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Cataclysm! Feedback thread



  • sexy_ladysexy_lady ✭✭✭
    Never again Skirmish event please.
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh. It was very glitchy! Often had to restart the game as it threw me out. Definitely worse on the ancient tablet but even my fancy new phone had to restart several times today.

    And yes even as a mini event the best rank achievement still counted. Good news for my alt!
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  • borg2004 wrote: »
    will this count towards ranking achievements?

    With the understanding that this is just a game. I relied on last event ranking for spreadsheeting captains & squads.

    Nerfing the rank was not appreciated since you don’t even have a floating #fleetleaderboard or #eventhistory/fleet.

    Please work on a fleet event since individuals and squad rewards are already provided
  • it was an excellent idea! I depleted my chrons but I'm cool because I immortalized a few cards mining intel. That way I won't just sit on thousands for no reason. I used chrons and 2 supply kits, but got a few cards immo'd and a ton of dilithium. All is well over here.

    DB, run this back! Mix it up also, maybe with faction missions or galaxy (perhaps discounted) events.
  • My feedback: My context is that I'm a player since the beginning, I spend $ strategically, and am a member of a very active fleet. I like the notion of a mini-event and I wouldn't mind one every week as long as it gave me interesting choices to make. I'd rather have more stuff to decide on and play a game, than have to do flat out grinding. I think the costs/rewards for this specific event were fine. The changes from regular skirmishes were interesting since I had to think about crew swapping, which I don't have to do for regular skirmishes. It was worth it to me to complete threshold, but the rank rewards were just a bonus for me (I didn't really care about ranking). One aspect to the game I wish would be more present is that although I think solo play is fine, social play is lacking - perhaps mini-events ought to include substantial fleet or community rewards to differentiate them from normal events? I also hope that if mini-events are a regular thing that the reward structure is similar to this one where there's something "good" at each level and that the rewards are useful (not random) to entice me to keep going if I want to - i.e. stuff useful for the next regular event, or honor/citations, dilithium, free extra crew slot, copy of crew I need to complete another level in a collection, etc.
  • a 6 day event
    It was a 3-day event, not a 6-day event. It just happened to be back-to-back with another 3-day event, which was a different event.
  • I haven't seen all the previous posts, but I generally expected an new game. As it turned out to be an old one for a shorter period, playing it was o.k. Rewards were also o.k.
    Most negative for me as Fleet Admiral is that the results of the weekend event are gone. I usually check the scores of our Captains, so I keep track of our performance in the events. This is not possible now.
    In general, more action is o.k., as everyone is able to chose if you want to play or not.
  • Drone_oneDrone_one ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Wanted to wait till the end before posting my feedback. Here are my 2 cents -

    * The main pain point for me is the grind, especially if it’s going to be during the workweek. But that has also been my gripe with Skirmish events in general - it’s more an issue of time management (grind) vs resource management. Hence I don’t mind the 5000 intel costs, and agree with other posters that it’s not a cost as you use the items to equip crew and prefarm. A few suggestions to soften the blow:
    - Like normal skirmishes, start off with 1 intel and gradually increase it up to 5000.
    - Love the fact that you also get intel from away missions. Retain this for skirmish. It also means the overall cost is lower as you don’t need to run ship missions with low drop rates for needed items
    - Perhaps increase the VP reward. Again idea is to reduce the grind. Constraint should be available resources (chrons) as opposed to time you have to mindlessly tap. Will also help with burnout and soften impact on newer players who have less chrons to play with.

    * I liked the 10 battles and agree with the other posts that it could be expanded further/made unlimited. Also increase the difficulty of each battle as you go along.

    * The ranked rewards were not needed, especially for mid week events. And the rewards from ranking were insultingly bad. Best not to have them at all.

    * Like the more spaced out threshold rewards. Dil rewards were awesome, but I assume it’s only for testing purposes. Retain the spacing and make the rewards worth it (decrepit legendaries, dilithium, honor, credits, merits). Please no unneeded equipments to clog up the inventory (like dabo or crates). Also no trainers or replicators rations, though I realize these may be useful for newer players and can live with it.

    * The need to swap crew every round was a bit painful but added strategy. Perhaps limit the number of traits so that you can select crew that will work for all the battles - it was possible this time but only for the most seasoned players with extremely deep crew rosters. Make this easier. And if the crew swap every round is going to be a thing, even more important to reduce the grind to prevent burnout. Personally I would like more strategy but only if the grind is significantly reduced. Like I only have to play 5-6 rounds to clear thresholds.

    * Like others, I would love to see some new game mechanics; as opposed to a twist on skirmishes.

    * If mid week events are going to be regular way to test out changes, would be fun to mix up with other event types (galaxy, faction, even expedition). I certainly wouldn’t mind more paydays with over 7000 dilithium.

    * Get rid of paltry intel rewards after end of battles Was insignificant even in skirmishes but now totally useless with the 5000 intel costs [edited to add this point]

  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    So many posts... I'm going to throw my two cents in the ocean anyway.
    • Rewards were good for mid-week event.
    • 10 battles were too much, try 8 next time with proportional decrease in intel cost.
    • Intel drops that are 0.05% and 0.1% of another run are frustratingly worthless, try 1-2%.
    • I was able to find a crew combo that could win in a decent time without swapping and still get VP bonus each round. Please ensure this is possible in the future.
    • Tuesday and Wednesday were inconvenient. Please do not make new crew the reward for these events in the future.
    • More time between event and mini event would be better. My fleet was unable to chart individual performances of the normal event because the window to do so was so small.
    • This format seems great for beta testing new events/content. Please continue to use this tool.
    • More warning and details in advance would have been better.

    Thank you for taking the time to consider our feedback.
    Farewell 🖖
  • I only had 3 problems with this event.

    1. You could not select your ship on the Windows 10 client. I had to play on the steam client. (I only use my phone for warps)

    2. As others have pointed out the intel cost was way too high. We have double the rounds it should only cost double the intel, which would be 2400. You could either lower the intel or double the VP.

    3. I also did not like having to select a different bonus guy for each round. My carpel tunnel is bad enough lol.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Many of the posts in this thread are questions about the rules instead of feedback. So, if you really want just "relevant, clear and concise" feedback, it would be reasonable, to introduce the rules before the event, so that the players can focus on actually giving feedback instead of having to ask here for any grain of information.

    That’s a good point. I can see a case for limited access to information to not prejudice players against the event design, but having a separate rules clarification topic could have streamlined the feedback process.

    Another point to raise is that it could be hard to properly evaluate the mini-event without knowing what features are actually being tested and what’s been done to drive engagements for the test itself...I have a hard time believing that much dilithium will be offered every week or even every month, and would be curious to know if the threshold and rank rewards will trade some or all of that dil for more honor or other things like crew, chrons, portal packs, credits, and the other usual event rewards.

    Likewise, and as others have said, it would be good to know if only Skirmishes are considered for use in mini-events or if the other event types are on the table. If the mini-events are planned on a weekly basis, only in weeks where there is a Flashback/Rerun event, or only when tweaks to weekend events or other game mechanics need a larger population of beta testers.
  • I liked it. Wish I could have been better prepared to complete it though.
  • Sven LundgrenSven Lundgren ✭✭✭✭✭
    One minor complaint: I have a fleet member that likes to recognize and congratuate those with impressive event rankings, but the turn around between events was so quick that they were not able to get that information from the fleet page before it reset. Just extremly minor.

    In the Starbase, swipe over to the Leaderboards and use the arrow to view previous event Leaderboards.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    One minor complaint: I have a fleet member that likes to recognize and congratuate those with impressive event rankings, but the turn around between events was so quick that they were not able to get that information from the fleet page before it reset. Just extremly minor.

    In the Starbase, swipe over to the Leaderboards and use the arrow to view previous event Leaderboards.

    This only brings up your rank, your squadron's rank, and your fleet's rank. It does not solve the issue of showing the individual ranks of the other members of your fleet, which is what Odo was referring to.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    One minor complaint: I have a fleet member that likes to recognize and congratuate those with impressive event rankings, but the turn around between events was so quick that they were not able to get that information from the fleet page before it reset. Just extremly minor.

    In the Starbase, swipe over to the Leaderboards and use the arrow to view previous event Leaderboards.

    You can only do this for yourself, not the entire fleet.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • SpaceKatSpaceKat ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    I enjoyed the mini event. Much more than a standard skirmish event. I REALLY appreciated the opportunity to gain extra dilithium, too. Thank you SOOO much for that DB. I really needed it and didn’t have the irl funds to buy it.

    I did have two issues.
    1. It would have been better if there was more overlap of bonus crew from battle to battle. I literally (and I know what literally means) spent at least twice as long or more picking the crew as the actual battles took.
    2. I felt ineffective because it took so long to get enough intel to make another run. This might not have been an issue if I’d known how to prepare for the event, but I can’t be certain.

    I would suggest reducing the cost and also reducing the victory points. That way players get to play a bit more without DB having to give out any more prizes. I won’t pretend to have a guess at what a better amount might be.

    While on the subject of skirmishes, I’m not thrilled with the weekend skirmish events, either. Those require far too much participation. I would recommend the opposite for the weekend event. Increase the intel cost for each battle, but also increase the victory points earned. Again, to a point that DB has no increase in rewards to give out.

    This might have a negative impact on some newer or more casual players. Maybe the solution would be to leave the basic level as is, but scale up the elite and epic so that each costs more and gives out more VP than it does now, still keeping the ratio such that DB isn’t paying out more in prizes. It would let more hardcore players choose how much they want to play while still giving everyone a way to spend that last small bundle of intel.

    Basically, I’d like a balance between the intense involvement of the weekend event and the minimal involvement of the mini event.

    Thanks again DB! It didn’t have to be my ideal event for me to enjoy and appreciate it.
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Overall, this was a good experiment. Thanks for trying something new, DB. Here's my feedback:
    • I liked the ability to win dilithium, especially in larger amounts (as compared to reward tables for ranking in regular events).
    • I liked that the reward table was straight usable currency, not a specific crew that I'll need the following week. That way, if I don't have time to play, all I miss out on is the currency reward. I'm not explicitly disadvantaged later. For a mid-week, mini-event, I think that flexibility is key. I don't feel like I'm falling behind by not playing the mini-event as much.
    • I liked using the bonus skills on the skirmish. I actually had to think about which crew to use in which slot in order to maximize the bonuses -- making me think is a good thing. That worked in part because the higher threshold for intel for each skirmish made this less of a race and more of a choice in terms of how many chrons to use, etc.
    • I disliked the start being so immediate after the previous event. One night off in between would be nice. Maybe just make these mini-events one day, from noon Tuesday to noon Wednesday (EST).
    • I missed the ramping up of cost for skirmishes. For newer players especially, having a couple early rounds only take 1k or 2.5k intel would be nice. Gives them more opportunity.
    • I disliked the 10-part aspect of the skirmish. 5-part is easier to do once and then stop at random moments during the day. Hard to get through 10-part without interruption during the course of a weekday.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    My feedback... it’s perfect just the way it is.

    I wanted to offer a follow up to my previous comment, now that I've had more time to consider it. If we can assume mini event structure/rewards would be exactly as seen in this beta, I think it's nearly perfect. The problems with certain battles not being adjusted for normal and elite needs to be addressed. I genuinely sympathize with any players that ran into issues with that. It didn't affect me, but if it did, it would certainly bother me.

    Intel costs didn't bother me for the rewards offered. That said, I think players who can only play normal or elite shouldn't have to pay as much intel as players competing on epic. They're already penalized by earning less VP per set. They shouldn't be penalized even more by being required to pay more intel for less points. I'd like to see intel scaled proportionately with the VP offered for each level. I've always thought that was a flaw with regular skirmishes as well.

    Increasing intel for regular skirmishes would make them a lot less of a grind, imo, and would be welcome as long as we continue to earn meaningful amounts of honor, credits, intel, etc. As it stands, skirmishes require a much bigger time investment than other events, so an increase in intel costs could help reduce that to something more reasonable for more players.

    Being able to farm intel from both space battles and away missions made sense with the increased intel cost for the cataclysm. If this were implemented in regular skirmishes though, it would be a massive hit to developing fleets, so if that's something being considered here, please proceed with caution.

    I liked having 10 battles per set instead of 5 and I liked that you won progressively more VP for each battle. I wouldn't have minded if there were even more. I'm not sure that it really makes a difference, and it's possible I just liked it because it was different.

    I really liked that there weren't huge VP gaps between the upper rewards, and would like to see that implemented on all events. The closer those carrots are, the more players will chase them I think.

    Like other players have said, the start time was a little awkward, especially for fleets who track members' event ranks. Probably not a huge deal, but it highlights areas where fleet members' stats/event ranks could probably use improvement. Some players have suggested shortening the event to a single day so that there's a 24 hour gap between events. My personal opinion is that would be a mistake. Extending it by a day would probably be more ideal, as it would allow more people to participate around work and other real life commitments through the week. Until the in-fleet leaderboard can be improved, I can live with awkward start/end times. Maybe give us a one hour window between events to give fleets a chance to track members' event ranks before they get wiped.

    The dilithium rewards were greatly appreciated, and I really hope those continue... in next week's mini-event!

    *EDIT* I forgot to address crew selection...

    Personally, it wasn't a big deal for me in this event- not even an annoyance considering the rewards I was getting. I could live with it, but I'm sure it's less painful for me than for newer players who need all 4 crew to get them through. That said, I wouldn't want to have to do that in a regular skirmish where I normally run a lot more sets, and locating event crew even once can be difficult since the avatars are so small and partially covered with the "bonus" marker. Adding an "event" marker to event crew instead of "bonus" would be better, especially if event crew were pinned to the top, instead of just randomly among 265 other tiny avatars. But given my druthers, I'd rather not have to swap crew for traits in a regular skirmish. Anything that makes skirmishes take longer than they already do will be met with hostility, I'm certain of that.
  • I love skirmishes, so I enjoyed it. But it was not quite as enjoyable as a regular skirmish.

    I did like the threshold rewards. I can always use more dilithium. But the rank rewards were not worth competing for.

    And, as someone without a stash of chrons, I really disliked the fact you could not even clear the thresholds without spending. The announcement last week specifically said no prep would be needed.

    And if the bonus traits change each round, please remember our crew selections for each round. Then default to the crew I used on that round in each subsequent skirmish.

    Also, I'm all for two day mini events. But please change the start/end times. Start 12 hours after weekend event ends, and end 12 hours before the next event starts.
  • Shan wrote: »
    Thank you to all who will participate in this mini-event!

    Your feedback will be invaluable and we are looking forward to it.
    Please make it relevant, clear and concise :)

    5k in antimatter was much more than I felt was necessary. I appreciated the threshold rewards were dilithium but 2.5 -3k would've been more reasonable. Especially at the top end where an extra 50k points were needed to hit the next reward.
  • Madman1Madman1 ✭✭✭
    Overall I really liked this mini event.

    The good:
    - The rewards were very good and in my opinion worth the intel cost.
    - I liked that you could earn intel by space battles and away missions. I didn't have to think about what to run and just levelled up some crew and restocked my inventory with my preferred missions.
    - The ranked reward table was not worth trying to place so there was no pressure to compete. I think it would be nicer to do away with the ranked rewards and maybe make community rewards instead but its ok the way it is.
    - 10 space battles in a row gives more bonus boxes to open that I preferred to the 5 space battle system in a normal skirmish.

    Room for improvement:
    - I like to see where my fellow fleet members rank at the end of an event and wasn't able to due to the sharp turnaround time and the fact I was sleeping at the time.
    - If these events are weekly then it will start to feel like a six day event week. I'm ok with this as I would start to pick and choose the events I try in but others might try to do everything and burn out.
    - If dilithium is to be offered as rewards like this all the time I would be happy but it may lead to me dropping the monthly card that might not be great for db and the games longevity.
    - It would be nice to get some completely new type of events for the mini events or regular events rather than just more of the same. New event types would help to keep the game fresh. Hopefully with the recent expansion of the development team this is already in the works.
  • All in all, I think it was a good event. I think for the most part it accomplished what they set out to do. My 1 Big suggestion for this would be to add event crew, but instead of the Legendary, Two Super Rare and 1 rare from regular events, they should have a Rare, two Uncommon and a Common crew as the event related crew/ slash reward crew. That would give DB a new place to release new 1*, 2*, and 3* crew while giving newer players a better chance of having a maxed out event crew for an event.

    Seriously DB, give us M'Ress!!! :p

    P.S. has anyone considered implementing 3* Beholds? they may not be relevant for long time players, but they'd make things more interesting for newer players.
  • I enjoyed the extra dilithium; keep that as a reward.

    As others have mentioned, changing out bonus crew with each battle became very tedious. Event crew alleviates this in regular skirmishes, so maybe randomize a set of 4 traits with each skirmish? Then a player can use the same crew for 10 battles and adjust with the next skirmish.

    On the Intel front, one option to make the cost a little more palatable could be to permanently add intel as part of away missions and space battles, so players can accrue it outside of skirmish events for use in skirmishes, just like chrons are the currency of galaxy events.
  • Well it was a bit expensive , even tho you did get a lot of dilitium. The ever changing bonuses each round I could do without.
  • SpaceKatSpaceKat ✭✭✭
    P.S. has anyone considered implementing 3* Beholds? they may not be relevant for long time players, but they'd make things more interesting for newer players.

    They could be helpful to long time players too. I’ve been sitting on an FE “Stranded Craft” with just 2 stars. I don’t want to blow Honor to buy a citation, I need that for Legendary crew. Sometimes I have busy weekends and can’t rank high enough to get all three stars.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing a 3 star citation in event rewards.
  • Much like the others have said, I like the idea and the rewards being dilithium at shorter VP gaps, plus the 10 rounds per skirmish which made it easier to move up the levels more quickly.

    The negative for me was as a Fleet Admiral not being able to see last event results and it being too time intensive during the working week, I sacrificed the higher tiers for some element of game/life balance. Maybe have fewer tiers but higher incremental rewards but to a lower level of max VP or run it Monday-Thursday to fill the gaps between events, an extra evening would’ve given me time, I just didn’t account for the time difference being in the UK meaning it finished whilst I was at work, not at home as we aren’t advised timings based on our location.
  • Seeing how I didn’t buy a monthly card this month, this mini event provided me with the amount of a monthly and more after a day of play. I really like this as it only cost me a couple thousand chrons as opposed to real currency. I honestly thought beforehand the rewards would be more crew but delighted when I realized it’s dilithium and a lot of it!
  • Will there be another mini event this coming week, or was this one just a test?

    Makes a difference on how much chrons I spend in this event.
  • RoxtonRoxton ✭✭✭
    adonibyte. wrote: »
    Will there be another mini event this coming week, or was this one just a test?

    Makes a difference on how much chrons I spend in this event.

    Yes please let me know when you are doing another.
    Star Truckerz
    It's only my opinion but....

This discussion has been closed.