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Fleet Boss Battles - Feedback thread



  • Aldude wrote: »
    With the recent announcement about Brutal rewards, we can progress a bit further now. Thank you B)

    My fleet would be progressing, but we cannot beat Brutal, and cannot seem to recruit any new players for our fleet, which has shrunk to ~25 active players down from 45 at the start of the year. 1-2 years ago we were full and any player we had who left would be replaced within 24 hours. Nowadays, nope.

    We'll be stuck on Brutal forever, oh well.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    DaiMon Bok wrote: »
    MiT Sanoa wrote: »
    Yes, this is nice. But it does not address how to handle new fleetmates with significantly lower bridges. We have to do Nightmare all the time to get Bilitrium I for them while most people would need Bilitrium II by now. Why is there no Bil I in Ultra still? Will this ever be adressed? Are we supposed to never accept new players as it would take months for the whole fleet to get them up and running?

    /edit: Before anyone asks: We are unable to handle both Ultra + anything else that is helpful in parallel.

    Work together to help your new fleetmates to advance higher so they can better assist your fleet in co-ordinated attacks. Or is that concept foreign to you? If you are just expecting all your fleetmates to gain levels and boosts on their own, with no help from the higher level members, then you don't really understand the role of the Fleet.

    The opposite is true. We help newer captains all the time. But like many fleets we face dropouts too, so we constantly recruit. And therefore we never get to Ultra as there is always someone who needs lower rewards. So the HLPs have had zero bridge progress for weeks.

    But I guess I just fed the troll...
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Kim_Novak.IIKim_Novak.II ✭✭✭✭✭
    DaiMon Bok wrote: »
    MiT Sanoa wrote: »
    Yes, this is nice. But it does not address how to handle new fleetmates with significantly lower bridges. We have to do Nightmare all the time to get Bilitrium I for them while most people would need Bilitrium II by now. Why is there no Bil I in Ultra still? Will this ever be adressed? Are we supposed to never accept new players as it would take months for the whole fleet to get them up and running?

    /edit: Before anyone asks: We are unable to handle both Ultra + anything else that is helpful in parallel.

    Work together to help your new fleetmates to advance higher so they can better assist your fleet in co-ordinated attacks. Or is that concept foreign to you? If you are just expecting all your fleetmates to gain levels and boosts on their own, with no help from the higher level members, then you don't really understand the role of the Fleet.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    DaiMon Bok wrote: »
    MiT Sanoa wrote: »
    Yes, this is nice. But it does not address how to handle new fleetmates with significantly lower bridges. We have to do Nightmare all the time to get Bilitrium I for them while most people would need Bilitrium II by now. Why is there no Bil I in Ultra still? Will this ever be adressed? Are we supposed to never accept new players as it would take months for the whole fleet to get them up and running?

    /edit: Before anyone asks: We are unable to handle both Ultra + anything else that is helpful in parallel.

    Work together to help your new fleetmates to advance higher so they can better assist your fleet in co-ordinated attacks. Or is that concept foreign to you? If you are just expecting all your fleetmates to gain levels and boosts on their own, with no help from the higher level members, then you don't really understand the role of the Fleet.

    Or you HORRIBLY misread and/or misunderstood that post.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DaiMon Bok wrote: »
    MiT Sanoa wrote: »
    Yes, this is nice. But it does not address how to handle new fleetmates with significantly lower bridges. We have to do Nightmare all the time to get Bilitrium I for them while most people would need Bilitrium II by now. Why is there no Bil I in Ultra still? Will this ever be adressed? Are we supposed to never accept new players as it would take months for the whole fleet to get them up and running?

    /edit: Before anyone asks: We are unable to handle both Ultra + anything else that is helpful in parallel.

    Work together to help your new fleetmates to advance higher so they can better assist your fleet in co-ordinated attacks. Or is that concept foreign to you? If you are just expecting all your fleetmates to gain levels and boosts on their own, with no help from the higher level members, then you don't really understand the role of the Fleet.

    Or you HORRIBLY misread and/or misunderstood that post.

    OP stated they were running Ultra for Bilitrium I...which isn't supplied in that level. If their fleetmates need Bil I to get higher levels, then running Ultra battles does them no good.

    My fleet has been running Brutals even though we can do Nightmare (sometimes) because our lower mates need Bilitrium I and we don't get that on Nightmare. So they aren't able to progress, and that reduces the number of people fighting the Nightmare boss. By doing the lower level Bosses that we've unlocked, we help the younger members get up to our bridge level so they can be more effective.

    Sorry you all didn't understand that part, but then, misunderstanding things seems to be endemic on this forum.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from itself
  • Selene 7Selene 7 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Thanks for the brutal rewards update! Now our fleet will be able to advance a little further on our bridges at last. :)
    My fleet would be progressing, but we cannot beat Brutal, and cannot seem to recruit any new players for our fleet, which has shrunk to ~25 active players down from 45 at the start of the year. 1-2 years ago we were full and any player we had who left would be replaced within 24 hours. Nowadays, nope.

    We're in the same boat, used to be always full, now we're steadily losing members; down to 27 now, and very tough to find new recruits. Plus the ones who leave tend to be longtime level 99 players and the like, while the rare recruit is a beginner, so quite naturally can't assist much with FBB yet.
  • Princess_UhuraPrincess_Uhura ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    DaiMon Bok wrote: »
    DaiMon Bok wrote: »
    MiT Sanoa wrote: »
    Yes, this is nice. But it does not address how to handle new fleetmates with significantly lower bridges. We have to do Nightmare all the time to get Bilitrium I for them while most people would need Bilitrium II by now. Why is there no Bil I in Ultra still? Will this ever be adressed? Are we supposed to never accept new players as it would take months for the whole fleet to get them up and running?

    /edit: Before anyone asks: We are unable to handle both Ultra + anything else that is helpful in parallel.

    Work together to help your new fleetmates to advance higher so they can better assist your fleet in co-ordinated attacks. Or is that concept foreign to you? If you are just expecting all your fleetmates to gain levels and boosts on their own, with no help from the higher level members, then you don't really understand the role of the Fleet.

    Or you HORRIBLY misread and/or misunderstood that post.

    OP stated they were running Ultra for Bilitrium I...which isn't supplied in that level. If their fleetmates need Bil I to get higher levels, then running Ultra battles does them no good.

    My fleet has been running Brutals even though we can do Nightmare (sometimes) because our lower mates need Bilitrium I and we don't get that on Nightmare. So they aren't able to progress, and that reduces the number of people fighting the Nightmare boss. By doing the lower level Bosses that we've unlocked, we help the younger members get up to our bridge level so they can be more effective.

    Sorry you all didn't understand that part, but then, misunderstanding things seems to be endemic on this forum.

    No. They said they were running nightmare for it.

    And you are absolutely correct about the misunderstanding bit, but you should be careful not to throw stones or make accusations when you have fallen victim to not paying attention to what was written.

    The point of their post, as i interpreted it, was to point out that the fleets are currently having to make sacrifices to ANY forward progress for a portion of their captains, and affording forward progress to the others, and WISHING that there was a way to have EVERYONE progress at the same time, regardless of captain, or bridge level. Which was actually a post that was 100% rooted in cooperation and coordination, despite your take on it where you assumed they were not interested in helping their fleets at all.
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    Only Billitrium I will be changed? The reward structure is a mess across all difficulties, this would have been helpful a couple of months ago. Now we are worried about those stuck in Brutal?
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Selene 7 wrote: »
    Thanks for the brutal rewards update! Now our fleet will be able to advance a little further on our bridges at last. :)
    My fleet would be progressing, but we cannot beat Brutal, and cannot seem to recruit any new players for our fleet, which has shrunk to ~25 active players down from 45 at the start of the year. 1-2 years ago we were full and any player we had who left would be replaced within 24 hours. Nowadays, nope.

    We're in the same boat, used to be always full, now we're steadily losing members; down to 27 now, and very tough to find new recruits. Plus the ones who leave tend to be longtime level 99 players and the like, while the rare recruit is a beginner, so quite naturally can't assist much with FBB yet.

    This is exactly our problem. The players who left were longtime players who'd been playing for 3-4 years and they get replaced by newbies who more often than not quit playing after a few days or weeks. The few who stick around cannot help much with FBB, but at least join in helplessly to get the group rewards.

    We can defeat Hard boss battles regularly, but mathematically we simply cannot defeat Brutal with our current numbers and likely won't unless we somehow gain 15-20 more veteran players. The increase in difficult from Hard to Brutal is just too steep for us.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    MiT Sanoa wrote: »
    DaiMon Bok wrote: »
    DaiMon Bok wrote: »
    MiT Sanoa wrote: »
    Yes, this is nice. But it does not address how to handle new fleetmates with significantly lower bridges. We have to do Nightmare all the time to get Bilitrium I for them while most people would need Bilitrium II by now. Why is there no Bil I in Ultra still? Will this ever be adressed? Are we supposed to never accept new players as it would take months for the whole fleet to get them up and running?

    /edit: Before anyone asks: We are unable to handle both Ultra + anything else that is helpful in parallel.

    Work together to help your new fleetmates to advance higher so they can better assist your fleet in co-ordinated attacks. Or is that concept foreign to you? If you are just expecting all your fleetmates to gain levels and boosts on their own, with no help from the higher level members, then you don't really understand the role of the Fleet.

    Or you HORRIBLY misread and/or misunderstood that post.

    OP stated they were running Ultra for Bilitrium I...which isn't supplied in that level. If their fleetmates need Bil I to get higher levels, then running Ultra battles does them no good.

    My fleet has been running Brutals even though we can do Nightmare (sometimes) because our lower mates need Bilitrium I and we don't get that on Nightmare. So they aren't able to progress, and that reduces the number of people fighting the Nightmare boss. By doing the lower level Bosses that we've unlocked, we help the younger members get up to our bridge level so they can be more effective.

    Sorry you all didn't understand that part, but then, misunderstanding things seems to be endemic on this forum.

    Then you are the only fleet that cannot get Bil I out of Nightmare. These are the Nightmare rewards.


    Now I get where you are coming from, but you are simply wrong.

    Still, I find it rather funny to dump my statement while you feel like you face it yourself, just on a different bridge level.

    To me it is a flaw in the feature design that fleets need to run lower foes to help out lower level captains at the cost of their own progression. Instead each level should drop ALL the resources of the lower levels to be useful to everyone.

    It's been said MULTIPLE times that Ultra should drop all the Bilitrium types from lower FBBs. Makes sense. At least in the real world.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Selene 7 wrote: »
    Thanks for the brutal rewards update! Now our fleet will be able to advance a little further on our bridges at last. :)
    My fleet would be progressing, but we cannot beat Brutal, and cannot seem to recruit any new players for our fleet, which has shrunk to ~25 active players down from 45 at the start of the year. 1-2 years ago we were full and any player we had who left would be replaced within 24 hours. Nowadays, nope.

    We're in the same boat, used to be always full, now we're steadily losing members; down to 27 now, and very tough to find new recruits. Plus the ones who leave tend to be longtime level 99 players and the like, while the rare recruit is a beginner, so quite naturally can't assist much with FBB yet.

    Bolded to point out that this is the big takeaway. Fleets are losing the people more likely to be able to help get the higher level Bosses done, IF those Bosses dropped the resources EVERYONE needs. Our Fleet is being super awesome and alternating the Ultra and regular Nightmare in various ways. But, I can totally understand some players feeling like they cannot make ANY progress on their own Bridge, while also being unable to make any progress on helping others to get their Bridges higher. Putting Bilitrium I in the Ultra so that doing that helps EVERY FLEET MEMBER makes a lot of sense for a game mode that is SUPPOSED to help Fleets work as a team.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    DaiMon Bok wrote: »
    You're right, folks. I jumped the gun on the issue, and I apologize for both misunderstanding the intent (I really should read things out loud sometimes) and for responding the way I did.

    In my defense, I have been dealing with a similar issue in my own Fleet, with members whose bridges (like mine) are at Level 9 continuing to start Nightmare and Ultra-Nightmare battles which do not help the members with lower bridges gain the most needed reward element. I have been prodding members to stop being so selfish and see that this FBB system is, in fact, a co-operative thing (as in, do things to help those less fortunate) and not just a "kill the toughest boss so I can get my bridge leveled first". As such, when I see comments here complaining that fleets aren't able to get any higher due to element restrictions or that members are starting more than 1 battle, I begin to think that somehow everyone missed the intent of the FBB system.

    Anyhow, my apologies again for the misunderstanding. Carry on.

    My apologies for my harsh response to your misunderstanding.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Two other ideas regarding the progression problem:

    1. A currency exchange shop where you could exchange 1 Bil III for (ideally) 2 Bil II or at least for 1. What would be most awesome was if we could also upcycle lower rewards we no longer need, but the first part would do too.

    2. Reward boxes instead of the currency directly. Upon opening a Bil II box for example you got to choose wether you want 1 Bil II or 1 (or 2) Bil I or x Kemocite, so anything on or below the box's level.

    Just give us something. On the long run this situation will drive out more players than the feature will bind.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    One thing I find weird about this change is why not look at what players are using?

    The Sphere is easily the best Brutal ship. It has solid stats to begin with but also has built in hull and shield repair. La Sirena is an ok substitute. Crew consists of Zimmerman, T’Pau or Carpenter T’Pol for ATK. The rest of the crew are whatever hull repair you can squeeze in. The easiest to get are 3* Lefler, Pizza Riker or 2* Tucker.

    There are four problems here:
    1 - Cloaking is bunk. The cloak buff should be open long enough to trigger more crew.
    2 - Boarding is ok but could probably do more damage.
    3 - Why do you continue to release 3 seat 4* ships? You should retroactively change all 4* ships to strictly 4 seat. Yes, this could do weird things to arena but arena could use some fresh hilarity.
    4 - In game tools for doing combo chains are still poor.

    Partial rewards for Brutal (or any difficulty) is not a bad idea but the real concern is people not finishing Brutal to begin with. 16 people scoring max threshold rewards will kill Brutal but that’s dependent on what people have. Not everyone has a 9/9 Sphere.

    PS Why can’t you get schematics as an FBB reward? Getting a Constellation is a good Bridge reward but regular schematics should be available as threshold rewards and even kill rewards.

    PPS Add an easy to obtain 4* crew that gives mean ship stats. +9 ATK with some crit bonus for example. Yes, it has to be ATK. It’s the one stat you can’t skimp on.
    The Bridge rewards give everyone a monster FBB crew for NM/UNM. If killing Brutal is a concern, people need the tools and how to use them.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • A single premium pull for 6 ultra battles seems just a bit stingy to me. After all, a 60% chance at a bunch of schema for a ship I've had maxed for 4 years and not even a behold? Yeah I'm talking about the CB level 20 rewards. Could you at least make it a 10x pull?

    Maybe the ten x is too generous, but what about 225 quantum and 1.25 million credits?
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    A single premium pull for 6 ultra battles seems just a bit stingy to me. After all, a 60% chance at a bunch of schema for a ship I've had maxed for 4 years and not even a behold? Yeah I'm talking about the CB level 20 rewards. Could you at least make it a 10x pull?

    Maybe the ten x is too generous, but what about 225 quantum and 1.25 million credits?

    Please explain more about how a Ten Pull is "too generous?" because it really is not. Does not cost them a penny and people will be a lot more likely to continue to engage for a Ten Pull versus a Single Pull.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • A single premium pull for 6 ultra battles seems just a bit stingy to me. After all, a 60% chance at a bunch of schema for a ship I've had maxed for 4 years and not even a behold? Yeah I'm talking about the CB level 20 rewards. Could you at least make it a 10x pull?

    Maybe the ten x is too generous, but what about 225 quantum and 1.25 million credits?

    Please explain more about how a Ten Pull is "too generous?" because it really is not. Does not cost them a penny and people will be a lot more likely to continue to engage for a Ten Pull versus a Single Pull.

    Oh dont get me wrong, i dont think its too generous at all.

    Im just saying maybe wrg thinks its too generous.

    But i think everyone can agree a single pull is hot garbage. May as well just put 100 honor there.
  • Kim_Novak.IIKim_Novak.II ✭✭✭✭✭
    A single premium pull for 6 ultra battles seems just a bit stingy to me. After all, a 60% chance at a bunch of schema for a ship I've had maxed for 4 years and not even a behold? Yeah I'm talking about the CB level 20 rewards. Could you at least make it a 10x pull?

    Maybe the ten x is too generous, but what about 225 quantum and 1.25 million credits?

    Please explain more about how a Ten Pull is "too generous?" because it really is not. Does not cost them a penny and people will be a lot more likely to continue to engage for a Ten Pull versus a Single Pull.

    At this stage you just ignore the packs, use your valor to unlock nodes & get honour

    no point even cashing in these dire packs

    And it does cost them a penny because they will stack up & people might be less tempted to buy offers
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    A single premium pull for 6 ultra battles seems just a bit stingy to me. After all, a 60% chance at a bunch of schema for a ship I've had maxed for 4 years and not even a behold? Yeah I'm talking about the CB level 20 rewards. Could you at least make it a 10x pull?

    Maybe the ten x is too generous, but what about 225 quantum and 1.25 million credits?

    Please explain more about how a Ten Pull is "too generous?" because it really is not. Does not cost them a penny and people will be a lot more likely to continue to engage for a Ten Pull versus a Single Pull.

    At this stage you just ignore the packs, use your valor to unlock nodes & get honour

    no point even cashing in these dire packs

    And it does cost them a penny because they will stack up & people might be less tempted to buy offers

    Now I would like to know more about how them making the reward a Ten Pull {Which people might spend to get Valor to achieve} costs them anything. It is ones and zeros on a server. They are not shipping physical rewards to people that it costs them money to assemble or something.

    Would people be more likely to spend 150 Dilithium to get a 72 Dilithium Single Pull or 150 Dilithium to get a 650 Dilithium Ten Pull? One is much more to make real folding cashy money for the company. It is not the one that has zero incentive to spend for.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Kim_Novak.IIKim_Novak.II ✭✭✭✭✭
    Buying X number of packs with actual money with chrons/dilith/cites etc added on too
  • I think that the bridge level 20 reward
    A single premium pull for 6 ultra battles seems just a bit stingy to me. After all, a 60% chance at a bunch of schema for a ship I've had maxed for 4 years and not even a behold? Yeah I'm talking about the CB level 20 rewards. Could you at least make it a 10x pull?

    Maybe the ten x is too generous, but what about 225 quantum and 1.25 million credits?

    Please explain more about how a Ten Pull is "too generous?" because it really is not. Does not cost them a penny and people will be a lot more likely to continue to engage for a Ten Pull versus a Single Pull.

    At this stage you just ignore the packs, use your valor to unlock nodes & get honour

    no point even cashing in these dire packs

    And it does cost them a penny because they will stack up & people might be less tempted to buy offers

    Ive got it!!!!

    They should stick with buffs, but they should make it a buff to increase the chron cap. Maybe by +25 each battle.

    The benefit to vets would be very marginal and take a lit of mining to be meaningful, but it would be SOMETHING. And to new people it would be VERY VERY helpful, but not game breaking.

    And it would give wrg a metric to monitor for indications that they need to switch to the next season of fbb due to progress on that last buff.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2022
    I think that the bridge level 20 reward
    A single premium pull for 6 ultra battles seems just a bit stingy to me. After all, a 60% chance at a bunch of schema for a ship I've had maxed for 4 years and not even a behold? Yeah I'm talking about the CB level 20 rewards. Could you at least make it a 10x pull?

    Maybe the ten x is too generous, but what about 225 quantum and 1.25 million credits?

    Please explain more about how a Ten Pull is "too generous?" because it really is not. Does not cost them a penny and people will be a lot more likely to continue to engage for a Ten Pull versus a Single Pull.

    At this stage you just ignore the packs, use your valor to unlock nodes & get honour

    no point even cashing in these dire packs

    And it does cost them a penny because they will stack up & people might be less tempted to buy offers

    Ive got it!!!!

    They should stick with buffs, but they should make it a buff to increase the chron cap. Maybe by +25 each battle.

    The benefit to vets would be very marginal and take a lit of mining to be meaningful, but it would be SOMETHING. And to new people it would be VERY VERY helpful, but not game breaking.

    And it would give wrg a metric to monitor for indications that they need to switch to the next season of fbb due to progress on that last buff.

    Major problem with that even being considered by them if they are metering out Single Premium Pulls versus Ten Premium Pulls.

    Never think we can possibly see them adding +25 Chronitons to the Cap every time you complete the Upgrade.

    EDIT: Edited to reflect what PU actually meant.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • I think that the bridge level 20 reward
    A single premium pull for 6 ultra battles seems just a bit stingy to me. After all, a 60% chance at a bunch of schema for a ship I've had maxed for 4 years and not even a behold? Yeah I'm talking about the CB level 20 rewards. Could you at least make it a 10x pull?

    Maybe the ten x is too generous, but what about 225 quantum and 1.25 million credits?

    Please explain more about how a Ten Pull is "too generous?" because it really is not. Does not cost them a penny and people will be a lot more likely to continue to engage for a Ten Pull versus a Single Pull.

    At this stage you just ignore the packs, use your valor to unlock nodes & get honour

    no point even cashing in these dire packs

    And it does cost them a penny because they will stack up & people might be less tempted to buy offers

    Ive got it!!!!

    They should stick with buffs, but they should make it a buff to increase the chron cap. Maybe by +25 each battle.

    The benefit to vets would be very marginal and take a lit of mining to be meaningful, but it would be SOMETHING. And to new people it would be VERY VERY helpful, but not game breaking.

    And it would give wrg a metric to monitor for indications that they need to switch to the next season of fbb due to progress on that last buff.

    Major problem with that even being considered by them if they are metering out Single Premium Pulls versus Ten Premium Pulls.

    Never think we can possibly see them adding +25 Chronitons to the Cap every time you complete Upgrade, much less PER BATTLE.

    Oh sorry about that, i mean per completed upgrade not each battle
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think that the bridge level 20 reward
    A single premium pull for 6 ultra battles seems just a bit stingy to me. After all, a 60% chance at a bunch of schema for a ship I've had maxed for 4 years and not even a behold? Yeah I'm talking about the CB level 20 rewards. Could you at least make it a 10x pull?

    Maybe the ten x is too generous, but what about 225 quantum and 1.25 million credits?

    Please explain more about how a Ten Pull is "too generous?" because it really is not. Does not cost them a penny and people will be a lot more likely to continue to engage for a Ten Pull versus a Single Pull.

    At this stage you just ignore the packs, use your valor to unlock nodes & get honour

    no point even cashing in these dire packs

    And it does cost them a penny because they will stack up & people might be less tempted to buy offers

    Ive got it!!!!

    They should stick with buffs, but they should make it a buff to increase the chron cap. Maybe by +25 each battle.

    The benefit to vets would be very marginal and take a lit of mining to be meaningful, but it would be SOMETHING. And to new people it would be VERY VERY helpful, but not game breaking.

    And it would give wrg a metric to monitor for indications that they need to switch to the next season of fbb due to progress on that last buff.

    Major problem with that even being considered by them if they are metering out Single Premium Pulls versus Ten Premium Pulls.

    Never think we can possibly see them adding +25 Chronitons to the Cap every time you complete Upgrade, much less PER BATTLE.

    Oh sorry about that, i mean per completed upgrade not each battle

    After I thought about, figured that was what you meant. Was coming back to edit my post to say that exact thing.

    They might possibly do a one time Cap increase, but the final Bridge level is a repeater.

    To make the rewards interesting enough, maybe the Single Premium Pull, but add some stuff. Like 250 Chronitons, 250 Merits, and maybe 100 Honour. The Single Premium Pull by itself is just not much of an incentive.

    Like said in a previous post, People might be willing to work for Ten Pull and even spend less than a Ten Pull costs directly to get one. But, even if it only took one Valor Refill for the Single Pull, that is still over twice the Dilithium it would take to just directly pull one.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think that the bridge level 20 reward
    A single premium pull for 6 ultra battles seems just a bit stingy to me. After all, a 60% chance at a bunch of schema for a ship I've had maxed for 4 years and not even a behold? Yeah I'm talking about the CB level 20 rewards. Could you at least make it a 10x pull?

    Maybe the ten x is too generous, but what about 225 quantum and 1.25 million credits?

    Please explain more about how a Ten Pull is "too generous?" because it really is not. Does not cost them a penny and people will be a lot more likely to continue to engage for a Ten Pull versus a Single Pull.

    At this stage you just ignore the packs, use your valor to unlock nodes & get honour

    no point even cashing in these dire packs

    And it does cost them a penny because they will stack up & people might be less tempted to buy offers

    Ive got it!!!!

    They should stick with buffs, but they should make it a buff to increase the chron cap. Maybe by +25 each battle.

    The benefit to vets would be very marginal and take a lit of mining to be meaningful, but it would be SOMETHING. And to new people it would be VERY VERY helpful, but not game breaking.

    And it would give wrg a metric to monitor for indications that they need to switch to the next season of fbb due to progress on that last buff.

    Major problem with that even being considered by them if they are metering out Single Premium Pulls versus Ten Premium Pulls.

    Never think we can possibly see them adding +25 Chronitons to the Cap every time you complete Upgrade, much less PER BATTLE.

    Oh sorry about that, i mean per completed upgrade not each battle

    After I thought about, figured that was what you meant. Was coming back to edit my post to say that exact thing.

    They might possibly do a one time Cap increase, but the final Bridge level is a repeater.

    To make the rewards interesting enough, maybe the Single Premium Pull, but add some stuff. Like 250 Chronitons, 250 Merits, and maybe 100 Honour. The Single Premium Pull by itself is just not much of an incentive.

    Like said in a previous post, People might be willing to work for Ten Pull and even spend less than a Ten Pull costs directly to get one. But, even if it only took one Valor Refill for the Single Pull, that is still over twice the Dilithium it would take to just directly pull one.

    I continues to work for three reasons:
    1 - Fleetmates need the help still.
    2 - 7200 honour, 4800 Merits and 690000 credits.
    3 - Absurd combo chain buffs are fun to do.

    Getting a 3* pull every few days is just gravy.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
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