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December 2017 Production Update



  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought it was achievement AND daily task. I could be wrong.

    The problem with pass a dilemma is that new people with new crew could never get it.

    I have met all daily challenges for the past two and a half months (though I forgot to collect on it one day--still upset at myself for that). The daily task has to be something achievable even on day 1.

    Not all items in daily tasks are even unlocked on day one, lol.

    Faction Missions aren't unlocked til Level 5
    Cadet Challenges and the Arena aren't unlocked til Level 10.

    These may not be unlocked for the first several days for some players, others may get there in the first day.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    A point I forgot.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    The problem with pass a dilemma is that new people with new crew could never get it.

    That's going to apply to very new players only, for the most part. The other night, I started another account (F2P), and I expect I'm only a little over a week away from having crew strong enough to make it to the first dilemma. It doesn't take much to get there — friends who have started accounts recently have said they've gotten past the first dilemma with not much more than 1000 points for the top skill, and around 300 for the non-featured skills.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Grant77 wrote: »
    I don't know what you are trying to argue here. By snipping a quote in half and not including the good part, you are putting negative spin on a very positive change. Context is sometimes just as important as the words in the quote.
    Only those are SEPARATE changes. One is good and other one is bad and good one do NOT compensate for bad one.

    More than that - with general increase of required threshold it negatively affects even good part.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    My guess is that the daily task would be something along the lines of "Resolve a dilemma on a voyage". So, as long as you can make it to the first dilemma, you should be fine in terms of quest completion.

    That said, I have no idea what kind of crew level it takes to get to the 2 hour mark.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    My guess is that the daily task would be something along the lines of "Resolve a dilemma on a voyage". So, as long as you can make it to the first dilemma, you should be fine in terms of quest completion.

    That said, I have no idea what kind of crew level it takes to get to the 2 hour mark.

    Good question. I bet it could be done with just cadets. I only have half a dozen cadets out, so maybe I'll try with just 2* and 3* crew just to see and report.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My guess is that the daily task would be something along the lines of "Resolve a dilemma on a voyage". So, as long as you can make it to the first dilemma, you should be fine in terms of quest completion.

    That said, I have no idea what kind of crew level it takes to get to the 2 hour mark.

    Good question. I bet it could be done with just cadets. I only have half a dozen cadets out, so maybe I'll try with just 2* and 3* crew just to see and report.

    If you try it out can you report starting and 2hr anti matter.

    I believe a maxed leg ship can get to 2 hours with either a ship trait match or 4 trait matches from crew regardless of stats.
  • I'm sure the lowering of chrons is mostly a business decision. before voyages, you had to spend dil to get more chrons in the cadet challenges. now, you can get them for free at almost the same rate or even better. the people who always spent money still do, the people who never spent money still d ont, but the people who were in the middle, now have even less reason to spend anything on the game. so the revwnue I'm sure has noticeably decreased since voyages came out. in the end, if you want to keep playing and enjoying the game, they have to make money and make decisions that reflect that. the only way to bring the quality of the game up is to hire more people, and to do that it all comes down to money. 1000 people who spend money on the game are worth more the 10,000 who don't. add revenue and product placements come too it too, but bottom line is they need people to put money into the game, and if they give out chrons, merits, or honor too generously, it hurts their bottom line. they can give out crew for free if they want, but you and do anything with them without chrons, and the people who spend money WILL spend money to get more chrons.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    My guess is that the daily task would be something along the lines of "Resolve a dilemma on a voyage". So, as long as you can make it to the first dilemma, you should be fine in terms of quest completion.

    That said, I have no idea what kind of crew level it takes to get to the 2 hour mark.

    Good question. I bet it could be done with just cadets. I only have half a dozen cadets out, so maybe I'll try with just 2* and 3* crew just to see and report.

    If you try it out can you report starting and 2hr anti matter.

    I believe a maxed leg ship can get to 2 hours with either a ship trait match or 4 trait matches from crew regardless of stats.

    Good call, I bet you're right. Should I try with max AM of ~ 1500 or 2000, instead of my maxed 5* ships?
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    So let's use the following crew with NO starbase bonuses. These are the top 2* cards in terms of total voyage score:

    Kathryn Janeway
    Captain Kirk

    Telek R'Mor
    Cadet Sito Jaxa

    Commander Riker
    Away Team Archer

    Lt Commander Data
    Acting Ensign Crusher

    Enterprise-D Picard
    Recovering Spock

    Nurse Paris
    Nurse Kes

    This gives us scores of:
    CMD: 3218
    DIP: 2562
    SEC: 1165
    ENG: 958
    SCI: 2069
    MED: 760

    Given the most favorable voyage (CMD/DIP), my spreadsheet estimates an average of 2:59 with a starting AM value of 1300.

    So, yes, with maximized cadets and a maxed 1* ship, it is very easy to hit the 2 hour dilemma.

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, yes, with maximized cadets and a maxed 1* ship, it is very easy to hit the 2 hour dilemma.


    Can verify you don't even need a maxed ship nor all maxed cadets to hit that first dilemma.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    So, yes, with maximized cadets and a maxed 1* ship, it is very easy to hit the 2 hour dilemma.


    Can verify you don't even need a maxed ship nor all maxed cadets to hit that first dilemma.

    Lvl 1 Constellation has a AM value of 1050

    The lowest I can realistically go on crew would be something like:

    Primary: 2000
    Secondary: 1500
    Other 4: 1000

    That composition would have an estimated 2:05 voyage time. I do not know what crew level that exactly corresponds to. There are simply too many possible permutations to go through them all.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    So, yes, with maximized cadets and a maxed 1* ship, it is very easy to hit the 2 hour dilemma.


    Can verify you don't even need a maxed ship nor all maxed cadets to hit that first dilemma.

    Lvl 1 Constellation has a AM value of 1050

    The lowest I can realistically go on crew would be something like:

    Primary: 2000
    Secondary: 1500
    Other 4: 1000

    That composition would have an estimated 2:05 voyage time. I do not know what crew level that exactly corresponds to. There are simply too many possible permutations to go through them all.

    Sorry, I need to amend my statement above — I missed the part about the ship being 1*. Was using a 2/10 Borg Scout Ship on that account (schematics gotten from a few lucky Dabo spins). But the point still holds that it's really not terribly difficult to hit that first dilemma, even for a new F2P player.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Data1001 wrote: »
    So, yes, with maximized cadets and a maxed 1* ship, it is very easy to hit the 2 hour dilemma.


    Can verify you don't even need a maxed ship nor all maxed cadets to hit that first dilemma.

    Lvl 1 Constellation has a AM value of 1050

    The lowest I can realistically go on crew would be something like:

    Primary: 2000
    Secondary: 1500
    Other 4: 1000

    That composition would have an estimated 2:05 voyage time. I do not know what crew level that exactly corresponds to. There are simply too many possible permutations to go through them all.

    Whelp, between all that, I'd say we can be fairly confident that within a few weeks you should be able to pass the first dilemma pretty easily.

    Weakest I can do with 7 cadets alone:
    calculated: Perfect estimate: 1h 50m
    Safe estimate (95%): 1h 44m
    Safer estimate (90%): 1h 39m
    Refill extends time by 1h 2m for 23

    Filled in with 3* and unleveled crew:

    Easy pass with the calculator:

  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just had 15 chrons drop midvoyage at the 7 hour mark. If anything it looks like chrons have been pushed higher. Unless they increased the amount but decreased the frequency.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Hello again, Captains,

    Extended Events
    • We heard your feedback regarding extended events over holidays. They can feel extra grindy and you’re not getting additional rewards. So we’re going to try something new. We’re not changing the schedule, but what we can do is give you additional threshold rewards you can unlock. What this means is that while it will take a little longer to unlock rewards, you’ll also have more rewards to unlock along the way. This will only apply to the last 2 events during the Mirror Universe Mega-Event. Try it out and let us know what you think.

    Admiral Prince,
    Game Director, STAR TREK TIMELINES

    Erin, you wanted our feedback, so here goes. You guys never miss a chance to take one step forward and two steps back. When I first complained about the extended events I expected the feedback to be ignored like most feedback offered on the forum. Then you announced more rewards and it was great, you actually listened. All you had to do was add something basic at 350k/500k and everyone would have been happy. 150 chrons, 200k credits, anything like that and people would have felt you addressed the complaints and made the game better. You could have put a 10x premium at 1m VP and people would have been excited about something new to work for.

    Instead you took the opportunity to make the existing rewards HARDER to achieve. You went from players being annoyed that they had an extra day of grinding for nothing to players being angry they now need to spend an extra day of grinding just to do as well as they do in other events. This change is unambiguously worse for the players. It's worse than the community reward change you made in the last extended event. It takes a scheduling change made necessary because of DB holidays and turns it into a worse event for the players. If the Hippocratic oath is "first do no harm", then the oath for DB should be "do not make the players lives worse." And this move fails that test.

    I take back my criticism. The rewards are only added as higher stretch goals. All old rewards are exactly as they were the previous hybrid event. Well done. Thanks for a fair addition.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think they may have changed their mines after our feedback. Because when you read the original post it did seem like the plan was to change the original thresholds.

    But whatever was the case, they got it right planned or not.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tarrant wrote: »
    How did we go from

    "You’ll earn slightly fewer Trainers"


    "Slightly increased chances to earn Training Programs"

    in less then one week?
    Yes, and where's the "and have a greater chance of getting crew"? This certainly sounded more that they were increasing the crew drop chance rate, not just adding the new dilemma-only ones.
  • Those two things are separate, I think. You can have an increased chance to earn trainers, but you may only earn 4 trainers per loot box instead of 5. (I made up the numbers).
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Erin, this is what you initially said:
    Hello again, Captains,

    It’s almost the end of the year, so I wanted to catch up with all of you. So what’s been going on over at Disruptor Beam?
    • Heads up -- we’re going to be rebalancing the Voyages loot table. This will be the first change since the feature launched. We’ll have more details about this later, but these are small adjustments and not drastic changes. You’ll earn slightly fewer Chronitons and Trainers, but you’ll earn a little more Credits, and have a greater chance of getting crew (including all-new Voyages-exclusive crew). Stay tuned.

    Thank you for being the best players out there. Happy Holidays.

    Admiral Prince,
    Game Director, STAR TREK TIMELINES

    Shan's announcement said:
    Shan wrote:
    - Slightly increased chances to earn Credits, Training Programs, and Components.
    - 4 new Voyages exclusive crew have been added as on-time rewards. Experiment with Dilemmas and you might encounter them; tell us when you do!
    - Slightly decreased chances to earn 1* crew.
    - Slightly decreased chances to earn Chronitons on Voyages going past 4 hours.

    How did the change go from fewer trainers to increased training programs and greater chance of getting crew to decreased chance to earn 1* crew with no change to other crew drop rates? I don't know anyone who was asking for more trainers, so this seems like a Voyages nerf with no player benefit mixed in.
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    How did the change go from fewer trainers to increased training programs and greater chance of getting crew to decreased chance to earn 1* crew with no change to other crew drop rates? I don't know anyone who was asking for more trainers, so this seems like a Voyages nerf with no player benefit mixed in.

    Maybe there's two crew rolls? One to see if you will get a crew period, then the next to see the quality of crew? If so, could mean more 2* crew dropping.
  • Alkind Zyn wrote: »
    AviTrek wrote: »
    How did the change go from fewer trainers to increased training programs and greater chance of getting crew to decreased chance to earn 1* crew with no change to other crew drop rates? I don't know anyone who was asking for more trainers, so this seems like a Voyages nerf with no player benefit mixed in.

    Maybe there's two crew rolls? One to see if you will get a crew period, then the next to see the quality of crew? If so, could mean more 2* crew dropping.

    Any such interpretation seems like a stretch at best, and I’m inclined to agree with the first poster. The way this reads, it looks very much like a nerf. What they’d originally communicated was that the changes were going to going to be standard loot table adjustments to the rewards you accrue between dilemmas. Less chronitons and trainers, more crew and credits, with the voyage-only super rares being an extra addition. Instead, today’s notes suggest there is seemingly no better chance to get crew on these rolls, while the chronitons are still being nerfed. And before anyone goes there, the new dilemma reward crew are not really on offset for this, as they are tied to specific dilemmas and not the standard loot table that was otherwise adjusted. It’s basically apples to oranges—and beyond that, I’d bet those crew will only drop from the final stage of a multi-part dilemma, which you are relatively unlikely to see without paying for an AM refill. No bueno.
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    I just had 15 chrons drop midvoyage at the 7 hour mark. If anything it looks like chrons have been pushed higher. Unless they increased the amount but decreased the frequency.

    I have recived 15 Chronotons too! I beleive the fequency has changed, anyway I have received more chronotons than the usual I get for about the same time.
  • ·§ë· For the Many·§ë· For the Many ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    @Shan please clarify for us the conflicting points from the two messages? Why in the first message less trainers and now more trainers, first more crew now less 1* crew and no mention of other rarities?

    What are the % definitions of "slightly" less, "a little more", and "a greater chance"?

    The first message gave the impression we'd have "a greater chance" of crew dropping in general, including regular 4*s - including but not only the voyage-exclusives.


    *Players are currently reporting far less chrons and an unnoticeable increase in credits if any.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    So anecdotally, my first 7 hour voyage is down 25-30% of chrons from the average of the ones i tracked. (admittedly I was not steadfast in this but I tracked over 70% of the ones I've done since inception).

    I'm hoping this is just RNG
    Will keep running them but only going to extend if I screw up and miss something. May start abandoning as well.

    Credits are right around average as well. Not seeing even 'slight' increase.

    Incidentally definition for slight is;

    small in degree; inconsiderable.
    "a slight increase"
    synonyms: small, modest, tiny, minute, inappreciable, negligible, insignificant, minimal, remote, slim, faint, razor-thin; informalminuscule; de minimis; formalexiguous
    "the chance of success is slight"

    So far the chron nerf I'm seeing, and is being reported by my squad and others I've talked to is anything but slight. It is not "insignificant", or 'razor-thin'.
  • Only one crew drop outside of a dilemma after 7 hours. This isn’t what I call an improvement.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Only one crew drop outside of a dilemma after 7 hours. This isn’t what I call an improvement.

    It's a 'best chance of' lol
  • I am running a voyage at the moment, it looks to me like a lot less chrons and not many more credits , at 8 hours 400 chrons, that's a big loss considering that the chron cost of levelling up seems to have increased as well.
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