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Yet another botch-up!!



  • LOL, so, I guess the wording on the announcement was vague. I thought that if you ranked below 1,500 and got a Data, you'd get nothing else. But I'm now hearing reports that people who ranked below 1,500 and got an oopsie Data are getting 18k honor too.

    So... what's the point of trying to be competitive again? I got the same compensation for ranking 3rd as someone who ranked 3,000. Cool!
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Hunter247 wrote: »
    NivenFres wrote: »

    The fix seems to be the result of a team of demons trying to come up with a system that alienates the most amount of people.

    We're all in the bad place aren't we?

    Just wait til they hit reset.

  • Everyone should submit tickets

    just did that
    enough is enough

  • So, it absolutely does not at all matter that some of us put a lot of time and resources into getting Silva only to have her be useless.

    Good to hear.

    I was rank 1005 on Silva lol
    now i can sleep peacefully that she’d not help anyway xD

  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    Hassinator wrote: »
    Very "smart" of DB to drop Data into the roster and not via in game mail. All those players who would have bought the DYC on today's pack..... can't.

    It is probably because the issue that caused this aspect of the debacle (the in-game mail messing up) still hasn't been fixed (or maybe it has been fixed but not tested enough). They are in a hurry to get the compensation out, and transporting Singing Data onto your ship is likely safer than sending him via message pod.

    Unless someone reports interference and loses the poor android's pattern. Then DB has to do back to the drawing PADD...
  • THIS is DB's idea of 'compensation'?!?

    Basically, if you lucky with the 'Pinafore Lottery' Data & got him but didn't qualify for him: GOOD NEWS!!! You guys get 2 bites of the cherry! Have some Honor while yer at it....

    This will NOT go down well with MANY players.

    & as for The Player Formally Known As SilverRose? CS should be ashamed!
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    LOL, so, I guess the wording on the announcement was vague. I thought that if you ranked below 1,500 and got a Data, you'd get nothing else. But I'm now hearing reports that people who ranked below 1,500 and got an oopsie Data are getting 18k honor too.

    So... what's the point of trying to be competitive again? I got the same compensation for ranking 3rd as someone who ranked 3,000. Cool!

    I got worse compensation after ranking 5th for Silva than someone who ranked in the 20ks last event and poorly the previous event and just happened to get lucky! Cool!
  • And so the spiral of disgruntlement continues...

    I think at this point any compensation should be off the table. Many of us have had problems with customer service as of late, but at least the DB team is trying to address concerns (albeit sloppily). It may be the time to just accept this mess, but having some insight into how the Tilting point money will be used team will address this going forward.

    And finally, Carthage must be destroyed revert the reward structure back to the way it was
    My 8-Point STT Strategy:

    1. Voyage.
    2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
    3. Only pursue characters I care about.
    4. Contribute to the fleet.
    5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
    6. Have fun.
    7. Voyage.
    8. Have fun!
  • NoneNone ✭✭✭
    So, if I understand this right, from where I ended up in the ranks, all I get is the 18k honor that was sent to me.

    However, the person ranked next to me potentially gets the 18k honor AND a Data.

    Can someone explain to me how this is fair compensation again?
  • THIS is DB's idea of 'compensation'?!?

    Basically, if you lucky with the 'Pinafore Lottery' Data & got him but didn't qualify for him: GOOD NEWS!!! You guys get 2 bites of the cherry! Have some Honor while yer at it....

    This will NOT go down well with MANY players.

    & as for The Player Formally Known As SilverRose? CS should be ashamed!

    What's happened to @SilverRose ??
  • After a client restart Data arrived ;), for others in my fleet aswell good stuff
  • CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    What's happened to @SilverRose ??

    Oh, I'm still here. I'm out $25 until CS can maybe refund me in 5-7 business days for a DYS on FistFU Data, so I'm just being salty.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Voniatko wrote: »
    AviTrek wrote: »
    So done players are getting a free Data because DB screwed up and those of us who didn't get the screw up are stuck with nothing?

    exactly, so if someone got Data by accident, completely without deserving it, cool lucky day.

    at this point the only fair option would be to give Data to everyone, and give something more to those who ranked high.

    i am really questioning my willingness to spend any more time (and $) on this game

    I understand technical complexities in getting this reimbursment done right, but, as a customer, honestly i don’t care

    I bet DB doesn't know who received a 5* Pinafore Data in error ranking +1501
    If they gave everyone another Data they would be giving them a 2nd one.
  • Antasil wrote: »
    So I got a bad RNG luck for my CS rep. I cited Data twice before the compassion to FF him and they are refusing to give me a citation back instead of the Data. SERIOUSLY!?!?

    can someone tell me how to get a more logical outcome!?!

    I bought a DYS for Data before the compensation was announced and I ticketed asking for honor or a refund or hell even a downgrade to the 18,000 honor tier. I was told to pound sand. So.... VOILA!

    ...let it never be said I'm not passive aggressive.

    ❤️ The player formerly known as SilverRose

    Unbelievable. It's as if they try to piss off people even more....

    DB are upsetting the players that keep the game running!!!! Wake up DB @Shan @JazzRiker
  • RogueAngyl wrote: »
    but having some insight into how the Tilting point money will be used team will address this going forward.

    Probably exactly the same, because they did the exact same thing when they botched the Musketeer La Forge packs. Some people who bought packs didn't get anything or got less Musketeer La Forges as compensation, some people that never bought a pack received multiple copies of La Forge. Some people were offered refunds, some people were refused refunds. If you didn't like it, you were invited to contact customer service so that they could tell you directly to pack sand. That was a year ago, and Disruptor Beam still seems to believe that this is the most appropriate response. What makes you think they are going to change that? Or actually fix their game?
  • CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    Voniatko wrote: »
    AviTrek wrote: »
    So done players are getting a free Data because DB screwed up and those of us who didn't get the screw up are stuck with nothing?

    exactly, so if someone got Data by accident, completely without deserving it, cool lucky day.

    at this point the only fair option would be to give Data to everyone, and give something more to those who ranked high.

    i am really questioning my willingness to spend any more time (and $) on this game

    I understand technical complexities in getting this reimbursment done right, but, as a customer, honestly i don’t care

    I bet DB doesn't know who received a 5* Pinafore Data in error ranking +1501
    If they gave everyone another Data they would be giving them a 2nd one.

    They are able to work out who got nothing though, and who got honor..... And who got Data instead of honor. And who got honor instead of Data 🤔
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    you know ... for someone who thought that compensation should not be part of the conversation around a solution ... for f's sake.

    And you can start a communication message with the words:

    "We, at DB, are extremely sorry for the inconvenience around how the issues with the past event, The Captain's Oath 2, were handled." (they started with a botched message on Thursday with 100 Cronitons ... this event was jinxed from the get-go).

    You know, try to bring back some goodwill.

    Now I know, I don't put money into the game etc. etc. ... so I may not have the right to vent like other, but holy smokes ... I have to repeat to myself "its only a game" but all weekend the coming event will leave me with a sour taste I'm sure.

    Off to rustle up some dinner and bathe the kids ... geez.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    LOL, so, I guess the wording on the announcement was vague. I thought that if you ranked below 1,500 and got a Data, you'd get nothing else. But I'm now hearing reports that people who ranked below 1,500 and got an oopsie Data are getting 18k honor too.

    So... what's the point of trying to be competitive again? I got the same compensation for ranking 3rd as someone who ranked 3,000. Cool!

    I half expect that DB use a RNG to determine exactly how to shoot themselves in the feet.
  • After reading everyone's response. I will be threshold and out...just in support of my fellow players that this has unfairly impacted.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Gogus wrote: »
    After reading everyone's response. I will be threshold and out...just in support of my fellow players that this has unfairly impacted.

    The way things are going you will probably end up better off than the person who hits the 1001 slot
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    LOL, so, I guess the wording on the announcement was vague. I thought that if you ranked below 1,500 and got a Data, you'd get nothing else. But I'm now hearing reports that people who ranked below 1,500 and got an oopsie Data are getting 18k honor too.

    So... what's the point of trying to be competitive again? I got the same compensation for ranking 3rd as someone who ranked 3,000. Cool!

    Their message was pretty clear...if you got an Oopsie Data, you shouldn't be getting 18k. If you got Oopsie 18k, you can expect Data. If you got nothing, you'll get either Data + 18k or 18k, depending on what was originally promised.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    robownage wrote: »
    LOL, so, I guess the wording on the announcement was vague. I thought that if you ranked below 1,500 and got a Data, you'd get nothing else. But I'm now hearing reports that people who ranked below 1,500 and got an oopsie Data are getting 18k honor too.

    So... what's the point of trying to be competitive again? I got the same compensation for ranking 3rd as someone who ranked 3,000. Cool!

    Their message was pretty clear...if you got an Oopsie Data, you shouldn't be getting 18k. If you got Oopsie 18k, you can expect Data. If you got nothing, you'll get either Data + 18k or 18k, depending on what was originally promised.

    Except that's not what's happening. People who got Data by mistake have reported also getting the 18K honor. So the same thing top 1500 players are getting.
  • edited November 2018
    All the money I've spent on this game... and the way players/customers are treated... like making SilverRose of all players go through Apple for $25.00...

    If I could have every cent I've ever spent on this game refunded I could enjoy a lot of lovely things and I'd uninstall and never look back. I've been gaming for decades, worked for some big names too and wow, just wow. When a dev's product makes Troika's old titles look like bug free GotY titles there is a problem.

    On the bright side... I'd stopped spending big a while back. Now, I stop spending completely.

    EDITED TO ADD - Sweet! My fleetmates tell me they can see the jailbars on my avatar! I have three leather jackets, none are really biker jackets but one of them, with my poorboy hat makes me look totally badass... If I was Irish I guess.
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    LOL, so, I guess the wording on the announcement was vague. I thought that if you ranked below 1,500 and got a Data, you'd get nothing else. But I'm now hearing reports that people who ranked below 1,500 and got an oopsie Data are getting 18k honor too.

    So... what's the point of trying to be competitive again? I got the same compensation for ranking 3rd as someone who ranked 3,000. Cool!

    Their message was pretty clear...if you got an Oopsie Data, you shouldn't be getting 18k. If you got Oopsie 18k, you can expect Data. If you got nothing, you'll get either Data + 18k or 18k, depending on what was originally promised.

    Except that's not what's happening. People who got Data by mistake have reported also getting the 18K honor. So the same thing top 1500 players are getting.

    Oh well that's bloody lovely.
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    All the money I've spent on this game... and the way players/customers are treated... like making SilverRose of all players go through Apple for $25.00...

    If I could have every cent I've ever spent on this game refunded I could enjoy a lot of lovely things and I'd uninstall and never look back. I've been gaming for decades, worked for some big names too and wow, just wow. When a dev's product makes Troika's old titles look like bug free GotY titles there is a problem.

    On the bright side... I'd stopped spending big a while back. Now, I stop spending completely.

    EDITED TO ADD - Sweet! My fleetmates tell me they can see the jailbars on my avatar! I have three leather jackets, none are really biker jackets but one of them, with my poorboy hat makes me look totally badass... If I was Irish I guess.

    Why do you have bars on your avatar?
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  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    'Nuff said.............


    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
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