Key information about the event: Temporal Misalignment - 03/07

Event Name: Temporal Misalignment
Event Type: Hybrid Event Faction/Galaxy
Event Crew: Mirror Ellen Landry 5* (New), Vosk 4* (New), and Resistance Shakaar 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 03/07 until Monday 03/11 at Noon (16.00 UTC)
The event will be 1 hour shorter than usual due to the USA switching to Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, March 10.
Ranked Reward 5*: Dr. Katherine Pulaski (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 03/14.
Event Factions:
Federation, Bajoran
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Landry, and crew with the Bajoran trait.
Event Type: Hybrid Event Faction/Galaxy
Event Crew: Mirror Ellen Landry 5* (New), Vosk 4* (New), and Resistance Shakaar 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 03/07 until Monday 03/11 at Noon (16.00 UTC)
The event will be 1 hour shorter than usual due to the USA switching to Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, March 10.
Ranked Reward 5*: Dr. Katherine Pulaski (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 03/14.
Event Factions:
Federation, Bajoran
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Landry, and crew with the Bajoran trait.
Less excited about Space Nazis, but at least Enterprise is getting some attention.
GoT Chief Communications Officer
Hey, I just watched that episode a few hours ago!
I know. I was like "Fraction/Galaxy Hybrid. And I have the Chronies to go deep in Phase Two, with a Fraction Phase head start. Oh, Pulaski......."
I'ma be honest. And it might sound mean. When her year on TNG was up, I was one of the ones wishing they had took her off the show the same way they took her off that lawyer show............
Then I saw the Bajoran bonus, and breathed a sigh of relief. Plenty of Siskos & Kiras, not to mention the odd Odo, Rom, and even Dukat.
Didn’t like Pulaski at all either but I’m totally geeked about Vosk. Been waiting for him for a long time. Loved his character.
I am with you did not expect it. Thought Galaxy , Skirmish, Expedition, or hybrid of these.
I didn't care for her antagonism of Data, but I did appreciate her relationship with Worf.
Still not a whisper about the AND bug. Shameful.
She just felt so one-dimensional. Cranky old person that hates new fangled things like Data. Then they added in that she used to be with Riker's Dad at one time and I was like
Such a merit grab! The cost either needs to be reduced to thaw crew, or we need to get partial/full merits back when freezing crew, similar to how honor works with crew dismissal/recall.
I'll go for FF on Vosk if he is
But won't be using my 5000+ Chronies to knife fight for Pulaski.
I have 9 including Shakaar frozen. (Never realized how many Bajorans I have collected)
Same. If I wind up getting Mirror Landry this week, along with the new Vosk and a shared crew next week, I'll have 26 fully leveled 4* and 5* crew for the faction portion. I had no idea so many non-Bajorans had the Bajoran trait, mainly the several Sisko, Odo and Rom variants.
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Falling down a turbolift shaft Pulaski.........
they totally should have switched Vosk and Pulaski for the 4* and 5*
...does anyone else use Victorian Pulaski an awful awful awful lot still? whatever you think about the character, in game she is still mighty good for a 4/4 DIP isn't she?
I use her quite a lot, including on the DIP/MED shuttle slots in the current event.
Her Dip is highest base stat of any super rare and beats some legendaries