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Fleet Boss Battles - Feedback thread



  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well we just hit a wall “jaglom shrek” available only in a 3x3 pack a random week in April, not in portal, never in an event and we are locked out of beating the boss and wasted valor and dilithium.

    This needs to be fixed #1 priority
  • Princess_UhuraPrincess_Uhura ✭✭✭✭
    Well we just hit a wall “jaglom shrek” available only in a 3x3 pack a random week in April, not in portal, never in an event and we are locked out of beating the boss and wasted valor and dilithium.

    This needs to be fixed #1 priority

    Yes. I will again add my voice to say that they need to put a hold on their planned client update and put 100% focus on this.

    My fleet has already all but given up even attempting combo chains if any of the traits look unique to non-portal crew, and even then, we still get fooled.

    It feels very dirty when this happens. My fleet is considering a mass ticketing for refunds of all fbb resources spent. Keep your stupid bridge upgrades, we are getting sick of this.
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well we just hit a wall “jaglom shrek” available only in a 3x3 pack a random week in April, not in portal, never in an event and we are locked out of beating the boss and wasted valor and dilithium.

    This needs to be fixed #1 priority

    Probably the worst example of a trait lockout because if 50 people who spend a ton don't have a character and it's not in the portal, then it shouldn't be that rare and included in a feature.
  • Princess_UhuraPrincess_Uhura ✭✭✭✭
    Well we just hit a wall “jaglom shrek” available only in a 3x3 pack a random week in April, not in portal, never in an event and we are locked out of beating the boss and wasted valor and dilithium.

    This needs to be fixed #1 priority

    Probably the worst example of a trait lockout because if 50 people who spend a ton don't have a character and it's not in the portal, then it shouldn't be that rare and included in a feature.

    Its also really suspect to me that we are seeing so many examples of this. It really seems like its happening way more than it should if everything was truly even chance rng.

    Of course i have no stats to back that up and it could be confirmation bias, but with 1200 crew available, only a fraction of those are not in the portal.

    Yet this keeps happening.
  • This needs to be fixed #1 priority

    It should be, but it's not. Their actual #1 priority is doing something that will make it even worse, to fix an exploit that they previously said was working exactly as intended.

  • Princess_UhuraPrincess_Uhura ✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Well we just hit a wall “jaglom shrek” available only in a 3x3 pack a random week in April, not in portal, never in an event and we are locked out of beating the boss and wasted valor and dilithium.

    This needs to be fixed #1 priority

    Probably the worst example of a trait lockout because if 50 people who spend a ton don't have a character and it's not in the portal, then it shouldn't be that rare and included in a feature.

    Its also really suspect to me that we are seeing so many examples of this. It really seems like its happening way more than it should if everything was truly even chance rng.

    Of course i have no stats to back that up and it could be confirmation bias, but with 1200 crew available, only a fraction of those are not in the portal.

    Yet this keeps happening.

    We get 12-20 crew per FBB. Some fleets are going through multiple rounds a day on hard. People are more likely to complain when this happens than post about traits that easily match. I'm guessing this is still RNG and just reflects all the battles we're collectively fighting.

    Yeah i hear ya, thats why i made sure to say i have no proof.

    All i can say for sure is that it should not be happening at all though.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    From star fleet communications;

    How it’s currently working:

    - a node can be unlocked by using multiple crew who each have one of the required traits to unlock the node.

    How it should be working:

    - a node can only be unlocked by using 1 crew having the correct set of required traits.

    We plan to roll out a fix for this as early as next week, with our server release.
    While this feature is in beta we understand that issues like these are never a pleasant experience.

    The issue you are describing is not unpleasant at all. Quite the opposite.

    The fix you are describing sounds EXTREMELY unlleasant. Please hold off.

    It's kind of funny that the ONLY "glitch feature" they can "fix" right away is one that is detrimental to people enjoying the FBB.....

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    From star fleet communications;

    How it’s currently working:

    - a node can be unlocked by using multiple crew who each have one of the required traits to unlock the node.

    How it should be working:

    - a node can only be unlocked by using 1 crew having the correct set of required traits.

    We plan to roll out a fix for this as early as next week, with our server release.
    While this feature is in beta we understand that issues like these are never a pleasant experience.

    The issue you are describing is not unpleasant at all. Quite the opposite.

    The fix you are describing sounds EXTREMELY unlleasant. Please hold off.

    It's kind of funny that the ONLY "glitch feature" they can "fix" right away is one that is detrimental to people enjoying the FBB.....

    You both realize from the demos, this was clearly an unintended bug in the release? It was never supposed to unlock for a combination of crew. Yes it's easier for players this way, but it's not the feature they intended to build. So of course they're fixing bugs in their initial release.
  • Can someone explain how these bridge upgrades work? Because I was under the impression that they made it so you did more damage to the Doomsday Machine and your ship would last longer against it in battle. But I am almost on level 7 and so far I'm still lasting the exact same amount of time as before and doing the same amount of damage, or less depending on RNG, as the first time I played a FBB. Am I misunderstanding how this works?
  • RookiebatmanRookiebatman ✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Can someone explain how these bridge upgrades work? Because I was under the impression that they made it so you did more damage to the Doomsday Machine and your ship would last longer against it in battle. But I am almost on level 7 and so far I'm still lasting the exact same amount of time as before and doing the same amount of damage, or less depending on RNG, as the first time I played a FBB. Am I misunderstanding how this works?

    I think it's just an extremely minor increase. Which does kinda make sense, given how quickly they're talking about rolling out "Season 2" (a different boss and a different bridge with its own upgrades). If everyone in an active fleet has five Level 10 bridges in a year, then the upgrades for each of them need to be pretty minimal, or else those "fleet whales" would automatically be at the top of every Arena and Skirmish leaderboard (not to mention being able to defeat every subsequent boss effortlessly, creating a self-sustaining and compounding cycle that players who did not happen to be in a good fleet when FBB started would not be happy about).

    I saved up my rewards for a while and then jumped straight from level 1 to level 5. The main thing I noticed is that it took the Brutal boss 3 shots to kill me instead of 2, so it does seem like the buffs do something.

    Also consider the Antimatter bonus, to illustrate how minor the bonuses were intended to be. At bridge level 5, the bridge gives you like maybe 20-25 extra antimatter, which is good for less than one minute of extra voyage time. These were clearly not intended to be major, dramatic changes.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    From star fleet communications;

    How it’s currently working:

    - a node can be unlocked by using multiple crew who each have one of the required traits to unlock the node.

    How it should be working:

    - a node can only be unlocked by using 1 crew having the correct set of required traits.

    We plan to roll out a fix for this as early as next week, with our server release.
    While this feature is in beta we understand that issues like these are never a pleasant experience.

    The issue you are describing is not unpleasant at all. Quite the opposite.

    The fix you are describing sounds EXTREMELY unlleasant. Please hold off.

    It's kind of funny that the ONLY "glitch feature" they can "fix" right away is one that is detrimental to people enjoying the FBB.....

    You both realize from the demos, this was clearly an unintended bug in the release? It was never supposed to unlock for a combination of crew. Yes it's easier for players this way, but it's not the feature they intended to build. So of course they're fixing bugs in their initial release.

    They now have 24 pages of the feedback they requested. If they cannot fix the problem of Tuesday Pack {or any other} Crew not in the Portal showing up as Crew Fleets need to use for the Nodes as quickly as they are fixing this issue they do not like, then give everyone some resources and lock FBB until it can be fixed. Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    You both realize from the demos, this was clearly an unintended bug in the release? It was never supposed to unlock for a combination of crew. Yes it's easier for players this way, but it's not the feature they intended to build. So of course they're fixing bugs in their initial release.

    Not according to Shan.

  • Princess_UhuraPrincess_Uhura ✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    You both realize from the demos, this was clearly an unintended bug in the release? It was never supposed to unlock for a combination of crew. Yes it's easier for players this way, but it's not the feature they intended to build. So of course they're fixing bugs in their initial release.

    Not according to Shan.

    Oh wow, so then this is something they are doubling back on!

    That is not cool at all.
  • Oh wow, so then this is something they are doubling back on!

    That is not cool at all.

    The most charitable way to look at it is that Shan misunderstood what Mirror Cartman was saying (thought they were talking about one crew that matched all the traits for two different nodes), but the way they spell it out with the Physician, Hero, Human example makes it pretty hard to believe that, if Shan was reading at all before replying.

    And yeah, it's extremely not cool. It also means that any definitive statement Shan makes is subject to change (upon further review by the money people, more than likely).
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Oh wow, so then this is something they are doubling back on!

    That is not cool at all.

    The most charitable way to look at it is that Shan misunderstood what Mirror Cartman was saying (thought they were talking about one crew that matched all the traits for two different nodes), but the way they spell it out with the Physician, Hero, Human example makes it pretty hard to believe that, if Shan was reading at all before replying.

    And yeah, it's extremely not cool. It also means that any definitive statement Shan makes is subject to change (upon further review by the money people, more than likely).

    Considering the FAQ to which Shan referred and Ben's initial stream both made the opposite clear, I think it's pretty safe to say Shan misunderstood the question.

    It's unfortunately not the first time Shan has had to walk a statement back. She's human so mistakes are going to happen, but I would love to see her get an assistant so these things are less likely to happen.

    ETA: She in fact made the opposite (correct) statement on the first page of this thread:
    Shan wrote: »

    Each node has a visible trait but also a hidden one.
    A crew has to have both required traits to work for a combo chain node.

  • I mean, why even bother replying to a question she obviously didn't read? There's no way Shan could've read that whole comment and come away from it thinking that "a crew has to have both required traits to work for a combo chain node" is what Mirror Cartman meant. She just shouldn't respond at all if she's not gonna actually read the comment she's replying to.
  • Shan wrote: »
    Regarding trait splitting I have indeed misunderstood the question when it was asked. I am sorry, please accept my apologies.

    I appreciate you saying that and I do accept your apology, but I still want to point out that figuring out how to cover a bunch of possible traits with multiple crew was a really fun feature (I dare say maybe the most fun I've ever had with FBB, personally) that shouldn't be taken away.
  • Mirror McCoyMirror McCoy ✭✭✭✭
    So I know this is an edge case, but we just had an interesting situation happen with one of our fleet’s captains. They saw that a Hard level boss was nearly dead and they hadn’t fought that instance yet. So they attacked and finished it off. Yay! Celebrate and collect the rewards. Except wait—no soup reward for you. Although they killed the boss, they did under the minimum personal damage threshold. So they got zero rewards despite being the one to enable others to get the 100% boss destruction award. This doesn’t seem fair to me.

    This is partially because of something I think I mentioned before -- the damage an individual can do on one attack is capped against how many HP the boss has remaining. This bit me before when I delivered the killing blow with a lineup that would have gotten to minimum threshold, but I wasn't allowed to get to the threshold because the boss had less that that remaining.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    So I know this is an edge case, but we just had an interesting situation happen with one of our fleet’s captains. They saw that a Hard level boss was nearly dead and they hadn’t fought that instance yet. So they attacked and finished it off. Yay! Celebrate and collect the rewards. Except wait—no soup reward for you. Although they killed the boss, they did under the minimum personal damage threshold. So they got zero rewards despite being the one to enable others to get the 100% boss destruction award. This doesn’t seem fair to me.

    This is partially because of something I think I mentioned before -- the damage an individual can do on one attack is capped against how many HP the boss has remaining. This bit me before when I delivered the killing blow with a lineup that would have gotten to minimum threshold, but I wasn't allowed to get to the threshold because the boss had less that that remaining.

    I also wonder how the game handles two players battling in that situation. If two players start an attack at roughly the same time. And one kills the boss, what happens when the second battle is complete? Does that player get zero credit for their valor? Does the game generate an error on the second battle?
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Can someone explain how these bridge upgrades work? Because I was under the impression that they made it so you did more damage to the Doomsday Machine and your ship would last longer against it in battle. But I am almost on level 7 and so far I'm still lasting the exact same amount of time as before and doing the same amount of damage, or less depending on RNG, as the first time I played a FBB. Am I misunderstanding how this works?

    I am seeing the same thing. It seems that my damage I deal out goes down. I think on Easy, it was when I cleared first rewards. That was when I noticed my damage I dealt out in Easy was about 25k less (315k before 290k after on the average.)
    The next time I ran into this was right after my first attempt on Normal, the next attempts all 5 Averaged 100k less damage . This seemed to occur at the time the fix was sent out. Also the time I lasted in battle was very noticeably longer in my first attempt at Normal.
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