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Cataclysm! Feedback thread



  •  Riley Riley ✭✭✭
    borg2004 wrote: »
    will this count towards ranking achievements?
    @Shan saw this asked earlier in thread but did not see an answer. Can understand if it does not count since it is “mini”; would like to know the answer- I apologize if I missed it.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Also not everyone plays the way you do either.

    Since humanity consists of individuals we all are (and play) differently. That aside you are also a veteran player, under normal circumstances you should have a decent crew for all aspects of this game by now.

    Many players in that kind of situation started hoarding Chrons because they don´t need to level up like in the beginning where everything, also Chrons, were scarce. Concerning that Voyages were a real game changer. If you don´t have Chrons saved up for whatever kind of reason that is your playstyle or as Paladin said it is on you.
  • I'm happy with the event but most in my fleet are disappointed with the amount of Intel needed to run a skirmish.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd love to be able to spend less time on a mid week event. And I'd like thematic events to carry through the month. But if this is what it takes to sustain the rewards (yeah, wishful thinking), then yes s burden I'm willing to bear.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Again, please do not knock my feedback or my playstyle.

    I didn´t do either of those. As said:

    "If you don´t have Chrons saved up for whatever kind of reason that is your playstyle"

    That was just stating a fact, not judging. Some have Chrons saved up, some don´t. For from our individual standpoints and way we play valid reasons. I don´t tell you what to do though. Unlike you first with Paladin, now with me. Thank you 2...

  • I'm having fun...… It's a great mix-up, with the campaign and events. LL&P!!!!!!!
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    One thing that did occur to me is that after the VP Tier rewards all you have is rank rewards this is fine but all the goodies are at the top this makes it feel too much of a main event. I would also argue the intel cost to gamble for such rewards is upping the stakes quite a lot.

    My feeling is why not make it more of a choice on the rank rewards say Dilithium prizes for the highest ranks then honor on the slightly lower ranks (or vice versa depending on the consensus of which one is more valuable, if we can get a consensus that is :wink:) Obviously, some people will value dilithium more and some people may value honor more. Or we could just have these rewards split in different leagues entirely.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just finished the threshold rewards and will be stopping here. Including chrons gained from all dailies and reaching Captain level 91 I am down just under 8,000 chrons for the mini-event. For 7k+ dil, however much honor i got, a good refill on several useful 3*/4* items, and a healthy pile of starbase components, I think that was really a rather reasonable outlay.
  • What I like:
    Skirmish - Oh YEAH!
    Earning intel on both ship battles and away missions

    What I don't like:
    5000 intel per skirmish.

    With the high cost of intel, you will price out a lot of the community, especially the VIP0s

    I'm guessing that the dilithium and honor are placeholders instead of actual rewards for a regular event.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from itself
  • CrusoeCrusoe ✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Ship selection:
    The ship selection to me is not a problem because we only have to do it once.
    But if you want a suggestion, give us a selector for star level.
    Also, list maxed ships first.

    Intel cost.
    5000 is too high because we can only get a 50% bonus to reward boxes,
    not the skirmish, 100% bonus to skirmish. Because of that, I would reduce intel cost by 25%, so 3750. In doing this, threshold reward levels, may need to be adjusted, or the VP reward per battle in a round, may need to be adjusted.

    Choosing Difficulty level:
    This now is a problem. In skirmish, when we go to pick are ship, we know we are not in the right difficulty.
    Here since all ships are available, we do not realize we are in the wrong difficulty.
    I cannot think of a solution to this. But it is an issue. The solutions I think of are annoying.

    Crew Swapping for max bonus.
    Solution is we need event specific crew that will give max reward to boxes.
    In doing this, no adjustment to intel cost would be necessary.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    the time commitment for me is the main issue.

    About 4 hours all told to clear threshold is too much for a 2 day event. Feels more like a compressed 4 day event.

    Obviously the rewards are fantastic. Would I trade 8000 chroni for 7000 dil every week? uhhh... I'd do it for about 6 months before becoming a little nervous. However, I doubt we will see this level of rewards again. It makes buying dil kind of... silly.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • Dingbat1Dingbat1 ✭✭✭
    everyone says the intel cost is too high.
    How about we make the intel cost 500 - and you get 1 intel every 10 minutes or 1 intel for every chron spent farming items?

    Surely seeing a lower number will make everyone happier?
  • ShadowPresenceShadowPresence ✭✭✭✭
    This thread is quite long, and I haven't read all the posts, so if I'm restating something I apologize. But here are my thoughts on the mini event:

    First, I'll say I'm pretty satisfied with it overall. I love the fact it's a mini event and not going to take too much time to eat up. And I love the fact that rewards are mostly Dil and Honor. This shows me DB has really taken our thoughts into consideration when we asked for more opportunities to earn them. And it's based on Skirmishes, which are my personal favorite events.

    A couple things I would suggest considering to alter:
    1. 5000 Intel is a bit steep! Especially for newer players. But considering the rewards are Dil and Honor, you shouldn't lower it to the standard skirmish requirements. I'd say needing 3,500-4000 intel would be a good base.
    2. I think adding a supply kit for the first reward would be good. I'd love to see this event be more balanced for everyone, not just veteran players with chrons saved up.
    3. I would love to see the first level of rewards be 650 Dil. The standard cost of premium pack, whether 10x pull or featured 10x pull. The rewards could drop back down and scale up after that. But by starting with 650 Dil, it would allow even new players and VIP0 players a chance to buy a pack and increase their crew.
    4. To balance the mini events to be fair for all players, I wonder if we couldn't have a system that scales intel cost to captain level. So newer players could potentially compete with veterans as their intel cost would be much lower. Ie; Level 99= 100% base intel cost; Level 15= 16% base intel cost. (I wouldn't lower the level below that) This idea may need some work, as I haven't crunched all the numbers. Maybe it could scale every 10 captain levels.
    5. Finally, I really like that we started with the required intel cost for the first round! Again, this is helpful to new players and allows everyone the opportunity to get in on this event and get a small amount of Dil. And if we incorporate points 2 and 3, this could be a pretty good opportunity to get some Dil for everyone!

    All in all, I say thank you for the mini event and trying something new! This is interesting! :)
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    I can’t believe people are Pooh-poohing this FREE opportunity to get Beaucoup dilithium!

    If you think 5000 Intel is too expensive, don’t compete.

    If you think it’s not worth the chrons, don’t compete.

    You have nothing to lose by not participating, don’t ruin this for the rest of us!

    Please more like this DB!

    The problem I (and others) have with the event isn't the dilithium, it's very much a one time thing for testing purposes and you're not seeing it ever again, it's the structure of the event, it just feels like a subpar skirmish with increased costs, tedium, and lesser post-battle rewards. If that sticks to mid-week mini events fine but if DB is testing balance changes to the weekend skirmishes this is bad and they need to know.

    Ummm, who eff'n cares? It's THOUSANDS of free dilithium. So what if its only once? Just take the gift and smile.
  • Me [AUS]Me [AUS] ✭✭✭
    Would be nice to don't have a limit of battles but each one to cost 1000 Intel or something like that and to have as many fights i can/want.
  • The two things I would like, if I have to change crew each time:

    1.) A dismiss all current crew button (removes all crew currently assigned to the battle stations)

    2.) A "confirm" button after hitting start skirmish, cause I'm still breaking bad habits from skirmish mode and forgetting to change crew sometimes :(
  • 4. To balance the mini events to be fair for all players, I wonder if we couldn't have a system that scales intel cost to captain level. So newer players could potentially compete with veterans as their intel cost would be much lower. Ie; Level 99= 100% base intel cost; Level 15= 16% base intel cost. (I wouldn't lower the level below that) This idea may need some work, as I haven't crunched all the numbers. Maybe it could scale every 10 captain levels.

    i like that idea a lot.

    Ren~ wrote: »
    I can’t believe people are Pooh-poohing this FREE opportunity to get Beaucoup dilithium!

    If you think 5000 Intel is too expensive, don’t compete.

    If you think it’s not worth the chrons, don’t compete.

    You have nothing to lose by not participating, don’t ruin this for the rest of us!

    Please more like this DB!

    The problem I (and others) have with the event isn't the dilithium, it's very much a one time thing for testing purposes and you're not seeing it ever again, it's the structure of the event, it just feels like a subpar skirmish with increased costs, tedium, and lesser post-battle rewards. If that sticks to mid-week mini events fine but if DB is testing balance changes to the weekend skirmishes this is bad and they need to know.

    Ummm, who eff'n cares? It's THOUSANDS of free dilithium. So what if its only once? Just take the gift and smile.

    i agree its essentially free dil for those that can afford it so i dont see a problem. i for one am rather curious as to why DB throws out so much dil for free than anything else.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Scrolled through and saw a few key things.
    1. This doesn't take away from working on crew. It's the exact opposite, except for the time spent on ten ship battles. I'd much rather take a few minutes here and there to do that with dilithium to show for it, than to farm as usual and not get to also earn dilithium.
    2. 500 chronitons for 500 dilithium is the same exchange rate as extra MWF cadet tickets (150 chrons if played on Epic/150 dilithium).
    3. Find a core trio that works for you and then swap out the fourth slot as needed. It doesn't matter who they are as long as they have "Bonus!" written across their face. I just snag one out of my peripheral vision. Easy peasy.
    4. My guess is that 5000 Intel was arrived at to try to siphon away some of the stockpiles of chronitons a lot of players have, but that's too steep for our VIP 0 friends. It would be fairer to scale the cost by difficulty level to give them more of an in.
    5. I'm digging this and hope to see more things like it, but I'm wary of it becoming a standard weekly thing.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would be cool too if they cycled through the event types for minis. I don’t think factions would bother many people as many people run shuttles all week anyway but I’m sure I’ll have an opposing point soon
  • If your not a weekly Event player, have a stash of chronitons, no cards to build, really got nothing better to do, then sure have at it. I dabbled a bit with it. Then taking a long well deserved nap. Life is hard on Retiree's 😁
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Scrolled through and saw a few key things.
    1. My guess is that 5000 Intel was arrived at to try to siphon away some of the stockpiles of chronitons a lot of players have, but that's too steep for our VIP 0 friends. It would be fairer to scale the cost by difficulty level to give them more of an in.

    I'm not VIP0, but I'm a very low spender. I still have a massive stockpile of chronitons. I think the stockpile comes from experienced captains vs new captains. Once you no longer have crew to level, chrons just accumulate. The number of free 4(5)/5 mega crew plus other crew FF through honor means even experienced F2P players are running long voyages and likely hitting 10 hours.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    It would be cool too if they cycled through the event types for minis. I don’t think factions would bother many people as many people run shuttles all week anyway but I’m sure I’ll have an opposing point soon

    I like this and suspect that's DB's intent. Remember they said this was a way to test balance changes without disrupting regular events. So this week we got a skirmish. We may get a galaxy mini-event that plays with recipe costs. I could see a faction mini that experiments with different number of crew per shuttle. Can I dream about a variation on an expedition event that may lead to expedition events returning to regular rotation.

    Really anything DB can do to improve events without testing them in a weekend event is appreciated.
  • I find the event frustrating as it highlights one of the most annoying aspects of the game, that being whenever there is a time sensitive task...it always locks up. This time I can't get past battle nine as at first it kept spinning, and I was forced to reload the game, then I had to use my one retry and this time the ships kept flying past each other, but it never got to the battle. My internet connection is fine...the game just refuses to load when I am in a hurry, almost like it has a sensor to detect it.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    As much as I like the dilithium bonanza, I am a bit disappointed in general. This is basically a mini 2-day skirmish event, whereas I was expecting something different and community-focussed.

    I was hoping for something with both personal and community thresholds, where our collective efforts to do stuff during 'off days' would be rewarded, without the competition and stress of rankings.
  • Synthetic CommanderSynthetic Commander ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    I love the amount of Intel required, as this makes it far less demanding on time than on weekends. If someone really wants to invest heavily in chrons they can make it take longer, otherwise the rest of us can enjoy some nice easy dil rewards for a modest chron (and MORE IMPORTANTLY time) investment.
This discussion has been closed.