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Jonathan Archer in this mega event?



  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    No-one's mentioned yet that his sole in-game quote is: "I'll be right behind you..." ;)

    It's always seemed to me a strange choice of quote - especially of a starship captain...
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    Archer and Enterprise is some of the best Star trek. I'm not going to defend the opening music / credits, but the show is fun. Voyager in comparison is embarrassing to watch at times.

    First season of TNG blew dirty snot rags. Let's not get all sentimental with the show that brought us Wesley. ENT does not get the respect it deserves.

    Archer needs an event. From a lore perspective, definitely one of the more important captains.

    Voyager is actually my favourite series :p

    Interestingly enough, I hated the opening song to Enterprise too, but...it does grow on you. First time I saw the show I cringed at the theme song and skipped it every episode. Then I rewatched Enterprise last year and didn't bother skipping the opening (too lazy I guess) and by the end of Season 1 I was like okay, the song isn't that bad. By the end of the show I think most people are going "I've got FAAAAAAaaaaith~"
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Archer and Enterprise is some of the best Star trek. I'm not going to defend the opening music / credits, but the show is fun. Voyager in comparison is embarrassing to watch at times.

    First season of TNG blew dirty snot rags. Let's not get all sentimental with the show that brought us Wesley. ENT does not get the respect it deserves.

    Archer needs an event. From a lore perspective, definitely one of the more important captains.

    Voyager is actually my favourite series :p

    Interestingly enough, I hated the opening song to Enterprise too, but...it does grow on you. First time I saw the show I cringed at the theme song and skipped it every episode. Then I rewatched Enterprise last year and didn't bother skipping the opening (too lazy I guess) and by the end of Season 1 I was like okay, the song isn't that bad. By the end of the show I think most people are going "I've got FAAAAAAaaaaith~"

    I think everyone, or at least most everyone, hates that opening song. Even after they speed it up in the later seasons, I still can’t stand it and still find it to be the most ridiculous opening music ever, lol. I love Enterprise but loathe that song, especially because it always seems to end up getting stuck in my head.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • Magisse wrote: »
    Seems more likely that a Katra fragment will somehow wind up in Janeway... ;)

    And here I was thinking Burnham. :|
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magisse wrote: »
    Seems more likely that a Katra fragment will somehow wind up in Janeway... ;)

    And here I was thinking Burnham. :|

    Please, no.

    And I may be in the minority, but I like the song.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    The theme song felt out of place at first, but yes, it grew on me as well. Taken with the opening graphics, and once you fully realise of what immense importance these first steps would be for humanity as a whole (and the huge risk of failure involved), then it becomes quite sweeping and haunting.

    Absolutely bloody hated the remix version, though. I always skipped it from then on out.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd rather some Romulans than Archer! Seriouisly why do a small number of people get irate about their being no Archer events. Its not like enterprise was an integral part of Trek like TOS, TNG or DS9.

    DB: Do Better
  • barrydancerbarrydancer ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    The theme song felt out of place at first, but yes, it grew on me as well. Taken with the opening graphics, and once you fully realise of what immense importance these first steps would be for humanity as a whole (and the huge risk of failure involved), then it becomes quite sweeping and haunting.

    Absolutely bloody hated the remix version, though. I always skipped it from then on out.

    I liked the theme song, too, for the same reasons. Not a fan of second version of it, though.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not to throw kindling on the fire, but I think Romulan Picard is far more likely to see light in this event than an Archer, as a counterpart to Romulan Data. I am guessing Rom Picard and probably Donatra cap the event, I’m blurry on Nemesis as it’s been a eon since I watched it, but was she not left in charge of the Romulan Senate after the Scimitar was destroyed?
  • The Enterprise theme seemed to the trend back then. Smallville also suffered from a horrible theme song that seemed out of place, especially in the later seasons.

    As for Romulans, I’d like to see Admiral Valdore from ENT and Commander Toreth from TNG. That episode with Troi was one of my favorites from the series.

    I really do hope we see Archer in an event soon. I don’t get the animosity DB has for him. It’s really not cute or funny.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    I'd rather some Romulans than Archer! Seriouisly why do a small number of people get irate about their being no Archer events. Its not like enterprise was an integral part of Trek like TOS, TNG or DS9.


    I also campaigned for a year for Picard and two years for Scotty, among others. Whatever place ENT may have isn't the issue. It's that Archer is a main cast character--and the captain, no less!--and it's reasonable to want to have him appear in at least one event.

    As for why I've become indignant about him in a way that we weren't about Picard, Scotty, et al, it's that they weren't so consistently snubbed the way Archer has been. We haven't substituted someone else for them in their in-story claim to fame moment, and we haven't been required to kill either of them in a space battle. These kinds of things are unique to Archer.
  • Captain LostCaptain Lost ✭✭✭✭
    Obviously, they should have gone with this as the Enterprise theme instead: https://youtu.be/3P4IlgtwHmA

    Enterprise isn't anywhere near my favorite Star Trek series, but I'd say it's fans deserve to have at least one event with Captain Archer. Everybody else has had a turn.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Obviously, they should have gone with this as the Enterprise theme instead: https://youtu.be/3P4IlgtwHmA

    Enterprise isn't anywhere near my favorite Star Trek series, but I'd say it's fans deserve to have at least one event with Captain Archer. Everybody else has had a turn.

    Oooommmph... that makes me appreciate the version they went with more.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Obviously, they should have gone with this as the Enterprise theme instead: https://youtu.be/3P4IlgtwHmA
    That was awesome! Not only did I used to love Perfect Strangers, but the song timing works fantastically with the scene changes.
  • Fingers crossed for Event 4: Kir'Shara Archer (5* New) ;) he'll have had a long road getting from game start to event.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Obviously, they should have gone with this as the Enterprise theme instead: https://youtu.be/3P4IlgtwHmA

    Enterprise isn't anywhere near my favorite Star Trek series, but I'd say it's fans deserve to have at least one event with Captain Archer. Everybody else has had a turn.

    I love it. Or, I love how well it works. I wouldn't replace the real Stat Trek Enterprise theme with it, but it is nice.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Obviously, they should have gone with this as the Enterprise theme instead: https://youtu.be/3P4IlgtwHmA

    Enterprise isn't anywhere near my favorite Star Trek series, but I'd say it's fans deserve to have at least one event with Captain Archer. Everybody else has had a turn.

    :lol: That syncs amazingly well!
  • Obviously, they should have gone with this as the Enterprise theme instead: https://youtu.be/3P4IlgtwHmA

    Enterprise isn't anywhere near my favorite Star Trek series, but I'd say it's fans deserve to have at least one event with Captain Archer. Everybody else has had a turn.

    :lol: That syncs amazingly well!

    Yep, and it would have been just as bad as what they used, lol.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Obviously, they should have gone with this as the Enterprise theme instead: https://youtu.be/3P4IlgtwHmA

    Enterprise isn't anywhere near my favorite Star Trek series, but I'd say it's fans deserve to have at least one event with Captain Archer. Everybody else has had a turn.

    :lol: That syncs amazingly well!

    Yep, and it would have been just as bad as what they used, lol.

    There's one key difference. I got a kick out of the use of the theme from Perfect Strangers.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Perfect Strangers seems to be having a comeback of sorts. Did anyone see Jimmy Kimmels "Perfect Stranger Things" You can tell Bronson Pinchot and Mark Linn-Baker are getting older with this version of the Dance of Joy.


  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well I suspect the event Reunification is going to have Proconsul Neral and Senator Pardek introduced which leaves the faction Event.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well I suspect the event Reunification is going to have Proconsul Neral and Senator Pardek introduced which leaves the faction Event.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • edited April 2018
    Magisse wrote: »
    Obviously, they should have gone with this as the Enterprise theme instead: https://youtu.be/3P4IlgtwHmA
    That was awesome! Not only did I used to love Perfect Strangers, but the song timing works fantastically with the scene changes.

    If that had been the theme song for Enterprise, I would not be turned off right when the first note of the actual theme song plays from watching those episodes. If someone remade the DVDs unofficially with this theme song layered over the original. I would so buy them, but I digress.

    If we do not see Archer in either of the last two parts of this Mega, I will protest outside of DB HQ waving a Bat'leth in the air (okay, not really, but maybe).
    There are three ways to do something; the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway.

    DB: Do Better.

    Member of Starship Trista
  • Jim Steele wrote: »
    I'd rather some Romulans than Archer! Seriouisly why do a small number of people get irate about their being no Archer events. Its not like enterprise was an integral part of Trek like TOS, TNG or DS9.


    I also campaigned for a year for Picard and two years for Scotty, among others. Whatever place ENT may have isn't the issue. It's that Archer is a main cast character--and the captain, no less!--and it's reasonable to want to have him appear in at least one event.

    As for why I've become indignant about him in a way that we weren't about Picard, Scotty, et al, it's that they weren't so consistently snubbed the way Archer has been. We haven't substituted someone else for them in their in-story claim to fame moment, and we haven't been required to kill either of them in a space battle. These kinds of things are unique to Archer.

    And now we've had an event specifically about Surak's katra - actually held by Archer - and still no Archer. I agree with you completely. I'm not a proselytizing Archer fan or anything - I'm just pissed at this snubbing. It's daft and a bit pathetic. FREE ARCHER NOW!

    “Holodeck 2 tomorrow, 1600 hours. Just you, me and a tuning fork”
  • Magisse wrote: »
    Seems more likely that a Katra fragment will somehow wind up in Janeway... ;)

    And here I was thinking Burnham. :|

    Please, no.

    And I may be in the minority, but I like the song.

    I'm in there with you. I like the song - and the music/intro is way better than on DSC. Who could hate an intro with Chuck Yeager in it!!??
    “Holodeck 2 tomorrow, 1600 hours. Just you, me and a tuning fork”
  • Jim Steele wrote: »
    I'd rather some Romulans than Archer! Seriouisly why do a small number of people get irate about their being no Archer events. Its not like enterprise was an integral part of Trek like TOS, TNG or DS9.


    I also campaigned for a year for Picard and two years for Scotty, among others. Whatever place ENT may have isn't the issue. It's that Archer is a main cast character--and the captain, no less!--and it's reasonable to want to have him appear in at least one event.

    As for why I've become indignant about him in a way that we weren't about Picard, Scotty, et al, it's that they weren't so consistently snubbed the way Archer has been. We haven't substituted someone else for them in their in-story claim to fame moment, and we haven't been required to kill either of them in a space battle. These kinds of things are unique to Archer.

    And now we've had an event specifically about Surak's katra - actually held by Archer - and still no Archer. I agree with you completely. I'm not a proselytizing Archer fan or anything - I'm just pissed at this snubbing. It's daft and a bit pathetic. FREE ARCHER NOW!

    Best way to speak to DB is with money. Just stop buying thier overpriced electrons.

    Love ENT, Archer not favorite captain, but at least he is no Janeway. She intentionally stranded her crew and abanded the people they were supposed to protect. Some seriously bad writing but, I don't mind seeing the VOY events.

    Archer needs an event.
  • I'm really hoping Katra or Kir'Shara Archer shows up in this event, too. But Kes? I wouldn't mind if we never hear from her again. They removed her mid-run for a reason.

    I don't see why Kes would have anything to do with this event.
    But I do want at minimum 2 more versions of her: Tieran/Warlord Kes (4-star most likely), and Fury Kes (5-star for sure). Not sure there's really any other Keses beyond that which can be done/made.

    There’s Desert Prisoner Kes
    Task Force Pike: We are recruiting!

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  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    What if they had a romulan archer?
    Let’s fly!
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