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Key information about the event: Fireside Stories - 05/09



  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been playing about a year, and in that time Picard has somehow never been a feature event crew, so all the various Picards I've been slowly collecting (Tommy Gun Dixon (4/4), Detective Dixon Hill (3/4), Robin Hood (2/4), Admiral Picard (4/4), and Galen (1/4) ) have sat at level 2 for months while I prioritized other crew for various events. Seeing that Picard was featured in this event I've burned chrons by the thousands, melted my replicator, and sacrificed other plans to get them all up to 100 this week...

    ...which was apparently a colossal waste of time, resources, and energy because I think only event Picard and possibly Tommy Gun Dixon are seeing use given all the Engineering seats. I think like all of us I was expecting to see a lot of Engineering seats given Detmer and Torres are also featured crew, but man, it seems like every shuttle has 2 and most of them are AND seats.

    Rant over.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    These AND seats underscore how few of my top shuttle crew are CMD or ENG primary. I've actually used Maquis Takeover Torres for one of the ENG AND SEC seats.

    I gave serious consideration to taking her out of the freezer but decided to save my merits and just use the likes of RAF O’Brien, Protomorphosis Barclay, and Mirror Cochrane during the kickstart. We’ll see if that strategy still works from here on out.

    I have none of that quartet, alas, and my only Torreses are 1* Chief Engineer and 3* Maquis Takeover. My top 6 ENG by base:

    IMM Ahdar Ru'afo
    IMM Etana Jol
    IMM The Caretaker
    1/5 Seven in Silver
    IMM Niners Rom
    1/5 Solar Sails Sisko

    The sad part is
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Really game?!

    Given the onslaught of ENG shuttle seats demanded this weekend, the LEAST you could do is prevent this nonsense from happening!

    3/4 Professor Scott *cracks his knuckles, grabs his toolbox*
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I've been playing about a year, and in that time Picard has somehow never been a feature event crew, so all the various Picards I've been slowly collecting (Tommy Gun Dixon (4/4), Detective Dixon Hill (3/4), Robin Hood (2/4), Admiral Picard (4/4), and Galen (1/4) ) have sat at level 2 for months while I prioritized other crew for various events. Seeing that Picard was featured in this event I've burned chrons by the thousands, melted my replicator, and sacrificed other plans to get them all up to 100 this week...

    ...which was apparently a colossal waste of time, resources, and energy because I think only event Picard and possibly Tommy Gun Dixon are seeing use given all the Engineering seats. I think like all of us I was expecting to see a lot of Engineering seats given Detmer and Torres are also featured crew, but man, it seems like every shuttle has 2 and most of them are AND seats.

    Rant over.

    Odd...I’ve been able to find slots for Tommy Gun Dixon, Robin Hood, Admiral Picard, my 2/4* Irumodic Syndrome Picard, Galen, and even a few for my 2/4* Ensign Picard (plus Mirror Picard, Klingon Torres, and Liaison Torres). Then again, Ru’afo, Etana Jol, and RAF O’Brien are all out on shuttles as well. Still in the freezer: Detective Dixon Hill...Liaison Torres and Admiral Picard seem to be enough for the limited DIP slots. I also appear to have made a wise choice to not waste credits and equipment on leveling my 1/5* Enterprise-E Picard, as few DIP slots as there are.
    These AND seats underscore how few of my top shuttle crew are CMD or ENG primary. I've actually used Maquis Takeover Torres for one of the ENG AND SEC seats.

    I gave serious consideration to taking her out of the freezer but decided to save my merits and just use the likes of RAF O’Brien, Protomorphosis Barclay, and Mirror Cochrane during the kickstart. We’ll see if that strategy still works from here on out.

    I have none of that quartet, alas, and my only Torreses are 1* Chief Engineer and 3* Maquis Takeover. My top 6 ENG by base:

    IMM Ahdar Ru'afo
    IMM Etana Jol
    IMM The Caretaker
    1/5 Seven in Silver
    IMM Niners Rom
    1/5 Solar Sails Sisko

    The sad part is
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Really game?!

    Given the onslaught of ENG shuttle seats demanded this weekend, the LEAST you could do is prevent this nonsense from happening!

    3/4 Professor Scott *cracks his knuckles, grabs his toolbox*

    It’s almost like that one event in the Vulcan/Romulan mega, where I think Vorik was the third-best bonus ENG crew...ugly.
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    Given the shuttle seating and the number of bonus crew, it seems like it would have been a great opportunity to have Delta Flyer Paris as bonus crew as well! :p

    Indeed, as he's an older card, he could even have been stuck in the Thresholds at 400K. I (obviously!) haven't seen the internal numbers, but my impression from player comments is that lots of players work hard to pick up the 400K Legendary in re-runs. Given the ongoing, incessant crew bloat and the mild power creep over the years, perhaps it would make sense to always have an event-relevant older Legendary at 400K in the Thresholds? Albeit as 'bonus crew' rather than 'event crew'.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    @Dirk Gunderson, I gather from your report that you are sending out more than 4 shuttles?

    This event is not very strong for me and my crew, at least given the seat configurations.

    I should give you some background on how I do faction events. First it is important to note that in most circumstances, I don't push for rank, and my goal is to hit the 400,000 point threshold tier.

    Before the event I create a list with all the event crew I have, including variants (for example: in this event, crew like Klingon Torres and Robin Hood) and their skill combos. On Thursday morning I stay awake long enough to share an event crew with my squad as the event starts at 9:00 AM, and then I pass out.

    I have to pick my kids up at daycare by 5:00 PM Thursdays so I force myself up by 4:00 PM, pick the faction I want to support based on the possible rewards, do a modified kickstart (I don't see a point in kickstarting up to 4K, but I do do it up to the 2,750 level), and then open up all the missions from my chosen faction.

    I write down the mission names, number of seats, and the skill combinations. I then on paper assign my event crew as evenly as possible to the four shuttles I decide to run (I favor fewer seats, so for this event having chosen The Borg, I picked the four best 3 seat shuttles for my crew), fill in the rest of the seats with my best available non-event crew, and send them out.

    I then create a notecard with those four shuttle names and the crew I am using for each, and I keep it with me until the event is over. Doing it this way frees me up to use 100% of my remaining crew on voyages all weekend worry-free!

    I ensure I always get those same four shuttles every three hours by always keeping the other unused missions open, meaning every 12 hours I have to re-open them using additional transmissions.

    Doing this method and using shuttle boosts I will hit 400,000 sometime Sunday afternoon, at which point I can decide to either stay the course or push for top 1.5K for the legend (I'm usually just outside the top 1.5K).

    Based on ALL that, most of the Picards I rushed to 100 this week did not find seats, because none of them have ENG and most shuttles require two crew with ENG.

    I hope that helps explain.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think I have started to find my best fit, I’m running Borg,

    Further research
    Robin Hood cmd and sec
    Detective hill cmd and dip
    Rura penthe kirk eng and sec

    Mixed signals
    Captain Braxton cmd
    Klingon Torres sec and eng
    Liaison Torres Dip and Cmd

    Galen sci and dip
    Delta flyer Torres eng and cmd
    Bell Riots Bashir med and dip

    Downloaded consciousness
    Ahdar Ru’afo eng and sec
    Admiral Picard sci and cmd
    Detmer cmd and eng

    Probably going to switch Klingon Torres with Kirk but it is what it is most of them are above 80% I did find it strange there wasn’t a dip eng seat (not that I could see) that kinda wastes the best potential for both liaison and human Torres.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I think I have started to find my best fit, I’m running Borg,

    Further research
    Robin Hood cmd and sec
    Detective hill cmd and dip
    Rura penthe kirk eng and sec

    Mixed signals
    Captain Braxton cmd
    Klingon Torres sec and eng
    Liaison Torres Dip and Cmd

    Galen sci and dip
    Delta flyer Torres eng and cmd
    Bell Riots Bashir med and dip

    Downloaded consciousness
    Ahdar Ru’afo eng and sec
    Admiral Picard sci and cmd
    Detmer cmd and eng

    Probably going to switch Klingon Torres with Kirk but it is what it is most of them are above 80% I did find it strange there wasn’t a dip eng seat (not that I could see) that kinda wastes the best potential for both liaison and human Torres.

    Rura Penthe Kirk is Diplomacy and Security. Or did you mean you're using him in the Engineering and Security slot? Okay nevermind. I realized you're listing the shuttle seat skills, not the crew skills. Ignore me.

  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Proont wrote: »

    Rura Penthe Kirk is Diplomacy and Security. Or did you mean you're using him in the Engineering and Security slot? Okay nevermind. I realized you're listing the shuttle seat skills, not the crew skills. Ignore me.

    Yeah probably should have said “for the .... seat” my hastiness in posting is just to blame
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Proont wrote: »

    Rura Penthe Kirk is Diplomacy and Security. Or did you mean you're using him in the Engineering and Security slot? Okay nevermind. I realized you're listing the shuttle seat skills, not the crew skills. Ignore me.

    Yeah probably should have said “for the .... seat” my hastiness in posting is just to blame

    No worries. I got Rura Penthe Kirk in a begold recently so I fixated on that part of your post. If I'd reread instead of hastily replying there would have been no issue. It seems like you have a good set up for this event.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Really? REALLY?!

  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Uhm ENG SEC next maybe?
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    @Dirk Gunderson, I gather from your report that you are sending out more than 4 shuttles?

    This event is not very strong for me and my crew, at least given the seat configurations.

    I should give you some background on how I do faction events. First it is important to note that in most circumstances, I don't push for rank, and my goal is to hit the 400,000 point threshold tier.

    Before the event I create a list with all the event crew I have, including variants (for example: in this event, crew like Klingon Torres and Robin Hood) and their skill combos. On Thursday morning I stay awake long enough to share an event crew with my squad as the event starts at 9:00 AM, and then I pass out.

    I have to pick my kids up at daycare by 5:00 PM Thursdays so I force myself up by 4:00 PM, pick the faction I want to support based on the possible rewards, do a modified kickstart (I don't see a point in kickstarting up to 4K, but I do do it up to the 2,750 level), and then open up all the missions from my chosen faction.

    I write down the mission names, number of seats, and the skill combinations. I then on paper assign my event crew as evenly as possible to the four shuttles I decide to run (I favor fewer seats, so for this event having chosen The Borg, I picked the four best 3 seat shuttles for my crew), fill in the rest of the seats with my best available non-event crew, and send them out.

    I then create a notecard with those four shuttle names and the crew I am using for each, and I keep it with me until the event is over. Doing it this way frees me up to use 100% of my remaining crew on voyages all weekend worry-free!

    I ensure I always get those same four shuttles every three hours by always keeping the other unused missions open, meaning every 12 hours I have to re-open them using additional transmissions.

    Doing this method and using shuttle boosts I will hit 400,000 sometime Sunday afternoon, at which point I can decide to either stay the course or push for top 1.5K for the legend (I'm usually just outside the top 1.5K).

    Based on ALL that, most of the Picards I rushed to 100 this week did not find seats, because none of them have ENG and most shuttles require two crew with ENG.

    I hope that helps explain.

    I only sent extras during the end of the kickstart, and even then more by not collecting finished missions and just sending more with progressively weaker crew rather than using tokens. I think where we differ is that I am not focusing on minimizing the number of seats I need to fill - running Klingon missions (for the 3* alcohol) still has me using non-bonus engineers at an elevated rate but also has plenty of COM, SEC, and SCI sears to make use of all those Picards. The only other non-bonus crew I use now that I am up to speed is to fill the lone MED seat that sometimes comes up, handled by the Warship EMA.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Seriously, you are KILLING me, Game!

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I must be getting all the good luck, got SEC/DIP last night and COM/SEC just now. Sure, I’m using T’Kuvma and Mirror Kirk in the COM slots but I pulled off 10k+ in the primary skills and only ENG under 3,800.
  • I tend not to look too much at stats. Yeah they are useful but it's more for me about characters from the various series that I want to have. I can live with missing out on most of the featured crew as I don't want a random 1/5 star taking up space for example unless I really like that character. Same with a lot of 4 star characters. I'm more limited on slots than anything else (130 all full) and having to bin characters ive waited ages for that I've wanted to make room is not something I like to do.

    That's fair. I hope you get a slot increase soon. Which is also selfish because I'm ready for a slot sale. But out of curiosity, who will get your SR citation at the end of the campaign?

    Haven't made my mind up yet. Possibly Prisoner Bashir, I've got about 8 or 9 others all FE at 3 stars so it will be whoever I want to do. Possibly Test Pilot Archer, Sheriff Worf. I haven't got round to buying into the premium track but I might do as the 5 star cite can go to Thrax or possibly Minuet.

    Prisoner Bashir sounds like a solid choice. I would recommend Thrax over Minuet, unless you want to freeze Minuet for space. Detmer is a new Vosk with different traits. I'll be freezing Vosk to make room. If you don't keep Detmer, I don't think you'll be missing much based on stats and ship ability. Your original assessment sounds right: it's a good week for 600 honor.

    As for the premium campaign track... I got a lot of stuff from that. Like five 10x pulls, rental shuttles, boosts, dilithium... Just a lot of goodies. Leland is kind of like Thrax. Not sure if you want both of them hanging around. But both at 4/5... it might be worth finding someone to freeze. Just a couple things to consider.
    I tend not to look too much at stats. Yeah they are useful but it's more for me about characters from the various series that I want to have. I can live with missing out on most of the featured crew as I don't want a random 1/5 star taking up space for example unless I really like that character. Same with a lot of 4 star characters. I'm more limited on slots than anything else (130 all full) and having to bin characters ive waited ages for that I've wanted to make room is not something I like to do.

    That's fair. I hope you get a slot increase soon. Which is also selfish because I'm ready for a slot sale. But out of curiosity, who will get your SR citation at the end of the campaign?

    Haven't made my mind up yet. Possibly Prisoner Bashir, I've got about 8 or 9 others all FE at 3 stars so it will be whoever I want to do. Possibly Test Pilot Archer, Sheriff Worf. I haven't got round to buying into the premium track but I might do as the 5 star cite can go to Thrax or possibly Minuet.

    Prisoner Bashir sounds like a solid choice. I would recommend Thrax over Minuet, unless you want to freeze Minuet for space. Detmer is a new Vosk with different traits. I'll be freezing Vosk to make room. If you don't keep Detmer, I don't think you'll be missing much based on stats and ship ability. Your original assessment sounds right: it's a good week for 600 honor.

    As for the premium campaign track... I got a lot of stuff from that. Like five 10x pulls, rental shuttles, boosts, dilithium... Just a lot of goodies. Leland is kind of like Thrax. Not sure if you want both of them hanging around. But both at 4/5... it might be worth finding someone to freeze. Just a couple things to consider.

    Doc Bashir is definitely getting it, I have reasonably good med stats for my voyages but that two part episode is one of my all time favourites.

    I pulled the trigger on the Premium track and the 5 star is going to Thrax. Annoyingly it left me 50 vip short of getting another load of free slots but that's life!

    I love Vosk, he was such a cool villain and he is pretty good on voyages, which is what I tend to do most. I rarely bother with Arena, only to get my daily bonus and Gauntlet is only occasionally done. Next month I'll get more slots with my monthly card so if I can freeze one or two more 4 stars if there's someone cool in the next event, I will make room temporarily by freezing.

  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I tend not to look too much at stats. Yeah they are useful but it's more for me about characters from the various series that I want to have. I can live with missing out on most of the featured crew as I don't want a random 1/5 star taking up space for example unless I really like that character. Same with a lot of 4 star characters. I'm more limited on slots than anything else (130 all full) and having to bin characters ive waited ages for that I've wanted to make room is not something I like to do.

    That's fair. I hope you get a slot increase soon. Which is also selfish because I'm ready for a slot sale. But out of curiosity, who will get your SR citation at the end of the campaign?

    Haven't made my mind up yet. Possibly Prisoner Bashir, I've got about 8 or 9 others all FE at 3 stars so it will be whoever I want to do. Possibly Test Pilot Archer, Sheriff Worf. I haven't got round to buying into the premium track but I might do as the 5 star cite can go to Thrax or possibly Minuet.

    Prisoner Bashir sounds like a solid choice. I would recommend Thrax over Minuet, unless you want to freeze Minuet for space. Detmer is a new Vosk with different traits. I'll be freezing Vosk to make room. If you don't keep Detmer, I don't think you'll be missing much based on stats and ship ability. Your original assessment sounds right: it's a good week for 600 honor.

    As for the premium campaign track... I got a lot of stuff from that. Like five 10x pulls, rental shuttles, boosts, dilithium... Just a lot of goodies. Leland is kind of like Thrax. Not sure if you want both of them hanging around. But both at 4/5... it might be worth finding someone to freeze. Just a couple things to consider.
    I tend not to look too much at stats. Yeah they are useful but it's more for me about characters from the various series that I want to have. I can live with missing out on most of the featured crew as I don't want a random 1/5 star taking up space for example unless I really like that character. Same with a lot of 4 star characters. I'm more limited on slots than anything else (130 all full) and having to bin characters ive waited ages for that I've wanted to make room is not something I like to do.

    That's fair. I hope you get a slot increase soon. Which is also selfish because I'm ready for a slot sale. But out of curiosity, who will get your SR citation at the end of the campaign?

    Haven't made my mind up yet. Possibly Prisoner Bashir, I've got about 8 or 9 others all FE at 3 stars so it will be whoever I want to do. Possibly Test Pilot Archer, Sheriff Worf. I haven't got round to buying into the premium track but I might do as the 5 star cite can go to Thrax or possibly Minuet.

    Prisoner Bashir sounds like a solid choice. I would recommend Thrax over Minuet, unless you want to freeze Minuet for space. Detmer is a new Vosk with different traits. I'll be freezing Vosk to make room. If you don't keep Detmer, I don't think you'll be missing much based on stats and ship ability. Your original assessment sounds right: it's a good week for 600 honor.

    As for the premium campaign track... I got a lot of stuff from that. Like five 10x pulls, rental shuttles, boosts, dilithium... Just a lot of goodies. Leland is kind of like Thrax. Not sure if you want both of them hanging around. But both at 4/5... it might be worth finding someone to freeze. Just a couple things to consider.

    Doc Bashir is definitely getting it, I have reasonably good med stats for my voyages but that two part episode is one of my all time favourites.

    I pulled the trigger on the Premium track and the 5 star is going to Thrax. Annoyingly it left me 50 vip short of getting another load of free slots but that's life!

    I love Vosk, he was such a cool villain and he is pretty good on voyages, which is what I tend to do most. I rarely bother with Arena, only to get my daily bonus and Gauntlet is only occasionally done. Next month I'll get more slots with my monthly card so if I can freeze one or two more 4 stars if there's someone cool in the next event, I will make room temporarily by freezing.

    It's interesting that you're so close to those 20 slots. We get Captain Spock in the next campaign. That's just a few days away. If you can free up another $10, then it might relieve some stress to buy early in the campaign. I hear that Captain Spock helps with CMD/SCI Voyages that's one of my weaker sets, so I'm definitely doing the premium.
    Farewell 🖖

  • [/quote]

    It's interesting that you're so close to those 20 slots. We get Captain Spock in the next campaign. That's just a few days away. If you can free up another $10, then it might relieve some stress to buy early in the campaign. I hear that Captain Spock helps with CMD/SCI Voyages that's one of my weaker sets, so I'm definitely doing the premium.[/quote]

    I'm cool waiting. It took me months of playing to spend on the game and I swore up and down I wouldn't do that. Then I started getting the monthly dilithium packs. I thought I'd treat myself this month to the campaign pack but it's not going to be a regular thing.
  • [10F] gobolts07 [10F] gobolts07 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So as of this morning I’m just outside the top 1,500 and slots are tight, although I can free up three after the event and I have several 1/4s that can go take a nap.

    Not sure if I should dig into my stockpile of boots/doublers/rentals and go ahead and grab Kira or just sit on them for another day.

    Decisions decisions.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    gobolts07 wrote: »
    So as of this morning I’m just outside the top 1,500 and slots are tight, although I can free up three after the event and I have several 1/4s that can go take a nap.

    Not sure if I should dig into my stockpile of boots/doublers/rentals and go ahead and grab Kira or just sit on them for another day.

    Decisions decisions.

    How will Kira help your game? Do you need DIP? Do you want her to help get Garak next week? Is Kira a personal favorite?
    Farewell 🖖
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    A taste of Byloband’s luck
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    A taste of Byloband’s luck

    My condolances. I forgot to screen grab it but after THREE days of Engineering being featured, it finally changed...to Med & Sci! I'm not sure which was worse TBH.


    I see you @Commander Sinclair!
  • [NDQ] Joker41NAM[NDQ] Joker41NAM ✭✭✭✭
    Anyone else feel like this event's been more competitive than usual? I missed sending a couple rounds due to Real Life, just finished thresholds, and am ranked down around 3k.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Definitely more competitive than recent faction events. I missed 3 or 4 waves of shuttles overnight over the weekend, which had me sitting between 1600-1900. Normally I am comfortably inside the top-1500 with a standard kickstart, even if I miss a wave of shuttles.

    In order to ensure I landed in the top-1500 this time, I had to use 8 of the 2x reward multipliers (8/8 successful) and 4 shuttle rental tokens (1/3 successful & 1 outstanding). I'm ranked around 1300 with 20 minutes to go, with 5 shuttles due back in 10 minutes.
  • Got my best rank yet in a shuttle event. The extra tokens and supplies from the campaign really helped.
  • Definitely more competitive the recent events. I lost 200 positions in the last 45 minutes. I have been finishing in the 500, this time it was 750. I did miss a few shuttles on Friday and Sunday due to travel.
  • IvlainIvlain ✭✭✭✭
    I'm glad I didn't really try in this one. Sounds like it was fierce.
  • I didn't really experience too difficult a time. I played pretty casually most of the event, only using skill boosts after the initial kickstart, and being up to an hour late a couple of times turning the shuttles around, and yet I still found myself at rank 1600 or so on Sunday evening, so I decided to use a few 3* time boosts to sneak into the top 1500, which I was able to do without much trouble.
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