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Key information about the event: First Impressions - 10/12 - edited 10/10 04:49 PM ET



  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    What happened with Lorca's art. Let's skip past his weird face and the shoulder stripes that look like they were drawn in crayon, and get straight to his demotion.

    The artwork depicts him as a Commander.
  • Shan wrote: »

    I cannot guarantee at all that I will be able to provide this every time, but for this event, here is the list of crew who should provide a lower bonus:

    That's very decent of you Shan, Thank You Kindly for going the extra mile

  • edited October 2017
    Dralix wrote: »
    All the med shuttles and all the med galaxy recipes I've no clue who is supposed to be the prime characters used in these. Closest thing here is Julian and a few of his Augment pals get some bonus.

    I know I suffer from a Lack of Khan, but the only augments I have who aren't Bashir are Riker and Persis. Med is sufficiently covered by bonus crew here.

    All the Augments including the made up ones are list at the start of this thread or in the Wiki. Having someone count as bonus isn't the problem (this week) it's the complete lack of new event crew you can earn with MED. Seems like 90% of new crew lately is CMD/SEC or CMD/SCI or CMD/DIP. Voyages have only highlighted for most what was already obvious that MED especially usefully combined with ENG or even SCI is extremely rare and limited to a few cards.

    I know Captian Darklylitrooms won't have MED but even if for some whacky reason he did I'm mostly concerned about what most can compete for and earn in 4*; "Reinforcements" if we are lucky will have 3 different stats to balance out the old 4* crew being dual stat but it's CMD/SCI/lowENG if we are lucky... I don't know why I'm rambling nothing is going to change.

    Just a pipe dream I guess to have players wants/needs in effective crew matched in a mega-event launching a new series. If you have to go off the wall it would be even more effective. Macro Water Bear "Ripper" could have the perfect SCI/ENG/MED or if you didn't want to stretch have the thing be SEC/MED/ENG or SEC/MED/SCI. Like I said pipe dream.
  • qxqxqxqx ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Changed post after it has been flagged once, to be more correct. Next time you of course could PM me directly, but I guess that would be to much work, because you only seem to be interested in some special regards :hushed: Btw, jumping on a non native speaker for perhaps using a word in the wrong context, that is really ST like. Congrats for your bright and open minded values.

    Sitting this event out. Don't Stements nor a shady Cpt., because I fear they could possibly poisen my crew quarters. :) No more DIS crew needed :)
  • Thank you Shan. I am very excited to be getting a 4* Stamets so two good event weeks in a row for me...
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    qxqx wrote: »
    It’s nice to see Stamets. He’s my favorite character on the show.

    I think I know why....

    Sitting this event out. Don't need a gay**** nor a shady Cpt., because I fear they could possibly poisen my crew quarters. :) No more DIS crew needed :)

    **** A person of another interest


  • [STJ] Wendell[STJ] Wendell ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Lorca is such a tool, I’m not sure I want him. I don’t even remember who stamets is. Good MED ENG and SCI crew have always been fairly rare. It’s what makes them valuable. They are rare for everyone which may be inconvenient, but it is also fair. It’s also why I’ve been spending my honorable citations on Degra. I’ve always made it a point to place well in events with MED crew, so my MED is actually not that bad.
  • qxqxqxqx ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    qxqx wrote: »
    It’s nice to see Stamets. He’s my favorite character on the show.

    I think I know why....

    Sitting this event out. Don't need a gay**** nor a shady Cpt., because I fear they could possibly poisen my crew quarters. :) No more DIS crew needed :)

    **** A person of another interest


    Oh sorry, wasn't this correct? Don't know how to express this correctly that I don't want anymore DIS crew for the next time :)
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lorca is great! He is Lucius Malfoy as a Captain in the Federation. We just need a Tilly, a Burnham not in best chance pack, and a Tardigrade.
    Let’s fly!
  • Lorca is such a tool, I’m not sure I want him. I don’t even remember who stamets is.

    Stamets is the scientist/engineer, er, “astromycologist.” The one working on the “spore drive.”
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Mordack wrote: »
    BelleAnna wrote: »
    Also, can someone remove the homophobe before he derails the thread?

    Amazing cognitive dissonance from these people who are fans of Star Trek but also openly bigoted.

    Unbelievable. I was almost willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when he started griping about the persecution of white males, but now that he's added homophobe to his not-so-subtle racism and misogyny, it's time to bump someone else out of my ignore list so he can join the four others that I'm allowed to block with this new forum software.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • qxqxqxqx ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Oh @ehmiga, you don't care to explain why you flagged me? You of course also could PM me your explanation, becaue I've seen you have nada posts so far, so just try to be more vocal and don't be a shamus :).

    Edit: Seriously you flag me for asking for an explanation? Seriously? Next time bring your arguments to PM, so I can respond or alter my original post accordingly. No arguments heard from you or why you flagged this post again.
  • qxqx wrote: »
    Oh @ehmiga, you don't care to explain why you flagged me? You of course also could PM me your explanation, becaue I've seen you have nada posts so far, so just try to be more vocal and don't be a shamus :).

    Unless you are 12 you can figure out why homophobia has no place on this forum. Stop faking like you don't know why you are being flagged. You are not a very good liar.

  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    When you look back at all of the women and black people that entered the sciences because of Star Trek, how can you argue against them continuing that same tradition of tolerance in this series?

    Stamets is such a horrible character so far, there were plenty of other things to pick on. This spore drive has no scientific basis and Rapp is altogether unconvincing as a malcontent, a poor casting choice.
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    qxqx wrote: »
    Oh @ehmiga, you don't care to explain why you flagged me? You of course also could PM me your explanation, becaue I've seen you have nada posts so far, so just try to be more vocal and don't be a shamus :).

    It doesn't require an explanation. Your posts speak for themselves.
  • qxqx wrote: »
    Oh @ehmiga, you don't care to explain why you flagged me? You of course also could PM me your explanation, becaue I've seen you have nada posts so far, so just try to be more vocal and don't be a shamus :).

    Unless you are 12 you can figure out why homophobia has no place on this forum. Stop faking like you don't know why you are being flagged. You are not a very good liar.

    HeHe, are you still angry because the thing in the old forum? I almost forgot about it. I don't know where you and alike see homophobia, the poisoning thing was more meant regarding the DIS crew, in case you didn't recognized. But to be sure that likely people can understand that, I clarified my post. thank you for your "kind" feedback. Next time you also could PM me, before accusing me of being a liar here. Not very nice btw but understandable.
  • He's a troll, because he can't debate or discuss. He can only goad, destroy, disrupt. Nothing to give, only to take. Pretty much the exact opposite of what The Federation stands for.
  • qxqx wrote: »
    qxqx wrote: »
    Oh @ehmiga, you don't care to explain why you flagged me? You of course also could PM me your explanation, becaue I've seen you have nada posts so far, so just try to be more vocal and don't be a shamus :).

    Unless you are 12 you can figure out why homophobia has no place on this forum. Stop faking like you don't know why you are being flagged. You are not a very good liar.

    HeHe, are you still angry because the thing in the old forum? I almost forgot about it. I don't know where you and alike see homophobia, the poisoning thing was more meant regarding the DIS crew, in case you didn't recognized. But to be sure that likely people can understand that, I clarified my post. thank you for your "kind" feedback. Next time you also could PM me, before accusing me of being a liar here. Not very nice btw but understandable.

    I don't know what you mean by "thing from old forums". I am only referring to your post here. Specifically today because I did not read the stuff that got the thread closed over the weekend so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You give me too much credit if you think I can remember beyond that.

    As for calling you are liar. You are pretending to not know what the problem is and not doing a very good job of pretending. So yes, you're a liar. Clear enough?
  • Will T'Kumva actually give full bonus this time or no?
  • qxqxqxqx ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    qxqx wrote: »
    qxqx wrote: »
    Oh @ehmiga, you don't care to explain why you flagged me? You of course also could PM me your explanation, becaue I've seen you have nada posts so far, so just try to be more vocal and don't be a shamus :).

    Unless you are 12 you can figure out why homophobia has no place on this forum. Stop faking like you don't know why you are being flagged. You are not a very good liar.

    HeHe, are you still angry because the thing in the old forum? I almost forgot about it. I don't know where you and alike see homophobia, the poisoning thing was more meant regarding the DIS crew, in case you didn't recognized. But to be sure that likely people can understand that, I clarified my post. thank you for your "kind" feedback. Next time you also could PM me, before accusing me of being a liar here. Not very nice btw but understandable.

    I don't know what you mean by "thing from old forums". I am only referring to your post here. Specifically today because I did not read the stuff that got the thread closed over the weekend so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You give me too much credit if you think I can remember beyond that.

    As for calling you are liar. You are pretending to not know what the problem is and not doing a very good job of pretending. So yes, you're a liar. Clear enough?

    You haven't noticed that I changed the OP and you are still accusing me and keep on denying a PM where you could clarify where you have beef with me? Especially because we don't have to talk about that in this thread? This is poor. So it looks like you very well remember the old thread, who is the liar?

    I won't comment this further here. If you want, you can contact me in PM. If I caused some misunderstanding, I say sorry, my very intention was to express, I don't like the DIS crew
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Waiting for the near-inevitability of this being the first thread in the history of either forum to have been closed twice...


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Great to see Lorca and Stamets this week, my favorite cast members from Discovery along with Saru.
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lorca will be popular
  • Lorca, Stamets, Georgiou (who I didn't get, unfortunately) and Burnham. What's not to like?
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    BelleAnna wrote: »
    Lorca, Stamets, Georgiou (who I didn't get, unfortunately) and Burnham. What's not to like?

    Hoping to see an event pack soon, and that in addition to the event crew, Burnham is also in it (and Georgiou, but I doubt that she'd be in this pack). Would like to get my hands on any of those DSC folks. (But I figure I'll probably get Marla with nearly every one I'd buy, however, since I already have her FF.) :p

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Should be a good event. I am excited! I am enjoying Discovery show. Was on the fence episodes 1 and 2 but they were just setup and eps 3 and 4 were great!
    Let’s fly!
  • Burnham, MichelleBurnham, Michelle ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Data1001 wrote: »
    BelleAnna wrote: »
    Lorca, Stamets, Georgiou (who I didn't get, unfortunately) and Burnham. What's not to like?

    Hoping to see an event pack soon, and that in addition to the event crew, Burnham is also in it (and Georgiou, but I doubt that she'd be in this pack). Would like to get my hands on any of those DSC folks. (But I figure I'll probably get Marla with nearly every one I'd buy, however, since I already have her FF.) :p

    Haha. I'm not really interested in Marla but I suppose if I don't get Stamets I'll be forced to go hard in the event and try and beat my threshold level to get him fully fused. I don't usually get higher than 40,000 but with a few chrons saved up I'd stand half a chance. It would set me back a bit in gameplay though and without knowing what the following event is going to be it would probably make me quite cranky..
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    I like Stamets very much. Very different than characters we have seen. He has no interest in the military aspects of Starfleet. That's unusual.

    I went into the show expecting to hate it, and I didn't care for the first half of the premier, but episodes 3 and 4 have been fantastic in my opinion. I love the roommate and Saru and Burnham is growing on me. Not of a fan of Lorca or his security lady who was killed. Not a fan of the wax Klingons.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
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