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Key information about the event: First Impressions - 10/12 - edited 10/10 04:49 PM ET

ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 2017 in The Bridge
Event Name: First Impressions
Event Type: Hybrid Event Faction (Augments - Federation) /Galaxy
Event Crew: Captain Lorca 5* (New), Reinforcements Stamets 4*(New), Marla McGivers 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 10/12 until Monday 10/16

Bonus crew: The featured event crew + T'Kuvma will provide the best bonuses, but all versions of event crew + non featured Discovery crew and Augments crew will provide some.

I cannot guarantee at all that I will be able to provide this every time, but for this event, here is the list of crew who should provide a lower bonus:

Non-featured DSC crew
Desert Philippa Georgiou
Lieutenant Commander Saru
First Officer Saru
First Officer Burnham

Alternate Future Bashir
Mirror Bashir
Racquetball Bashir
CMO Bashir
Bashir, Julian Bashir
RAF Julian Bashir
Wrathful Khan
Young Khan
Augment Picard
Augment Riker



  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will of course update the original post with more information as soon as I have it.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for posting what info you can.

    Not really looking forward to two Faction/Galaxy hybrids in a row.
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    While i appreciate the announcement i find it pretty lame and boring to have the same event type 2 weeks in a row.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    At least it isn't Faction only

    Thanks for information
  • Well, needing to run Augments shuttles might eventual get me the 12 bajillion Science Experiments needed for the new Janeway and Saru, so once this event's over I guess I know what I'm running.
  • Waiting on CBS is like waiting on your kids to clean their rooms.
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    On one hand, yay science experiments!

    On the other hand...can't we get an expedition event already? :P
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, needing to run Augments shuttles might eventual get me the 12 bajillion Science Experiments needed for the new Janeway and Saru, so once this event's over I guess I know what I'm running.

    I'm looking at that being a definite plus. I'm glad for the fair enough warning so I can get working on leveling a couple augments that I don't have FE.
  • I wonder if this means the augments are going to make an appearance in Discovery...
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Another galaxy? That's extremely disappointing for the player base.
  • Grant77 wrote: »
    Another galaxy? That's extremely disappointing for the player base.

    I would've agreed a few weeks ago - but with all the chrons from voyages (and the gazillions of items we'll all have due to said chrons and the fact we don't have to use items in the replicator anymore) should make galaxy easier...
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    So...augments are rather science-y/medical-y.

    Will we actually get a good SCI/MED event crew?
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    NS111111 wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Another galaxy? That's extremely disappointing for the player base.

    I would've agreed a few weeks ago - but with all the chrons from voyages (and the gazillions of items we'll all have due to said chrons and the fact we don't have to use items in the replicator anymore) should make galaxy easier...

    It's relative. I think it will increase the scores, but will it make people who don't play galaxies do so just because they have more chrons? Personally, I'll continue to use my chrons on crew rather than galaxies just like before.
  • UnkieB wrote: »
    Thanks for posting what info you can.

    Not really looking forward to two Faction/Galaxy hybrids in a row.


    This first event is pretty harsh. Having trouble not failing 85% + missions at 1800 vp. If I don't do well enough in this event to get the recurring 5* in the faction portion, I'll have lost all interest in participating in the rest of the Mega event.
  • AstrometricsAstrometrics ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    NS111111 wrote: »
    but with all the chrons from voyages (and the gazillions of items we'll all have due to said chrons and the fact we don't have to use items in the replicator anymore) should make galaxy easier...

    No, it will make Galaxy events more competitive.
    "Dance with me. For science."
  • Faction/galaxy combo is good, easy to get a 4/4 without spending dilithium or wasting too much in the galaxy part. Just hoping for an underpar 5* here...
  • Well, needing to run Augments shuttles might eventual get me the 12 bajillion Science Experiments needed for the new Janeway and Saru, so once this event's over I guess I know what I'm running.

    Agreed. I did 4 x Warp 10 "Rockslide" (12 Chron Space Battle). So out of 40 missions I got 3 Science Experiments.

    Just, ugh.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • MordackMordack ✭✭✭
    It's a shame you aren't at least able to confirm the identity of the none Discovery crew.
  • Kind of vague. Augment crew?
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    SeskaDamar wrote: »
    Kind of vague. Augment crew?

    Alternate Future Bashir
    Augment Picard
    Augment Riker
    Bashir, Julian Bashir
    CMO Bashir
    Mirror Bashir
    RAF Julian Bashir
    Racquetball Bashir
    Wrathful Khan
    Young Khan
  • UnkieB wrote: »
    SeskaDamar wrote: »
    Kind of vague. Augment crew?

    Alternate Future Bashir
    Augment Picard
    Augment Riker
    Bashir, Julian Bashir
    CMO Bashir
    Mirror Bashir
    RAF Julian Bashir
    Racquetball Bashir
    Wrathful Khan
    Young Khan

    Really?? That's a lot of characters. Does not seem right.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's a heck of a lot less than when they do all Klingon's or all Starfleet Captains, etc.

  • I always do best on expeditions and yet they're the rarest ones. :( I always do the worst w/ factions but at least this one's another hybrid I guess lol
    "If you want level-headed answers to help you fit into polite society I'm not really the right person..." -CMDR Shepard
    "When the people around you are all one way and you're not, you can't help feeling like there's something wrong with you." -B'Elanna Torres
    "Simulations can't prepare you for the real thing. Nothing can." -Dr. Julian Bashir
    "There's no room in justice for loyalty, or friendship, or love. Justice, as the Humans like to say, is blind. I used to believe that. I'm not sure I can anymore." -Odo
    "Sleep, there's no such thing. It's just an old space tale like Sparkle dancers or Klingons with a heart of gold. " -Montgomery Scott
    "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam"? No, "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur."
  • Oh, hey! Augment Riker is *not* completely useless after all! lol
    There are three ways to do something; the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway.

    DB: Do Better.

    Member of Starship Trista
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    It is beyond troublesome that they don't have this figured out yet.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    It is beyond troublesome that they don't have this figured out yet.

    The OP has been edited since it was first posted. Assuming it was done by request/directive I will just say that the initial post indicated that DB is waiting on external forces.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    STT_Junkie wrote: »
    So what are the odds the following week will be expedition? We haven't seen one of those in a long time.

    I'd guess about 50/50 pure faction vs faction/expedition hybrid.
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, needing to run Augments shuttles might eventual get me the 12 bajillion Science Experiments needed for the new Janeway and Saru, so once this event's over I guess I know what I'm running.

    Agreed. I did 4 x Warp 10 "Rockslide" (12 Chron Space Battle). So out of 40 missions I got 3 Science Experiments.

    Just, ugh.

    Augments shuttles won't help you. They don't drop basic science experiments or the 1* counterparts. Only the 2* variety. You still have to farm the ones you actually need from cadet missions or wasting chrons.
  • Grant77 wrote: »
    Another galaxy? That's extremely disappointing for the player base.
    I'm fond of galaxies myself - community awards ftw ... and faction/galaxy hybrids are arguably the best of both worlds.Also DB have given us a faction that has some decent gear.
  • Amphistaff wrote: »
    Well, needing to run Augments shuttles might eventual get me the 12 bajillion Science Experiments needed for the new Janeway and Saru, so once this event's over I guess I know what I'm running.

    Agreed. I did 4 x Warp 10 "Rockslide" (12 Chron Space Battle). So out of 40 missions I got 3 Science Experiments.

    Just, ugh.

    Augments shuttles won't help you. They don't drop basic science experiments or the 1* counterparts. Only the 2* variety. You still have to farm the ones you actually need from cadet missions or wasting chrons.

    Not understanding your reference. Perhaps you quoted the wrong post. I never mentioned shuttles or augments.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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