ISM for equipment drops - Do you like the change in campaigns?
Prime Lorca
in The Bridge
Simple solution has already been partially testbedded:
Yeah. The Crates are hit or miss. I've gotten some good 5⭐ stuff. And some Replicator fodder. I'm sure the Crates are much more useful overall early in the game. Not sure why it had to be an "either/or" thing. You wanna add 18,000 ISM to each track? Add 900 to every fifth Tier. Or 1,800 to every tenth Tier. Heck, do the 120 Tier thing, with 4,500 ISM at Tiers 105, 110, 115, 120 on the Basic Track, and Constellations at 110 & 120 of the Premium Track. 18,000 extra ISM a month would be plenty. Just add the needed Accolades to the Threshold in Events, like when they did the "test" 120 Tier Campaign.
Easy peezy nothing cheesy.
Honestly surprised that people are impacted. I just presumed everyone got junk. I guess I should try to see it from a different perspective.
I'm not sure how the loot boxes worked. Are they supposed to drop specific items for cards that aren't FE? I never have cards that aren't FE for more than five minutes so I thought it was just random junk from those boxes. I guess if I were a newer player it would be annoying (if they are targeted at crew one does not have FE)
I would guess it would be the way Dabo supposedly works. If you have needed items, they should have a better chance to drop. It's mostly going to help people who are working on more Crew, or earlier n the game.
They worked as I wanted so rarely they were not worth the effort.
642.9 ISM per track, per day, instead sounds good to me.
Its possible to finish the campaign early anyway, or they could have added the accolades to event ranks like before.
I think its lame economy tinkering and more of the same “less for more” mantra that they keep pushing.
Now, this is likely another test of their's to see how players respond to a change. So I would not be surprised if they change things in the campaign after this one.
Am I mad? No. Could they have done better? Probably.
If you didn't adjust your entire roster to take advantage of crate drops, then their rewards were mostly useless and extra work to airlock and keep the inventory below 1k items.
I voted yes, because ISM is of more immediate benefit to me than these small savings, but I imagine that for newer players there could be made a case the other way around.
They've swapped equipment that I'll never use for ISM that I'll never need. 18K per month (36K with the premium track) is more than anyone will ever need, unless you're spending 1000s of dilithium on extra quantum.
But 18k or 36k ISM seems like an overkill amount to just constantly scan over and over.
A balance between a lot of ISM and some (even minimal) Quantum would have been a better solution.
(GIF courtesy of @DScottHewitt )
While there is other junk included in the campaign reward structure that I would have cut before the equipment crates, I don't think this is a bad thing... just meh.
Interesting difference of opinion. One of you seems to be saying that constellations drop too frequently given recharge rates on quantum, the other that they don’t do frequently enough. I don’t have a great feel for it yet, but it does seem to me that to get what you want, you’ll need to get a lot of polestars, most of which will go unused. And that seems fine.
I am glad this week augments are one of the factions.
This is true for my my main and second account. For my, about 3 month old, account, all the above except that I am not putting any leveling off because of wiki needing info.
I also agree with @DScottHewitt post above.
It's almost like there are...two play this game. Will need to investigate further. Maybe make a new spreadsheet...YAY NEW SPREADSHEET!
You have your answer. If you are always working on someone, then you are going to get something somewhat useful. You may have to build on it, but it will provide something. I'm used to getting between one and five IMMEDIATELY useable items per crate, not campaign, per CRATE. Between this and the BMV, I could happily set someone on fire right now.
I guess roughly 50% of polestars will be useless. I already have multiple Federation, Starfleet and Human polestars, which hardly narrow down the crew. If all three are selected then I get 293 crew.
8 Scans a day will give a constellation every two days, a useful polestar every four days, and a set of four useful ones every 16 days, nearly the time it takes for Quantum to recharge.
8 Scans a day I believe will cost 1200 ISM with adverts, so the Quantum/ISM seems about right. (Another 1000 ISM every other day to open the constellation).
Being a newish (1yr) player I have and will have many crew needing items and I find the crates much more useful and interesting than the requisition shuttle tokens, replicator rations, 4* crew trainers, or credits in the Standard track. In the Premium track, the crates are better (to me anyway) and I would much rather lose the requisition shuttle tokens or the shuttle Reward Multipliers which I basically never use. But it's the crew that sways my decision to buy Premium.
ISM is basically useless to me unless there is a reasonable way to earn Quantum and the credit requirement is reduced to a reasonable amount (I'm thinking 1 million for a legendary would be reasonable to me). Otherwise it's basically a once a month treat and I already have about 6 months of possible retrievals lined up. Having said that, I think I'd prefer ISM to requisition shuttle tokens or the shuttle Reward Multipliers.
Personally, I lean just on the ‘no’ side. I would have preferred it as an extra or to replace replicator rations.
As a mid-game player, the super-rare and legendary drops from crates (which I seem to get a reasonable amount of) are helpful. I am constantly struggling with crew slot space, so anything that helps me finish and freeze yet another more-or-less-useless purple card is very welcome.
For context, I try to only replicate low-level faction items as much as possible (as opposed to full legendary equipment, for instance), and have plenty of schematics/training/superfluous components I can use to fuel the replicator... even for the odd occasion when I do decide I need to burn 225k credits on a replication.
So, it won’t be the end of the world... but those crates have been useful for me.
I agree with some on the thread that, at the moment, the level of ISM a campaign will yield seems very high. But maybe there’s a reason for that. I don’t know about you, but I already have more ‘starfleet’ and ‘federation’ polestars than I know what to do with. So I suspect we’ll actually need to ‘discover’ quite a lot of constellations before we find genuinely useful polestars.