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Yet another botch-up!!



  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    All the money I've spent on this game... and the way players/customers are treated... like making SilverRose of all players go through Apple for $25.00...

    If I could have every cent I've ever spent on this game refunded I could enjoy a lot of lovely things and I'd uninstall and never look back. I've been gaming for decades, worked for some big names too and wow, just wow. When a dev's product makes Troika's old titles look like bug free GotY titles there is a problem.

    On the bright side... I'd stopped spending big a while back. Now, I stop spending completely.

    EDITED TO ADD - Sweet! My fleetmates tell me they can see the jailbars on my avatar! I have three leather jackets, none are really biker jackets but one of them, with my poorboy hat makes me look totally badass... If I was Irish I guess.

    Why do you have bars on your avatar?

    'Cos he said something a mod didn't like, and they "warned" him, and he can't make new topics till his time in the corner is up.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    All the money I've spent on this game... and the way players/customers are treated... like making SilverRose of all players go through Apple for $25.00...

    If I could have every cent I've ever spent on this game refunded I could enjoy a lot of lovely things and I'd uninstall and never look back. I've been gaming for decades, worked for some big names too and wow, just wow. When a dev's product makes Troika's old titles look like bug free GotY titles there is a problem.

    On the bright side... I'd stopped spending big a while back. Now, I stop spending completely.

    EDITED TO ADD - Sweet! My fleetmates tell me they can see the jailbars on my avatar! I have three leather jackets, none are really biker jackets but one of them, with my poorboy hat makes me look totally badass... If I was Irish I guess.

    Why do you have bars on your avatar?

    Shan put him in forums jail.
  • Cam Taliis wrote: »
    AMDG wrote: »

    Just one example. The Schwarz Group ( chain of stores including Lidl and Kaufland ) wanted to change their software platform and signed with SAP, the largest ERP supplier in the world. After a few years and 500.000.000 EUR spent they gave up and returned to their old program.

    At least here everyone is getting their Star Trek fix, whales included. No hard feelings :)

    Ha, I read about that a while ago, I thought it was kind of hilarious tbh.
    Changing ERP systems... oof. I shudder at the thought of my employer doing that....

    I’ve been involved in a few projects like that actually... Everybody always wants to keep working like they do.

    Yes, but you're the one running the ERP system (and I do mean 1) it's a scary prospect.
  • All the money I've spent on this game... and the way players/customers are treated... like making SilverRose of all players go through Apple for $25.00...

    If I could have every cent I've ever spent on this game refunded I could enjoy a lot of lovely things and I'd uninstall and never look back. I've been gaming for decades, worked for some big names too and wow, just wow. When a dev's product makes Troika's old titles look like bug free GotY titles there is a problem.

    On the bright side... I'd stopped spending big a while back. Now, I stop spending completely.

    EDITED TO ADD - Sweet! My fleetmates tell me they can see the jailbars on my avatar! I have three leather jackets, none are really biker jackets but one of them, with my poorboy hat makes me look totally badass... If I was Irish I guess.

    Why do you have bars on your avatar?

    'Cos he said something a mod didn't like, and they "warned" him, and he can't make new topics till his time in the corner is up.

    Yeah. It's funny. I was doing Shan's job 20 years ago and I just laughed, and so did my fleetmates. Maybe if I was a kid and used things like facebook or twitter or whatever else I might tremble a bit. Instead, I'll just do what I already did - laugh and do what's legal in Canada and laugh again. ;)
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    LOL, so, I guess the wording on the announcement was vague. I thought that if you ranked below 1,500 and got a Data, you'd get nothing else. But I'm now hearing reports that people who ranked below 1,500 and got an oopsie Data are getting 18k honor too.

    So... what's the point of trying to be competitive again? I got the same compensation for ranking 3rd as someone who ranked 3,000. Cool!

    Their message was pretty clear...if you got an Oopsie Data, you shouldn't be getting 18k. If you got Oopsie 18k, you can expect Data. If you got nothing, you'll get either Data + 18k or 18k, depending on what was originally promised.

    Except that's not what's happening. People who got Data by mistake have reported also getting the 18K honor. So the same thing top 1500 players are getting.

    Are you serious? So they can’t even get the compensation for the compensation for the compensation of the foul-up right? That’s some Zucker-Zucker-Abrahams level efficiency.
  • Cam Taliis wrote: »
    So, I ranked 967, winning a Data. Then with the added compensation, I got a second copy of Data and 18k honor. While I might object that others who worked a lot less hard than I did last weekend are also getting a free Data and 18k honor . . . I still came out ahead. I wish there hadn't been a screwup on the event followed by a screwup with the compensation distribution, but all-in-all, I still came out ahead. In fact, two weeks from now, when the dust has settled and the ripple effects from this are minimal, I'll probably look back and think, "that was a pretty good week," because I ended up with 2 copies of (arguably) the best Data in the game and extra honor that I will put to good use.

    And now I'm going to threshold and out on this new Galaxy event because it looks to be a blood bath with so many folks having the new Data. But at least I know this going in.

    It's still less than ideal, but they've made a good faith effort to fix this, and . . . I still came out ahead -- and so did almost all the rest of you.

    Yeah I came out ahead. I missed out on Data 1 by a smidgen, got him anyway.
    Then I got 18,000 honor on top.

    Like seriously, I got what I wanted, and more. And in most circumstances I wouldn't have even got what I wanted.

    I played fair, put the effort in, that's what this game is about. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. This time I won more than I expected, even when I lost.

    Just want to say thanks for the compensation DB I'm a very happy bunny.

    I don't have a problem with you getting both Data and the 18k honor. In fact - congratulations!

    But would you agree that those who ranked lower than 1500 and got the right compensation the first (or second) time round have been unfairly compensated compared to you? Please don't get me wrong - DB shouldn't take away what they gave you. They should even the playing field. If you get 18k honor on top of your Data, the ones who got 18k honor should get a Data as well. Now it's just too random. Heck, I don't even want that Data and would take an extra 18k honor over him. But this is just too much of a lottery. I get that a game like this relies heavily on RNG, but customer service should not.

    But then I'm assuming you placed lower than 1500. If not, my apologies for jumping to conclusions :)

    As I say, missed out by a smidgen - prolly cause I have to be asleep by 2am and the event finishes at 4am here in Australia. In fact, for the next 6 months or so I'm going to have to play well and above any estimated 1000 ranking in order to (hopefully) ensure a legendary because of this. I already play at a massive disadvantage, you see.

    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cam Taliis wrote: »
    So, I ranked 967, winning a Data. Then with the added compensation, I got a second copy of Data and 18k honor. While I might object that others who worked a lot less hard than I did last weekend are also getting a free Data and 18k honor . . . I still came out ahead. I wish there hadn't been a screwup on the event followed by a screwup with the compensation distribution, but all-in-all, I still came out ahead. In fact, two weeks from now, when the dust has settled and the ripple effects from this are minimal, I'll probably look back and think, "that was a pretty good week," because I ended up with 2 copies of (arguably) the best Data in the game and extra honor that I will put to good use.

    And now I'm going to threshold and out on this new Galaxy event because it looks to be a blood bath with so many folks having the new Data. But at least I know this going in.

    It's still less than ideal, but they've made a good faith effort to fix this, and . . . I still came out ahead -- and so did almost all the rest of you.

    Yeah I came out ahead. I missed out on Data 1 by a smidgen, got him anyway.
    Then I got 18,000 honor on top.

    Like seriously, I got what I wanted, and more. And in most circumstances I wouldn't have even got what I wanted.

    I played fair, put the effort in, that's what this game is about. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. This time I won more than I expected, even when I lost.

    Just want to say thanks for the compensation DB I'm a very happy bunny.

    I don't have a problem with you getting both Data and the 18k honor. In fact - congratulations!

    But would you agree that those who ranked lower than 1500 and got the right compensation the first (or second) time round have been unfairly compensated compared to you? Please don't get me wrong - DB shouldn't take away what they gave you. They should even the playing field. If you get 18k honor on top of your Data, the ones who got 18k honor should get a Data as well. Now it's just too random. Heck, I don't even want that Data and would take an extra 18k honor over him. But this is just too much of a lottery. I get that a game like this relies heavily on RNG, but customer service should not.

    But then I'm assuming you placed lower than 1500. If not, my apologies for jumping to conclusions :)

    Belle'Anna ranked 1037, actually.
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    Well then, again, my apologies for jumping to conclusions. I did not get that from the post I quoted.

    If you were a fictional version of you who ended lower than 1500 I think my arguments would have been valid :)
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Wundigore wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    This is awesome! I didn’t craft one item and I’m just sitting back collecting all this free stuff. I’ll take more honor please. But NO Data for everyone. That upsets the balance of this coming event and that’s not right.

    I do not think a 1/5 data in a galaxy event is a balance tipping addition.

    I respectfully disagree

  • I'm not laughing...5uvulh8lnmzn.gif
  • Cam Taliis wrote: »
    Well then, again, my apologies for jumping to conclusions. I did not get that from the post I quoted.

    If you were a fictional version of you who ended lower than 1500 I think my arguments would have been valid :)

    It's okay. As I say, I'm happy with the compensation. I personally don't care if others did a little better, as our entire life seems to be a bit of a lottery sometimes and this game runs on RNG and money so for me it's mostly about RNG. Or 'luck'.

    If anyone thinks they've been particularly hard done by, bring it up with DB. Particularly if they bought the DYC for Data, but other than that I think most of us are ahead in some way shape or form.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    Cam Taliis wrote: »
    Well then, again, my apologies for jumping to conclusions. I did not get that from the post I quoted.

    If you were a fictional version of you who ended lower than 1500 I think my arguments would have been valid :)

    It's okay. As I say, I'm happy with the compensation. I personally don't care if others did a little better, as our entire life seems to be a bit of a lottery sometimes and this game runs on RNG and money so for me it's mostly about RNG. Or 'luck'.

    If anyone thinks they've been particularly hard done by, bring it up with DB. Particularly if they bought the DYC for Data, but other than that I think most of us are ahead in some way shape or form.

    I partially agree with you. The game is RNG driven, which is fine because we all know that. But CS should not be random - which it seems to be now (for almost every issue actually).

    For me it’s not worth putting in a ticket over, but it’s the principle of the matter that bothers me.
  • It is great to see @Shan and the rest of the team simply ignoring the fact that by incorrectly giving out the event pinafore data that they have impacted the new event and disadvantaged all other players. We will all have to score far more points now to ranks than we otherwise would have done. This is unacceptable.

    I'm arguing that very fact with CS.
    Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
  • @Dirk Gunderson that's a good point, but I think there is a decent amount of people who would have been able to FE him. For example, I'm in the 2-3k ranks usually, VIP0, but I FE'd my Bateson a couple of hours after I got him at the start of phase 2. I think there is a good amount of players in the same state as me, who don't shoot for the top 1k but are still competitive. Also, some big players also faded from the event as Botch-up 1 was happening with the bonuses. Some of these strong players will have gotten Data, like my fleet admiral who ranked 10k. Whether or not the will to do this exists, don't know, can't know... ;)

    Personally, I agree that the usual suspects will compete for the top 1k since they are the ones who go hard at all events. I think there will be enough extra players with that Data who will get more SR items than usual and you'll see more completion for the 1-3k ranks. I placed 2248 last week, good enough for the Sulu I wanted to complete him, but since I got the 18k honour and no Data, I probably won't be quite as high this week. A lot depends on how much effort I can put in as well, of course! I was originally thinking I would try for 1500 to get 4 copies of Seven including the community one, but I probably won't anymore as I expect a lot of hoarded SR items to cause all sorts of mayhem in the rankings come Monday night!
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I wonder...how many people that accidentally got a free Data will be truly competitive? Of the set of people that got a Data, there is a subset of people that can get him FE’d over the next few hours. There is a smaller subset that either still has a significant amount of resources or has built up resources since Monday to be able to grind this weekend’s event.

    Most players I know don't go all out for all events, personally I only went for the top 1000 on this event because I am a fan of Data. I estimate that I burnt between 7 and 8,000 crons to get in the top 1000 (and this event seemed much more of a grind than normal).

  • So for finishing 298, I got 2 Datas and 18,000 honor between legit rewards, the compensation mess up, and the compensation for the compensation mess up.

    We've all said a million times that the rewards for 26 through 1000 need to be reworked, namely to spread the gold crew out more evenly. I'll say this: if the two golds and 18,000 honor I got for my finish were the normal rewards, I would clean my boosts the hell out each shuttle event. I typically conserve them, but you bet I would clean house each week if this was the norm.
    [SSR] Sorin08
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    You know, it strikes me, DB could fix the whole "oh no, we broke the balance of event competitiveness with random extra Datas going out" but by merely extending each reward tier an extra 25-50%.

    That would cover more than the extra people you have to compete with, make practically no difference in the top 25, but extend top 1000 down to 1250 or 1500, and provide a little extra generosity and good will to those even below.

    Personally, I don't think the extra Data's will make that big of a difference, but admit they will make some, and am willing to cede the entire argument. And I don't begrudge the people that got him. I'd have liked to win that lotto, but eh, oh, well, glad you did.

    But, again I'll say it, you NEVER take stuff back, even if mistakenly given out extras. At this this once DB didn't do that, even though they again showed their stinginess and contempt of players by making sure no possible extras got distributed.

    Oh, and they proved my point earlier, there is a log of database changes, and they used it to make sure nobody got more extra. The initial compensation RNG was just sloppy coding
  • I wonder...how many people that accidentally got a free Data will be truly competitive? Of the set of people that got a Data, there is a subset of people that can get him FE’d over the next few hours.

    This is my entire argument for not being too upset about the new rewards system. The Data situation is a problem for management, less so for competitiveness.
    My 8-Point STT Strategy:

    1. Voyage.
    2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
    3. Only pursue characters I care about.
    4. Contribute to the fleet.
    5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
    6. Have fun.
    7. Voyage.
    8. Have fun!
  • Plain and Simple, at the very least There should be further Compensation for those that placed above 1000 threshold an additional Legendary Citation or a Legendary of Choice...@Shan @JazzRiker
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