy to have wasted so much time with promised reward reneged on. The offer was for Pop Slots complete level 33 for 3430 dilithium.
    A warning for anyone else tempted by this offer (and perhaps any of the ones that take weeks to complete) to AVOID it, as they may not pay out, and it's not worth the risk.

    This is not a game issue however I wonder if it could be due to some misinterpretation.
    It could be that you need to complete the whole level 33, meaning reaching level 34.
  • Where is the link to the discord server? I have seen it somewhere in my travels learning about this game! Now I can't find it help!!
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    I believe this is the current link. Sorry no one caught this sooner.

    Farewell 🖖
  • My daughter and I both completed the "Idle Heroes" offer on the offer wall for about 2300 dilithium (reach level 70 and obtain a monster). That took more than a week each, so some real effort went into this operation...

    However, I did receive my reward, but my daugher did not. I'm on Google Play, and she's on the Amazon App Store.

    I understand that ironSource is a different company, but their customer support was simply appaling. The only evidence they accept is a screenshot that shows the date and time when she started the offer. Seriously, who takes screenshots of these kinds of things...?? (And time travel is not an option yet.)

    She uses the same email address for both game accounts, and installed and started the game right after accepting the offer on the wall. So it should be easy to verify that it was really her who took and completed this offer.

    I suspect there was a glitch though, as the link on the offer wall took her to the app store's home, and not to the specific game. She had to search it in the app store manually. But if that's the root cause for the missing reward, then that's ironSource's technical issue, and therefore their responsibility.

    It's been a week since I wrote them that, and there hasn't even been a reply.

    Not sure if DisruptorBeam can do anything here. But if you can, the ticket number is 8626027.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jan Krohn wrote: »
    My daughter and I both completed the "Idle Heroes" offer on the offer wall for about 2300 dilithium (reach level 70 and obtain a monster). That took more than a week each, so some real effort went into this operation...

    However, I did receive my reward, but my daugher did not. I'm on Google Play, and she's on the Amazon App Store.

    I understand that ironSource is a different company, but their customer support was simply appaling. The only evidence they accept is a screenshot that shows the date and time when she started the offer. Seriously, who takes screenshots of these kinds of things...?? (And time travel is not an option yet.)

    She uses the same email address for both game accounts, and installed and started the game right after accepting the offer on the wall. So it should be easy to verify that it was really her who took and completed this offer.

    I suspect there was a glitch though, as the link on the offer wall took her to the app store's home, and not to the specific game. She had to search it in the app store manually. But if that's the root cause for the missing reward, then that's ironSource's technical issue, and therefore their responsibility.

    It's been a week since I wrote them that, and there hasn't even been a reply.

    Not sure if DisruptorBeam can do anything here. But if you can, the ticket number is 8626027.

    I'm not sure if that's IronSource's ticket number or WRG's number. If you haven't created a ticket in Timelines, I would do that so you have a reference for them.

    I don't engage the offer wall, so I don't know what can or can't be done, but I have seen in the past that getting that ticket started in the game helps the process.
    Farewell 🖖
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