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December 2017 Production Update



  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    If any of the two holiday events are going to be Faction, please don't extend them. I am Captain level 60 and still struggle to get the last few thresholds. I was looking forward to actually finishing all of them.

    From the way I read this, they will add additional levels of thresholds. You won't lose out on anything you wouldn't have gotten, but you'll have an extra day to get the 250k (and/or 300k and/or 500k whatever tier(s) they add) rewards.

    You may still not clear the board, but if you're coming up just short on the last merit reward, an extra day should be plenty to get you there.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    If any of the two holiday events are going to be Faction, please don't extend them. I am Captain level 60 and still struggle to get the last few thresholds. I was looking forward to actually finishing all of them.

    Adding a new threshold only gives you something else to earn with the extra day. You can still finish exactly what you normally finish, but now you have a chance to finish something extra on top of that.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nerfball6 wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Credits only matter for big spenders that can replicate multiple times per day.

    Building in general requires credits. Not just replicating. And if you are building high-end items, that takes a lot of credits.

    If you're limited to 1 replicator use a day you still accrue credits faster than your spend them. I could replicate a 5* item every day and be fine. I'm sitting on 11 million credits right now. Reducing chrons will slow down my building. So I'll level faster and have even less to spend credits on despite earning even more credits than I already do.
  • I realise that you will have your version of the cyro vault 'fix' already in the works, but is it too late to suggest that you just meld the vault with the crew quarters and show all the crew in one place. If they are frozen don't count them as slots and that would solve the sorting problems.
    "Never teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig" Lazarus Long, Time Enough for Love, R.A. Heinlein
  • [SFW] Quick Claude[SFW] Quick Claude ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Nerfball6 wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Credits only matter for big spenders that can replicate multiple times per day.

    Building in general requires credits. Not just replicating. And if you are building high-end items, that takes a lot of credits.

    If you're limited to 1 replicator use a day you still accrue credits faster than your spend them. I could replicate a 5* item every day and be fine. I'm sitting on 11 million credits right now. Reducing chrons will slow down my building. So I'll level faster and have even less to spend credits on despite earning even more credits than I already do.
    The solution being presented is to reduce replicator rations and increase credits. while leaving chronitons alone. If you are only using one replicator ration a day, losing replicators rations will not not effect you. However many people have been complaining about running out of credits for some time now. You see it all over the forums.
  • edited December 2017
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Giving more creds and less chrons may be considered a balancing from your perspective, but I personally find it on the level of damn negative, with a lil Ebenezer thrown in considering the season, and I can tell you if it is more than a 3% decline, my spending at least will be curbed much more than 3% on voyage extensions.

    Can't ever have anything nice here without the nerf bat coming along.

    The threshold sounds like addressing a different concern rather than the actual event length and though a welcome change even temporarily, comes off as tone-deaf. (threshold reward extensions beyond what we get now has been a request for a while but not in this context)

    Some of the rest sounds great (cryostats sort), probably time for the new character in the honor hall, etc.

    Now the easier chance at the Voyage specific crew sounds intriguing but with my experience of how rare it can be now, you can improve the odds a good deal and it will still not be worth dilithium to extend on that chance alone.

    Seconded. Nerfing the chron drops in the voyages is a really good way to get me to play less and to stop spending to extend voyages. Don't screw this up STT.

    If you really want to give us something meaningful, why don't you have the chance to drop CREW SLOTS?. One or two of those occasionally is big incentive to play, especially with the rate that new crew members get added and how difficult it is to FF 4s and 5s. I have 215 crew slots right now, completely full of 4* and 5* characters that I cannot FF, which gives me zero incentive to play for new characters. I can assure you that at what slots cost, I won't be spending for any more of them.
  • Ace BoogieAce Boogie ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Good-The game is much faster!

    Ugly-Extended Events! Grindy, ROFL! Clearly the majority has spoken about extended events. The fact that it is being discussed in here shows just how much the majority hates them. Why are they still here?

    Good-Thresholds have needed an update for awhile. But its a bandaid on several gaping wounds.

    Bad-Rankings needed to be addressed too. 25-1000 all are basically the same


    Ugly-Voyage nerf makes no sense. DB gets money. We waste the chrons on these ridiculous galaxy events so i really don't get it.

    Good-Gauntlet crew? Never heard of it but ok.

    Bad-No need really to remove Kahless. I have him already but i agree with previous comments. Stack up the honor hall. Put locutus in there for the people that never got him

    Good-Thanks for communicating
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Why is Kahless the Unaffordable being removed from the Honor Hall? There is no reason, nor benefit, to doing so. By all means, add new exclusive Honor Hall crew but don’t remove the existing crew.

    Once someone purchases crew they vanish from the Honor Hall so they don’t “need” to be removed. Personally, I’ve been saving Honor on my 2nd account for Kahless. I got him long ago on my main account. I’m not happy that he’s going to be removed before I can get him.

    Seriously, how hard can it possibly be to add a crew without removing one?
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    If any of the two holiday events are going to be Faction, please don't extend them. I am Captain level 60 and still struggle to get the last few thresholds. I was looking forward to actually finishing all of them.

    From the way I read this, they will add additional levels of thresholds. You won't lose out on anything you wouldn't have gotten, but you'll have an extra day to get the 250k (and/or 300k and/or 500k whatever tier(s) they add) rewards.

    You may still not clear the board, but if you're coming up just short on the last merit reward, an extra day should be plenty to get you there.

    As long as they are adding rewards to the end of the threshold table and not inserting rewards in the middle, that’s fine. But, if they are pushing the third copy of the super rare or the final piece of equipment out further, that’s not a good thing.

  • Kudos for the performance improvements, both loading time and UI responsiveness with many faction missions opened. I honestly did not believe devs would get the time budget. Many thanks to engineers and product management for making this happen!

  • When speculating about what is meant by "slightly" fewer, I encourage you to remember what DB thinks "common" means in regards to items.

    Omg.. I just found out what it feels like to have cola eject from my nostril.. lol ouch... But lol
  • edited December 2017
    A little disappointed with the earn slightly fewer Chronitons but everything else looks good to me thanks DB
  • Please shorten the events.

    Extra threshold rewards, though a much-requested addition, are a separate issue. They don't cover for extended events when 4 days is already longer than (I get the impression) most players are happy with.

    We're aware of the response to this that "you don't have to play the event, it's optional" - but many players with participation and collection goals feel compelled to play every event even. Whatever may be your view on this, that's how it is. We'd appreciate if events were.. events, not the majority of the time.


    If there's something to nerf in voyages, I think nearly everyone is overflowing with unusable replicator rations. Unless the credits are upped by astronomical levels. More chance of 4* crew very good.

    Even better in voyages would be dropping some "basic" and "common" items which have to be replicated because they're so uncommon (and missing from the new 8th episode)! Basic and common holoprograms, basic and uncommon SCI experiments, basic MED experiments, basic ancient film, common security codes...


    A trading post for selling items for credits or merits would be super. Nothing to do with overstocked things items days including replicator rations.

    Thanks :)
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    This lessening chronos angers me. I realize that benefits are given to those who spend money. For that reason, most events and such are heavily biased to those who spend money. For me, who is not in a position to now (but hopes to be in a position some day), the voyages are the way to improve my situation.

    Chronotons are essential.

    I have only twice managed to meet the second dilemma. Some of you talk of 12 hour voyages. More power to you. For me, the chronotons are what drive me to improve my crew. Without that incentive, why spend my time improving voyage crew?

    Credits are practically useless. People keep saying they run out. I cannot imagine that. I want fewer credits, not more.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Perhaps if they increased chronotons in the first four hours, they could increase the useless credits in later hours.
  • These are great changes, it's very tricky to balance keeping the game afloat with overfishing the seas (metaphorical speaking)
    The key word in all of this which is the major contention is slight.
    A slight reduction in chronos I can bare but what is the definition of slight? 5% is slight, 25% is not slight.
    I liked the quote
    So if you reduce chronitons by 5% then recall time should be 15% lowered
    That would work for me for sure and logically would be the case as it's straight home after recall, no dallying - whoosh!
    More 4 and 5* crew is brilliant, I slightly prefer spending dilithium doing voyages than on packs., its also a great way for new blood to gain some much needed crew easily without spending a bean.
    Extra credits is good too, I replicate items i used to hoard them , had over 3 million then realised I could immortalise more crew if I start replicating the harder to get items so if you have more than this you are missing a trick. It's a balancing act.
    I think I like the way forward,.
    I have thresholds finished by phase 1 so phase 2 is pointless IMO, why don't we simply have a different round of threshold rewards in phase 2 then I'm there playing instead twiddling my thumbs between missions and voyages.
    In the meantime, extended rewards are welcome
    Can't wait for vault overhaul, long overdue.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    This lessening chronos angers me. I realize that benefits are given to those who spend money. For that reason, most events and such are heavily biased to those who spend money. For me, who is not in a position to now (but hopes to be in a position some day), the voyages are the way to improve my situation.

    Chronotons are essential.

    I have only twice managed to meet the second dilemma. Some of you talk of 12 hour voyages. More power to you. For me, the chronotons are what drive me to improve my crew. Without that incentive, why spend my time improving voyage crew?

    Credits are practically useless. People keep saying they run out. I cannot imagine that. I want fewer credits, not more.

    For what it is worth, chrons dramatically increase after 6 hours. If they were to nerf something, it would probably be something along the lines of dropping the 6+ hr reward from 10 to 7 chrons.

    For comparison, my current voyage was around 300 at 6 hours and grew to over 500 by 7:10.

    Obviously, this is speculation, but the excessive reward post-6-hrs seems pretty obvious.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    This lessening chronos angers me. I realize that benefits are given to those who spend money. For that reason, most events and such are heavily biased to those who spend money. For me, who is not in a position to now (but hopes to be in a position some day), the voyages are the way to improve my situation.

    Chronotons are essential.

    I have only twice managed to meet the second dilemma. Some of you talk of 12 hour voyages. More power to you. For me, the chronotons are what drive me to improve my crew. Without that incentive, why spend my time improving voyage crew?

    Credits are practically useless. People keep saying they run out. I cannot imagine that. I want fewer credits, not more.

    For what it is worth, chrons dramatically increase after 6 hours. If they were to nerf something, it would probably be something along the lines of dropping the 6+ hr reward from 10 to 7 chrons.

    For comparison, my current voyage was around 300 at 6 hours and grew to over 500 by 7:10.

    Obviously, this is speculation, but the excessive reward post-6-hrs seems pretty obvious.

    Which is funny as that would be then lessening the value of the Dilithium to extend.
    That would also be a 30% decrease which is definitely not slight. 10 to 9 would be slight.
  • 10 to 9 could still be significant pending length of Voyage. For players who go over 12 hours that's at least 8%

    Losing anything more then that and if have to really consider where I put my money.
    I and my wife are very liberal with our Voyages.
    Sure we don't go sending 24 hour Voyages or anything.. but we've done a few 12s and every day we typically extend at least one Voyage each.. more if the flow is good.

    Credits, unless then go up.. 10 fold
    Just are not worth losing chronitons for.
    . With out numbers it's pretty hard to deal with this news in an informed way because we've been given a nibble if info when we need a huge bite..

    But a loss of chronitons needs to be met with a much greater addition else where.
    10 fold credit increase..
    How much of a "greater chance of crew" ?

    If crew rewards are boosted 30 /40% (thus, increase in honor or ff'ing crew..) great.
    That would be worth it.

    I value the heads up DB..
    And I know you tried to word it to Not cause this reaction..

    But you had to know that without more info that you'd just be tossing a live granade in to the forums.

    What about the crew that does drop ?
    Will that be updated to reflect the latest asking to the portal ? Because it's pretty much a proven fact they aren't in Voyages but when she repeatedly if this was by design or error we are met with silence...

    Silence and then the inherent speculation that goes along with it only adds fuel to these fires.

    If it was stated to only be a 3% drop I think you'd be getting a lot more praise then panic..

    I want to look forward to these updates,
    But lack of info and lack of replies to the community has us on edge constantly.
  • ClanofClanof ✭✭✭
    I'm guessing they aren't going to mess with how many chronitons you get in each block. It will probably stay 1/4/10, they will likely just rejig chronitons to drop less since they're saying crew will drop more.
  • I too am wary of the voyages chronitons being nerfed, but I'll wait and see how "slight" the adjustment is. Fewer replicator rations and more faction items would be a welcome change to voyages loot.

    As for the cryo vault, I've never understood the approach to the UI. Why must DB reinvent the wheel, instead of just adding a cryo tab to crew quarters like they've done with "Reenlistment" (which was added to the game after the cryo vault). We would have all the crew information and sorting ability we've long been asking for, and we could still refer to the avatar screen to see all available crew.

    Add my voice to the chorus of "why not add crew to the Honor Hall instead of replacing the current ones?"

    The complaints about extended events have not been addressed at all.

    Adding higher threshold rewards is fantastic, and I'm grateful to DB for the change, but that's an unrelated issue.

    Finally, thanks to the devs for the tremendous performance improvements - loading times, opening many shuttle transmissions and more client-server transactions are much faster.
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    Everyone is saying reduce rations while I
    Seem to get very little these days my best voyage in terms of rations gave 238x4* rations after 31hrs now if I go 24-30hrs I'd have less than 100 for me the only value in voyages is those rations and chrons and this is coming from someone who is constantly credit poor.

    Once a week I buy extra cadet tickets on a Saturday which keeps me going for a couple of days if chrons and rations are cut back I'll more than likely cut back on extending voyages and considering packs hold no value to me anymore with 5* & 4* FF beholds the proposed changes to voyages will turn me into a free to play player going forward.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    This lessening chronos angers me. I realize that benefits are given to those who spend money. For that reason, most events and such are heavily biased to those who spend money. For me, who is not in a position to now (but hopes to be in a position some day), the voyages are the way to improve my situation.

    Chronotons are essential.

    I have only twice managed to meet the second dilemma. Some of you talk of 12 hour voyages. More power to you. For me, the chronotons are what drive me to improve my crew. Without that incentive, why spend my time improving voyage crew?

    Credits are practically useless. People keep saying they run out. I cannot imagine that. I want fewer credits, not more.

    For what it is worth, chrons dramatically increase after 6 hours. If they were to nerf something, it would probably be something along the lines of dropping the 6+ hr reward from 10 to 7 chrons.

    For comparison, my current voyage was around 300 at 6 hours and grew to over 500 by 7:10.

    Obviously, this is speculation, but the excessive reward post-6-hrs seems pretty obvious.

    Which is funny as that would be then lessening the value of the Dilithium to extend.
    That would also be a 30% decrease which is definitely not slight. 10 to 9 would be slight.

    Yea, but that's kind of the base problem (from DB's perspective). If I spend 100 DIL to extend a 7 hour voyage to 9 hours, I'll get something along the lines of 4-500 additional chronotons (along with additional character and component drops). By comparison, the first two purchases of cadet tickets cost 150 DIL apiece for 150 Chrons (assuming it's MWF cadets).

    That makes voyage extensions are 4-5 times more efficient from a Chron perspective. In my example (of a 30% reduction in post-6-hour-chron-drops) you would still have a 2.8-3.5:1 Chron:DIL ratio which would still be significantly better than cadet tickets (1:1).

    If you were going to spend DIL on chronotons, of course you would have shifted away from cadet tickets into voyages. That's the economically smart thing to do. And of course you would reconsider spending DIL to extend voyages if they made them less lucrative.

    But I think it's disingenuous to argue that the efficiency of voyage extensions were anything but extremely generous compared to the alternatives in game. Either voyages need to be nerfed, or a significant portion of the game needs to be rebalanced around the existence of significantly more chronotons (other methods get more efficient, new characters require more chronotons to level, etc). No surprise here that they will take the easier route of reining in the outlier to be more in-line with the rest of the game.
  • I am admittedly a bit negative today as my shuttles have been failing all morning.

    I don't know that the changes in the Voyages are going to be a good thing or not. On the one hand, if it is putting out more cards, I would still be likely to extend my Voyages. However, if I am getting neither cards or chronotons by the 6h dilemma, I will be much less likely to extend, which is a mixed blessing for me because I have been spending more $$ then I would like on voyages. This month alone, I have increased my spending at least 300 percent so I can run extended Voyages. So in a way, if it gets messed up, I am good with that LOL
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Incidentally since DB will not provide odds/drop rate information, how will we know how slight it is? You'll end up with the same negative crowd saying its over-nerfed and the white knight negative anti-negs telling them to grow up its all fine and really not changed at all.
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