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Yet another botch-up!!



  • Mark DMark D ✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    But, again I'll say it, you NEVER take stuff back, even if mistakenly given out extras. At this this once DB didn't do that, even though they again showed their stinginess and contempt of players by making sure no possible extras got distributed.

    I totally disagree with this point. In fact, in most real world situations the exact opposite is true, there have been situations where people who have been wrongly credited money by mistake have actually been sent to prison for spending it. In this case it is legally considered to be theft.

    An email had been sent out previously explaining what the rewards would be for the various tiers. All players would have known what they were expecting as compensation (this was made clear by the number of posts raised when the wrong compensation was sent out).

    Any player who wrongly got the copy of Data would have known that it was a mistake (although a quickly sent out email informing users of the mistake would have been the best and most obvious solution) and should have known that they run the risk of the item being removed. I believe that this was the case when a recent pack wrongly gave out DIL.

    The worst solution was the one we actually got, where some players who incorrectly got the Data got to keep him and then they also got the honour (so essentially they got the same reward as top finishers), while players who didn't win the random Data in the lottery got the shaft.

    We now have the situation where someone who didn't even play the galaxy part (and therefore did not suffer the problem in the first place) got better compensation than the person who spent hours grinding only to finish just outside the top 1500. Anyone who feels that is in anyway fair really needs to look the word up in the dictionary as they don't have a clue.

    As some one with a 1/5 Captain Silva that came in at 1577 I agree with you. However I am running out of energy to be bothered about it. As far as I am concerned the compensation scheme is based on a flawed logic. Even so from DS's point of view it makes sense. It is in theory easier to implement scheme in the form they did rather than an analysis based on who had what. The number of people that the scheme fails to adequately compensate is quite small and dwarfed by the number that will get more than they expected. It is unlikely therefore that they will DB will be that interested, and unlike the polywater yar case there will not be enough people inadequately compensated to make enough noise or impact for DB to become interested. It is not right but it is reality.
  • Mark D wrote: »

    As some one with a 1/5 Captain Silva that came in at 1577 I agree with you. However I am running out of energy to be bothered about it. As far as I am concerned the compensation scheme is based on a flawed logic. Even so from DS's point of view it makes sense. It is in theory easier to implement scheme in the form they did rather than an analysis based on who had what. The number of people that the scheme fails to adequately compensate is quite small and dwarfed by the number that will get more than they expected. It is unlikely therefore that they will DB will be that interested, and unlike the polywater yar case there will not be enough people inadequately compensated to make enough noise or impact for DB to become interested. It is not right but it is reality.

    I agree on this, but even with the solution they implemented and with the mistake in the compensations, I think they could have easily avoided most of the anger and unsatisfaction that people are still airing on the forum.

    First of all, they could have made a 4 tiers compensation:
    1) rank 1-50: legendary citation (so most people who had already immortalized him, wouldn't have had to go through CS because of it)
    2) rank 50-1500: Data
    3) rank 1500-3000 (or 4000 or whatever may seem reasonable): 36000 or 27000 honor (so people who may have wanted to rank high or had lots of event crew but stopped playing after the faction part wouldn't get the same compensation as someone who almost didn't play at all).
    4) everyone below: 18000 honor

    After the mistake they could have:
    1) figured out who got Data by mistake and not sent them 18000 honor in addition to it
    2) sent 18000 honor to everyone below 1500.

  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    But, again I'll say it, you NEVER take stuff back, even if mistakenly given out extras. At this this once DB didn't do that, even though they again showed their stinginess and contempt of players by making sure no possible extras got distributed.
    The worst solution was the one we actually got, where some players who incorrectly got the Data got to keep him and then they also got the honour (so essentially they got the same reward as top finishers), while players who didn't win the random Data in the lottery got the shaft.
    I agree here, but I congratulate thouse who got a free data/honour for doing next to little. Really though, I just wish DB would 'fix' their tools designed to do this kind of thing. I mean how difficult can it be to get things right first time. Its not like this is an isolated incident as they keep making botchups and often the solution is worse than if they had just done nothing.

    Really though, I think when they realised there was an issue, they should have just held the event and had a considered response as to what to do. Key point though really is adequate communication.

    DB: Do Better
  • Mark D wrote: »

    As some one with a 1/5 Captain Silva that came in at 1577 I agree with you. However I am running out of energy to be bothered about it. As far as I am concerned the compensation scheme is based on a flawed logic. Even so from DS's point of view it makes sense. It is in theory easier to implement scheme in the form they did rather than an analysis based on who had what. The number of people that the scheme fails to adequately compensate is quite small and dwarfed by the number that will get more than they expected. It is unlikely therefore that they will DB will be that interested, and unlike the polywater yar case there will not be enough people inadequately compensated to make enough noise or impact for DB to become interested. It is not right but it is reality.

    I agree on this, but even with the solution they implemented and with the mistake in the compensations, I think they could have easily avoided most of the anger and unsatisfaction that people are still airing on the forum.

    First of all, they could have made a 4 tiers compensation:
    1) rank 1-50: legendary citation (so most people who had already immortalized him, wouldn't have had to go through CS because of it)
    2) rank 50-1500: Data
    3) rank 1500-3000 (or 4000 or whatever may seem reasonable): 36000 or 27000 honor (so people who may have wanted to rank high or had lots of event crew but stopped playing after the faction part wouldn't get the same compensation as someone who almost didn't play at all).
    4) everyone below: 18000 honor

    After the mistake they could have:
    1) figured out who got Data by mistake and not sent them 18000 honor in addition to it
    2) sent 18000 honor to everyone below 1500.

    I could have lived with your scheme.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    OMG!!!! CS is driving me mad. Even the supervisor doesn't get that I IMO Data before the compensation was announced.

    "You got an extra Data, you have been compensated". Thanks for the 450 Honors DB. Digging your grave by pissing off your contributor (VIP14 x3). Wallet closed for good

    Not sure how the ticket was worded, but they might respond better if it asked to undo the cite use and never mention event compensation rather than swap the data for a cite. Puts it into a bucket of reversing a user action rather than a change to the event issue compensation. This shouldn’t matter but it is a call center type situation.
  • Roadrunner {SG-66}Roadrunner {SG-66} ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Don’t they realize that we are sending each other CS messages in LINE or Discord?!?

    They are sending the same copy&paste messages to anyone that opens a ticket. They are not reading anything.

    Well done DB
  • Paladin 27 wrote: »
    OMG!!!! CS is driving me mad. Even the supervisor doesn't get that I IMO Data before the compensation was announced.

    "You got an extra Data,

    you have been compensated". Thanks for the 450 Honors DB. Digging your grave by pissing off your contributor (VIP14 x3). Wallet closed for good

    Not sure how the ticket was worded, but they might respond better if it asked to undo the cite use and never mention event compensation rather than swap the data for a cite. Puts it into a bucket of reversing a user action rather than a change to the event issue compensation. This shouldn’t matter but it is a call center type situation.

    That’s exactly what I asked for. But as I mentioned in my earlier message, they are not reading anything you put in your ticket. Just sending the same canned messages in every tickets.
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    I'm fairly satisfied with how this comedy of errors was handled, and I can't be too bothered wih a few of the wrong people receiving a free Data. A choice was made there not to take stuff after it has been given and I can live with that.

    However the merciless handling of people who have already FF'd Data before the extra Data was sent it is troubling. It shows us a very much out of touch CS, and an out of touch DB by the lack of response to it. In the past we have seen people like Shan intervene in ticket handling. That this is not happening now looks like this is what was intended, and I have a hard time understanding that part. These are after all the most loyal and paying customers they're treating like dirt :-(

    I do so hope I'm wrong on that last part
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Star Trek Fleet Command is about to come out. It's time to see if another game can scratch that Star Trek itch.
    I'm not a big fan of the Kelvin timeline however, id be willing to give it a try.

    DB: Do Better
  • I started budgeting my STT spend after having to fight with CS to even read my damn ticket about my missing gold citations. This week's STT budget was diverted to Star Trek Trexels. It's kind of a stupid game, but at least it works without major issues. The story missions are fun. It's nice to be in a Star Trek environment with actual gameplay, too.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • ZEB wrote: »
    Plain and Simple, at the very least There should be further Compensation for those that placed above 1000 threshold an additional Legendary Citation or a Legendary of Choice...@Shan @JazzRiker

    Now that, is just a ridiculous expectation.

    Some of us invested way more Time, Chronitons, Dilithium, and $$ than most.

    I dedicated my life so my Expectations to have a 18oz. Ribeyes for dinner once a week happens.

    I dedicated my life to have Heat and Air to my specifications in a Pleasant Abode in my Retirement years.

    Expectations are only Limited to those who Choose to allow them to be Limited.

    So Yes, My Expectations are Ridiculously High but if they don't come, I'm Gracious enough to accept what is Dealt.
  • I started budgeting my STT spend after having to fight with CS to even read my damn ticket about my missing gold citations. This week's STT budget was diverted to Star Trek Trexels. It's kind of a stupid game, but at least it works without major issues. The story missions are fun. It's nice to be in a Star Trek environment with actual gameplay, too.

    I play that game too, have been since it was Trexels #1. You're right, it is kind of stupid but there are some good elements to it.
  • Also, if the CS meta-game to get any real help is to come here and PM Shan or Riker or something of that nature, then the system is beyond broken. I shouldn't have to do that. I shouldn't have to lean on a relationship manager to step in and do the job of others.

    Completely agree. Anyone who plays and doesn't have an account on BBS is pretty much screwed when CS plays silly buggers. And that's utterly wrong headed.

    I suspect in around a months time DB will fire out another mae culpa, and you'll be flung any number of apologetic goodies, just as they did with Yargate.

    They'll run the financials for the previous month, note they're down enough to cause concern, ask why, be pointed to threads like these and go a charm offensive to try and gets wallets prised open again.

    If they don't, then they truly don't give a stuff.

    My worry is how often they can get away with it, these CS snafus are entirely avoidable and they need to ask themselves how much the playerbase is willing to tolerate.
  • You'd think, after three years, a company could learn from past mistakes and do better but...

    Well, what can be said that we haven't said before? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There's been no improvement in any aspect of the game (new features and tweaks are window dressing that don't fix the underlying problems) and when the company drives away the people that keep them in business...

    Just wow.

    Take care, Frank. You too, SilverRose, if you're off too.
  • For me, the CS team and people are not the issue.

    It’s the ones writing their rules and processes to blame. The CS people are just messengers in many respects. The trouble is, the message and consistency is majorly at fault.
  • barrydancerbarrydancer ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wait, did DB seriously throw to the curb players who have spent thousands over a pittance?
  • StygianStygian ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Also, if the CS meta-game to get any real help is to come here and PM Shan or Riker or something of that nature, then the system is beyond broken. I shouldn't have to do that. I shouldn't have to lean on a relationship manager to step in and do the job of others.

    If that is the way to proceed, we need a documented policy in place. If I have an issue, I don't bother the forum & player experience folks with it, as that falls under the CS umbrella to resolve. But at this point, I don't trust CS to handle even the most basic request, as they are trying to dump tickets out of their queue as fast as possible and get back to normal service levels, hence the changing of ticket subjects to a generic one that can be scripted via Zendesk to give a stock response, as is the case today.

    Tell me again how my time and money are valued by DB. I seem to have forgotten.

    I am definitely seeing service level management of tickets.

    Having worked in CS myself - I noticed today that a ticket has been sat ‘awaiting my reply’ for 4 days - I can only assume that this then does not sit in DBs bucket of open and unanswered tickets and look bad for them when they analyse the stats. The last reply was from me. In fact, here’s the history of replies:

    Me on Sunday @ 19.33 - initial complaint
    Agent on Monday @ 06.54 - reply about forwarding to production team with confirmation that the ticket would be left in open status
    Me on Monday @ 19.57 - making my case again
    Me on Monday @ 20.00 - providing screenshots
    Me on Tuesday @ 17.46 - escalating a connected but separate issue

    I then log in today to check the status - no reply but the status is set to awaiting my reply...

    Me on Saturday @ 05.40 - asking why the status is awaiting my reply
    Me on Saturday @ 05.41 - providing a screenshot of the above to prove my case

    This is not only concerning but majorly frustrating. The ticket is not ‘awaiting my reply’... the delay in resolution is not on my side.

  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm officially retiring from my fleet after the event, just fed up with it. Maybe if I cut down, play solo, who knows. Things would have to improve though.
  • I got my second Data, but no honor. I was under the impression that I would get one, but not both. I finished 200-something. Should I have also gotten 18k honor?
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I keep hoping things will change, but they continue to stay the same... Just poor form on DB’s part.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • I got my second Data, but no honor. I was under the impression that I would get one, but not both. I finished 200-something. Should I have also gotten 18k honor?

    Yes, you should have had 18000 Honor in the mail
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • Thorozar Thorozar ✭✭✭✭
    ZEB wrote: »
    ZEB wrote: »
    Plain and Simple, at the very least There should be further Compensation for those that placed above 1000 threshold an additional Legendary Citation or a Legendary of Choice...@Shan @JazzRiker

    Now that, is just a ridiculous expectation.

    Some of us invested way more Time, Chronitons, Dilithium, and $$ than most.

    I dedicated my life so my Expectations to have a 18oz. Ribeyes for dinner once a week happens.

    I dedicated my life to have Heat and Air to my specifications in a Pleasant Abode in my Retirement years.

    Expectations are only Limited to those who Choose to allow them to be Limited.

    So Yes, My Expectations are Ridiculously High but if they don't come, I'm Gracious enough to accept what is Dealt.

    Odd capitalization of the sentences.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I got my second Data, but no honor. I was under the impression that I would get one, but not both. I finished 200-something. Should I have also gotten 18k honor?

    Yes, you should have had 18000 Honor in the mail

    Depends, the mail part anyway. The initial stuff went out as mail, the corrective wave of stuff was deposited directly into accounts.
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