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How realistic is 10 billion points for community rewards?



  • @Prof. KakkoiiLady very well said 🖖
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    I am playing two other games with what I consider big events ending today. I worked hard yesterday on those two and had some effort in Timelines. I started today with the plan of reaching threshold on both my accounts. I had to work today. Now that I am home I am too exhausted to go for more than 160k VP. All I could think of was why was I taking the time to get the rest of the threshold rewards. All there is, is a voyage supply token, a x10 premium pack, 1500 honor and what ever else and it is simply not worth my time or the Chrons used to obtain them.

    On top of this on the very beginning I knew we would not hit the top community prize of x10 event pack. I thought slim chance for CD Quark. But someone earlier explained the reason. This was a five day event the first time, I am not sure this was taken into account. Meaning I am not positive that last time the top prize was 10billion.

    And yes, this event was less rewards not more than what we have obtained in the past.

    Edit: I do not know what to think about their community thresholds this time when I find this was last time they did it.

    Tried to find the info in the old forum. But, I did find that we made it and a lot of people thought we would miss by 50 million. I got this from one of my posts, but I could not find the post of the predictions on making the community thresholds.

    I also saw that the name I could not recall, was Becca, who did a great job as Shan is doing now, I also saw Shan in the old forum. The same Shan??
  • Veterinary PhloxVeterinary Phlox ✭✭✭✭✭
    It is a game after all. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

    I spent much more time and ressources on this event than I usually do for a Galaxy, for the community. Still I am not disappointed that we will miss out on the top rewards. A 4th star for CD Quark would have been nice but the earth will continue to spin without that too. I will get Klingon K'Eyler as a consolation price though, despite hating that card name.

    I liked the challenging goal, it needs fine tuning though. 6 or 7 billion might have been challenging but achievable.

    In some other games you cannot even clear threshold without spending plenty of money...

    A reward is a reward, and we simply did not earn it.
    Well said!

    At this point, even if there's a big dump of rare rewards for VP in the final hours, it seems unlikely we'll hit 6 billion, let alone 8. I was really hoping for a second star on my new Convergence Day Quark, but at least I got the first star from one of the special Event Packs.
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also, when comparing to the original run of the event, there was also more incentive to play the event overall. The characters in the threshold and ranked rewards were not all really old like they are now. There was little reason to play, perhaps in an event with "real" rewards, 10b is more than attainable (I don't think so, in any competitive event, clearing threshold put you in the top 10000 at the worst, 10b community in average means you are at the bottom of top 30000 -not even 1 copy of the purple-)
  • In a normal galaxy event, the community goals are reached within maybe 10 hours? It's definitely relatively early. I'm all for providing more rewards so that you have something to play for for a longer time. However, 10 bn points is definitely too high. If it was 2.4 bn points last time, maybe 5 or 6 bn would have been a good final target. No need to go all the way up to ten.

    Something must also be said about the reward themselves. Klingon Quark and CD Quark? Come on, they're not really good cards. How about a begold with the three legendaries CD Quark, Judge Q and COP Picard?

    I for one had a lot of time on my hands because of the lockdown and I've already earned 200.000 points more than during the last galaxy event. But these rewards are not really providing strong incentives to push even harder than that.
  • edited January 2021
    the people who came up with this idea were just trolling a 1000% increase over normal community rewards compared to normal with only double the time to achieve it; its so beyond unrealistic it can only be an insult. so for this new year after a terrible year we got way less on a special event then we normally do on a normal event and that for infinitely more effort. 0 thought and effort went into this unless the objective was trolling imho. im awaiting compensation lol
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    But at least TP can now say, "look at the awesome opportunity we gave the players for some cool rewards, but you just didn't cash in." I personally think it's an unrealistic joke. 10 billion. What planet are you on TP? RISA?????

    Maybe the Island of Misfit Toys? ;)
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    there are way more active players now. It's around 25,000 now who will say get enough points for the mega event gold. In the first 3 years it was closer to 10,000.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Why is there an expectation that even with half engagement every target must be obtainable?

    Absolutely. I think expanded community rewards implemented on a regular basis should NOT be regularly obtainable. And it would give really great feedback to TP about what kind of rewards or events would get the community to push to get there.

    This however was sold not as trying out new expanded rewards, this was sold as 'we have something fun and exciting for this special event.'

    A counter to your K2 example would be if TP said we'll give you these rewards if you run 10 miles today. If I ran 9 miles and decided to stop, thats on me, and easily can take the blame for not pushing through that last mile for not being incentivized enough to power through.

    But when I can only run 5 miles, then the original goal was unrealistic, regardless of the incentive offered.

  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    Honestly, I like the idea of expanded CR. They have been in place a long time in this form and a little adjustment would be fine and even expected. If they want to add a few extra tiers or even raise the thresholds 100 or 50mil to bring it back to closer to when certain rewards were reached, I would be okay with that. What do you guys think of the following?

    Raise the purples a little (350mil and 700mil), toss in something extra like chronitons or a premium crate or two as the 3rd reward at around 1.2b, have the portal at 1.5, and say a purple cite at 2b and a gold at 2.5b.

    With 48hrs, that would be doable and limiting it to a Galaxy and at twice and 2.5x the previous top rewards wouldn't devalue them too much. They also need to consider there are now FOUR citation only golds to work on.
    Someone pointed out the player base is much higher than it was in the first run. Raising the bar makes sense, but i think they overdid it. They increased the top threshold by more than 400% on a rerun over a holiday. It takes, what, about 14hrs to hit the top mark in a normal Galaxy. That would work out to 6b at around hour 84 and, with delayed turn in by some, maybe 7b by the very end. 10b in FIVE days with slightly more than average participation would be a bit high. 9 would have been feasible for a five day event, but 7 would have been all I'd expect in four and that is with a lot of participation.
    I'm doing all I can and I won't clear thresholds myself. I might hit 300k, if my voyage gets back, but I don't know about 350k. I still look forward to portals.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Exanimus wrote: »
    1/4 Klingon Quark = 10x premium portal?

    I cannot get my head around the idea that it is good or reasonable to inflate the value of community rewards for special events to ensure the possibility of failure.

    Every week a 10x portal is worth 1 billion, under it are two 4* cards. Why would "anyone" take a "special" event seriously when the first 4* suddenly demands more just for it than the entire community rewards on a normal week? How can it possibly make sense? How do you frame an opinion that the community didn't "earn" a single 4* card this week for the same work? A new card during the last Galaxy is worth 600 million, but this week that much work isn't worth an existing?

    I can only shake my head. It's like saying, last week I gave you a million dollars to climb K2, but this week I have a special deal where I pay you less each time but I'll let you try and do it 10 times in the same amount of time. Who would possibly take that seriously?

    The community "earned" (put in the work for) 4 10x portals, and 8 straight drops of 4* cards. That was the value of community rewards three weeks ago. How could it possibly make any sense to make a special event where the same effort is worth less and designed for the possibility of failure?

    Please, find a way to explain it so it makes sense, because I simply don't see it.

    You hit the nail on the head, in my opinion. This follows the “less for more” kind of track record that they have been laying out. Ev suit tuvok and marshmallow picard? Monetizing of 3*....

    Hopefully this is not the way they plan to handle adjusting reward tiers for events. If they just add zeroes to the tier requirements, without adding rewards.....yeah. That would be gross.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Exanimus wrote: »
    It's not that I don't understand the "perspective" people. But there is a difference between "earning" an achievable goal. If I put a bowl of water outside the fence and blame the dog for not working hard enough, it's a very different thing. I don't mind people looking for the silver lining, but blaming the community for not "earning" a reward placed over 4 times farther away and with a shorter clock, is actually cruel in my opinion. Sure the world goes on, but if you want to accuse the community of failure or laziness, I think you need to prove beyond opinion success was possible. This community would have "earned" the community rewards twice over in a shorter time under the original structure. That is not failure. If you don't want to call it out, fine, I get it. But if you are going to accuse the community of failing, at that point I'm going to step up and defend it.

    To blame a community would be stupid, wouldn't it? And that is not what I meant.

    Was it mathematically possible to hit 10 billion? Pretty sure! There just was not enough incentive for the individuals of the community to contribute enough due to uninspiring threshold and ranked reward, and that is fine with me. Noone did something wrong imo, neither TP nor the community. I see it as an "offer", and we did not bite.

    If I said I would give you 10 million dollar if you climbed the K2 in 5 days and you surrendered halfway, were I to blame for the tough goal or your expectation that you could make it when you obviously could not or were not willing enough?
    If TP offered a cite for everyone if the community spent 1 million dil within 2 days and we missed that, would you blame them for even offering it? Or the community for being too stingy? Hopefully neither.

    And the comparison with earlier runs and the missing day... Our capability to burn through chrons is much higher today than back then, even with less active players figurewise. I think their estimate was not soooo wrong, it was possible in theory I assume.

    Why is there an expectation that even with half engagement every target must be obtainable?

    Every offer doesn't need to be obtainable, but to be an offer, it should be more/better than normal. If there had been a 4* at 300m and 500m with a normal 10x pull at 1b followed by a 5* at 8b and a 10x event pack at 10b then it would have been an offer on top of a normal galaxy event and something special to celebrate. As it stands now, assuming we hit 6b, we'll end up with 2 4* and 10 1x event packs that guarantee no crew. So the community rewards were worse than a standard galaxy event.

    Hmmm I was not under the impression that it was sold as special or exciting, just as a Flashback. The excitement came from the player base when they saw gold in the community rewards.

    Regarding "offer": Yes, overall it went worse than usual rewardwise. But are we entitled to 100% community reward every time? It was flashback, and that's it. And as such - like any event - can be better or worse than the average event.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • NoblemanDKNoblemanDK ✭✭✭✭
    I have to say that i am impressed how far off the devs were with the amount of vps made
  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Final total was somewhere around 4.68 billion vp.
  • KPan [ISA]KPan [ISA] ✭✭✭✭
    ...that was a dud. And I was so excited for it.
  • dext74 wrote: »
    Final total was somewhere around 4.68 billion vp.

    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    V. wrote: »
    there are way more active players now. It's around 25,000 now who will say get enough points for the mega event gold. In the first 3 years it was closer to 10,000.
    25k? 10b requires 28571 players reaching all threshold rewards (350k)

    Anyway, I can't believe I was happy to have a chance to get CD Quark when the rerun was announced...
  • KPan [ISA]KPan [ISA] ✭✭✭✭
    I am surprised that they haven't made a statement yet. As this was pretty clearly the outcome throughout the weekend and as the annoyance to the unrealistic and underwhelming community rewards has slowly bubbled up over the last couple of days.
    I was expecting either "our bad, here you go (just this once)" or "sorry, too bad, but we won't do that again."
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Exanimus wrote: »
    It's not that I don't understand the "perspective" people. But there is a difference between "earning" an achievable goal. If I put a bowl of water outside the fence and blame the dog for not working hard enough, it's a very different thing. I don't mind people looking for the silver lining, but blaming the community for not "earning" a reward placed over 4 times farther away and with a shorter clock, is actually cruel in my opinion. Sure the world goes on, but if you want to accuse the community of failure or laziness, I think you need to prove beyond opinion success was possible. This community would have "earned" the community rewards twice over in a shorter time under the original structure. That is not failure. If you don't want to call it out, fine, I get it. But if you are going to accuse the community of failing, at that point I'm going to step up and defend it.

    To blame a community would be stupid, wouldn't it? And that is not what I meant.

    Was it mathematically possible to hit 10 billion? Pretty sure! There just was not enough incentive for the individuals of the community to contribute enough due to uninspiring threshold and ranked reward, and that is fine with me. Noone did something wrong imo, neither TP nor the community. I see it as an "offer", and we did not bite.

    If I said I would give you 10 million dollar if you climbed the K2 in 5 days and you surrendered halfway, were I to blame for the tough goal or your expectation that you could make it when you obviously could not or were not willing enough?
    If TP offered a cite for everyone if the community spent 1 million dil within 2 days and we missed that, would you blame them for even offering it? Or the community for being too stingy? Hopefully neither.

    And the comparison with earlier runs and the missing day... Our capability to burn through chrons is much higher today than back then, even with less active players figurewise. I think their estimate was not soooo wrong, it was possible in theory I assume.

    Why is there an expectation that even with half engagement every target must be obtainable?

    Every offer doesn't need to be obtainable, but to be an offer, it should be more/better than normal. If there had been a 4* at 300m and 500m with a normal 10x pull at 1b followed by a 5* at 8b and a 10x event pack at 10b then it would have been an offer on top of a normal galaxy event and something special to celebrate. As it stands now, assuming we hit 6b, we'll end up with 2 4* and 10 1x event packs that guarantee no crew. So the community rewards were worse than a standard galaxy event.

    Hmmm I was not under the impression that it was sold as special or exciting, just as a Flashback. The excitement came from the player base when they saw gold in the community rewards.

    Regarding "offer": Yes, overall it went worse than usual rewardwise. But are we entitled to 100% community reward every time? It was flashback, and that's it. And as such - like any event - can be better or worse than the average event.

    It was marketed as anticipation for the 5th anniversary.

    Marketing with a dud is not what I generally think of.

    And this was a flashback that had threshold rewards changed to reflect new thresholds, rank rewards changed to reflect the 1500 5* cutoff, rank reward changed to introduce a 4* crew not originally featured, and community rewards changed with new target levels. At this point the only thing flashback means is no new 5* added.

    So WRG modified the community rewards for this event and made them worse than normal galaxy events and harder to achieve than the previous version of this event. Flashback is not an excuse for anything.

    It was an event in anticipation of the 5 year anniversary that was the worst event in years. That's not how I'd want to celebrate 5 years.
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    This event just summed up how out of touch the developers are and the lack of feedback from them on this issue just shows that they don't care.

    KPan [ISA] wrote: »
    I am surprised that they haven't made a statement yet. As this was pretty clearly the outcome throughout the weekend and as the annoyance to the unrealistic and underwhelming community rewards has slowly bubbled up over the last couple of days.
    I was expecting either "our bad, here you go (just this once)" or "sorry, too bad, but we won't do that again."

    It's definitely disappointing, but their offices have probably only been open for about 3 hours since returning from the holiday weekend. Maybe give them a little bit of time to look at it and decide how (if) they want to address it.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    Kanon wrote: »
    V. wrote: »
    there are way more active players now. It's around 25,000 now who will say get enough points for the mega event gold. In the first 3 years it was closer to 10,000.
    25k? 10b requires 28571 players reaching all threshold rewards (350k)

    Anyway, I can't believe I was happy to have a chance to get CD Quark when the rerun was announced...

    they would be counting on the top achievers to get millions to make up the difference. I'm not sure how many super actives we have right now (those that clear the top threshold, but would guess it's less than 10,000. Maybe 6 or 7 thousand). but yeah, there may be close to 29,000 active accounts. many of these of course are 2nd and 3rd accounts that don't always get played.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
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