Key information about the event: We Who Are To Die - 01/18
Event Name: We Who Are To Die
Event Type: Faction
Event Crew: Gladiator McCoy 5* (New), Tsunkatse Seven 4* (New), and Duelist Yar 4* (New)
Event Dates: Thursday 01/18 until Monday 01/22
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants McCoy, variants of Seven of Nine and variants of Yar.
Event factions: Maquis, Klingon Empire, Hirogen
Some stats:
Gladiator McCoy
FE 1/5 level 100
SEC 856 (180-362)
MED 311 (270-675)
Tsunkatse Seven
FE 1/4 level 100
CMD 462 (124-299)
SEC 606 (150-301)
SCI 162 (92-230)
Duelist Yar
FE 1/4 level 100
CMD 287 (16-37)
DIP 257 (103-336)
SEC 439 (292-603)
Event Type: Faction
Event Crew: Gladiator McCoy 5* (New), Tsunkatse Seven 4* (New), and Duelist Yar 4* (New)
Event Dates: Thursday 01/18 until Monday 01/22
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants McCoy, variants of Seven of Nine and variants of Yar.
Event factions: Maquis, Klingon Empire, Hirogen
Some stats:
Gladiator McCoy
FE 1/5 level 100
SEC 856 (180-362)
MED 311 (270-675)
Tsunkatse Seven
FE 1/4 level 100
CMD 462 (124-299)
SEC 606 (150-301)
SCI 162 (92-230)
Duelist Yar
FE 1/4 level 100
CMD 287 (16-37)
DIP 257 (103-336)
SEC 439 (292-603)
But YAY for Seven!
4* Yar is meh, so I hope Tsunkatse Seven is threshold
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
Federation and ??? and ???
Very interesting.
I'm guessing Security Medical diplomacy for the doc.. a new top 4* security in either Yar or 7
Factions will be:
Federation and ??? and ???
Another 20 shuttle limited numbers of event crew probably : (
Better than what we have for this event (4 Qs, 2 Quarks, 2 Burnhams)
I'm going to guess Hirogen and either Augments or Section 31
...and Jazz Musician Riker can provide the background music for their battles?
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Always a fan of more McCoys!
May as well just say 1 Burnham (I'm sure most people don't have First Officer)
So, I assume "desperate" is a trait all three featured crew will have since anyone "about to die," but fighting to survive, must be desperate? Maybe all "desperate" crew members will get a bonus? ;-)
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
We just had a re-run last week
OH MY DOG!!!!!
Another Player Request filled!!!!!
Hope she is the Threshold Reward!!!!!
lol @ how fake those punches are in slo mo
I keep getting distracted by that floppy head!
She has a head?
Her target does.....
I was just thinking the same thing, but for Duelist.