When a voyage ends, rather than collecting all the rewards, give us the ability to dismiss the crew obtained. Make that function individually selectable for each crew member obtained there, and you'll save us time instead of making us claim the rewards, go to your crew roster, sort by level & scroll to the bottom. If we had the ability to choose which ones we want and which to airlock for honor points, it would be appreciated.
Have you been naughty? Playing with yourself again? Has another fleet touched you in bad ways? Don’t worry, we will train you…. Gently. Light bondage only. Bring your own handcuffs, though…. We don’t supply them.
We’re not those other guys. Here we shower often, and we treat our members like family. We know how to whip some serious tail, yet no one is left to shiver out in the cold. If you need advice, help, strategy, tips or anything at all…. I and my officers are here to help you.
Currently, we're looking for more good people to enjoy the game with us, and we offer a TON to our members, in return. We prefer level 50 members and above. Lower level players than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
We use the DISCORD app for all our fleet chats (it's free). We're much better organized than many other top-tier fleets in the game, while a heck of a lot more relaxed and much more fun to be a part of. I have numerous other former fleet Admirals who joined me, and we have a world of knowledge and experience to share with you. Sure, we all love the game, and we enjoy playing it often; but we're also a fun family of kooky friends from around the world, who enjoy playing the game together. On top of playing, we also hang out often and share plenty of good laughs, an excellent supportive environment and one another's company.
It's OK if you don't play every day. You don’t have to be a daily player, but the more you play the more fun you’ll have with us. So long as you let me know ahead of time whenever you know you're going to be offline from the game for five days or more, I won't kick you for inactivity. You can send me that message on DISCORD at any time you need to; it takes only a moment. That rule helps keep our fleet as active as possible.
All Captains MUST have a name other than just “Captain” so that others may recognize you. We have no drama, but instead are a close-knit group of good people who treat each other as if we’re both friends & family.
WE’RE ALMOST ALL VERY HIGHLY ACTIVE, and help is never far whenever you might need it, at any stage of the game, nearly 24/7. Whatever your skill level, we can help you.
If you are interested in joining our fleet, please feel free to message me and I will be glad to assist you.
Free steak & Lobster available from our resident chef upon joining (alternate meal suggestions are possible), drinks available through our in-house bartender/barista/host. Please be sure to tip your wait staff. They're nuts, but they're worth it.
Give DB a break and some time.. I think what they've done thus far is awe-inspiring. If you don't like the ads, just ignore them, I do. I paid the monthly dilithium charge (30 days) and am quite happy with that. I do wish it got me a bit more dilithium. It's a great work in evolution. I think some, after playing a while, take it for granted. Think of all those series and movies, characters (with real actors behind them,) and everything else put in, integrated together. I think we are very fortunate to have it at all. Granted, I look forward to more, even if it happens at impulse power, I'm looking forward to "what's next." Think of those that pitch in money, as those that need to because they are new or younger than you or I, may have a difficult schedule, or just aren't adept as some other players. Those that pitch in a lot, in good conscience, should consider if they are actually a good player, using money to beat other players, which to me seems unfair. Also, I have Attention Deficit Order, like many others these days, so I could see how putting money in could make it more interesting. But even with ADD, I'm astounded I enjoy the game the way I do - and I'm an older person. I suggest you wait and see, because DB always comes up with awesome stuff. I remember the first time I had a Voyage, and was amazed how exciting it was. They have plans for more, let us see what happens next. «Turen Counterpoint»
Admiral Turen Counterpoint at Avalon's Galactic Armada and Captain of the U.S.S. Divinity
Give DB a break and some time.. I think what they've done thus far is awe-inspiring. If you don't like the ads, just ignore them, I do. I paid the monthly dilithium charge (30 days) and am quite happy with that. I do wish it got me a bit more dilithium. It's a great work in evolution. I think some, after playing a while, take it for granted. Think of all those series and movies, characters (with real actors behind them,) and everything else put in, integrated together. I think we are very fortunate to have it at all. Granted, I look forward to more, even if it happens at impulse power, I'm looking forward to "what's next." Think of those that pitch in money, as those that need to because they are new or younger than you or I, may have a difficult schedule, or just aren't adept as some other players. Those that pitch in a lot, in good conscience, should consider if they are actually a good player, using money to beat other players, which to me seems unfair. Also, I have Attention Deficit Order, like many others these days, so I could see how putting money in could make it more interesting. But even with ADD, I'm astounded I enjoy the game the way I do - and I'm an older person. I suggest you wait and see, because DB always comes up with awesome stuff. I remember the first time I had a Voyage, and was amazed how exciting it was. They have plans for more, let us see what happens next. «Turen Counterpoint»
Good post bro. I will say that the reason I spend money is to improve my game experience, not to destroy other players. Yes, my final game goal is to win an event but it’s not from the perspective of destroying everyone, it’s from the perspective of winning an event.
You know those popup announcements folks get when we start up the game? Make it so fleet admirals' daily message for the fleet does that too, as a separate fleet announcements window!
1. Ability to lock out star base rooms
2. FADMs should be able to demote/promote Squad Leaders
3. Ship ability upgrade rooms (shields, evasion, attack - perhaps 5 lvls for each increasing from 1% to 5%)
4. Remove timers from cadet challenges
5. Increase VIP reward structure
Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
I came here with a bit of a complaint, only to find that others seem to share my dismay.
I have reached a level where I am stuck between trying to complete the leveling of four and five star crew members, but sometimes it takes days of away-team missions to get the one type of component I need. Additionally, the Dabo wheel never awards any items other than common trash. Never. Not once. And I've wasted dilithium there. Until I can immortalize some of these crew members stuck in Limbo, I cannot accept new crew. The game is quite boring like this. I know the objective is to get players to buy more and more dilithium, but this is getting ridiculous. This game will go the same way as Game of Thrones Ascent.
You know those popup announcements folks get when we start up the game? Make it so fleet admirals' daily message for the fleet does that too, as a separate fleet announcements window!
I would love that. It'd make the messages I send to my fleet much more of a priority for them to see, and harder to miss. The game chat defficiencies mean that I can't rely on it AT ALL to send messages to players who might be offline for another couple mins to few hours. Popup messages such as this would help, too.
Have you been naughty? Playing with yourself again? Has another fleet touched you in bad ways? Don’t worry, we will train you…. Gently. Light bondage only. Bring your own handcuffs, though…. We don’t supply them.
We’re not those other guys. Here we shower often, and we treat our members like family. We know how to whip some serious tail, yet no one is left to shiver out in the cold. If you need advice, help, strategy, tips or anything at all…. I and my officers are here to help you.
Currently, we're looking for more good people to enjoy the game with us, and we offer a TON to our members, in return. We prefer level 50 members and above. Lower level players than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
We use the DISCORD app for all our fleet chats (it's free). We're much better organized than many other top-tier fleets in the game, while a heck of a lot more relaxed and much more fun to be a part of. I have numerous other former fleet Admirals who joined me, and we have a world of knowledge and experience to share with you. Sure, we all love the game, and we enjoy playing it often; but we're also a fun family of kooky friends from around the world, who enjoy playing the game together. On top of playing, we also hang out often and share plenty of good laughs, an excellent supportive environment and one another's company.
It's OK if you don't play every day. You don’t have to be a daily player, but the more you play the more fun you’ll have with us. So long as you let me know ahead of time whenever you know you're going to be offline from the game for five days or more, I won't kick you for inactivity. You can send me that message on DISCORD at any time you need to; it takes only a moment. That rule helps keep our fleet as active as possible.
All Captains MUST have a name other than just “Captain” so that others may recognize you. We have no drama, but instead are a close-knit group of good people who treat each other as if we’re both friends & family.
WE’RE ALMOST ALL VERY HIGHLY ACTIVE, and help is never far whenever you might need it, at any stage of the game, nearly 24/7. Whatever your skill level, we can help you.
If you are interested in joining our fleet, please feel free to message me and I will be glad to assist you.
Free steak & Lobster available from our resident chef upon joining (alternate meal suggestions are possible), drinks available through our in-house bartender/barista/host. Please be sure to tip your wait staff. They're nuts, but they're worth it.
Give DB a break and some time.. I think what they've done thus far is awe-inspiring..... It's a great work in evolution. I think some, after playing a while, take it for granted.... I think we are very fortunate to have it at all. Granted, I look forward to more, even if it happens at impulse power, I'm looking forward to "what's next."... I'm astounded I enjoy the game the way I do - and I'm an older person. I suggest you wait and see, because DB always comes up with awesome stuff. I remember the first time I had a Voyage, and was amazed how exciting it was. They have plans for more, let us see what happens next. «Turen Counterpoint»
These are excellent points. Seems like I've been playing this game forever, and I'm no spring chicken, myself. The only exception I have to your post is that the game has been around for quite some time now, and there are so many aspects of it that could still be improved. Customer service isn't as good today as it was a while back. It used to be, they were quicker to respond and better in how they handled problems reported by players. Now, they're quicker to say "prove it with screen shots" while not necessarily providing the best resolution, by comparison.
I'm sure DB listens, but not enough, to us, the players, for input and suggestions for improvement. Yes, it's certainly true that they do a great job keeping the game up and bringing us more and more enjoyment out of as time goes on..... it still could be better though. I firmly believe that if they acted more upon the input suggested by players in this game, it would make it more interactive between developers and players. That in itself, would be even more special than it already is. The game is great, yet as there's always room for improvement, look around the discussion boards and you'll see a TON of great ideas that so many people wish would be incorporated.
Have you been naughty? Playing with yourself again? Has another fleet touched you in bad ways? Don’t worry, we will train you…. Gently. Light bondage only. Bring your own handcuffs, though…. We don’t supply them.
We’re not those other guys. Here we shower often, and we treat our members like family. We know how to whip some serious tail, yet no one is left to shiver out in the cold. If you need advice, help, strategy, tips or anything at all…. I and my officers are here to help you.
Currently, we're looking for more good people to enjoy the game with us, and we offer a TON to our members, in return. We prefer level 50 members and above. Lower level players than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
We use the DISCORD app for all our fleet chats (it's free). We're much better organized than many other top-tier fleets in the game, while a heck of a lot more relaxed and much more fun to be a part of. I have numerous other former fleet Admirals who joined me, and we have a world of knowledge and experience to share with you. Sure, we all love the game, and we enjoy playing it often; but we're also a fun family of kooky friends from around the world, who enjoy playing the game together. On top of playing, we also hang out often and share plenty of good laughs, an excellent supportive environment and one another's company.
It's OK if you don't play every day. You don’t have to be a daily player, but the more you play the more fun you’ll have with us. So long as you let me know ahead of time whenever you know you're going to be offline from the game for five days or more, I won't kick you for inactivity. You can send me that message on DISCORD at any time you need to; it takes only a moment. That rule helps keep our fleet as active as possible.
All Captains MUST have a name other than just “Captain” so that others may recognize you. We have no drama, but instead are a close-knit group of good people who treat each other as if we’re both friends & family.
WE’RE ALMOST ALL VERY HIGHLY ACTIVE, and help is never far whenever you might need it, at any stage of the game, nearly 24/7. Whatever your skill level, we can help you.
If you are interested in joining our fleet, please feel free to message me and I will be glad to assist you.
Free steak & Lobster available from our resident chef upon joining (alternate meal suggestions are possible), drinks available through our in-house bartender/barista/host. Please be sure to tip your wait staff. They're nuts, but they're worth it.
I agree their service was incredibly wonderful or as I put it:"Stellar" help.They still are, from my perspective, doing great stuff, only the mega event has possibly slowed them slightly. I find they are always quite helpful and even correcting things, like even if its my own fault, these days as well. If they could respond more quickly, it may be of help, but I'm not complaining. Patience can be a virtue. I also caution players not to abuse their niceness; for it may go away if people try to get stuff they don't truly deserve. The screen shot thing says to me there's a hint of skeptism. The truth is: as with anything, they can always do better, but maybe you're not thinking of how much worse the game could be. I long for more, yet I'm having fun in the present. Haven't lost a space battle (battel) yet - not bragging because my standing is not-so-great. Love the new - present - event. Best battles if you're in the event, which I highly recommend; I had reservations about it, thinking it would be too tough, but it seems very worth while to me. Lastly, think people get the idea that DB does add to the game, which is great, only it make take some time to add the kind of stuff - which maybe too fantastical - people crave of the game; give it time..if they rush too much, we may wind up with something less than stellar added. (DB, I have a great architecture app. that stores all my works on the cloud - it's 3D too, which is called 5d.)
All the Best Treks to All,
Admiral Turen Counterpoint at Avalon's Galactic Armada and Captain of the U.S.S. Divinity
Ranked Rewards:
We should have the option to pick either the current 5* character as an event reward (top 1000 finish) or the following weeks 5* character. If I pull a 5* from that weeks event pack I would rather put another star on that weeks 5* crew.s
it would be nice to see at least the top 1000 in an event. in many cases seeing how many points it would take to get to top 1000 would be nice because then i can see if i even have a chance at getting there. if not i don’t want to waste my time trying. right i can only see top 50 and the 50 around my current rank.
Hard to get resources like Holoprogram, Science Lessons, Single Pot Whiskey should be added to more places and their cost should be reduced so it's easy to get and to fuse a character. It is so hard to fully fuse a legendary character, especially when you have one item or more to fuse.
I'd like the ability to claim all my 1-off "Free" Crew and/or Boosts from the Time Portal with a single click or click-and-hold - e.g. see: https: //www.dropbox.com/s/ct9qcrtqzcygwyr/STTL_suggestion_01.jpg?dl=0 (remove space after ':' - I don't have enough "age" or "cred" to inline the image here - sorry)
It would save a bunch of time - and I'm not sure there's really a time when you would not want to get them all (not the Kits, just the Boosts and Crew).
2) Holodecks maybe also at the starbase, possibly this is redundant, but you could then team up with fellow players via of fleet etc.? Like maybe at Deep Space Nine, you could have a holonovel adventure, at Quark's, with anyone who is around?
3) A ship or ships that travel both to places and times.
4) A beacon or anchor to recall your ship, even if on a Voyage, back to Earth or Starbase (or somewhere else?)
5) Maybe - also perhaps redundant - a portal at my base, not only for space and time travel, but for pulls I've earned, such as through successful holonovel adventures, with other rewards along the way and on completion.
6) With the ability to travel time and great expanses of space, many new places to explore.
7) Away missions with a beam down or over to a planet or another ship.
-Turen, Happy Trekking!
Admiral Turen Counterpoint at Avalon's Galactic Armada and Captain of the U.S.S. Divinity
When it’s comes to event, I suggest we are able to search for a crew instead of having to scroll to get to a certain crew. They have improved on this by having the most important crew on top but it’s still not 100%.
I've got some quality-of-life changes I'd like to see:
Let me choose a level to go to when leveling someone up. I don't want to have to keep tapping a holoprogram (with its message out to the server) a bunch of times to go up a level. I know I can tap and hold, but I don't want to calculate how many holoprograms to use. Let the computer figure out the best way to level someone up. Hint - this level is almost always a multiple of 10.
I bought a monthly card to get VIP 1 specifically to get Warp 1 (before it was given to everyone). Honestly, I would have quit the game if I had to manually do missions over and over and over. But really, I'm not running the mission to run the mission. I'm running it to get a certain piece of gear. Let me select which gear I want, and how many, and automatically run until I get it or run out of chrons.
When I am running multiple missions, I want to keep going until get x of a certain item. But the order items are displayed is poor. I don't care at all about training programs or starbase components from missions. Order the items received by rarity - rarest first - so I can see if I got what I wanted without having to parse the list.
When I'm drilling down to find some gearthat I need to make something, and get the list of missions, it takes a while to come up the first time. I'm assuming it's going to the server to get the list of missions that drop this particular item. That is very inefficient, having to do that over and over and over, each time I launch. Instead, have all the data come in 1 drop. When the game starts up have it download the data. Checksum it, and compare the checksum on the client with the checksum on the server. If it hasn't changed, use the data the client already has. If it has changed, download the new data.
Fix the lists of missions for all items. The lists should be sorted by the highest chance per chron spent. Basic Science Experiment has a cost per unit of 40.5 from Not A Drop to Drink, but 58.8 from Operation Isolate, according to stt.wiki . But Operation Isolate is first on the list. Also, put Cadet Challenges on the list if they're active that day.
Let me Warp Cadet Challenges! Most of the time I don't bother doing them because I'm tired of having to do the same thing over and over and over... . This will also let us freeze 2* and 3* characters, effectively giving us more crew slots, without costing anything on the server.
The Factions screen has factions buttons across the top. I can click on one to go to that Faction's center. But it doesn't tell me what Faction it is. Please add that to the confirmation screen. I find it hard to remember that the Star symbol and Regula 1 mean Augments. I find myself scrolling the missions to find the Faction I want, then trying to match the symbol with the button on the top.
I want to do my free Dabo spin and my ad for a spin every day. I'm not sure when the ad resets, though. I get that you only want to have 1 ad based spin per day. If you reset that at the same time Dabo resets, you'll achieve the same thing, and people won't be confused as to when they'll be able to watch an ad for the spin.
Weekly events have crew that provide a bonus. Sometimes the description of the crew is incorrect or incomplete. For example, we had an event where any Starfleet Captain provided a bonus. Captain Proton Paris is Starfleet and his name says Captain, but he didn't provide a bonus. Rura Penthe Kirk does not say he's a Captain, but he did provide a bonus. Please give us a way in game to see which crew provide a bonus for the current event (or upcoming in the 24 hours before event start). Something like a button in the vault.
I've got some quality-of-life changes I'd like to see:
Let me choose a level to go to when leveling someone up. I don't want to have to keep tapping a holoprogram (with its message out to the server) a bunch of times to go up a level. I know I can tap and hold, but I don't want to calculate how many holoprograms to use. Let the computer figure out the best way to level someone up. Hint - this level is almost always a multiple of 10.
I memorized the following to help with this problem. Disclaimer: these numbers will need to be adjusted based on collection bonuses for trainer efficiency.
Level 1 - 10 1* trainers to level 8
Level 8 - 37 1* trainers to level 20
Level 20 - 65 2* trainers to level 30
Level 30 - 49 3* trainers to level 40
Level 40 - 94 3* trainers to level 50
Level 50 - 33 4* trainers to level 60
Level 60 - 10 5* trainers to level 70
Level 70 - 18 5* trainers to level 80
Level 80 - 26 5* trainers to level 90
Level 90 - 42ish 5* trainers to level 100
Each of these will clear the daily trainer use and leveling requirements as well as unlocking all four equipment slots.
Possibly, it is time for Warp 11 to exist. Technology doth move foreward, so its a natural innovation: Warp 11. In looking for items, spending those all precious chronitons, it could perhaps give you 1 extra set of items? Speed could be faster, so a Voyage would take less time. Could it maybe break the - not the sound barrier - but the time barrier, causing you to travel faster (perhaps also allowing for time travel would be a way to go?) Just a random thought.
More generally speaking, what other technologies could be created, or found from the future? Bigger, better, and/or new what? Enhancing already existing ships, new or better items, ...maybe anything that can be improved upon, within reason, will be - that is eventually?
May The Galaxy Favor Your Treks!
Turen Counterpoint (Avalon's Galactic Armada)
Admiral Turen Counterpoint at Avalon's Galactic Armada and Captain of the U.S.S. Divinity
I have an itchy notion: My replicator wants to produce dilithium? Lol? Okay, so that's not likely to happen, but alternative sources of ship currency or ship fuel could be a possibility, hence, driving the price down. Capitalism 101. I couldn't come up with other good names for other engine fuels, but maybe something like: Tritanium? Also, maybe more currencies could be employed, such as gold-pressed latinum. Exchanges between the currencies might help too.
To The Stars With You,
Admiral Turen Counterpoint at Avalon's Galactic Armada and Captain of the U.S.S. Divinity
I'd like - I don't if anyone else would but - to be able to create my own bridge, possibly for different ships. Here's a very basic: for example:
I designed this, not to toot my own horn, just to show it is possible. Best Treks! -Turen
Admiral Turen Counterpoint at Avalon's Galactic Armada and Captain of the U.S.S. Divinity
I was actually going to start a thread, but seems i can put my idea here.
1st, i would like to see a change to fleet structure where there is a Vice-Admiral and Admiral so that in the event of real life natural disaster or medical emergencies there is a secondary command to continue the fleet. I have seen, unfortunately, a fleet loose its Admiral. When this happens u have a non active player, no acess to fleet changes, or the fleet looses all the work they put into there starbase and must start a new fleet. There should be an option for secondary command that the Admiral, creator of the fleet, can assign to take there place in the event of sudden unforeseen circumstance.
2nd continuing to push new forms of currency IE; intel, shuttle tokens, expedition tokens, merits, honor, dilithium, credits and sooo on, its all too much. So confusing especially for new players. And why do we even need credits? If you have already used chrons to collect the supplies, why have a second currency to build the item. Its basically double charging. I suggest doing away with credits all together, and giving more merit rewards for faction centers.
3rd in order to attract new players and keep veteran players i would suggest limiting the cost. Many players now, wont even start this game bcuz they have been warned off due to cost. Veteran players are leaving due to cost.
4th lets fix the glitches, outages, and slow to load problems before we keep creating more things, which cause more glitches. The additions have been great (except increased amt of currency), lets stop making new things for a minute and fix the glitches first. This is another reason some ppl from my fleet have quit the game.
Un-attended system failures, glitches, and increased cost is why many ppl have quit in the last 6 mo.
5th, slow the role of new crew. And maybe also slow the role on events. Its a constant grind to keep up. Its a game. We are supposed to be having fun, not stressing on crew slots, or event placement every weekend. Many people do like reruns. It gives new players the chance to obtain older crew, gives veterans a chance to complete/fully fuse crew. Why is every event, every week having 4 crew average? Maybe have events every other week or role out only 1 or 2 new crew in events. Use more existing crew.
And lastly, the 5* reward for the following week event was a really bad idea. Most players do not like it, there are no stats, no event info, nobody knows if they want this reward or not. Then once they see the stats they feel robbed for wasting so many supplies when they find out they really didnt need that 5*.
Edit: The above is not directed at the OP, just in case that wasn't clear.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Have you been naughty? Playing with yourself again? Has another fleet touched you in bad ways? Don’t worry, we will train you…. Gently. Light bondage only. Bring your own handcuffs, though…. We don’t supply them.
We’re not those other guys. Here we shower often, and we treat our members like family. We know how to whip some serious tail, yet no one is left to shiver out in the cold. If you need advice, help, strategy, tips or anything at all…. I and my officers are here to help you.
Currently, we're looking for more good people to enjoy the game with us, and we offer a TON to our members, in return. We prefer level 50 members and above. Lower level players than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
We use the DISCORD app for all our fleet chats (it's free). We're much better organized than many other top-tier fleets in the game, while a heck of a lot more relaxed and much more fun to be a part of. I have numerous other former fleet Admirals who joined me, and we have a world of knowledge and experience to share with you. Sure, we all love the game, and we enjoy playing it often; but we're also a fun family of kooky friends from around the world, who enjoy playing the game together. On top of playing, we also hang out often and share plenty of good laughs, an excellent supportive environment and one another's company.
It's OK if you don't play every day. You don’t have to be a daily player, but the more you play the more fun you’ll have with us. So long as you let me know ahead of time whenever you know you're going to be offline from the game for five days or more, I won't kick you for inactivity. You can send me that message on DISCORD at any time you need to; it takes only a moment. That rule helps keep our fleet as active as possible.
All Captains MUST have a name other than just “Captain” so that others may recognize you. We have no drama, but instead are a close-knit group of good people who treat each other as if we’re both friends & family.
WE’RE ALMOST ALL VERY HIGHLY ACTIVE, and help is never far whenever you might need it, at any stage of the game, nearly 24/7. Whatever your skill level, we can help you.
If you are interested in joining our fleet, please feel free to message me and I will be glad to assist you.
Free steak & Lobster available from our resident chef upon joining (alternate meal suggestions are possible), drinks available through our in-house bartender/barista/host. Please be sure to tip your wait staff. They're nuts, but they're worth it.
Good post bro. I will say that the reason I spend money is to improve my game experience, not to destroy other players. Yes, my final game goal is to win an event but it’s not from the perspective of destroying everyone, it’s from the perspective of winning an event.
2. FADMs should be able to demote/promote Squad Leaders
3. Ship ability upgrade rooms (shields, evasion, attack - perhaps 5 lvls for each increasing from 1% to 5%)
4. Remove timers from cadet challenges
5. Increase VIP reward structure
I have reached a level where I am stuck between trying to complete the leveling of four and five star crew members, but sometimes it takes days of away-team missions to get the one type of component I need. Additionally, the Dabo wheel never awards any items other than common trash. Never. Not once. And I've wasted dilithium there. Until I can immortalize some of these crew members stuck in Limbo, I cannot accept new crew. The game is quite boring like this. I know the objective is to get players to buy more and more dilithium, but this is getting ridiculous. This game will go the same way as Game of Thrones Ascent.
Send a request to Customer Service. I did the same, sent them 3 options (2 were already taken) and they changed it for me
I would love that. It'd make the messages I send to my fleet much more of a priority for them to see, and harder to miss. The game chat defficiencies mean that I can't rely on it AT ALL to send messages to players who might be offline for another couple mins to few hours. Popup messages such as this would help, too.
Have you been naughty? Playing with yourself again? Has another fleet touched you in bad ways? Don’t worry, we will train you…. Gently. Light bondage only. Bring your own handcuffs, though…. We don’t supply them.
We’re not those other guys. Here we shower often, and we treat our members like family. We know how to whip some serious tail, yet no one is left to shiver out in the cold. If you need advice, help, strategy, tips or anything at all…. I and my officers are here to help you.
Currently, we're looking for more good people to enjoy the game with us, and we offer a TON to our members, in return. We prefer level 50 members and above. Lower level players than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
We use the DISCORD app for all our fleet chats (it's free). We're much better organized than many other top-tier fleets in the game, while a heck of a lot more relaxed and much more fun to be a part of. I have numerous other former fleet Admirals who joined me, and we have a world of knowledge and experience to share with you. Sure, we all love the game, and we enjoy playing it often; but we're also a fun family of kooky friends from around the world, who enjoy playing the game together. On top of playing, we also hang out often and share plenty of good laughs, an excellent supportive environment and one another's company.
It's OK if you don't play every day. You don’t have to be a daily player, but the more you play the more fun you’ll have with us. So long as you let me know ahead of time whenever you know you're going to be offline from the game for five days or more, I won't kick you for inactivity. You can send me that message on DISCORD at any time you need to; it takes only a moment. That rule helps keep our fleet as active as possible.
All Captains MUST have a name other than just “Captain” so that others may recognize you. We have no drama, but instead are a close-knit group of good people who treat each other as if we’re both friends & family.
WE’RE ALMOST ALL VERY HIGHLY ACTIVE, and help is never far whenever you might need it, at any stage of the game, nearly 24/7. Whatever your skill level, we can help you.
If you are interested in joining our fleet, please feel free to message me and I will be glad to assist you.
Free steak & Lobster available from our resident chef upon joining (alternate meal suggestions are possible), drinks available through our in-house bartender/barista/host. Please be sure to tip your wait staff. They're nuts, but they're worth it.
These are excellent points. Seems like I've been playing this game forever, and I'm no spring chicken, myself. The only exception I have to your post is that the game has been around for quite some time now, and there are so many aspects of it that could still be improved. Customer service isn't as good today as it was a while back. It used to be, they were quicker to respond and better in how they handled problems reported by players. Now, they're quicker to say "prove it with screen shots" while not necessarily providing the best resolution, by comparison.
I'm sure DB listens, but not enough, to us, the players, for input and suggestions for improvement. Yes, it's certainly true that they do a great job keeping the game up and bringing us more and more enjoyment out of as time goes on..... it still could be better though. I firmly believe that if they acted more upon the input suggested by players in this game, it would make it more interactive between developers and players. That in itself, would be even more special than it already is. The game is great, yet as there's always room for improvement, look around the discussion boards and you'll see a TON of great ideas that so many people wish would be incorporated.
Have you been naughty? Playing with yourself again? Has another fleet touched you in bad ways? Don’t worry, we will train you…. Gently. Light bondage only. Bring your own handcuffs, though…. We don’t supply them.
We’re not those other guys. Here we shower often, and we treat our members like family. We know how to whip some serious tail, yet no one is left to shiver out in the cold. If you need advice, help, strategy, tips or anything at all…. I and my officers are here to help you.
Currently, we're looking for more good people to enjoy the game with us, and we offer a TON to our members, in return. We prefer level 50 members and above. Lower level players than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
We use the DISCORD app for all our fleet chats (it's free). We're much better organized than many other top-tier fleets in the game, while a heck of a lot more relaxed and much more fun to be a part of. I have numerous other former fleet Admirals who joined me, and we have a world of knowledge and experience to share with you. Sure, we all love the game, and we enjoy playing it often; but we're also a fun family of kooky friends from around the world, who enjoy playing the game together. On top of playing, we also hang out often and share plenty of good laughs, an excellent supportive environment and one another's company.
It's OK if you don't play every day. You don’t have to be a daily player, but the more you play the more fun you’ll have with us. So long as you let me know ahead of time whenever you know you're going to be offline from the game for five days or more, I won't kick you for inactivity. You can send me that message on DISCORD at any time you need to; it takes only a moment. That rule helps keep our fleet as active as possible.
All Captains MUST have a name other than just “Captain” so that others may recognize you. We have no drama, but instead are a close-knit group of good people who treat each other as if we’re both friends & family.
WE’RE ALMOST ALL VERY HIGHLY ACTIVE, and help is never far whenever you might need it, at any stage of the game, nearly 24/7. Whatever your skill level, we can help you.
If you are interested in joining our fleet, please feel free to message me and I will be glad to assist you.
Free steak & Lobster available from our resident chef upon joining (alternate meal suggestions are possible), drinks available through our in-house bartender/barista/host. Please be sure to tip your wait staff. They're nuts, but they're worth it.
All the Best Treks to All,
We should have the option to pick either the current 5* character as an event reward (top 1000 finish) or the following weeks 5* character. If I pull a 5* from that weeks event pack I would rather put another star on that weeks 5* crew.s
It would save a bunch of time - and I'm not sure there's really a time when you would not want to get them all (not the Kits, just the Boosts and Crew).
1) Holodecks on my ship and or ships.
2) Holodecks maybe also at the starbase, possibly this is redundant, but you could then team up with fellow players via of fleet etc.? Like maybe at Deep Space Nine, you could have a holonovel adventure, at Quark's, with anyone who is around?
3) A ship or ships that travel both to places and times.
4) A beacon or anchor to recall your ship, even if on a Voyage, back to Earth or Starbase (or somewhere else?)
5) Maybe - also perhaps redundant - a portal at my base, not only for space and time travel, but for pulls I've earned, such as through successful holonovel adventures, with other rewards along the way and on completion.
6) With the ability to travel time and great expanses of space, many new places to explore.
7) Away missions with a beam down or over to a planet or another ship.
-Turen, Happy Trekking!
This was covered in another thread I think.
I memorized the following to help with this problem. Disclaimer: these numbers will need to be adjusted based on collection bonuses for trainer efficiency.
Level 1 - 10 1* trainers to level 8
Level 8 - 37 1* trainers to level 20
Level 20 - 65 2* trainers to level 30
Level 30 - 49 3* trainers to level 40
Level 40 - 94 3* trainers to level 50
Level 50 - 33 4* trainers to level 60
Level 60 - 10 5* trainers to level 70
Level 70 - 18 5* trainers to level 80
Level 80 - 26 5* trainers to level 90
Level 90 - 42ish 5* trainers to level 100
Each of these will clear the daily trainer use and leveling requirements as well as unlocking all four equipment slots.
Possibly, it is time for Warp 11 to exist. Technology doth move foreward, so its a natural innovation: Warp 11. In looking for items, spending those all precious chronitons, it could perhaps give you 1 extra set of items? Speed could be faster, so a Voyage would take less time. Could it maybe break the - not the sound barrier - but the time barrier, causing you to travel faster (perhaps also allowing for time travel would be a way to go?) Just a random thought.
More generally speaking, what other technologies could be created, or found from the future? Bigger, better, and/or new what? Enhancing already existing ships, new or better items, ...maybe anything that can be improved upon, within reason, will be - that is eventually?
May The Galaxy Favor Your Treks!
Turen Counterpoint (Avalon's Galactic Armada)
I have an itchy notion: My replicator wants to produce dilithium? Lol? Okay, so that's not likely to happen, but alternative sources of ship currency or ship fuel could be a possibility, hence, driving the price down. Capitalism 101. I couldn't come up with other good names for other engine fuels, but maybe something like: Tritanium? Also, maybe more currencies could be employed, such as gold-pressed latinum. Exchanges between the currencies might help too.
To The Stars With You,
I'd like - I don't if anyone else would but - to be able to create my own bridge, possibly for different ships. Here's a very basic: for example:
I designed this, not to toot my own horn, just to show it is possible. Best Treks! -Turen
GoT Chief Communications Officer
1st, i would like to see a change to fleet structure where there is a Vice-Admiral and Admiral so that in the event of real life natural disaster or medical emergencies there is a secondary command to continue the fleet. I have seen, unfortunately, a fleet loose its Admiral. When this happens u have a non active player, no acess to fleet changes, or the fleet looses all the work they put into there starbase and must start a new fleet. There should be an option for secondary command that the Admiral, creator of the fleet, can assign to take there place in the event of sudden unforeseen circumstance.
2nd continuing to push new forms of currency IE; intel, shuttle tokens, expedition tokens, merits, honor, dilithium, credits and sooo on, its all too much. So confusing especially for new players. And why do we even need credits? If you have already used chrons to collect the supplies, why have a second currency to build the item. Its basically double charging. I suggest doing away with credits all together, and giving more merit rewards for faction centers.
3rd in order to attract new players and keep veteran players i would suggest limiting the cost. Many players now, wont even start this game bcuz they have been warned off due to cost. Veteran players are leaving due to cost.
4th lets fix the glitches, outages, and slow to load problems before we keep creating more things, which cause more glitches. The additions have been great (except increased amt of currency), lets stop making new things for a minute and fix the glitches first. This is another reason some ppl from my fleet have quit the game.
Un-attended system failures, glitches, and increased cost is why many ppl have quit in the last 6 mo.
5th, slow the role of new crew. And maybe also slow the role on events. Its a constant grind to keep up. Its a game. We are supposed to be having fun, not stressing on crew slots, or event placement every weekend. Many people do like reruns. It gives new players the chance to obtain older crew, gives veterans a chance to complete/fully fuse crew. Why is every event, every week having 4 crew average? Maybe have events every other week or role out only 1 or 2 new crew in events. Use more existing crew.
And lastly, the 5* reward for the following week event was a really bad idea. Most players do not like it, there are no stats, no event info, nobody knows if they want this reward or not. Then once they see the stats they feel robbed for wasting so many supplies when they find out they really didnt need that 5*.