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Cataclysm! Feedback thread



  • Crusoe wrote: »
    Anybody else notice the HUGE drop off in reward honor for ranking between rank 7 and 8?

    I see only 10000 at rank 7 and 7500 at rank 8. You must being seeing 750. Or are having a "Doh!" moment.

    No it's 100k at rank 7, not 10k, and 7,500 at rank 8.

    Ya, it is different then what I was seeing. I am on iPad and iPhone. For both I was seeing 10k not 100k as you are seeing.

  • Bluebeard1Bluebeard1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Whilst I know that a few players have been asking for this type of thing, I didn't ask for it and I don't want it. Please don't continue with these mini events.
  • Dingbat1Dingbat1 ✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Bonuses do not stack, matching 2 traits will not give you bonus x2.

    I think that would be a great idea. Not every battle, as that would be too tedious, but if every run there were different traits, if bonuses stacked, it would mean swapping out the entire crew (and maybe even the ship) .

    I'm sure that for most players it's the same - in the arena and for every skirmish I use the same ship and the same crew, leaving one slot for whoever the bonus is. It's predictable and boring, and there's no challenge - for skirmishes, I always win just randomly tapping away on whichever crew lights up next. It would be a lot more interesting if every run I had to pick a new ship and crew. a well-developed roster could easily staff a ship full of just klingons or just explorers, and doing so would make the runs more challenging. It'd also require some strategy - do my jury riggers have the right skill set to make it far enough, or should I forego the extra bonus and at least guarantee a finish with my regular crew?
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can’t believe people are Pooh-poohing this FREE opportunity to get Beaucoup dilithium!

    If you think 5000 Intel is too expensive, don’t compete.

    If you think it’s not worth the chrons, don’t compete.

    You have nothing to lose by not participating, don’t ruin this for the rest of us!

    Please more like this DB!

    Completely agree with you. 8k chrons for almost $100 worth of dil seems like a REALLY small price to pay to me. And if you’re running low on chrons, guess what? You can use some of that dil to extend your voyages, Ding-Dongs.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    As someone who enjoys Skirmish events and detests Galaxy events, having a Skirmish-type mini event that allows me to convert chrons into dil is pretty special. The intel cost is steep and a bit daunting for anyone who doesn’t hoard chrons, but given the rewards it’s not ridiculous and the normal intel accumulation rate guarantees even those who can’t farm intel will get something out of the event.

    I like that there are more battles than a Skirmish and that the VP rewards are a little more smoothly distributed across the battles. Intel as a bonus reward is a sad joke in regular Skirmishes and is truly embarrassing at this Intel price point. The other rewards are reasonable and help blunt the chron costs as Paladin 27 has pointed out already.

    Having flexibility in ship choice is nice...until you remember that there have been no changes to the ship selection interface. It is painful trying to find the ship you need and this is many times worse now that all ships are available at all difficulties. I understand that the simple solution would be to go back to having ship rarities restricted by difficulty level, but this is a golden opportunity to actually fix the ship selection interface. The fact that the crew interface has search and sort functionality makes the deficiencies in the ship selector even more noticeable.

    That being said, the tiny size of the crew portraits make crew selection a little annoying. Annoying enough to the point where I’m still not interested in switching crew in between battles; using my usual crew load out meant the battles were easy all the way through, while choosing crew and a ship to maximize rewards meant I had to repair three times and still lost the last battle (my AoS Data and NS Tucker are both unleveled at 2/5*).

    I’m also concerned about event burnout. Some people like to have something to do all the time but others just want to have a few days off in between rushing for events. If this was a Galaxy or Expedition type, it wouldn’t be worth the trouble.
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    It’s not really that annoying to swap out for bonus. Two Killy’s, Locutus, then the 4th, all I do is click on it then select any chump that says bonus. Takes two seconds

    Since I only have done the free one so far, so one round, I just did not realize until the 6th battle that I needed to throw in bonus crew. Doing it is trivial as you said.
  • Great, yet another event type I can't compete in because I have a job. :D

    Seems like this will increase engagement in the short term, but otherwise looks like another mile on the road to burn out city.

    Threshold rewards are unusually generous, so I guess that's the reason for the chron and time sink. I'd probably be more enthusiastic if I still had a chron horde and was underemployed.

    I really wish there was more to this game that didn't require tons of time mindlessly tapping. Oh well. 🤷
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I held back my review until I could run several sets.

    I like this. The rewards are amazing. The cost is high, but I think that is better because it will slow people down. Plus all the stuff I mentioned in the last comment.

    This is a well thought out thing. Yes, the chroniton cost seems high, but I addess that here:
    Remember as you complain of the cost that: 1: any chronitons spent are for crew you are leveling, which means that you lose no resources; 2: this is a chroniton-heavy event before a chroniton-heavy event, but the next event is a galaxy re-run, so (although I am not doing this) you can easily find what will be needed in the event and pre-farm; 3: you win back some chronitons, even if it is less than usual; 4: you don't miss out on any crew for skipping this if you don't feel that you have the resources; 5: you pay more intel, but you get it for all missions rather than just ship missions, so you end up with far more intel than usual for leveling your crew; and 6: the rewards are ridiculously wonderful.

    I feel like I can do as much or as little as I want. I feel no pressure to race for a good rank.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like the 10 battle aspect.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Took a long time to read this thread when I should be sleeping, so for the moment I’ll just add one thought I haven’t seen mentioned -

    I sort-of assumed there might be a community reward to this event. With the rank reward structure as it is, threshold and out will be a popular strategy (which is fine, but...). Might be a little participation incentive to use the galaxy community 3 tier structure (with vp levels tbd) - off the top of my (sleepy) head... 2000 honor / 750 merits / 4*portal.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    5) The higher cost of intel prevented this from becoming as massive a grind as a skirmish event

    I would like to politely disagree. High cost of intel helps reduce the grind, but the bug difference is the lack of gold crew. I am not grinding out to complete with others because there is no reason (in my view) to fight. Thus I can do it as I feel. If there was a gold crew for top 1500, there would be a grind.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most of what I feel about this has been said already, still... here is my opinion.

    1. You do not look a gifted horse in the mouth. Everything that grants ressources is welcome. So I am all down for something like this becoming a regular event. To the people complaining about this: Just ignore it and do nothing but do not destroy the fun others may get out of it.
    It is a good opportunity to level up the crew we won during the weekend (not this week as Kira is old but in general) with some payback we would not get otherwise.
    2. If this showed up each week I would mostly only go with the free Intel which should be good for 4 rounds (1 at the start, 2 from Intel recovery and probably 1 from ad warps) if I have no crew to level urgently. But hey, that is better than nothing!
    3. The Intel price is steep, 5k per round is too much. I would prefer less levels for a lower price.
    4. Yesterday I was under the impression that there were no crits for the random rewards, but today I got 250something honor dropped at once, was there a hotfix or did I have bad luck yesterday? Anyway the grinding without any crits was very boring.
    5. Dil and chrons as the only rewards are super-boring too. Bring something different please, but like someone mentioned already also align the chron cost to the value of the rewards.
    6. For a regular Skirmish event the pay/gain ratio would be horrible, please do not take this road!
    7. For full engagement (clearing the threshold) the time investment is too high, there is no way I would do this every week except if there was a Galaxy during the weekend I do not care for anyway.
    8. I would rather have this instead of some new weekend events from time to time and during the course of a week something like McCoy instead. This should save dev ressources and bring a char for the next event still.
    9. I hope that there will be some kind of swap between Skirmish and Faction. The latter would be more relaxing as we run shuttles anyway so it would not cause extra stress unless we felt the urge to clear the threshold (again, a question of the reward structure).
    10. The ranked rewards bring zero temptation, not even the first place.
    11. Having to swap the crew is annoying. I forget about it in like 1 out of 8 cases and then I am pi**ed. Please provide a mini-event trait and grant the according bonus.
    12. The smoothed threshold table is nice.

    Overall I really like it but it could use some balancing still.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • So now after having done this, I came to this conclusion, in order not to cut through chronitons like a scythe through grass its probably best to just continue equipping crew, accruing the intel as you go and when you get enough then play. Otherwise this seems to be a pay to play item at its most obvious.
    The Maryland Fleet need YOU, come and join us!
    We are rushing headlong into the abyss...................but we will have a blast whilst doing it,
  • MirrorMartiganMirrorMartigan ✭✭✭✭
    Not to beat a dead horse but the intel cost is WAY to high. I appreciate the extra free dilithium (in the 4 runs I did I got back half of what I spent on packs the last couple of weeks). Using between 9k and 11k chronitons ro clear the thresholds is too much, especially for those of us that don't hoard loads of chronitons. The idea is solid, just needs tweaking.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    In this case with these kind of massive Dilithium rewards the Intel cost is fine. Of course especially kinda new players who still need crew strength and many Chrons to level them up are at a disadvantage (but that goes for all aspects of this game which is much about longterm and patience), on the other hand veteran players, peeps who are good in playing a resource management game etc. get a very generous reward for having Chron reserves. For lesser rewards I also would find the Intel too high, in this test scenario, as said, it is fine.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    it saves you chrons since you still get items from missions

    Yes, you don´t invest these Chrons for nothing, but get the items to level crew, prepare future levelling, prefarm for Galaxies etc. And as "bonus" the usual Skirmish rewards + Dil as the icing of the cake in this case...

  • MirrorMartiganMirrorMartigan ✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Not to beat a dead horse but the intel cost is WAY to high. I appreciate the extra free dilithium (in the 4 runs I did I got back half of what I spent on packs the last couple of weeks). Using between 9k and 11k chronitons ro clear the thresholds is too much, especially for those of us that don't hoard loads of chronitons. The idea is solid, just needs tweaking.

    And to beat the other dead horse. Spending chrons in an event like this doesn’t cost you chrons, it saves you chrons since you still get items from missions, plus you get some chrons back in loot boxes. If you haven’t adjusted to that and started to stockpile chrons to spend in skirmishes in the last two years, that’s on you, not DB.

    Actually I have yet to see massive chronitons drop from loot boxes. Guess we aren't as privileged as you. Also not everyone plays the way you do either. Dont knock my feedback please.
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