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  • /SSR/ Tichy/SSR/ Tichy ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    There is a error in the elite ship battle 9 - the ship has the same stats like epic battle 9 and people usually do not get past it:

    Same thing for battle #6 normal and elite.....


    I see. @Shan are you aware that players who are yet too weak to play epic are at a serious disadvantage here?
    To summarize: Normal battle 6 has elite difficulty, elite battle 9 has epic difficulty
  • [10F]risky Dingo[10F]risky Dingo ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Okay, so, for me:
    I am a fairly veteran player. However, I do not tend to rank high, in events, unless I want something. (And that something usually isn't another 1/5* character that sits at 1/5*... forever.) I don't spend dil (usually) unless it's for a guaranteed kind of a thing, like crew slots. I don't like gambling mechanics and almost never buy dil packs. As a result, of all of this, I have a large(ish) cache of both dil and chrons. That said...

    My thoughts on the mini-event:
    1) I liked it. (Keep in mind, skirmishes are probably my favorite event type.)
    2) The rewards were good enough w/o being too good. Meaning, there wasn't (for me) FOMO with the rewards. On the flip side, if you are a F2P player or a new player, that dil will go FAR.
    3) I didn't think it cost too much intel, but, as mentioned, I have chrons to spare. (I spent 9k on the event.)
    4) I don't mind the bonus crew switching. The games UI does need significant ease of use, but the skirmish UI is probably the best of any event. (Still needs a "bonus crew" tab though; much like expedition events.)
    4a) I actually found a setup that didn't require swapping and was still really fast (6s or less, usually). However, I would not have been swapping regardless. I'd just find the best "bonus vs. speed" setup and take VP hits if/when it came to that.
    5) I didn't feel like it took that long to clear the threshold. Once I found a crew setup, I just put on a podcast and tapped my way through (2-3 hours total).
    5a) On the note of length, I do feel the mini-events should be ending on Thursdays. Start a couple of hours after a main-event, end a few hours before the next main-event. Something like that.
    6) I get that this may be a testing ground for event changes, but, as others have pointed out, this isn't "new". I too would like to see new. (Also, I dread a galaxy, my most hated event type, as a mini-event.)
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  • Probably repeating a lot of what's been said but

    Things I like:

    1. Dilithium in rewards
    2. 10 battles per round (put this straight into normal skirmishes)
    3. Increasing VP
    4. Intel from away missions
    5. Can use crew on other assignments (like with a normal skirmish)
    6. Almost every run gives me a reward
    7. I've probably only spent 2-3 hours on it and I'm only just 2-3 runs shy of threshold which I should be able to get done over lunch so less time to "finish"
    8. Doing it just before a galaxy as a) Disliked those events and now I have an excuse in my mind not to play b) I was saving chrons up for it so has some to spare and c) same as a - worth repeating twice maybe run a mini one of those with some improvements next time

    I didn't like:

    1. It starting immediately after the last event - make mid-week things 24 hours long starting on a Tuesday to give me a break between events
    2. Not much reward variety
    3. Description of what the bonus does and if it stacks is lacking in game
    4. Ranked rewards a re bit poor but that might be deliberate as it's just a test event rather than a proper competitive one

    Didn't care one way or the other:

    1. Intel cost - seemed fine based on the rewards available, hasn't really affected my ability to play beyond forcing me to have longer breaks (and I have other stuff to do anyway)
    2. Changing crew - did it through twice then had four that had one as bonus for every battle. I think i've only had one battle last long enough for a second round of crew use.
    3. Use any ship - I either pick my Cube or the Krayton depending on how the first run goes
  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭
    I didn't like switching crew. I managed to find a combo that matched all skills (Solar Sails Sisko, Musketeer La Forge, Saboteur Garak, and Garth of Izar). I suggest having one or 2 featured traits in all the battles.
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Ren~ wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    it takes 2-3 seconds to switch one crew out for another bonus character. I don't see how this is tedious.

    Same here. It’s so quick and easy. All you do is click any chump that says bonus. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that so many people complain about an opportunity to get 7620 dilithium for doing a few hours of skirmishing. I just don’t get it. “Well, the intel cost.....selecting bonus crew......it just seems like a grind....” Seriously? So many people know how to “improve” it. What they are really doing is saying make this much easier for me. This set up is a win for us and a nice gesture by them. Take it as such. If taking two seconds to select bonus crew is too much for you, then bow out. If you don’t have 8k or so chrons then bow out. If ten battles versus five scares you, then bow out.

    You're completely missing the point. This is testing changes for the weekend skirmish events and you're not getting dilithium every other weekend. Dilithium is irrelevant here, it's not staying, the event design and structure should be considered separately. Take a mental picture, completely forget about the dilithium for a moment and think about these changes applied to regular skirmishes. Which one is less annoying and offers the most exciting post-battle goodies?

    There are always people advocating for increased annoyance and tedium in every online game I've played, but this one takes the crown. That's puzzling.

    I understand the complaint about the rewards or about the intel cost, but why is doing 24 rounds of 10 battles more tedious than doing 58 rounds of 5?
    I will never go for ranked rewards in a skirmish again, but when it comes to the threshold rewards, I would prefer this new structure by a long way.
    And it definitely doens't take twice as long to clear thresholds (unless we're talking about the old threshold at 130.000). It should actually take a little less time and that's one of the reasons I like this structure.
  • KadavarKadavar ✭✭✭
    I'm not a long term player, but from reading the comments I think Shan's going to have a fun time getting a summary report on this mini-event due to the range of player styles and commitments to the game. And a lot of them passionate about their style of play and figures analysis.

    I play to relax and rarely go for getting above the 1.5k ranking in events. I found this a really good way to pick up extra Dilith. I earned my fourth shuttle bay doing little more than my normal days play (plus levelled up 3 characters on a Chron spending spree) so I'm all for this game. I wont make the higher thresholds in the mini, but I wont get stressed over that or returns per chron stats either. I'm better off than I started.

    But I know there will be other with a 180 view to this.

    I did found this morning that the mini game does not like loss of phone signal. It got stuck in a loop and I had to restart the phone. On a plus side I could pick up the skirmish where I left off, no loss of skirmish rounds, which I thought impressive.

    And why do I always hit a signal blackspot as my Voyage is approaching the end!!! Yet another voyage token spent.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    After completing Thresholds ... Some comments:

    - Intel, I feel the 5000 per go is fine.
    a) For this event, the rewards more than justify the cost.
    b) Like Skirmishes, the event type is pretty self-sustaining with regards to chronitons ... with a supply kit and an initial outlay to get an additional 5000 intel, I'm managed to stay at a level chroniton amount (including chronitons coming in through voyages, dailies, gauntlet etc.) ... but the great thing is I've pretty much filled up most of my items/components to a reasonable level again making upcoming Galaxy events or crew levelling a non-issue.

    - I really dislike the rank leaderboard.
    Even though I'm not going for rank, it leaves a sour taste in my mouth to just have it there. I'll get top 5000, but sheesh, if it had a reward structure that was even half-decent I'd want to rank well ... which in turn would really burn me out fast (from playing this game).

    - The rank reward structure is pants.
    Thankfully so actually (game fatigue) ... the rewards themselves (Honor and Dil) are nice, but the tiers and the drop-offs between them are just silly, even worse than regular events. It really is geared to the elite few.
    --> This would be the perfect vehicle for community rewards, to help out those players who don't have the resources to rank high and make thresholds without a little help.
    I kinda feel sorry for the players who won't be able to hit high thresholds, end up at a rank 10+k and be left with a measly 500 Honor and a bad feeling that they weren't able to benefit from the massive amounts of Dil available. Nail in the coffin for a beginner/middle player maybe.

    What if community rewards gave us 4 copies of Captain La Forge (or some other old (weak) 5*)? That's as much Honor as rank 11 down(!). A lot more use for newer players (even if the card is relatively weak) and experienced players have the option to airlock the card to close to the same amount of Honor they'd be getting (sorry top 10 players).

    - Intel #2
    And therefore ... it would be nice to get Intel from Cadet missions/Arena battles ... help out those with limited access to Chronitons.

    - Crew Selection
    Fine as is ... good that there is no specific event crew associated with the mini so we can use some little-used crew to get bonuses.
    I use the crew switching method between battles and feel that's okay, don't need everything cookiecutter/automated, like to have some input.

    - Going forward ... whether I'd enjoy having a weekly mini-event depends on how it evolves. This one has been okay, mainly due to the rewards, but if it means I am being pushed to participate and so burn me out from playing the game I enjoy ... hmm.
    I'd have a number of questions before I could provide more feedback. Schedule? Remain the same duration? Rewards? etc. etc.
  • KadavarKadavar ✭✭✭
    One extra thought, it would shake things up if each mini event only had one or two tiers available for that weeks game. It would make people have to think about their tactics again if this weeks min event you could only use 2* ships and 2*/3* characters to crew it.
    It would also give newer players a chance to compete for higher rankings. Only downside might be the amount of unfreezing for long term players.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like mentioned in this thread it is not cool that after only 30 minutes between the weekend event and the mini event the ranks from the last Faction are no longer visible on the fleet page. My fleet usually keeps track of the individual ranks but noone considered they get overwritten so soon. Of course we could adjust to this in the future but for the past event the result for us is just gone. :( And also for the future this is not optimal. A dedicated section in the dropdown for mini events would help.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Suggestions, mostly which others have already said:

    1. Ditch the rank reward.
    2. Extend the threshold reward further out. Maybe to 400k.
    3. After 200k or 300k add merits into the threshold.
    4. I might also have the lower tiers build up slower. I.e. starting rewards are 50, not 100 and ending are 1200 or something like that.

    I did pretty much threshold and out. Glad for massive dil. rewards especially in conjunction with mega recap packs. It was fun but I can see not doing the whole threshold every week.
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    My final feedback:

    Once in a while(like every 3-4 weeks) it can be nice, except before and after full a Skirmishes, but please don t make it a permanent thing(like every week).

    And please DO NOT change or alter the usual full Skirmishes events. Thx :)
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • No complaints. Please do this again. Love it!
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the experience was a winner, but I may have been the target type of player: wanting something to do between events and a largr chroniton stockpile.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    One minor complaint: I have a fleet member that likes to recognize and congratuate those with impressive event rankings, but the turn around between events was so quick that they were not able to get that information from the fleet page before it reset. Just extremly minor.
  • DittoDitto ✭✭✭
    Ok, after playing it for a bit, I'm going to add my own 2nd opinion.

    At first, I wasn't thrilled, my initial reactions were:

    - 5000 intel? really? seems too high.
    - 10 fights? seems cool, maybe it'll be a bit harder ..
    - nope, still 10 really basic/too-easy fights .. *shrug*
    - rewards are good though .. picking up a LOT of dilithium .. nice :)

    After playing for a bit, I'll alter my thoughts to:

    - 5000 intel .. hmm, seems right. I don't like grindy events, and I really dislike having to run 10-20 skirmish (so 5 fights each run, or 50+ fights) back to back that are absolutely mind-numbingly boring - pressing the same buttons every time. So now, I'm thinking .. this is nice .. I do 1 skirmish in morning, 1 in afternoon, 1 in evening .. the higher cost means the skirmishes are spread out more, and THAT I like. ie "Less grindy".
    - The fights are still a little too easy, IMHO .. but *shrug*. I'm certainly not asking for an "impossible" last fight, but when you barely have to think about your setup, or what you click on .. yeah, it could afford a "slight" difficulty bump.

  • I come from this as a player whose only limiting resource in event ranking is time.

    I like the fact that I can play this during work time. Going forward I will probably chose to play the weekday event over the weekend event. The weekend is my family time and if I have a choice I will drop the weekend event. I have already chosen to sit out this weekends event thanks to this dilithium fest - I will take my chance at winning a Riker from a gamble pack.

    Thanks for gifting me my weekend DB 🙂
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    The more that I think about this, the more I wish that the leaderboard felt unique. This would've been a cool opportunity for a community-oriented event -- maybe a way to introduce the long-requested fleet leaderboard. I feel like it's hard for people to devote a lot of solo time to the game 7 days a week. Making the thresholds or rank rewards achievable through a group effort would've been cool.

    I kind of like that the rank rewards are so similar. I don't care at all where I end up right now. I was never going to spend the time to rank top 10, and the difference between 11 and 5000 is so minor that I'm like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    it takes 2-3 seconds to switch one crew out for another bonus character. I don't see how this is tedious.

    Same here. It’s so quick and easy. All you do is click any chump that says bonus. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that so many people complain about an opportunity to get 7620 dilithium for doing a few hours of skirmishing. I just don’t get it. “Well, the intel cost.....selecting bonus crew......it just seems like a grind....” Seriously? So many people know how to “improve” it. What they are really doing is saying make this much easier for me. This set up is a win for us and a nice gesture by them. Take it as such. If taking two seconds to select bonus crew is too much for you, then bow out. If you don’t have 8k or so chrons then bow out. If ten battles versus five scares you, then bow out.

    You're completely missing the point. This is testing changes for the weekend skirmish events and you're not getting dilithium every other weekend. Dilithium is irrelevant here, it's not staying, the event design and structure should be considered separately. Take a mental picture, completely forget about the dilithium for a moment and think about these changes applied to regular skirmishes. Which one is less annoying and offers the most exciting post-battle goodies?

    There are always people advocating for increased annoyance and tedium in every online game I've played, but this one takes the crown. That's puzzling.

    If you are correct in your assumption that this is actually a beta-test for revised skirmish events, then there are a couple key points you're not taking into consideration:

    1. Having event crew with matching traits for every battle would eliminate the need to swap crew, thereby eliminating one of the big complaints.

    Whether the event crew were ever supposed to match all battles is an open question. They did in the first skirmish. DB tried to change it in the second skirmish claiming the matching in the first was a bug. Players complained and the traits have matched ever since. If DB is using this to beta test tweaks to weekend skirmish events(as I suspect they are), then it's certainly possible they are experimenting with not having event crew match every battle.

    I've always been in the camp of having events force you to think rather than being dumb slot machines. So I'm fine with the tweak. In fact I wish they would go further in making people rethink their common skirmish strategies.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    wanted to add that this was close to unplayable on Facebook. crashes once almost every run. bad lag. then the 20 second spinning arrow of misery to load every battle.

    the game plays generally very poorly on facebook, but it's exposed in skirmishes most. In contrast, it played perfectly on my kindle.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • Drago MusevniDrago Musevni ✭✭✭✭
    I'll give credit where credit is due. DB really presented a perfect new mini event. I was skeptical beforehand, but let me outline the reasons this mini-event worked so perfectly.

    The mini-event fell right before a "flashback" event. A lot of seasoned players who already have the flashback's 4* crew immortal are just going to sit out the flashback anyway, so the mini-event provided us with an event for this week. While I wouldn't want a mini-event every week, I would welcome mini-events on weeks where there's a flashback or re-run event.

    There was no monetary "buy-in" like there is for premium campaigns. Rewarding players who are willing to grind it out over a day or so with free dilithium seems like the perfect reward for doing so.

    The mini-event didn't disrupt normal gameplay. I could send my voyages and shuttles as usual and still use crew on the voyages and shuttles in the skirmish-like mini-event.

    The event differed enough from skirmish to make it unique:
    intel could be earned from space battles AND away missions
    Running the gamut was 10 space battles instead of five.
    This was all balanced out by the intel cost of each run being significantly higher than that of a normal skirmish, as well as chron and honor payouts being less than normal skirmishes. Welcome trade-offs when every tier reward is dilithium!
    01000010 01101001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01111001 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110100 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100001 01110011 01110011 00100001
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My final assessment. If the threshold rewards are worth it, I will participate gladly every time there is a mini. If the ranked rewards are worth it, I will go all in when I wish, as I do in regular events. My final words to DB, thank you for offering this and thank you if this becomes a regular thing
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    My $.02 I am a fan of a few of the changes:

    1) Having a longer run, where you need to be able to make it through 10 battles for maximum rewards
    2) It might be just me, but I thought battles got a little harder as it went, I would support having the ships become increasingly difficult so that there is a crew strength/strategy element to scoring more points
    3) I like the higher intel cost. Competing for rank means potentially less ship battles if cost is higher, also rewards saving chrons to compete through the week. Might need to adjust threshold levels though to account for the higher intel/VP

  • I think a lot of people are looking at this in the wrong way.

    Don't think of this as a mini-event, where you need to compete. Look at it instead as a bonus game mode for free dilithium, for doing what you'd do normally. Just spend chrons like you normally would, and then check in with the "event" now and then and run it when you have enough intel. Receive free dilithium. Repeat until "event" ends.

    Unless you're competing for Rank 10 or above, there's no point stressing over it beyond that.

    There’s no way that most people would drop 4,000-6,000 chrons on a weekday as a normal activity. I didn’t even do that when power-leveling six legendary crew right before the TOS mega.

    Chron hoarders are probably spending around 80-200 a day to clear daily missions (less, if they use arena battles and cadet missions towards dailies) and pre-farmers probably go through 500-1000 a day depending on how fruitful their voyages are. Hoarders aren’t even going to get enough intel to run a third round (on top of the two that someone calculated based on normal intel accumulation) and pre-farmers are maybe getting two extra rounds...that’s not that much of a dent in the thresholds at all.

    I think you missed my point.

    I'm saying that people shouldn't even think about spending 4k chrons or whatever. I'm saying you should treat this "mini-event" like a free bonus. Just do what you'd normally do, spend what chrons you'd normally spend, and go play rounds of the skirmish when you have the intel, to get whatever free dilithium you can get from it.

    I did nothing special, just my normal cadet tickets & voyages for extra chrons, going the same farming I'd normally do on missions. I scored 128k VP, raked in over 2k dilithium, and the net cost to me was maybe 20 or 30 minutes of time in the Skirmish. My current rank is about 4k, but who cares? If I'd gone all-in with chrons I don't have, I'd have some more dilithium, yeah, but I don't particularly care as I only use dil for crew slots (which I'm not tight on right now; yes, I'm a vet player).
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    A good event. I liked the extra cost of ticket because then it meant less clicking. And the dilithium was tasty.
    Let’s fly!
  • Just want to say that the boredom of it being a Skirmish event did me in. I could've done at least 2 more runs, but I didn't even think about it until I woke up and it was 15 minutes until the deadline. (I did get 2 runs in those 15 minutes, but I had 2 more runs worth of Intel.)
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I really like that this felt more like a competition against yourself rather than a race for top 1500. I wish all events had a specific goal post for the gold crew.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had 500 Intel left in the end which was fine. But it would have been a bit sad if it were like 3000 - too few to make it worth to add Intel without a kit running but enough for me to be slightly annoyed. I agree that 9 fights with random rewards are better than 5, still 500 chron steps are big steps.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like all the dilithium. If you keep giving us dilithium I will probably keep playing this event, even though in all honestly a 6 day event is a bit of mountain and my kids have forgotten what my eye colour is.

    I ran out of chrons far earlier than I normally do, so while I would play for dilithium if this was a normal threshold structure the chron cost has increased but the reward boxes after each battle haven't. I'm spending more chrons for less honor so I'm not sure I would be playing so hard.
    I loved we could earn intel from both away and ship missions. I hope I have a lot more hyperspanners than normal!

    I think the lower tiers should have a reduced intel cost. I believe they earn a reduced VP and so a reduced cost seems fair. Skirmish are so hard on newer players. I also hope that those who had bugged battles should be given some sort of compensation. It seems a shame they aren't able to play higher tiers and are additionally penalised due to an error.

    I'm not the only person in my fleet to be considering retirement if 6 day events become the new norm. Probably not from the game entirely, but I'd definitely be looking at scaling back my engagement. I know it's my choice whether or not a play an event but I do tend to get carried away rather a lot. With dailies necessary for campaigns I'm not prepared to spend 6 days out of 7 grinding for adequate rewards.
    Which reminds me, while the threshold rewards were A M A Z I N G V A L U E I dont think the ranked rewards are. Rank 1-10 is pretty great, although it would make more sense to run with the threshold dilithium rather than grinding for more imo. I finished rank 23 and I have literally no idea why I kept in grinding.

    Oh yeah. Little boxes after every battle.

    On the whole, pretty good but I'd prefer 1 day mini events only. Ideally starting tuesday night and running until Wednesday night. Because I dont work then. 😂 or you could make two 2 day events every week. That's ok too.

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