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December 2017 Production Update



  • edited December 2017
    We will need to wait a see what "slightly more" and "slightly less" means. Before we can back our assumptions by real figures, they remain just that - assumptions. For example, as things stand, we get awarded 1/4/10 chrons. This can turn into 1/4/9 (which will be a very small change) or 1/4/8, which will indeed heavily impact very long voyages. Admittedly, since I dislike flat out throwing lots of cash at the game, I only extend a voyage if I missed recalling it before it runs out of AM for some reason - so it won't impact me much, but people who like dumping some dilithium to run 12-24+ hour voyages will hurt big, big time. For the same token, the 100 credit reward might turn into 110, and the 500 into 550, which is a negligible increase for the amount of chronitons reduced... We just don't know yet, so there is very little reason to vent.

    Maybe we should keep the DB roasting/bashing for after they make the changes :) Until then, I will start sharpening my hatchet :P
  • Well its quite easy, if chron drops aren t worth anymore to extend a voyage for dilithium, DB will lose revenue.

    And if you do free voyages without any dilithium, well its FREE, so DB can decide what they wanna give you for FREE. Some free chrons are still better than zero.

    Hope i am not mistaken, but i don t expect the chron nerf to be that big.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Everything sounds reasonable to good. I'm not thrilled about losing some Voyage chrons, but increasing the crew drop rate sounds like a good trade-off. (Well it does if we're talking 4* crew.)

    But with more crew dropping, I feel compelled to point out that you didn't mention anything about (da-da-da-da!) more crew slots! Please?
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    [*] Heads up -- we’re going to be rebalancing the Voyages loot table. This will be the first change since the feature launched.

    This made me laugh and also made me a little angry. I'm not intending to call anyone a liar, but this is not at all consistent with the player experience and there is documented proof that it is not the case.

  • I am very excited about the coming sortability of cryo slots, and I am all for additional threshold rewards on events. Yay!

    HOWEVER, I am always short of chronitons, and they are the only reason I extend voyages. Take that away, and I will likely just run what I can get for free and call it a day. I am rarely short of credits, but always short on chronitons. With events scheduled weekly, the extra chronitons is the only way to level and freeze event crew fast enough to keep up. Credits, on the other hand, is something I almost never run out of, although I have definitely noticed voyages don’t seem to be dropping very many.

    Also, the lower of my two accounts is always short on trainers, and the number of gold (useful) trainers needs to be raised, not lowered. Finally, for me, the most useful thing you could add is faction items, tailored to the event crew for the current week. For that I would definitely run voyages!

    Aka Taran eXo
    Aka Taralie VIP0
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    I think overall there are some nice things here. As probably with everyone I am a bit concerned with how much of a decrease we will see. Slight is being vague yet it does mean really small. I hope DB understands that using this word means that we shouldn't see a 20%-25%-50% decrease. Slight to me might be 10%
  • Many interesting developements.

    I'm personally quite intrigued by Voyage-exclusive crew. I think that's quite a good idea.

    (Oh, it's hard not to side with everyone else on the subject of chroniton reduction... but we'll survive. We're an adaptable bunch.)
    "Dance with me. For science."
  • Please also consider Feature addition to Voyages : Ability to use shuttle boosts
    Per voyage

    This is good for you, as it gives us more reasons to use and buy them. More income = yay for DB

    This is good for us because it gives us an additional way to customize our Voyages.

    Say Bob doesn't like the strength of his science skill and it's his primary. He could use a science skill boost to raise it's strength for that one Voyage.

    Increased strength depends on star level of boost.

    So then, what happens if a time increase boost is used ?

    Well, that could be used as a difficulty increase slower. Where at 2:00:00 skill of 2000 will be a fail, with a time increase boost (the chest design) it would take maybe 5% longer before it reaches the next skill check difficulty..

    It's 5% longer between difficult increases

    What about a time speed up ?

    That could reduce the time between dilemmas by 5% per star level used.

    Do a 3* time speed boost could make dilemmas appear roughly every 1:40:00 instead of 2:00:00

    Something to consider.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Extended Events: "what we can do is give you additional threshold rewards you can unlock"

    1000 times THANK YOU! A lot of us end up grinding WAY past the threshold rewards to rank higher and it can feel like a waste. I love this!

    Other Improvements and Changes:
    "You’ll earn slightly fewer Chronitons and Trainers, but you’ll earn a little more Credits, and have a greater chance of getting crew (including all-new Voyages-exclusive crew)"

    I thought you said IMPROVEMENTS? Less Chronitons is not a good thing at all...

    *** Sidenote: Thank you for giving a rough timeline regarding Gauntlet Character/Honor Hall changes!

    Yeah, thanx. The extra time MIGHT have given me a chance to finish the ORIGINAL threshold. Adding stuff kind of is a big slap in the face to the people the extended time was originally meant to help.....


    IIRC you have like 200+ crew slots?

    You'll soon be carving through events like many of the rest of us, then you'll be glad of the extra thresholds.

    Also the extra time on the event wasn't for you (although I'm delighted it was helpful to you!), it was so DB staff could have a day off, lazy Ferengi that they are!

    It was said it was to give everyone a chance. IIRC.
    I'm curious to know what DB considers "slightly fewer".

    Keep your additional credits, and leave the chrons alone. K thanks bye.

    So much this. Changing Chronos to Credits is a bad sign, and may portend dire news sooner rather than later......


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    B) I don't need basic casings from a Voyage.
    You may want to use better example. Because casings are ALWAYS in use and each basic one cost 2.5 chrons. Now up to uncommon Microconnectors or Synthesized Polymers though... Or basic Alcohol and Emitter Crystals...
  • As someone who is ALWAYS short on credits, I welcome this change! Also more 4* crew dropping on a Voyage is always good. All of this stuff sounds very positive, excited about the Cryo overhaul too. Thank you DB! You're on the right track.

    Doesn't actually say 4* crew. Says more crew so it could just be more 1/2/3* crew.

    Wonder if they add more threshold rewards will they put the final copy of the 4* crew way out of reach now? At 130K for galaxy events is reasonable but if they replace that with some other item and then put the final crew at 250K or whatever, this will NOT be an improvement.
  • The honor hall looks kind of silly with two crew. Since it’s new that was understandable. You should be adding new crew not removing any. The honor hall should have 8-10 crew before you start rotating crew out.

    More exclusive crew in the honor means players can work towards a goal.
    More exclusive crew in a Voyages means players are subjected to joys of RNG. Remember how much players like RNG?

    Crew slots. It’s time.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Actually how I read some of this in this thread and in engineering with chons and art - Hey we didn't make as much money on the galaxy so lets decrease chrons and actually talk to folks about how bad our art has gotten.

    They got hit on their bottom line.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    DB, you know if you REALLY wanted everyone to have an awesome holiday and LOVE you soooooo much, you could add a fourth COMMUNITY threshold to one of these mentioned events featuring a 5th star for Mirror Picard.

    We would love you so hard DB.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    The honor hall looks kind of silly with two crew. Since it’s new that was understandable. You should be adding new crew not removing any. The honor hall should have 8-10 crew before you start rotating crew out.

    More exclusive crew in the honor means players can work towards a goal.
    More exclusive crew in a Voyages means players are subjected to joys of RNG. Remember how much players like RNG?

    Crew slots. It’s time.

    This. So much this. Just add the new Crew. {unless there is some hidden issue with the Honor Hall can only have two Crew at a time. Otherwise, leave Kahless and add Amanda whoever is coming.....

    I'm like 1/4 of the way to a 5* Honor Hall Crew member. No way I am making 75K Honor in a couple of weeks now.


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Extended Events: "what we can do is give you additional threshold rewards you can unlock"

    1000 times THANK YOU! A lot of us end up grinding WAY past the threshold rewards to rank higher and it can feel like a waste. I love this!

    Other Improvements and Changes:
    "You’ll earn slightly fewer Chronitons and Trainers, but you’ll earn a little more Credits, and have a greater chance of getting crew (including all-new Voyages-exclusive crew)"

    I thought you said IMPROVEMENTS? Less Chronitons is not a good thing at all...

    *** Sidenote: Thank you for giving a rough timeline regarding Gauntlet Character/Honor Hall changes!

    Yeah, thanx. The extra time MIGHT have given me a chance to finish the ORIGINAL threshold. Adding stuff kind of is a big slap in the face to the people the extended time was originally meant to help.....


    IIRC you have like 200+ crew slots?

    You'll soon be carving through events like many of the rest of us, then you'll be glad of the extra thresholds.

    Also the extra time on the event wasn't for you (although I'm delighted it was helpful to you!), it was so DB staff could have a day off, lazy Ferengi that they are!

    It was said it was to give everyone a chance. IIRC.

    And you still have a chance to clear the thresholds in the time you have. If you can't clear them, well you'll still clear what you would have otherwise. Adding this takes nothing from you and gives other players a chance to earn more for our time. Before other players had to play even longer for no additional reward just to give you time to play.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB, you know if you REALLY wanted everyone to have an awesome holiday and LOVE you soooooo much, you could add a fourth COMMUNITY threshold to one of these mentioned events featuring a 5th star for Mirror Picard.

    We would love you so hard DB.

    Except we all wouldn't. I've already gotten a citation to make sure Picard is 5/5 for the final event. Doing this when it wasn't done in previous events (and thus, a reasonable expectation that it wouldn't be done in this event) would actually make me really upset that I wasted a citation.

    (Edited to add "all" in first sentence.)

    Screw everybody, I got mine. Thanks, Scrooge!
  • Reducing chrons in voyages seems counter-productive. The item that seemed to over-drop was replicator rations. As it was there were just enough chrons dropping to make me consider buying a supply kit whenever my voyage came in.

    I like the idea of adding faction drops to voyages. I would also like to have the "tailored" drops from dabo however that doesn't fit the narrative as well.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Extended Events: "what we can do is give you additional threshold rewards you can unlock"

    1000 times THANK YOU! A lot of us end up grinding WAY past the threshold rewards to rank higher and it can feel like a waste. I love this!

    Other Improvements and Changes:
    "You’ll earn slightly fewer Chronitons and Trainers, but you’ll earn a little more Credits, and have a greater chance of getting crew (including all-new Voyages-exclusive crew)"

    I thought you said IMPROVEMENTS? Less Chronitons is not a good thing at all...

    *** Sidenote: Thank you for giving a rough timeline regarding Gauntlet Character/Honor Hall changes!

    Yeah, thanx. The extra time MIGHT have given me a chance to finish the ORIGINAL threshold. Adding stuff kind of is a big slap in the face to the people the extended time was originally meant to help.....


    IIRC you have like 200+ crew slots?

    You'll soon be carving through events like many of the rest of us, then you'll be glad of the extra thresholds.

    Also the extra time on the event wasn't for you (although I'm delighted it was helpful to you!), it was so DB staff could have a day off, lazy Ferengi that they are!

    It was said it was to give everyone a chance. IIRC.

    And you still have a chance to clear the thresholds in the time you have. If you can't clear them, well you'll still clear what you would have otherwise. Adding this takes nothing from you and gives other players a chance to earn more for our time. Before other players had to play even longer for no additional reward just to give you time to play.

    Have a nice day.


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • i am now at 24hrs...i usually have 6 or 7 purples....i have just 3
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Doc G wrote: »
    i am now at 24hrs...i usually have 6 or 7 purples....i have just 3

    Not sure if you were thinking this was possibly related to what Shan posted here, but those changes to Voyages haven't taken place yet. So any differences in crew drops is purely RNG.

    For what it's worth, I've also had 24+ Voyages with only a few super-rare crew.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • [SFW] Quick Claude[SFW] Quick Claude ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    While I am very happy with the recent fixes and changes, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT reduce Chroniton's in voyages. They are the main reason I run them (and purchase extended time). If you want to reduce trainers and increase credits, that would be great. But PLEASE do not reduce Chroniton's. This change alone will erase all the good things you've just changed.
  • We’ll have more details about this later, but these are small adjustments and not drastic changes. You’ll earn slightly fewer Chronitons and Trainers, but you’ll earn a little more Credits

    When speculating about what is meant by "slightly" fewer, I encourage you to remember what DB thinks "common" means in regards to items.
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    Doc G wrote: »
    i am now at 24hrs...i usually have 6 or 7 purples....i have just 3

    Not sure if you were thinking this was possibly related to what Shan posted here, but those changes to Voyages haven't taken place yet. So any differences in crew drops is purely RNG.

    For what it's worth, I've also had 24+ Voyages with only a few super-rare crew.

    i always have got at least 5 after 24 hrs...so it does seem strange
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    The way I figure is chronotons and credits are moderately interchangeable these days.

    The primary use of a Chronoton is to farm items from missions with which you build things

    The primary use of a Credit is to replicate things.

    (Yes, credits are also used when building items, but I spend a lot more credits-per-item while replicating than building)

    Having more credits allows me to more aggressively replicate larger items more frequently which would also save me Chronotons.

    This thread has a lot of "sky is falling" before we see details. I'm willing to concede they could mess it all up and cut voyage chrons by "too much", but the idea that voyages were intended to double or triple overall chronoton production seems a little silly to me.

    Production is so high that it's close to worthwhile (if you can run 8+ hr voyages) to completely eschew natural regeneration and build up chronotons for an entire week and run a weekly Kit. That is not a healthy game balance.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Credits only matter for big spenders that can replicate multiple times per day.
  • These are great updates people have been waiting for. Esp looking forward for the improvement with the cyro!
  • If any of the two holiday events are going to be Faction, please don't extend them. I am Captain level 60 and still struggle to get the last few thresholds. I was looking forward to actually finishing all of them.
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