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Cataclysm! Feedback thread



  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    First time poster, long time reader.
    I thought Cataclysm was a great idea.
    Admittedly the intel price was high but the rewards were reasonable.

    Placing it next to a supply mission event was a bit annoying.. a faction based event would have given us time to rebuild our chronitons which would have been preferable.

    All in all I give it a thumbs up as I built up a nice Dilithium reserve.

    Nice to meet you all. 🖖

    In case it got buried in the many pages of responses, the great thing about this mini event (and the Skirmish events it was derived from) is that you can use the Intel-generating missions to farm Galaxy event components. Given that, unlike Skirmish events, away missions also generated Intel, and that all of the recipes for the current event are known from the original run, this provided the best possible opportunity to use chrons to earn VP in two separate events.
  • Me [AUS]Me [AUS] ✭✭✭
    So when is the next one :)
  • Em CamEm Cam ✭✭✭
    My 0,01€

    * The Intel cost was fitting the threshold rewards. Dilithium at this amount? Sweet. I say this even though my chron reserves were rather drained out, as I went for event rank achievement in the latest galaxy event (got the 25th achievement, got pushed to 16th in the last minutes, so missed the 15th spot achievement :#:))

    * Maybe ditch ranking altogether in mini events and expand Threshold? We spend four days a week competing against each others, so why not make mini events about seeking how far in that personal ladder you can go? I know I'd try to get all the Threshold, while I do decide to simply ease up on regular event if I don't need the 5*, even setting my goal to "I just need one star for this event rank 4* card, so I'll just do my dailies and see that I get that". This time I ended up in the 300nds.

    * I actually liked the fact that there weren't any fixed event bonus crew. I'm one of those players who actually like to think and strategize. Yes, I like Expeditions, too. It's rare that you get the "oh drat wrong click! There went this round." feeling in events. Thinking is good. I say this Is one who regularly taptaptaps hir way through thresholds the first night on galaxies and skirmishes (and in my time one, they start at 7pm). While I did find a crew combo that covered all the bonus slots (I haven't seen that particular combination posted here - it was slow but useful), I enjoyed trying this event out with every finished 5* ship I had.

    * If you decide to make these mini events a thing, maybe make the adjacent event a day shorter?
  • Tossing my opinions into the ring...

    I didn't feel the intel cost was too high, but then I've got chrons to burn. Maybe a tiered setup where you can pick up mini-event A, B or C - and you can only do one - with differing reward/costs? I appreciate it's difficult to cater to every level of player with a single idea, so my suggestion is - don't. Tier it out.

    I wouldn't like to see one done weekly, the regular event grind has reached a point where I don't always bother with thresholds. Maybe a 24 hour one mid-week on a regular calendar with rotating rewards?

    The ten battles were a bit grindy, I know some players like them, so it's a personal view.

    Wasn't bothered with the bonus crew - I just picked my usual team and ignored bonus points.
  • AandraaAandraa ✭✭✭
    I have enjoyed getting all the rewards. Would be great if this kind of events would take place at least monthly. It would be great if not only with dilithium rewards, maybe cicle one time dilithium, one time honour, one time merits and so on... that will fill banks and make us spend them on manny things. :) Thank you for mini event!
  • I liked the idea of rewards, but running such a time intensive event during the work week made it not a fun event for me. I did not have the time to even attempt to reach the threshold.
  • PhotonKimPhotonKim ✭✭✭
    I thoroughly enjoyed this mini event and hope we get them on a regular basis soon.
  • I really enjoyed the mini event but all the farming I did was of little help in this weekend's Galaxy event, Dirty Rotten Holograms.
  • This mini event was fun and I loved all the free dilithium. Looking forward to the next Crew Slot sale.
  • I think a lot of people are looking at this in the wrong way.

    Don't think of this as a mini-event, where you need to compete. Look at it instead as a bonus game mode for free dilithium, for doing what you'd do normally. Just spend chrons like you normally would, and then check in with the "event" now and then and run it when you have enough intel. Receive free dilithium. Repeat until "event" ends.

    Unless you're competing for Rank 10 or above, there's no point stressing over it beyond that.

    I agree with this statement

    This event was perfect IMO. This was the first and only time I found skirmishes enjoyable. I like that you can do 10 in a row, having to change crew every couple of fights doesn't bother me. I think they should just remove the ranks so people don't think they need compete.
  • I rather enjoyed the mini event my only change would be to have it replace a regular weekend event , I for one like having the time from Monday to Thursday to work on crew , and restock etc.
  • RinnaldoRinnaldo ✭✭
    edited March 2020
    I like the idea of having to change up crew each turn, but muscle memory made that difficult for a while. The main thing, though, is that it would be significantly more interesting if a) trait bonuses stacked for each crew that had them, and b) bonuses were randomized. After a few runs, I saw the same pattern of traits needed for each segment; I think it'd be more fun if they were random each turn, if the goal is to make us stop and think about using the best crew each turn. However, a huge caveat is that if this makes turns take longer, we should have to play less. In other words, I'm all for more complicated, longer fights, but the VP each turn should be very high, so I don't have to do a million (now very slow) runs to go up the threshold tree.

    To my point a above, what I mean is: instead of one crew giving 1.5x bonus or whatever, and all others giving nothing, have any crew that matches a trait add to the bonus. So, if you had two mavericks and two cyberneticists and those were the traits this round, have each crew add a small bonus that adds up, say... 0.5x per crew, so all four would add 2x the VP, total. This has the side effect of making battles harder, because you may not be able to use your fastest activated 400% damage crew, if you want the full 2x bonus! (I thought this was how it worked, originally, and the last battle was much more difficult than usual. That made it more interesting!)

    Also, I think the Intel cost was too high. Cut it in half, at least! It was awesome (as a ftp player) to win dilithium, though!
  • I hope we're getting an unannounced one again this evening when the event ends :)
  • I hope we're getting an unannounced one again this evening when the event ends :)

    I second that!!!! It was really cool. People complained about the intel price, but the tradeoff for dilithium was well worth it!! I'll harvest chrons just for this purpose, and level up some stagnant crew in the process. :D;)
  • I liked it verymuch. As a player who has no more non-double crew to level my chrons supply keeps growing so I was glad I could find some use to them. And as an added bonus all those players who still manage somehow to be short on chrons could not compete in last weeks galaxy event so I could easily get a top-1000 position.
  • I generally liked the event. It was challenging to figure out the best ship and crew staffing. Also I was piqued by the task of figuring out the best missions to get 5k intel. Using the toolbox it was two missions for 24 chron, reduced to 18, warp 10. And one mission at 3 chron. So 390 Chron got you a ticket.
  • On the positive side:
    - loads of dilithium (for a vip-4 player)
    - invreasing VP over a larger number of battles (I like the brainless clicking aspect of skirmishes)

    On the negative side:
    - impossible to play for rank now (heavy chron cost instead of getting most chrons back in rewards)
    - low honor rewards (got less than 10.000 honor after investing over 16.000 chrons)
    - I hate the need to swap crew for maximal rewards because of the lack of event crew (did I already mention I like the brainless clicking aspect of skirmishes?)

    Then again: thanks for the opportunity to aquire dilithium!
  • On the positive side:
    - loads of dilithium (for a vip-4 player)
    - invreasing VP over a larger number of battles (I like the brainless clicking aspect of skirmishes)

    On the negative side:
    - impossible to play for rank now (heavy chron cost instead of getting most chrons back in rewards)
    - low honor rewards (got less than 10.000 honor after investing over 16.000 chrons)
    - I hate the need to swap crew for maximal rewards because of the lack of event crew (did I already mention I like the brainless clicking aspect of skirmishes?)

    Then again: thanks for the opportunity to aquire dilithium!

    Pros outweigh the cons. I like having more dilithium, and I set out the flashback to run Voyages to harvest more chrons. Which, in turn, gives me more components, equipment, and honor to further other pursuits. I feel there's no need to harvest 10k plus chrons and just sit on them. They're meant to advance cards to FE, and Voyages advance cards to FF. Then the dil helps with packs to supplement FF. That's my strategy tho… B)
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    a 6 day event
    It was a 3-day event, not a 6-day event. It just happened to be back-to-back with another 3-day event, which was a different event.

    It was a 2 day event immediately following a 4 day event, which makes 6 days of events.
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  • I really enjoyed the event. Being able to earn dilithium would be a wonderful permanent addition. I'm kind of sad it hasn't returned yet.
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    So it’s been a month since the beta. Any chance we’ll get some info soon as to when we’ll see another mini or what to expect when we do? I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s been wondering about it.
  • Shan wrote: »
    Thank you to all who will participate in this mini-event!

    Your feedback will be invaluable and we are looking forward to it.
    Please make it relevant, clear and concise :)

    I liked that there were no crew to worry about leveling up, and the rewards were awesome. I give the event 5* FF/FE
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can we have another one very soon please? Not even asking for rewards of dilithium, just like the fact I can gather intel with away missions. That’s all I need out of the event
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    But the dilithium would be nice ;)
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • KPan [ISA]KPan [ISA] ✭✭✭✭
    So the beta of the mini event started the Monday after week 4 of a mega event.
    I am still holding out hope that they will bring back the mini event for this coming Monday. Seemed like a well planned time, complete for a ton of free dilithium right when the discount review packs come out. I for one spent all of that dilithium on those packs.
    The only difference is that last time we were heading into a galaxy event where I am sure it helped sell those $10 chron packs, however this time we are heading into a faction event, leaving no chrons to be needed.
    I'm over thinking this. Lol
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    It’s pretty disappointing that we’ve got no new info since the beta.
  • KPan [ISA]KPan [ISA] ✭✭✭✭
    Nope, no post mega event mini event. There goes my theory.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I see I forgot to close this thread :)

    Thank you for all the feedback, it was super useful.
    I do not have any update on this yet, but when I do, well you will all know about it :)
This discussion has been closed.