Fleet Boss Battles - Strategies and advices thread
in Ready Room
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Use this thread to share strategies and recommendations
Use this thread to share strategies and recommendations
If you wait 12 hours after the last battle has finished, before starting the next, the players will be able to spend 11 valor over the battle.
The top two players in my fleet did just over half a million damage each over four fights.
(Easiest difficulty.) (125k per player, per fight)
11 fights would be about 1.4M damage each, or about 14 players needed to take out the boss.
Which ship/crew?
Or did you mean a total of half a million over four fights, as compared to half a million in each of four fights, as I read it?
I meant the former, so just over 125k per player, per fight.
I see another player has 200k for one fight in the video thread.
These lower levels are going to force me to learn the ship abilities of 4* and under, isn't it?
Could try Commando Crusher or Sniper Reed, +3 damage, 200% instant.
1. Remember that "this is a marathon, not a sprint". So, don't expect that you kill the boss in the first boss battle, even on easy difficulty. (Supposing that you will not buy additional valor for dilithium.)
2. Focus on dealing damage to the boss and ignore combos at this moment. Try to do as much damage as you can to get highest possible Personal Damage Rewards. Focus on attack and damage abilities, ignore evasion and accuracy
3. (Optionally) If you have dealt enough damage to get the best Personal Damage Reward (800k damage on easy difficulty), then you can try unlock some combos if you have available 1*-2* crew or enough merits to unfreeze them.
4. When te boss battle is over, upgrade your Captain's Bridge using rewarded resources in order to improve your odds against the boss. Increase attack, damage etc.
5. Return to step 2. Be patient.
Just take it as my personal opinion based on my short experience with boss battles.
I can be wrong and better ideas/strategies can be found out, of course.
My fleet just started Normal difficultly and so far the K'T'inga with Stranded Craft, Kang & EV Tuvok is dealing a good amount of damage (600k on auto)
"There is nothing to gain from haste but error." Surak Second Analects
Edit: It seems my lack of experience with cloaked ships messed me up here. Activating the instant damage crew during the cloak ended it (duh!). So, I needed to at least not fire Crusher beforehand. I will check later to see if Kang can fire first and then Dukat.
Yes, any crew on the ship can unlock any of the combo nodes. I've done that myself.
It will only let me unlock one, but not two in the same combo.
I don't know what to tell you - I'm not the only one that has done it. Unless we've misunderstood your question.
If you haven't unlocked any in the current chain yet, then you can unlock one or more in a single battle if you use crew that hit the correct traits. But once you finish that battle you're then locked out from trying again until the next chain starts.
A ship can have more than one crew, each crew has a chance to unlock combos.
Once you do unlock, one or more combos on a single boss battle, you will have to wait for the next tier to do so again.
Now another point. Does a large fleet really need to unlock combos.
Clearing a tier damages the boss. There will be more damage for everyone to accumulate if you do not clear some or all of the tiers.
Also, if you are in a large fleet , and already did enough damage to get max rewards, maybe hold off , or go to another difficulty. Allow others the chance for max rewards. You are a fleet , are you not?
Small fleets most likely will need to do all combo tiers.
You do not need to destroy the boss to get reward for the damage.
Edit: one mistake I made the crew only need the traits that are necessary for the combo. So if the crew cover all the possible traits I think you can unlock them all. But, I do not know if that is true for the trait being listed multiple times. You may have to have that trait with more than one crew.
I used K'Tinga Battle Cruiser (3*) with Smiley O'Brien (3*), Commander Kang (3*) and Away team Neelix (2*) for 900k averaga damage per battle, I tried a few more combos but none was better than that.
If the crew on the ship fighting the boss meets 2 nodes' combination requests, then you unlock 2 nodes. Simple. I've done so populating the ship correctly
On Easy difficulty.
The most damage I found was from Pazlar and Tasha Yar, on Hirogen ship.
Control. Wait a few seconds before hitting boarding ship ability it's the second one , this will be the first thing to activate. Notice, you will see Pazlar bonus attack go up , wait until you see it become 10 before clicking on Pazlar. Immediately after clicking Pazlar , click on Yar. Wait until Yar is finished (goes grey), you may now click Auto.
Edit: what happens is you get 2 150% damage from Yar , while at 10 attack from Pazlar's boost. You may get a 3rd 150% at Pazlar's boost to 6 attack.
Sounds promising. If you have final damage numbers on it, go submit it on the FBB setup sheet.
I have also noticed the boss timing being variable. I can get some crew to activate an extra time sporadically.
No I really do not have the numbers. But I was disappointed both with Roe and Rocker and Roe and Haron . With Roe and Heron one has to control it initially too. But both of those the previous battle were getting me above 300k. Then after I upgraded and got the next level of rewards (2) , (I upgraded all 3 on that level 1 boss damage reduction) neither Roe crew variant on the Hirogen got above 300k damage. But with my initial control of Pazlar and Yar on the Hirogen got me above 300k except one time 298k.
The problem is the numbers were not matching with the previous boss battles . I was averaging above 300k+ the previous battle then after that upgrade which took me to level 2 rewards and also the 3 upgrades of that level one boss damage reduction, I suddenly was averaging below probably more like 280k. So my current number for Pazlar and Yar, were not as good as my two Roe versions the previous boss battle. I really needed numbers from the previous battle with Pazlar and Yar, at the time I tried Pazlar but on the Suurak I had not yet thought of the Hirogen ship, which led me to Yar.
Edit: I am not sure if it is boss timning, a bug (I saw my hull strength go up , I do not think that ship had hull repair), or just the luck of taking less damage, that led to more time for battle. It actually could be all three.
I was surprised when my two crew unlocked 3 nodes. But, I did see the information that a crew did not have to have all the traits by themselves. So , I picked two crew who covered most of the traits that were possible.
So that is what one needs, to try to cover as many traits that are available with the number of crew allowed for your ship.
One caveat, I do not know how duplicate traits are handled. You may need to have the trait duplicated for it to unlock another node. There may already be this info in posts on the bridge though.
Edit: I think you only need one crew when duplicate traits. However, if you do not have all the traits on the seats covered, they could get greyed out. Remember look at the seats on combos already done. Count for duplicates how many were completed. If you completed using a trait twice , but three are greyed out, you still have one more available. Someone, in a bridge post listed this very thing happened. And the seat combo was that duplicated trait with the trait listed on the seat that had not been tried together until they solved the problem. The problem was three of the same trait were greyed out in the list but only two combos had it listed.
Edit: the greying out of duplicate traits not based on how many copies of that trait were actually used is a bug.
If you want a link to a automstically updated sheet with filters for FBB, PM me. It still needs some tweaks before I'll post publicly. It's roughly a 95% polished product at the moment.