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Do they understand what 95% chance to succeed actually means?



  • MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Quick question on another variable that makes almost impossible to do the numbers

    Is the number shown in the left hand column on events the number of shuttles ran or the vp points collected?


    If your odds/percentages are based off server wide, then that number is ever changing so no way to track it, becuase you never know how many stuttles have been ran

    We are led to believe those counters are point totals for individual factions. It would be difficult, if impossible, to independently verify those numbers

    What is being proposed here isn't an accounting of all shuttles across all players. While that would certainly give the best picture of shuttle behavior, it's not really feasible.

    This would have to be some amalgamation of user-submitted shuttles. The most recent one, to my knowledge, was located here: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/1713/shuttle-mission-success-chances-during-events-post-your-data-here However, @Hope_F appears to have been banned from the forums, so I suspect that one isn't going to get updated much anymore.

    Had a cs send me this, might help you guys be more visual as not everyone is a math guy lol,


    Like the visuals of the graphs at the bottom of his 2nd post, would be a great way ,maybe make grapic sheet that players can download and insert numbers into , so you get more of a standard input

    Verus just randomly throwing data up on a page as there is no standard, which makes it harder to collect data

    Have everone track number of stuttles ran for 30days input factions and win/loss ratios on each into a downloadable graph

    That would also probly help with DB and others to see it versus trying to make them pour over a crap load of numbers

    Visuals always help sale your points better
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Quick question on another variable that makes almost impossible to do the numbers

    Is the number shown in the left hand column on events the number of shuttles ran or the vp points collected?


    If your odds/percentages are based off server wide, then that number is ever changing so no way to track it, becuase you never know how many stuttles have been ran

    We are led to believe those counters are point totals for individual factions. It would be difficult, if impossible, to independently verify those numbers

    What is being proposed here isn't an accounting of all shuttles across all players. While that would certainly give the best picture of shuttle behavior, it's not really feasible.

    This would have to be some amalgamation of user-submitted shuttles. The most recent one, to my knowledge, was located here: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/1713/shuttle-mission-success-chances-during-events-post-your-data-here However, @Hope_F appears to have been banned from the forums, so I suspect that one isn't going to get updated much anymore.

    Had a cs send me this, might help you guys be more visual as not everyone is a math guy lol,


    Like the visuals of the graphs at the bottom of his 2nd post, would be a great way ,maybe make grapic sheet that players can download and insert numbers into , so you get more of a standard input

    Verus just randomly throwing data up on a page as there is no standard, which makes it harder to collect data

    Since that thread was created, we had a major change to shuttle success formulas. The initial data gathered in that other thread I linked showed that there may well be some odd things going on with shuttle probability.
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Quick question on another variable that makes almost impossible to do the numbers

    Is the number shown in the left hand column on events the number of shuttles ran or the vp points collected?


    If your odds/percentages are based off server wide, then that number is ever changing so no way to track it, becuase you never know how many stuttles have been ran

    We are led to believe those counters are point totals for individual factions. It would be difficult, if impossible, to independently verify those numbers

    What is being proposed here isn't an accounting of all shuttles across all players. While that would certainly give the best picture of shuttle behavior, it's not really feasible.

    This would have to be some amalgamation of user-submitted shuttles. The most recent one, to my knowledge, was located here: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/1713/shuttle-mission-success-chances-during-events-post-your-data-here However, @Hope_F appears to have been banned from the forums, so I suspect that one isn't going to get updated much anymore.

    Had a cs send me this, might help you guys be more visual as not everyone is a math guy lol,


    Like the visuals of the graphs at the bottom of his 2nd post, would be a great way ,maybe make grapic sheet that players can download and insert numbers into , so you get more of a standard input

    Verus just randomly throwing data up on a page as there is no standard, which makes it harder to collect data

    Since that thread was created, we had a major change to shuttle success formulas. The initial data gathered in that other thread I linked showed that there may well be some odd things going on with shuttle probability.

    The post might be outdated, was more using the graphs to help with new tracking

    Do two, have someone do a downloadable to enter info then have say at the end of 30days take everyones graphs and enter the info into same graph

    Then you could go to db with the graph

    "Ok as you can see here we had 78 players on the first colum that ran 1,212 shuttles in 30days in federation faction, problity for this came out to be xxxxxx and actual success was xxxxxx"

    Would ethier help prove you right there is a issue or is not a issue, and be able for any layman to see the differences

  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Quick question on another variable that makes almost impossible to do the numbers

    Is the number shown in the left hand column on events the number of shuttles ran or the vp points collected?

    If vp thats not that many players, but if its shuttles ran thats a ton


    If your odds/percentages are based off server wide, then that number is ever changing so no way to track it, becuase you never know how many shuttles have been ran

    You would also need to know when it reset if its based off a certain number or a timeframe

    So collecting data is useless if you dont know the all variables

    Even if each count is a shuttle and not the victory points. That total comes to less than 500 million. Some of the failure combinations were in the one in a trillion odds!
  • I'm in. If I have time later tonight I'll try to work on the previous 20-25 events I tracked and see if anything pops out.

    But collecting only the displayed percentages and shuttle result for me is not enough. I do concur that I did feel that I passed many shuttles with low rate and failed many at really high rate, suggesting that we could have a different formula on server side. I'll see later if my feelings were correct. But that could be only part of the problem. If they make an error in input programming throwing in a char instead of an integer then a crew or a mission (who knows how are they coding) could miss a whole bunch of stats lowering the success rate.

    Nobody confirmed me yet they had the same experience with shared crew in the last event, nor disproofed me.
    No one else reported strange shuttle behavior with drunk tyler who was giving wrong bonus at one point. was it only displayed or even server side? In the past sometimes I skipped using crew with wrong bonus because I didn't trust the data was consistent. But if we are methodic, or maniacs, we may find out patterns, the way it is coded, instead of just the deviation.

    with this hybrid event we can run a short number of shuttles, but having a large pool of bonus crew, many of us will be using the same crew. I want to see if any mission or crew behave differently compared to others.
  • Well, I threw something quick together. Have a look, and let me know if you want any tweaks before we inform others.

  • MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Well, I threw something quick together. Have a look, and let me know if you want any tweaks before we inform others.


    I like it but you might wanna a add the ablity to fo muti shuttles at one, one at a time could get old quick
  • Well, I threw something quick together. Have a look, and let me know if you want any tweaks before we inform others.


    Depends on the intention. Are we trying to prove that there is a systematic problem with the displayed shuttle percentage? Or are we trying to figure out what that problem actually is?

    Given a large enough sample size, this form should be able to suss out the first question. It cannot answer the second.

    For instance, @[DB:DB] ~SE~ Capt. Reynolds posted above that he was only noticing the discrepancy in his data that featured shared crew. You could never tease that out from this form.
  • I thought about determining the problem, but that would take much more complicated data collection that the game does not make easily available. So the intent of this is to determine whether the displayed percentages are correct. If we determine it's not, then we can look into more detailed collection.

    The idea for this is to take enough data, and look at it percent by percent to see how close the results are to the percentages displayed. Of course, that will take hundreds of entries for each percent indicator, but it's the only way I see to make an accurate assessment.

    As for being able to do multiple shuttles at once, Google Forms doesn't make that so easy. I can make it a longer form so can be collected, but then collating that data to determine the patterns becomes much more difficult because each entry on a form gets its own column in the related spreadsheet. A multi-result form also makes things harder because it would have to cover 2, 3, or 4 shuttle options, and know to ignore the blank spaces for <4. So I decided to keep it to a simple form, that could be used to make quick entries, hit Submit, and click the Submit Another without having to do lots of scrolling.

    I've been using this to record my results for the past day or so, and it can be filled out, for all 4 shuttles, even with clicking, in well under a minute.
  • Well, I threw something quick together. Have a look, and let me know if you want any tweaks before we inform others.


    Depends on the intention. Are we trying to prove that there is a systematic problem with the displayed shuttle percentage? Or are we trying to figure out what that problem actually is?

    Given a large enough sample size, this form should be able to suss out the first question. It cannot answer the second.

    For instance, @[DB:DB] ~SE~ Capt. Reynolds posted above that he was only noticing the discrepancy in his data that featured shared crew. You could never tease that out from this form.

    I could add an extra line for whether there are shared crew or not, if that would help. But I don't want to complicate it too much. It is designed currently to be able to separate out Event vs. Normal runs, which should at least point us in the direction of a shared crew program if those results have a discrepancy, but the normals don't. At that point, maybe do some separate data collection?
  • i'll throw in my 2 strips of gold pressed latinum:
    Please keep in mind that there is certainly strong Von Restorff effect bias (i.e. that I am more likely to have noticed these outcomes because they seemed odd and not because they actually happened more frequently than other outcomes..)
    But,... on many of my event shuttles where I only succeed 1/4 in a set the success is the mission that had the lowest displayed percent chance. Often that is because it was a mission with a ton of open slots and I just had to fill with non bonus crew. Sample size = a bunch.

    Okay, so perhaps just another complainy anecdote; however, there are a couple of easy bugs that I can think of that would actually cause this behavior:
    1. Crew bonuses are being counted on the display, but are left out of the actual roll comparison. This would be why using non-bonus crew seems to improve the actual results.
    2. The range of the roll is being scaled by the number of crew inappropriately. This could show up in a number of places, but one example is that when calculating the "power" of the team there is a step that is meant to normalize (basically just take the mean) the value to a single crew member but instead of using a variable that corresponds to the size of the crew, it's hardcoded to 5 or whatever the maximum is. This would have the effect of causing small crew missions to fail more often, but large ones to be correct.

    Okay and 2 more thoughts that aren't based on my own observations, but those high end players who have 90+% shuttles at 4k VP who seem to have failure rates that are hilariously impossible.
    1. The displayed percentage is fudged at high % and somehow this has been executed horribly wrong. Remember back in the day when the 1 minute missions would show 100% chance of success and it was obvious to all that this just due to rounding 99.5%+ up since the curve is asymptotic approaching 100%? Well, that doesn't happen any more; the max displayed is 99%. One would assume that you could just achieve this with using a floor function to just round down the displayed percentage, but what if the coder tried to do something fancy and wrecked everything?
    2. What if the shuttle difficulty isn't actually capped, but the displayed percentage and the 4k VP is? I.e., what if after you hit 4k, the difficulty continues to increase like non-event shuttles until you hit the 70ish% point where success/fails start to stabilize? This actually seems extremely plausible since you could create this bug by copy/pasting code from the non-event mission algorithm and would explain why the discrepancy seem more pronounced for players that have high displayed % at max vp.

    Okay, that's enough free consulting. Send dilithium to my in game mail for more poorly-informed wild speculation.
    Oh, and if you want the playerbase to help you debug this a good first step would be to provide the actual numbers for the roll and target on the outcome screen so that we can track our stats better. It's not much of an ask since you do that for away team missions and gauntlet already...

  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Reminder since most people are on the 3 hours schedule now to try and record your shown percentage compared to actual. Im also recording which mission have event vs bonus crew. More data the better. Eventually we can all agree on how to present it.


  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you can, record what the skills are, if you're using a shared crew, and if you're using a skill bonus. There has been speculation that all of those are broken and the more data available, the more likely it is we can find the issue.
  • DB Math:
    The 9 and 5 means you will succeed 9 times and fail 5 times.
  • 60% of the time it works every time!
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Already seeing a problem with the Section 31 mission Lead by Example. If it fails again I'll switch up the mission. Kept me in the 3500 range.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Already seeing a problem with the Section 31 mission Lead by Example. If it fails again I'll switch up the mission. Kept me in the 3500 range.

    Who are you using in each slot for that mission?
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Hi, I've made a note of the last two sets out, had a slight change of crew on one but it should be pretty stable from this point. I'll try and record results where I can (I have created a spreadsheet that looks like ThisSisko1's above). I'm actually unsure who is putting this data together so let me know where to send it after we're done cheers for putting the effort in
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • edited February 2018
    I'll try to stick to the same missions and crew over and over, regardless of the results. Of course, I already failed my first 2 90+% missions, one was with shared crew.
    Sisko, depending on how you want to rank and the fact you can make up for it in the galaxy portion, I would suggest you to keep doing lead by example with the same crew. I don't have Gieorgiou so I can't test your same conditions
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    Life getting you down?
    Feel like a failure?

    Why not play Star Trek Timelines Faction events and play to your life skills
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Well at 4k I couldn't sustain anything over 90 percent for Lead by Example and already switched up the mission before I saw the recommendation :(. I failed another mission overnight.

    Fleetmates provided me their data and I'll eventually add theirs to mine and note it. So far its about expected. About 10 point difference from shown to actual.

  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    I’m not going to start making charts. I don’t need data just common sense to know that this event is way out of whack compared to all the others I’ve participated in. Factions were the events and parts of events I enjoyed and it is painfully obvious they have screwed these up now too. From the abysmal ratios that are not even close to accurate and the multitudes of four and five star missions, with a few threes thrown in I can see the plan with this event was to hose up the faction part completely. I’m just glad I don’t care for these characters. I was planning on finishing all the thresholds and doing some of the galaxy but now I’ve got just a couple more things to get and I’m done with this debacle. I’m waiting for them to find a way to monetize logging into the game at this rate.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    So far its about expected. About 10 point difference from shown to actual.

    This is where I think this type of analysis may be misleading. With a high chance of success and so far a small sample size, comparing displayed success to actual will be skewed. Maybe a better test would be on expected number of failures.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    So far its about expected. About 10 point difference from shown to actual.

    This is where I think this type of analysis may be misleading. With a high chance of success and so far a small sample size, comparing displayed success to actual will be skewed. Maybe a better test would be on expected number of failures.

    Agree, expected vs actual failures would be the most relevant statistic. Saying "10 point difference" is certainly accurate, but a 10 point difference in this context actually means you are experiencing failure rates THREE TIMES what the expected rate should be. This is massive. A small data set, for sure, but if that rate holds up, there's certainly something wrong.
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do remember a lot of data is here including tracking of over 700 shuttles. It is a bummer that the difference is so large.
  • Well, I'll say again: If we want to start collecting data, let's start collecting data:

  • Well so far all 3 hour shuttles but 1 have been 95%+ and have passed, here's to small miracles. My one overnight shuttle that was 89% failed of course because stuff.
  • Well, I'll say again: If we want to start collecting data, let's start collecting data:

    We are, but while working in real life it's easier posting here during downtime and deal with forms and spreadsheets with a proper computer. Subspace eddies are collecting data and the spreadsheet has a life on its own. I would propose you at one point to grant direct access to the spreadsheets to copy and paste our data, much faster and error free than typing all over again.

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